More shortwave "bytes" fom the past few days. Plenty here, and hopefully will compliment your listening.
Gayle Van Horn
All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*
Argentine log on 11710.8
RAE, General Pacheco, 11710.8; 0125-0154*, Jan 10. English talk, nice Argentine music, 0137-0142 DX Supplement with contributions from Arnaldo Slaen and Anker Petersen. 0151 Sports news about the Dakar Rally Mendoza-Valparaiso. SINPO 45434. (Petersen). Also heard at 0855-0915, Jan 15. Interval signal to Japanese programming with the Argentine tango, 35333, but the transmission was unstable and on Jan 16, same time, there was no sounds heard and no modulation. (Wagai/DSWCI-DX Window #369)
ARRL solar update
The ARRL solar update January 2nd reported that Elwood Downey, WB0OEW, of Socorro, New Mexico, along with many other readers, called attention to recent news from NASA that the ionosphere is now at lower elevation than in the past. I suppose this means that worldwide shortwave signals might not propagate as far. The article on the SpaceD aily website reported that:
The U.S. space agency says it has discovered the boundary between the Earth's upper atmosphere and space has moved to extraordinarily low altitudes.
The finding was determined by National Aeronautics and Space Administration instruments aboard an Air Force satellite launched in April. The instruments, including ion and neutral sensors, make measurements of the variations in neutral and ion densities and drifts that can result in disruptions of navigation and communication signals.
But the first discovery was that the ionosphere was not where it had been expected to be. During the first months of the satellite's operations, the transition between the ionosphere and space was found to be at about 260 miles altitude during the nighttime, barely rising above 500 miles during the day. Those altitudes, said NASA, were extraordinarily low compared with the more typical values of 400 miles during the nighttime and 600 miles during the day.(Contact Magazine-Radio Topics, Alan Roe/worlddx)
Australian DX Report # 135 available for download
The latest episode, # 135, of the professionally compiled weekly Australian DX Report audio shortwave news magazine contains detailed professional monitoring research from Melbourne, schedule changes, and news about international broadcasters.
This is the special Australian Day 2009 episode, 13 mins 40 secs, and may be downloaded from
The site allows you to listen to the ADXR and other audio features directly (streaming audio) via your MP3 player, or via the site's embedded mini-player. Podcasts, iTunes capability, full RSS/XML/Atom feeds, and free subscriptions are supported - full details are at the site.
The ADXR is compiled from the resources of the Electronic DX Press Radio Monitoring Association.
Your comments and feedback are particularly important!
You can also hear the episodes on-air, via WWCR Nashville, every Sunday at 0300-0315 on 5070 and on Mondays 1245-1300 on 15825. The WWCR release is also available as streaming-audio, live, from
Good listening to the Australian DX Report Episode No. 135!
(Bob Padula/Cumbre DX)
BBC adds transmissions to Azerbaijani service
Cyprus/ U.K. - additional txions of BBC in Azerbaijani to Cenral Asia:
0300-0315 on 5915 SKN 300 kW / 090 deg
Mon-Fri 6085 RMP 500 kW / 095 deg
7105 RMP 500 kW / 080 deg
1600-1630 on 6010 CYP 250 kW / 064 deg
Daily 9450 SKN 300 kW / 090 deg
11690 WOF 250 kW / 082 deg
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 25/DX Mix News #557)
BBC WS in English targeted to Southeast Asia:
1600-1800 (new freq) 7355 SNG 100 kW / 320 deg, x7270 to avoid Voice of Russia in
Turkish/Kurdish. (R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews/DX
Mix News # 557)
Radio Liberty adds frequency
Via: Germany/ USA. Additional frequency for Radio Liberty in Azerbaijani:
1600-1700 new freq 7480 LAM 100 kW / 075 deg
\\ 9485 NAU 250 kW / 103 deg
(DX Mix News # 556)
Bhutan on 6035
6035, BBS, Sangaygang, 0150, Jan 18, some chanting and traditional music. If you can ever catch the opening at 0000 of transmissions with the monks chanting, it is a real treat for the ears - truly haunting. Exceptionally strong signals. (Muick). Also heard at 1444-1500*, Jan 08, woman playing light pop songs in English, poor. (Howard)
(DSWCI-DX Window #369)
Bolivian Rasio Casachun Coca QSL update
6075, Radio Causachun Coca (or R Kawsachun Coca in Quechua), Lauka Ñ, Chapare has a new,interesting blog at . (Romero Jan 08). On Jan 18,I received this e-mail QSL from Manuel Andrés of Kawsachun Coca at "Amigo Rafael, Gracias por su mensaje. Ahora estamos nuevamente ajustando nuestra transmision en onda corta por la misma frecuencia que usted escucha, 6075 banda internacional de 49 metros, fundamentalmente al amanecer y al anochecer. La localidad de Lauca Ñ, es un pequenyo pueblo de Shinahota de la provincia de Tiraque en el Tropico de Cochabamba, Republica de Bolivia. Le agradecemos su reporte.Fraternalmente, Manuel Andrés". (Rodriguez in Conexion Digital). Cf.
DX-Windows no. 360 and 361. (Ed) (DSWCI-DX Window #369)
Central African Republic monitoring
7220, Radio Bangui, Bangui (presumed), 0745-0825, Jan 17, French and Vernacular talks between African music (prevailing slow beat style).Seems that around time mentioned above, they sign-on only during weekends. At 0745: 14322 but around 0800: 24322. Deterioring from 0820. (Otávio)
(DSWCI-DX Window #369)
Clandestine monitoring
9610, Radio Bilal, via Samara, Russia (250 kW / 188 degrees), *1700-1733, Jan 18, ID which sounded phonetical like "Here Radio Bilal" repeated 7 times, followed by chant "Allahu akhbar" and announce of the transmitting schedule. Until 1710 religious chantings with short ann in between. From 1710 on reports with mention of Washington, Canada, Democracy. Ann of a postal address in Washington, DC. SINPO 34433. (Robic). Is a new TDP brokered program since Jan 11: Su 1700-1800 in Amharic to East Africa. (Ivanov, via BC-DX, Jan 11)
15180, Aso Radio, via Samara. I got my in November posted letter to Aso R, Nigeria, in return today, with hand written "NOT KNOWN" on it. No label or official stamp. The envelope has not been opened. I checked Aso Radio on the Internet and found their well updated Homepage (Jan 2009) with the very same address, as I used for contacts. Emails via their Homepage have not bounced, but have not been replied to.
(Fransson, Jan 15)(DSWCI-DX Window #369)
7315/13800, Radio Dabanga, via Wertachtal, Germany (250 kW, 150 degrees), the new Dutch project for Sudan/Darfur in Arabic and Vernacular since Nov 15 at 0430-0527 // 13800 via Madagascar. (Ivanov, via BC-DX and Gupta, Nov 18). Heard 0435-0527*, Nov 19, 20 and 22, Sudanese Arabic and Vernaculars ann, Afropop, ID, frequency announcement to website quote. SINPO 45444 // 13800 (25222). (Petersen). Very good at 0430, Nov 21 on both frequencies. Contact person is Leon Willems, Network Manager, Radio Darfur Network, Press Now. His email address: and the postal address is: Press Now, Witte Kruislaan 55, 1217 AM Hilversum, The Netherlands.
(D’Angelo) (DSWCI-DX Mirror)
Guatemala's Radio Verdad audio link
4052.5. On Jan 08, I received the following e-mail from Dr. Édgar Madrid: "Dear Friends of Radio Truth: Our website has come on internet already, besides our new Blog at: . Praise God.I am informing you also that we are now ordering again the transistors for our short wave transmitter. We hope God will help us this time on this issue, so that we can come back to the air on short wave. God bless you. Dr. Édgar Amílcar Madrid, Director y Gerente". They also use . (Méndez) (DSWCI-DX-Window #369) Streaming audio from Rado Verdad (Radio Truth) at
Kenya's KBC off shortwave
Excerpt from BDXC-UK Communicator. KBC is definitely off shortwave. I drove to the Langata SW transmitting station on the outskirts of Nairobi and found that it was still there. (I would not have been surprised, if the site had been redeveloped for housing.) I could not stay long, but someone on the gate confirmed to me that the station was no longer operating.
The KBC Eastern regional service (which had been carried on 4915) is now only aired via local MW opt-outs in the evening on 639 and 1305 (usually the English service).
The KBC Central regional service transmitter on 1269 has closed. The service is now only aired via a morning and evening opt-out on 747 (usually the English service).
A recently-leaked report by the official audit office says, the KBC is technically insolvent and cannot afford to repay huge loans it has taken out or to pay statutory deductions such as VAT (sales tax), PAYE (payroll tax) and pensions. The expansion of private FM stations continues. Nairobi alone now has more than 40 FM stations.
Nepal on 5005 ?
5005, What is the station (very low signal) at 0000, Jan 18, ? Nepal? Any help! (Slaen). The last few days there has been a carrier there at the same level of the regional Indian stations, and once I thought I heard a little modulation. Jan 18 the propagation seems to be poor with even the regional Indians coming in at a bad level and at 0140 this frequency was dead. An email from my old friend Ram Karki, the Technical Director for R Nepal, states that they are indeed using 5005. I will have to press him further to see, if they are testing or actually active. Ram and I worked together for the UN in Sudan in 2005/06. (Muick) When monitored here in Denmark on a clear channel from 2300, Jan 18, till 0045, Jan 19, not even a carrier was noticed. Indian regional stations were strong. (Petersen) (DSWCI-DX Window #369)
Peru's Radio Nueva Super Sensacion up for a name change ?
6536, Radio Nueva Super Sensacion, Huancabamba, ex R Comercial La Voz del Rondero, 2230-0100, Jan 10, folk music, 2245 Spanish phone-in asking listener: "...Cuentanos donde estas escuchando a Radio Super nueva sensacion por AM, FM u onda corta??...", more music and greeting: "..somos la radio internacional, Nueva Super Sensacion de Huancabamba y con Federico Ibañez el internacional...cruzando fronteras Nueva Super Sensacion transmitiendo desde Huancabamba calle pueblo nuevo No. 303, Huancabamba , Piura...". Mentioned Tel. no. (51+74) 473707 and cellular 969017147; some airport QRM.
In 1998, on 6618.2 operated a transmitter with the same name and from the same city, but with Sr. Justo Emilio Carrasco Moreno as Manager. In 1999 it moved to 6675v and then renamed as Radio Andina during the years 2000 and 2001.
In 2002 it reappeared again with the name Radio Sensacion and operated on 6673v. Since then, I have not heard of activity from this transmitter. But now the name is used by Federico Ibañez M. who has operated several stations from Huancabamba like: Radio Difusora Huancabamba, Radio San Miguel, Radio La Poderosa, Radio Estacion 2, Radio Comercial Huancabamba,Radio Comercial La Voz del Rondero. This person has been a candidate to the City Council of Huancabamba on various occasions, but has always lost;then the microphones were used against the winners. None of the stations, that I have written to, have replied and I do not have knowledge of any DX-er who has received a verification either. The above mentioned telephone numbers and address were also heard from La Voz del Rondero. So it is possible that in a few months or maybe a year, the station again will be renamed. (Rodriguez) (DSWCI-DX Window #369)
SINPO ... what's up with that ?
Article covering SINPO and radio signal analysis at:
radio/ gadgets/ Greek ethnics
(Zacharias Liangas, (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki,Greece/Cumbre DX)
Greece/Cumbre DX)
Radio Damascus on the internet
Radio Damascus English program is now also on the internet. After a few weeks of having the daily German language program online it is great to know that from this week on you can
also download the daily recording of the English program. The direct link to the daily recordings is : Soon there will also be a link on the homepage of Syrian Radio & Television, , to the international foreign language services of Radio Damascus. Radio Damascus Listeners Club : or (DSWCI-DX News)
Uruguay heard on 6125
SODRE, Montevideo, 1200, Dec 13, carrier here under heavy QRN at my location, with weak modulation. It relays Radio Uruguay on 1050 MW. So, this is active again and appears to be the only SW working from Uruguay. As I have been told, the plans to keep the SW outlets from SODRE continue. But improved results are still not evident. Nothing heard on 9620.
(Nigro in DXplorer) (DSWCI-SW News)
Voice of Indonesia
9525.9v, Voice of Indonesia, 1035-1045, Jan 17, English comments with music interspersed, a number of ID's as: "... Voice of Indonesia ... ". (Bolland). Also heard at 1504-1542, Jan 16, extended programming past their usual 1501 sign-off; English news, special coverage of the President and First Lady of Indonesia (along with many top government officials) attending a Japanese puppet show in Jakarta, reporter described what was happening and translated when the President talked in Bahasa Indonesia, but was sorry he could not translate what the apanese speakers were saying, explained the four main characters of the puppet show; mentioned there was RRI coverage of the event (after I heard this, went looking to hear what was on 3325 and 3976.03); a song in Japanese; switched back to the studio for "Indonesian Wonders" about Java; fair; very enjoyable programming (Howard)
(DSWCI-DX Window #369)
Voice of America via Botswana
4930, VOA relay, Moepeng Hill, 0346, Jan 17, English with report on Israel and Hamas in Gaza, good. (Ronda). Also heard at 1621 on Jan 18 with English news and current affairs. Talk about warlords and the crisis in Sudan. Poor reception, but an unusually early opening to Africa. (Muick) (DSWCI-DX Window #369)
Welcome to Teak Publishing's Shortwave Central blog. This blog covers shortwave frequency updates, loggings, free radio, international mediumwave, DX tips, clandestine radio, and late-breaking radio news. Visit my YouTube and Twitter links. Content on Shortwave Central is copyright © 2006-2026 by Teak Publishing, which is solely responsible for the content. All rights reserved. Redistribution of these pages in any format without permission is strictly prohibited.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Clandestine LTTE broadcast license cancelled
The Sri Lanka government has informed the Appeal Courts that it has decided to cancel the radio license given to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). The Attorney General has informed the Appeal Courts of the decision when the petition challenging the LTTE radio licence was heard yesterday.
The petition was submitted few months ago by Piyasena Dissanayake, a member of a patriotic group in Sri Lanka. In his petition he has pointed out that the radio licence is totally illegal as the LTTE is a proscribed organization in the country. The case is to be continued on 2 February.
(Source: Colombo Page/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)
The petition was submitted few months ago by Piyasena Dissanayake, a member of a patriotic group in Sri Lanka. In his petition he has pointed out that the radio licence is totally illegal as the LTTE is a proscribed organization in the country. The case is to be continued on 2 February.
(Source: Colombo Page/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)
Blog Logs
Today's shortwave BLOG LOGS, represent a portion of additional logs recently cut from my Broadcast Logs column in Monitoring Times magazine , due to space constraints. Contributions are always welcome for the magazine or blog, and may be directed to my above email address. Thanks very much to the contributors and blog readers for your kind words and support.
Gayle VH
All times UTC, frequencies in kHz, English unless otherwise indicated // parallel frequencies * sign-on - sign-off *
Ascension Island
Cotton Tree News, 9525, 0730-0740. Program sign-on and announcements. Newscast items for SINPO 343333 / 24332. (A Slaen)
Star Radio 9525, 0720-0729. Programming targeted to Liberia. ID and program announcement by lady announcer. Brief music tune to sign-off, SINPO 34333. (A Slaen)
RTBF Wavre, 9970, 1130-1151. French service with commercials and station ID at tune-in. Banter between announcers to pop ballads. Fair signal quality (S Barbour).
Radio Emisoras Pio XIL, 5952.50, 0036-0045. Bolivian music followed with Spanish comments from announcer. Signal good. (C Bolland)
Radio San Miguel, 4699.52, 2230-2235. Spanish programming including ID, local, and national news briefs. SINPO 24332. (A Slaen).
Radio Varna, 6000, 2230-2300.+ Bulgarian text to local lite pop music, but mostly continuous talk. Signal poor with weak co-channel QRM from possibly Brazilian station (B Alexander).
Rádio Nove de Julio, São Paulo, 9820, 0743-0800. Portuguese programming with "Clube do Pasarinho." Several station identifications. (A Slaen)
South Korea, Voice of the People, 6517.99, 1105-1125. Korean text to local music. Signal weak but readable, // 6600 weak but readable // 3911.99 very weak (B Alexander).
Cyprus Broadcasting Corp., 6180, *2215-2245.* Station sign-on with Greek music, followed by Greek announcements, Signal fair with adjacent channel splatter // 7210 strong but QRM from China // 9760 good (B Alexander).
Radio Ethiopia, 9704.18, 1950-2101.* Horn-of-Africa style music to Amharic text. Possible news at 2000 to variety of US pop ballads, rap and country music. Sign-off with national anthem at 2059 // 7110 (both frequencies fair-good) (B Alexander).
radio Cultural Coatan (presumed) 4779.99, 0028-0035. Local Guatemalan music at tune-in. At 0032 music paused by announcer's comments amid CODAR interference. (C Bolland)
Voice of Indonesia 9525.9, 1045-1100. Programming with local Indonesian music. Station ID to theme music at 1058. Mandarin service at 1100, signal fair-good, decreasing to poor-weak at 1330 recheck. (B Alexander).
Voice of Indonesia, 9525.88, 1038-1042. English feature by lady announcer over instrumnetal music with identification. Additional ID promo then into music program for fair signal quality (D Valko).
All India Radio-Chennai, 7270, 1203-1215.* Listed service as Tamil. Hindi music observed to brief announcer's items between selections. Sign-off announcements at 1213, signal fair-poor (S Barbour).
All India Radio-Kuresong, 4895, *1129. Vernacular text to Song of India interval signal. Not much else noted as usable under CODAR interference. Indian music at 1132, signal poor (S Barbour).
All India Radio (presumed), 6045, 0045-0059. Lady announcer in Nepali with program comments to 0057. Brief additional announcer comments for good signal strength despite co-channel frequency splatter. (C Bolland).
ELWA, 6070, 2245-2302.* Religious music to talk at 2300. Staiiton sign-off with national anthem at 2301. Signal very weak under a strong Romanian, weak but in the clear when Romania signed off at 2257 (B Alexander).
RTVM, 7284.58, *0800-0815. Sign-on with flute interval signal and french identificaiton announcement. Vernacular talk at 0801. Signal fair // 9635 on the air at 0803 with a fair to good signal quality (B Alexander).
Radio Nauritanie, 7245, 1026-1037. Announcer in Arabic to music and distinctive local string music. Signal good at this time to 1059-1100 announcements by announcer over music. Sounded like a tone denoting at 1100. Local stringed music bridge, followed by possible news headlines by announcer. Programming returned with chat and local music (D Valko).
Presumed station as Candela FM Merida, 6104.75, 1117-1130. Spanish text from announcer with interspersed Spanish music under brutal band noise. Signal unusable by 1130, very poor - this one is proving to be a touch catch. (S Barbour)
Trans World Radio, 9800, 0838-0850.* Usual religious programming fare to new program at 0845. Station's contact info and URL to interval signal at sign-off. Signal fair // 6015 via Wertachtal. Signal good, running about one second behind 9800 (S Barbour).
Myanmar Radio, 9730.79, 1504-1534.* Long series of equations with some English words, short introduction to program in vernacular, into all English with language lessons. Noted, "this talk is for first year students at the University of ....." (Myanmar?) Lessons continued until off the air with the usual indegineous music. Signal fair-poor, though recently heard slightly higher than normal. (R Howard).
North Korea
KCBS Pyongyang, 2850, 1206. Korean. Male/female host with chat observed under co-channel QRM for poor signal quality (S Barbour).
Voice of Korea 11710, 1345-1355. Programming with local music to news, commentary and ID. Signal poor-weak, very weak on // 9335 (B Alexander).
IRRS, 9510, *1230-1300.* Choppy station ID at sign-on. Dover Street program with Chicao blues music. IRRS contact info at 1246 into religious program including California contact info. More info for IRRS to interval signal at sign-off during poor signal quality (S Barbour).
Brian Alexander, PA
Scott Barbour, NH
Chuck Bolland, FL
Ron Howard, CA
Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina
Dave Valko, PA/Cumbre DX
Gayle VH
All times UTC, frequencies in kHz, English unless otherwise indicated // parallel frequencies * sign-on - sign-off *
Ascension Island
Cotton Tree News, 9525, 0730-0740. Program sign-on and announcements. Newscast items for SINPO 343333 / 24332. (A Slaen)
Star Radio 9525, 0720-0729. Programming targeted to Liberia. ID and program announcement by lady announcer. Brief music tune to sign-off, SINPO 34333. (A Slaen)
RTBF Wavre, 9970, 1130-1151. French service with commercials and station ID at tune-in. Banter between announcers to pop ballads. Fair signal quality (S Barbour).
Radio Emisoras Pio XIL, 5952.50, 0036-0045. Bolivian music followed with Spanish comments from announcer. Signal good. (C Bolland)
Radio San Miguel, 4699.52, 2230-2235. Spanish programming including ID, local, and national news briefs. SINPO 24332. (A Slaen).
Radio Varna, 6000, 2230-2300.+ Bulgarian text to local lite pop music, but mostly continuous talk. Signal poor with weak co-channel QRM from possibly Brazilian station (B Alexander).
Rádio Nove de Julio, São Paulo, 9820, 0743-0800. Portuguese programming with "Clube do Pasarinho." Several station identifications. (A Slaen)
South Korea, Voice of the People, 6517.99, 1105-1125. Korean text to local music. Signal weak but readable, // 6600 weak but readable // 3911.99 very weak (B Alexander).
Cyprus Broadcasting Corp., 6180, *2215-2245.* Station sign-on with Greek music, followed by Greek announcements, Signal fair with adjacent channel splatter // 7210 strong but QRM from China // 9760 good (B Alexander).
Radio Ethiopia, 9704.18, 1950-2101.* Horn-of-Africa style music to Amharic text. Possible news at 2000 to variety of US pop ballads, rap and country music. Sign-off with national anthem at 2059 // 7110 (both frequencies fair-good) (B Alexander).
radio Cultural Coatan (presumed) 4779.99, 0028-0035. Local Guatemalan music at tune-in. At 0032 music paused by announcer's comments amid CODAR interference. (C Bolland)
Voice of Indonesia 9525.9, 1045-1100. Programming with local Indonesian music. Station ID to theme music at 1058. Mandarin service at 1100, signal fair-good, decreasing to poor-weak at 1330 recheck. (B Alexander).
Voice of Indonesia, 9525.88, 1038-1042. English feature by lady announcer over instrumnetal music with identification. Additional ID promo then into music program for fair signal quality (D Valko).
All India Radio-Chennai, 7270, 1203-1215.* Listed service as Tamil. Hindi music observed to brief announcer's items between selections. Sign-off announcements at 1213, signal fair-poor (S Barbour).
All India Radio-Kuresong, 4895, *1129. Vernacular text to Song of India interval signal. Not much else noted as usable under CODAR interference. Indian music at 1132, signal poor (S Barbour).
All India Radio (presumed), 6045, 0045-0059. Lady announcer in Nepali with program comments to 0057. Brief additional announcer comments for good signal strength despite co-channel frequency splatter. (C Bolland).
ELWA, 6070, 2245-2302.* Religious music to talk at 2300. Staiiton sign-off with national anthem at 2301. Signal very weak under a strong Romanian, weak but in the clear when Romania signed off at 2257 (B Alexander).
RTVM, 7284.58, *0800-0815. Sign-on with flute interval signal and french identificaiton announcement. Vernacular talk at 0801. Signal fair // 9635 on the air at 0803 with a fair to good signal quality (B Alexander).
Radio Nauritanie, 7245, 1026-1037. Announcer in Arabic to music and distinctive local string music. Signal good at this time to 1059-1100 announcements by announcer over music. Sounded like a tone denoting at 1100. Local stringed music bridge, followed by possible news headlines by announcer. Programming returned with chat and local music (D Valko).
Presumed station as Candela FM Merida, 6104.75, 1117-1130. Spanish text from announcer with interspersed Spanish music under brutal band noise. Signal unusable by 1130, very poor - this one is proving to be a touch catch. (S Barbour)
Trans World Radio, 9800, 0838-0850.* Usual religious programming fare to new program at 0845. Station's contact info and URL to interval signal at sign-off. Signal fair // 6015 via Wertachtal. Signal good, running about one second behind 9800 (S Barbour).
Myanmar Radio, 9730.79, 1504-1534.* Long series of equations with some English words, short introduction to program in vernacular, into all English with language lessons. Noted, "this talk is for first year students at the University of ....." (Myanmar?) Lessons continued until off the air with the usual indegineous music. Signal fair-poor, though recently heard slightly higher than normal. (R Howard).
North Korea
KCBS Pyongyang, 2850, 1206. Korean. Male/female host with chat observed under co-channel QRM for poor signal quality (S Barbour).
Voice of Korea 11710, 1345-1355. Programming with local music to news, commentary and ID. Signal poor-weak, very weak on // 9335 (B Alexander).
IRRS, 9510, *1230-1300.* Choppy station ID at sign-on. Dover Street program with Chicao blues music. IRRS contact info at 1246 into religious program including California contact info. More info for IRRS to interval signal at sign-off during poor signal quality (S Barbour).
Brian Alexander, PA
Scott Barbour, NH
Chuck Bolland, FL
Ron Howard, CA
Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina
Dave Valko, PA/Cumbre DX
ABU shortwave group to publish new journal
A shortwave coordination conference organised by the Asian-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) has agreed to publish a shortwave journal to help promote shortwave broadcasting. The five-day ABU-HFC Shortwave Coordination Conference in Kuala Lumpur agreed that the journal should be published once a year.
Frequency managers at the conference examined more than 6,900 daily transmissions to look at ways of minimising interference. Two workshops were conducted to help frequency managers to detect shortwave radio interference more effectively, with improved software tools and methods.
A new steering committee was appointed for a two-year term during the conference. It includes two new members, SLBC-Sri Lanka and RTND-Mongolia.
(Source: Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union/R Netherlands Media Broadcast Weblog)
Frequency managers at the conference examined more than 6,900 daily transmissions to look at ways of minimising interference. Two workshops were conducted to help frequency managers to detect shortwave radio interference more effectively, with improved software tools and methods.
A new steering committee was appointed for a two-year term during the conference. It includes two new members, SLBC-Sri Lanka and RTND-Mongolia.
(Source: Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union/R Netherlands Media Broadcast Weblog)
Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletins
Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2009 Jan 27 2246 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC cweb contact:
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
19 - 25 January 2009
Solar activity was very low. No significant flare activity was observed. Region 1011 (S12, L305, class/area Bxo/010 on 20 January) formed on the disk on 19 January and decayed to spotless plage by 20 January.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at normal levels.
Geomagnetic field activity was at mostly quiet levels during the period. A single active period was observed at all latitudes early on 19 January. This activity was due to a recurrent coronal hole. A 12 nT sudden impulse was detected at Boulder at 25/2225 UTC. During the early part of the summary period, ACE solar wind velocities ranged from a high of 501 km/sec at 19/1931 UTC to a low of 265 km/sec at 25/1056 UTC. The Bz component of the IMF ranged primarily
between -4 nT to +3 nT. At the beginning of the summary period, the Bz component varied between -10 nT to +8 nT. At the end of the period, the Bz component ranged between -7nT to +4 nT. The Bt varied from 0-13 nT during the entire summary period.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
28 January - 23 February 2009
Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels.
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at normal levels.
The geomagnetic field is expected to be at quiet to unsettled levels on 28 January. Activity is expected to decrease to quiet levels during 29 January - 14 February. Activity is expected to increase to quiet to unsettled levels on 15 February, with isolated active levels due to a recurrent coronal hole high-speed stream (CH HSS). Activity is expected to decrease to quiet levels during 16-21 February as the HSS subsides. Activity is expected to increase to
quiet to unsettled levels with isolated active levels on 22 February. Activity is expected to decrease to mostly quiet levels on 23 February.
Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2009 Jan 27 2247 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact:
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2009 Jan 27
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2009 Jan 28 70 8 3
2009 Jan 29 70 5 2
2009 Jan 30 70 5 2
2009 Jan 31 70 5 2
2009 Feb 01 70 5 2
2009 Feb 02 70 5 2
2009 Feb 03 70 5 2
2009 Feb 04 70 5 2
2009 Feb 05 70 5 2
2009 Feb 06 70 5 2
2009 Feb 07 70 5 2
2009 Feb 08 70 5 2
2009 Feb 09 70 5 2
2009 Feb 10 70 5 2
2009 Feb 11 70 5 2
2009 Feb 12 70 5 2
2009 Feb 13 70 5 2
2009 Feb 14 70 5 2
2009 Feb 15 70 8 3
2009 Feb 16 70 5 2
2009 Feb 17 70 5 2
2009 Feb 18 70 5 2
2009 Feb 19 70 5 2
2009 Feb 20 70 5 2
2009 Feb 21 70 5 2
2009 Feb 22 70 5 2
2009 Feb 23 70 5 2
:Issued: 2009 Jan 27 2246 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC cweb contact:
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
19 - 25 January 2009
Solar activity was very low. No significant flare activity was observed. Region 1011 (S12, L305, class/area Bxo/010 on 20 January) formed on the disk on 19 January and decayed to spotless plage by 20 January.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at normal levels.
Geomagnetic field activity was at mostly quiet levels during the period. A single active period was observed at all latitudes early on 19 January. This activity was due to a recurrent coronal hole. A 12 nT sudden impulse was detected at Boulder at 25/2225 UTC. During the early part of the summary period, ACE solar wind velocities ranged from a high of 501 km/sec at 19/1931 UTC to a low of 265 km/sec at 25/1056 UTC. The Bz component of the IMF ranged primarily
between -4 nT to +3 nT. At the beginning of the summary period, the Bz component varied between -10 nT to +8 nT. At the end of the period, the Bz component ranged between -7nT to +4 nT. The Bt varied from 0-13 nT during the entire summary period.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
28 January - 23 February 2009
Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels.
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at normal levels.
The geomagnetic field is expected to be at quiet to unsettled levels on 28 January. Activity is expected to decrease to quiet levels during 29 January - 14 February. Activity is expected to increase to quiet to unsettled levels on 15 February, with isolated active levels due to a recurrent coronal hole high-speed stream (CH HSS). Activity is expected to decrease to quiet levels during 16-21 February as the HSS subsides. Activity is expected to increase to
quiet to unsettled levels with isolated active levels on 22 February. Activity is expected to decrease to mostly quiet levels on 23 February.
Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2009 Jan 27 2247 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact:
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2009 Jan 27
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2009 Jan 28 70 8 3
2009 Jan 29 70 5 2
2009 Jan 30 70 5 2
2009 Jan 31 70 5 2
2009 Feb 01 70 5 2
2009 Feb 02 70 5 2
2009 Feb 03 70 5 2
2009 Feb 04 70 5 2
2009 Feb 05 70 5 2
2009 Feb 06 70 5 2
2009 Feb 07 70 5 2
2009 Feb 08 70 5 2
2009 Feb 09 70 5 2
2009 Feb 10 70 5 2
2009 Feb 11 70 5 2
2009 Feb 12 70 5 2
2009 Feb 13 70 5 2
2009 Feb 14 70 5 2
2009 Feb 15 70 8 3
2009 Feb 16 70 5 2
2009 Feb 17 70 5 2
2009 Feb 18 70 5 2
2009 Feb 19 70 5 2
2009 Feb 20 70 5 2
2009 Feb 21 70 5 2
2009 Feb 22 70 5 2
2009 Feb 23 70 5 2
VOA increases broadcast hours to Pakistan
Starting this week, people in Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province, as well as the rest of the country, can listen to a six-hour Voice of America (VOA) radio program of news and information in Pashto, Urdu and English on FM, AM, shortwave and the Internet. The trilingual program will feature news packages, talk shows and in-depth analysis of events in the United States and Pakistan. It will be broadcast across Pakistan, with a focus on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, from 12 am until 6 am. ( 1900-0100 UTC). The format replaces an existing program that was exclusively on music.
“This new program will give all Pakistanis, particularly those living in the remote region along the Afghan border, more opportunity to hear VOA’s objective news coverage of what’s happening in the world and in South Asia,” said VOA Director Danforth Austin.
VOA currently broadcasts six hours of radio news and information in Urdu daily to Pakistan, from 7 pm-12 am (1400-1900 UTC) and from 6 am-7 am (0100-0200 UTC) VOA also broadcasts from 6 pm-12 pm (1300-1900 UTC) to Pakistan in Pashto. In addition, VOA’s Urdu Service produces a daily television show, Beyond the Headlines.
Urdu and English are the official languages of Pakistan, a country with about 172 million people. But an estimated 40 million people in Pakistan speak Pashto, primarily those living near the Afghanistan border.
VOA’s broadcasting to Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province can be found online at, and .
(R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)
VOA Series Tackles Challenging Pakistani - India Issue
Format encourages engagement
Washington, D.C., January 28, 2009 - Voice of America's (VOA) Urdu and Hindi Services today launched a new television segment aimed at encouraging constructive dialogue about issues involving Pakistan and India.The weekly segments, called Samjhauta Express, feature Urdu journalist Kokab Farshori and Hindi journalist Niharika Acharya discussing traditionally tendentious issues between their two countries, such as trade, Kashmir, separated families and farming along the border.
The format encourages engagement on a wide range of bilateral matters. The debut segment focused on the role Ambassador Richard Holbooke is playing as the Obama administration’s new U.S. special representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan.The series is named after the train service Samjhauta Express, which has linked Pakistan and India since 1976. Samjhauta means “understanding” in both languages."The way Samjhauta Express brings two countries together, so will we try, in a small way, to do the same through this segment," said Acharya. Farshori added that, despite differences, India and Pakistan now realize they have a "common enemy – terrorism." Samjhauta Express, which runs from two to four minutes, airs weekly on affiliate television stations Geo TV in Pakistan and Zee TV in India during the newscasts of VOA Urdu's Beyond the Headlines and VOA Hindi's America Live, respectively.
They will also be streamed on the Internet at and Voice of America, which first went on the air in 1942, is a multimedia international broadcasting service funded by the U.S. government through the Broadcasting Board of Governors. VOA broadcasts approximately 1,500 hours of news, information, educational, and cultural programming every week to an estimated worldwide audience of more than 134 million people. Programs are produced in 45 languages.
For more information, call VOA Public Relations at (202) 203-4959, or e-mail .
(Voice of America)
“This new program will give all Pakistanis, particularly those living in the remote region along the Afghan border, more opportunity to hear VOA’s objective news coverage of what’s happening in the world and in South Asia,” said VOA Director Danforth Austin.
VOA currently broadcasts six hours of radio news and information in Urdu daily to Pakistan, from 7 pm-12 am (1400-1900 UTC) and from 6 am-7 am (0100-0200 UTC) VOA also broadcasts from 6 pm-12 pm (1300-1900 UTC) to Pakistan in Pashto. In addition, VOA’s Urdu Service produces a daily television show, Beyond the Headlines.
Urdu and English are the official languages of Pakistan, a country with about 172 million people. But an estimated 40 million people in Pakistan speak Pashto, primarily those living near the Afghanistan border.
VOA’s broadcasting to Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province can be found online at, and .
(R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)
VOA Series Tackles Challenging Pakistani - India Issue
Format encourages engagement
Washington, D.C., January 28, 2009 - Voice of America's (VOA) Urdu and Hindi Services today launched a new television segment aimed at encouraging constructive dialogue about issues involving Pakistan and India.The weekly segments, called Samjhauta Express, feature Urdu journalist Kokab Farshori and Hindi journalist Niharika Acharya discussing traditionally tendentious issues between their two countries, such as trade, Kashmir, separated families and farming along the border.
The format encourages engagement on a wide range of bilateral matters. The debut segment focused on the role Ambassador Richard Holbooke is playing as the Obama administration’s new U.S. special representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan.The series is named after the train service Samjhauta Express, which has linked Pakistan and India since 1976. Samjhauta means “understanding” in both languages."The way Samjhauta Express brings two countries together, so will we try, in a small way, to do the same through this segment," said Acharya. Farshori added that, despite differences, India and Pakistan now realize they have a "common enemy – terrorism." Samjhauta Express, which runs from two to four minutes, airs weekly on affiliate television stations Geo TV in Pakistan and Zee TV in India during the newscasts of VOA Urdu's Beyond the Headlines and VOA Hindi's America Live, respectively.
They will also be streamed on the Internet at and Voice of America, which first went on the air in 1942, is a multimedia international broadcasting service funded by the U.S. government through the Broadcasting Board of Governors. VOA broadcasts approximately 1,500 hours of news, information, educational, and cultural programming every week to an estimated worldwide audience of more than 134 million people. Programs are produced in 45 languages.
For more information, call VOA Public Relations at (202) 203-4959, or e-mail .
(Voice of America)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
QSLing Brokered Broadcasts
Monitoring Times Exclusive - February 2009
QSLing Brokered Broadcasts
by Gayle Van Horn
In these days when budget cuts force shortwave broadcasters to drastically reduce office staff and broadcast hours, it is more difficult than ever to pick up those treasured verification cards (QSLs). Listeners must become as creative as the broadcasters in finding ways reduce expenses and entice the broadcaster to verify.
One potential solution is to make use of brokered broadcasts. Sometimes the listener can save postage by submitting reports of multiple broadcasters to the broker who is providing the aire time. In other cases, the brokered broadcast enables the listener to hear a station which would otherwise be inaudible, even though they must still report directly to whoever originated the programming.
QSLing Brokered Broadcast cover feature, provides information about the four biggest brokers, including detailed information from the largest of these, Media Broadcast. Do's and don't in QSLing the brokers and just what is it - and how does it work?
Find out more in the February issue of Monitoring Times
QSLing Brokered Broadcasts
by Gayle Van Horn
In these days when budget cuts force shortwave broadcasters to drastically reduce office staff and broadcast hours, it is more difficult than ever to pick up those treasured verification cards (QSLs). Listeners must become as creative as the broadcasters in finding ways reduce expenses and entice the broadcaster to verify.
One potential solution is to make use of brokered broadcasts. Sometimes the listener can save postage by submitting reports of multiple broadcasters to the broker who is providing the aire time. In other cases, the brokered broadcast enables the listener to hear a station which would otherwise be inaudible, even though they must still report directly to whoever originated the programming.
QSLing Brokered Broadcast cover feature, provides information about the four biggest brokers, including detailed information from the largest of these, Media Broadcast. Do's and don't in QSLing the brokers and just what is it - and how does it work?
Find out more in the February issue of Monitoring Times
RTÉ plans test transmission
Ireland's public broadcaster RTÉ, plans a test transmission on January 28 (Wednesday) at 1930-2030 UTC, 6220 kHz. RTÉ has ask for reception reports from listeners in Africa, Europe and the Middle East. Reports should be sent to: .
Monday, January 26, 2009
Voice of Greece - Greek service schedule update
Voice of Greece in Greek - B08 schedule update
All times UTC
2300-0600 on 7475 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg
9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg
*12105 AVL 250 kW / 226 deg
0600-1000 on 9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg
12105 AVL 100 kW / 002 deg
15630 AVL 250 kW / 285 deg
1100-1600 on 9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg
#9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg
15650 AVL 250 kW / 105 deg, co-ch Miraya FM Radio 1500-1600
1600-1700 on 9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg
#9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg
15630 AVL 250 kW / 285 deg
1700-2000 on #7450 AVL 100 kW / 323 deg
9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg, co-ch Christian Voice in English
15630 AVL 250 kW / 285 deg
2000-2300 on #7450 AVL 100 kW / 323 deg
7475 AVL 250 kW / 285 deg
9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg, co-ch Christian Voice in English
* Radio Filia in Albanian/English/French/Spanish
# Radiophonikos Stathmos Makedonias in Greek
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 25)
(DX Mix News # 557 wb, Germany)
WYFR Family Radio via TRW schedule update
Via: Armenia/ Kazakhstan/ Moldova/ Russia/ Tajikistan/ Uzbekistan
Winter B-08 of WYFR Family Radio via TRW=TV Radio Waves:
All times UTC
1800-1900 on 5820 TAC 200 kW / 311 deg to WeEu Polish
1400-1700 on 5865 DB 100 kW / 135 deg to SoAs Hindi
1100-1200 on 5900 IRK 250 kW / 152 deg to SEAs Tagalog
1200-1300 on 5910 VLD 250 kW / 220 deg to SEAs Tagalog
1400-1500 on 5970 SAM 250 kW / 140 deg to SoAs Kannada
1100-1400 on 5995 P.K 250 kW / 244 deg to EaAs Chinese
1400-1500 on 5995 P.K 250 kW / 244 deg to EaAs English
1900-2000 on 6000 MSK 250 kW / 240 deg to SoEu Italian
1200-1300 on 6005 K/A 250 kW / 213 deg to EaAs Korean
1400-1500 on 6020 SAM 250 kW / 140 deg to SoAs Telugu
1600-1700 on 6070 ARM 300 kW / 110 deg to SoAs Punjabi
1400-1600 on 6090 ARM 200 kW / 104 deg to SoAs Punjabi
1100-1400 on 6115 IRK 100 kW / 110 deg to EaAs Chinese
1400-1500 on 6115 IRK 100 kW / 110 deg to EaAs English
1400-1600 on 6150 ARM 300 kW / 110 deg to SoAs Urdu
1400-1500 on 6225 TAC 200 kW / 131 deg to SEAs English
2000-2200 on 6240 KCH 300 kW / 309 deg to WeEu English
1000-1100 on 7150 NVS 250 kW / 085 deg to EaAs Japanese
1100-1400 on 7165 P.K 250 kW / 263 deg to EaAs Chinese
1400-1500 on 7165 P.K 250 kW / 263 deg to EaAs English
1200-1400 on 7175 IRK 250 kW / 180 deg to SEAs Vietnamese/English
1600-1700 on 7295 NVS 250 kW / 195 deg to SoAs Urdu
1900-2100 on 7300 ARM 250 kW / 290 deg to WeEu French
1400-1600 on 7340 IRK 250 kW / 224 deg to SoAs Nepali/Marathi
1800-2000 on 7345 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to WeAs Arabic/English
1700-1900 on 7435 TAC 200 kW / 311 deg to RUSS Russian
1400-1500 on 7475 DB 100 kW / 137 deg to SoAs Tamil
1600-1800 on 7485 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Persian
1800-2000 on 7490 ERV 300 kW / 305 deg to WeEu German
1300-1400 on 7535 A-A 500 kW / 094 deg to EaAs Chinese
1400-1500 on 7535 A-A 500 kW / 094 deg to EaAs English
1200-1400 on 7560 A-A 200 kW / 132 deg to SEAs Vietnamese/English
1400-1500 on 7560 A-A 500 kW / 121 deg to SEAs English
1400-1600 on 7565 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to SoAs Bengali
1300-1400 on 9310 A-A 200 kW / 132 deg to SEAs Burmese
1400-1500 on 9355 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to SoAs Nepali
1100-1200 on 9365 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to EaAs English
1200-1300 on 9365 DB 100 kW / 024 deg to RUSS Russian
1200-1300 on 9450 NVS 250 kW / 155 deg to SEAs Lao
0900-1100 on 9460 IRK 250 kW / 110 deg to EaAs English
1100-1200 on 9460 IRK 250 kW / 110 deg to EaAs Korean
1200-1400 on 9485 IRK 500 kW / 180 deg to SEAs Indonesian
1400-1500 on 9485 IRK 500 kW / 180 deg to SEAs English
1100-1200 on 11510 A-A 200 kW / 132 deg to SEAs Tagalog
1100-1300 on 12150 A-A 500 kW / 094 deg to EaAs Chinese
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 25)
(DX Mix News #557, wb, Germany)
Winter B-08 of WYFR Family Radio via TRW=TV Radio Waves:
All times UTC
1800-1900 on 5820 TAC 200 kW / 311 deg to WeEu Polish
1400-1700 on 5865 DB 100 kW / 135 deg to SoAs Hindi
1100-1200 on 5900 IRK 250 kW / 152 deg to SEAs Tagalog
1200-1300 on 5910 VLD 250 kW / 220 deg to SEAs Tagalog
1400-1500 on 5970 SAM 250 kW / 140 deg to SoAs Kannada
1100-1400 on 5995 P.K 250 kW / 244 deg to EaAs Chinese
1400-1500 on 5995 P.K 250 kW / 244 deg to EaAs English
1900-2000 on 6000 MSK 250 kW / 240 deg to SoEu Italian
1200-1300 on 6005 K/A 250 kW / 213 deg to EaAs Korean
1400-1500 on 6020 SAM 250 kW / 140 deg to SoAs Telugu
1600-1700 on 6070 ARM 300 kW / 110 deg to SoAs Punjabi
1400-1600 on 6090 ARM 200 kW / 104 deg to SoAs Punjabi
1100-1400 on 6115 IRK 100 kW / 110 deg to EaAs Chinese
1400-1500 on 6115 IRK 100 kW / 110 deg to EaAs English
1400-1600 on 6150 ARM 300 kW / 110 deg to SoAs Urdu
1400-1500 on 6225 TAC 200 kW / 131 deg to SEAs English
2000-2200 on 6240 KCH 300 kW / 309 deg to WeEu English
1000-1100 on 7150 NVS 250 kW / 085 deg to EaAs Japanese
1100-1400 on 7165 P.K 250 kW / 263 deg to EaAs Chinese
1400-1500 on 7165 P.K 250 kW / 263 deg to EaAs English
1200-1400 on 7175 IRK 250 kW / 180 deg to SEAs Vietnamese/English
1600-1700 on 7295 NVS 250 kW / 195 deg to SoAs Urdu
1900-2100 on 7300 ARM 250 kW / 290 deg to WeEu French
1400-1600 on 7340 IRK 250 kW / 224 deg to SoAs Nepali/Marathi
1800-2000 on 7345 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to WeAs Arabic/English
1700-1900 on 7435 TAC 200 kW / 311 deg to RUSS Russian
1400-1500 on 7475 DB 100 kW / 137 deg to SoAs Tamil
1600-1800 on 7485 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Persian
1800-2000 on 7490 ERV 300 kW / 305 deg to WeEu German
1300-1400 on 7535 A-A 500 kW / 094 deg to EaAs Chinese
1400-1500 on 7535 A-A 500 kW / 094 deg to EaAs English
1200-1400 on 7560 A-A 200 kW / 132 deg to SEAs Vietnamese/English
1400-1500 on 7560 A-A 500 kW / 121 deg to SEAs English
1400-1600 on 7565 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to SoAs Bengali
1300-1400 on 9310 A-A 200 kW / 132 deg to SEAs Burmese
1400-1500 on 9355 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to SoAs Nepali
1100-1200 on 9365 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to EaAs English
1200-1300 on 9365 DB 100 kW / 024 deg to RUSS Russian
1200-1300 on 9450 NVS 250 kW / 155 deg to SEAs Lao
0900-1100 on 9460 IRK 250 kW / 110 deg to EaAs English
1100-1200 on 9460 IRK 250 kW / 110 deg to EaAs Korean
1200-1400 on 9485 IRK 500 kW / 180 deg to SEAs Indonesian
1400-1500 on 9485 IRK 500 kW / 180 deg to SEAs English
1100-1200 on 11510 A-A 200 kW / 132 deg to SEAs Tagalog
1100-1300 on 12150 A-A 500 kW / 094 deg to EaAs Chinese
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 25)
(DX Mix News #557, wb, Germany)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
China to celebrate New Year January 26
The Year of the OX is here
The Chinese New Year begins January 26, and is known as the Lunar New Year or the Spring Festival. To the Chinese culture it is the most important Chinese holiday. My blog post from January 23 (Blog Logs-China) is a sampling of what DXers have logged recently from China. If you enjoy DXing stations broadcasting behind the bamboo curtain, here is a chance to tune into to the lunar new year. Many stations in China and other Asian countries will carry special programming, and may be on extended broadcast schedules.
China Radio International - English service
Effective to: 29 March 2009
All times UTC
Target Areas: af (Africa) as (Asia) eu (Europe) me (Middle East) na (North America)
pa (Pacific) va (Various)
0000-0057 6020na 6075as 6180as 7370eu 9425as 9570na 11650as 11790as 11885as
0030-0100 11730as
0100-0127 11730as
0100-0157 DRM 6080na
0100-0157 6005na 6020na 6075as 7180as 7350eu 9410eu 9570na 9580na 11650as 11885as
0200-0257 11770as 13640as
0230-0257 15435me
0300-0357 6190na 9460as 9690na 9790na 11770as 13620as 15110as 15120as
0400-0457 6190na 9560as 13620as 15120as 17725as 17855as
0500-0557 5960na 6190na 7220af 11880as 15350as 15465as 17540as 17505va 17725as 17855as
0600-0657 16115na 1750af 11880as 13645as 15145me 15350as 15465as 17540as 17505va 17710as 17770me
0700-0757 11785eu 11880as 15125va 15350as 15465as 17490eu 17540as
0800-0857 9415as 11785eu 11880as 15350as 15465as 15625va 17490eu 17540a
0900-0957 9415as 15210pa 15270eu 15350as 17490eu 17570eu 17690pa 17750as
1000-1057 5995as 7135as 7215as 9415as 13590as 13720as 15190as 15210pa 15270eu 15350as 17490eu 17570eu 17690pa 17750as
1100-1127 5960na 5995as 6060as 9570as 11650as 11795as 13645as 13665eu 17490eu
1200-1257 5955as 7250as 9460as 9600as 9645as 9730as 9760pa 11650as 11690as 11760pa
11980as 12080as 13665eu 13790eu 17490eu
1230-1257 11780as
1300-1357 5955as 7300as 9590na 9655as 9730as 9765as 9870as 11760pa 11885na 11900pa 11980as 13610eu 13790eu 15230na
1400-1457 5955as 7300as 9460as 9700eu 9765as 9795eu 9870as 11665as 13675na 13685af 13740na 15230na 17300af
1500-1557 5955as 6095va 7160as 7325as 9435eu 9525eu 9720va 9785as 9870as 13685af 13740na 17630af
1530-1557 9600me
1600-1657 6060as 7110af 7235as 7255eu 9435eu 9525eu 9600af 11650eu
1700-1757 6090as 6100va 6140as 7100me 7120as 7130as 7180as 7205eu 7255eu 7335eu 9600me
1800-1827 6020eu 6100eu 6165me 7100eu 7265eu
1900-1957 7285eu 7295va 9440va
2000-2027 7160eu
2000-2057 5960eu 5985va 7190eu 7285eu 7295va 9440va 9600eu 11640va 13630va
2100-2157 5960eu 6135eu 7120eu 7190eu 7205af 7225eu 7285eu 7325af 9600eu 11640af 13630af
2130-2157 7160eu 7325eu
2200-2257 5915as 7170eu
2300-2357 5915as 6145as 7180as 7350eu 9610as 11790as
2300-0000 5990sa 6040na 11970na
(Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manader/Monitoring Times SW Guide)
A prediction from the Chinese seers
Year of the Ox looking very un-bullish seers say
Hong Kong: If the global economy fails to recover in 2009, the housing bubble or credit crunch may not be to blame. It could be a lack of fire.
Chinese fortunetellers say fire — one of the five elements mystics believe form the basis of the universe — is essential to financial well-being.
Obama, born in the Year of the Ox, is taking office in a particularly bad year for his Chinese astrological sign. The ox sign is in direct conflict this year with a traditional Chinese divinity called the "God of Year," considered a bad omen. Obama also is the 44th president, a number the Chinese deem extremely unlucky, because "four" is pronounced the same as "death" in Chinese.
The new U.S. president is not having good luck this year. His honeymoon will only be short-lived," said fortuneteller Alion Yeo, predicting Obama may even face impeachment in his first year in office. "The Year of the Ox looks slightly better and less dire than last year, but it will still be bumpy." Yeo also predicted that the U.S. mortgage crisis would worsen and the stock market would plunge to new lows.
Additional story at:
The Chinese New Year begins January 26, and is known as the Lunar New Year or the Spring Festival. To the Chinese culture it is the most important Chinese holiday. My blog post from January 23 (Blog Logs-China) is a sampling of what DXers have logged recently from China. If you enjoy DXing stations broadcasting behind the bamboo curtain, here is a chance to tune into to the lunar new year. Many stations in China and other Asian countries will carry special programming, and may be on extended broadcast schedules.
China Radio International - English service
Effective to: 29 March 2009
All times UTC
Target Areas: af (Africa) as (Asia) eu (Europe) me (Middle East) na (North America)
pa (Pacific) va (Various)
0000-0057 6020na 6075as 6180as 7370eu 9425as 9570na 11650as 11790as 11885as
0030-0100 11730as
0100-0127 11730as
0100-0157 DRM 6080na
0100-0157 6005na 6020na 6075as 7180as 7350eu 9410eu 9570na 9580na 11650as 11885as
0200-0257 11770as 13640as
0230-0257 15435me
0300-0357 6190na 9460as 9690na 9790na 11770as 13620as 15110as 15120as
0400-0457 6190na 9560as 13620as 15120as 17725as 17855as
0500-0557 5960na 6190na 7220af 11880as 15350as 15465as 17540as 17505va 17725as 17855as
0600-0657 16115na 1750af 11880as 13645as 15145me 15350as 15465as 17540as 17505va 17710as 17770me
0700-0757 11785eu 11880as 15125va 15350as 15465as 17490eu 17540as
0800-0857 9415as 11785eu 11880as 15350as 15465as 15625va 17490eu 17540a
0900-0957 9415as 15210pa 15270eu 15350as 17490eu 17570eu 17690pa 17750as
1000-1057 5995as 7135as 7215as 9415as 13590as 13720as 15190as 15210pa 15270eu 15350as 17490eu 17570eu 17690pa 17750as
1100-1127 5960na 5995as 6060as 9570as 11650as 11795as 13645as 13665eu 17490eu
1200-1257 5955as 7250as 9460as 9600as 9645as 9730as 9760pa 11650as 11690as 11760pa
11980as 12080as 13665eu 13790eu 17490eu
1230-1257 11780as
1300-1357 5955as 7300as 9590na 9655as 9730as 9765as 9870as 11760pa 11885na 11900pa 11980as 13610eu 13790eu 15230na
1400-1457 5955as 7300as 9460as 9700eu 9765as 9795eu 9870as 11665as 13675na 13685af 13740na 15230na 17300af
1500-1557 5955as 6095va 7160as 7325as 9435eu 9525eu 9720va 9785as 9870as 13685af 13740na 17630af
1530-1557 9600me
1600-1657 6060as 7110af 7235as 7255eu 9435eu 9525eu 9600af 11650eu
1700-1757 6090as 6100va 6140as 7100me 7120as 7130as 7180as 7205eu 7255eu 7335eu 9600me
1800-1827 6020eu 6100eu 6165me 7100eu 7265eu
1900-1957 7285eu 7295va 9440va
2000-2027 7160eu
2000-2057 5960eu 5985va 7190eu 7285eu 7295va 9440va 9600eu 11640va 13630va
2100-2157 5960eu 6135eu 7120eu 7190eu 7205af 7225eu 7285eu 7325af 9600eu 11640af 13630af
2130-2157 7160eu 7325eu
2200-2257 5915as 7170eu
2300-2357 5915as 6145as 7180as 7350eu 9610as 11790as
2300-0000 5990sa 6040na 11970na
(Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manader/Monitoring Times SW Guide)
A prediction from the Chinese seers
Year of the Ox looking very un-bullish seers say
Hong Kong: If the global economy fails to recover in 2009, the housing bubble or credit crunch may not be to blame. It could be a lack of fire.
Chinese fortunetellers say fire — one of the five elements mystics believe form the basis of the universe — is essential to financial well-being.
Obama, born in the Year of the Ox, is taking office in a particularly bad year for his Chinese astrological sign. The ox sign is in direct conflict this year with a traditional Chinese divinity called the "God of Year," considered a bad omen. Obama also is the 44th president, a number the Chinese deem extremely unlucky, because "four" is pronounced the same as "death" in Chinese.
The new U.S. president is not having good luck this year. His honeymoon will only be short-lived," said fortuneteller Alion Yeo, predicting Obama may even face impeachment in his first year in office. "The Year of the Ox looks slightly better and less dire than last year, but it will still be bumpy." Yeo also predicted that the U.S. mortgage crisis would worsen and the stock market would plunge to new lows.
Additional story at:
Friday, January 23, 2009
Blog Logs - China
With the Chinese New Year to begin January 26, here is a preview of what DXers are monitoring recently from China. Please recheck this blog for schedules prior to the 26th.
Gayle Van Horn
All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*
3950, Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, 1725-1735, Jan 15, Chinese song. SINPO 34333. (Mille)
4460, CNR-1 Voice of China, Beijing, 0910-0916, Jan 11, Chinese talk with music behind, alternating male/female segments, advertisements sound-like. SINPO 24222. (Otávio)
4750, CNR-1/PBS Qinghai (presumed) 1437, Jan 08 and 15. Absence of both Bangladesh and RRI, I was able to clearly hear just two stations, both in Chinese; CNR-1 noted // 5030 and was stronger than PBS Qinghai. (Howard)
4830, China Huayi Broadcasting Corporation, Fuzhou, 2330-2350, Jan 10. Chinese talking. Heard initially under Mongolia but improving to equal strength, 23432. (Cody). Also heard at 1535-1600*, Jan 15, talk in Chinese, time check to ID. SINPO 23432. (Robic)
4900, Voice of Strait, Fuzhou, 1416-1430, Jan 11, not // 4940; 1430-1500 was // 4940; after 1500 not // 4940. Had hoped they might continue parallel for Focus on China in English, but no such luck. (Howard)
4940, Voice of Strait, Fuzhou, 1500-1525, Su Jan 11. Time to program Focus on China in English. News about China with music bridges between items. Reception reports can be sent to: Box 187, Voice of Strait, Fuzhou, Fujian, "zip code 350012", P.R.C. or on-line via their website: This program is only broadcast on Sunday. Light QRM from All India Radio- Guwahati. At 1525 into Chinese and pop songs. (Howard)
4950, Voice of Pujiang, Shanghai (p), 1510-1550, Jan 11 and 15 fade out. Chinese talk and song, weak // 5075. (Schulze)
5060, Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, 1708-1712, Jan 10, song. SINPO 33333. (Mille). Also heard at 2340-2350, Jan 09, Chinese talks. SINPO 35433. Just received a full data paper QSL from this station for a Dec 07 report. (Cody)
6060, Sichuan PBS-2, Chengdu, 1510-1515*, Jan 15. Traditional Chinese music, almost good reception // 7225 continued on till 1516*, with poor reception due to QRM. These two frequencies seem never to be in sync for sign-off. (Howard)
6130, Xizang PBS, Lhasa, 2202-2207, Jan 13, relaying CNR-8 in Tibetan, talks, possibly news, music, poor modulation. SINPO 34332, inactive on 7385 at this hour. (Romero)
6190, Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, 0203, Jan 18. Chinese with Chinese hard rock music and telephone talk show. The music was interesting, but to a westerner, the Chinese language just does not "fit" to hard rock music. Good signals, but weaker than normal here in Kabul. (Muick)
7165, Nei Menggu PBS, Hothot, 0430-0500, Jan 12/13, Mandarin. This is the first occasion that I have noted China on 7 MHz during the Asian Daytime Mode openings! As for previous Asian Mode events, these signals became audible abruptly, with no actual "fade-in" gradient. In the space of a few milliseconds, these signals suddenly appeared - some were audible for only two or three minutes - others were audible for up to 30 minutes and longer. These Asian mode signals often originate randomly from various countries - on these two days, no signals were audible from the Indian sub-continent or from Sarawak! Signals from the same transmitter location on different frequencies tend not to propagate at the same times! See my loggings from China below on these days. (Padula)
7275, Xinjiang PBS, Urumchi, 0440-0500, Jan 12/13, Uighur. (Padula)
7280, Voice of the Strait, Fuzhou, 0430-0500, Jan 12/13, Mandarin. (Padula)
7385, PBS Xizang, Lhasa, 2105-2108, Jan 13, Tibetan ann, local folkmusic, 34433. (Romero)
9500, CNR1 - Voice of China, Shijiazhuang, 0400-0515, Jan 12/13, Mandarin. (Padula)
9505, Voice of the Strait, Fuzhou, 0400-0500, Jan 12/13, Mandarin. (Padula)
9685, CNR5 - Voice of Zhonghua, Beijing, 0400-0515, Jan 12/13, Mandarin/Amoy. (Padula)
9720, CNR2 - China Business Radio, Xi'an, 0435-0515, Jan 12/13, Mandarin. (Padula)
9810, CNR2- China Business Radio, Xi'an, 0400-0515, Jan 12/13. (Padula)
All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*
3950, Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, 1725-1735, Jan 15, Chinese song. SINPO 34333. (Mille)
4460, CNR-1 Voice of China, Beijing, 0910-0916, Jan 11, Chinese talk with music behind, alternating male/female segments, advertisements sound-like. SINPO 24222. (Otávio)
4750, CNR-1/PBS Qinghai (presumed) 1437, Jan 08 and 15. Absence of both Bangladesh and RRI, I was able to clearly hear just two stations, both in Chinese; CNR-1 noted // 5030 and was stronger than PBS Qinghai. (Howard)
4830, China Huayi Broadcasting Corporation, Fuzhou, 2330-2350, Jan 10. Chinese talking. Heard initially under Mongolia but improving to equal strength, 23432. (Cody). Also heard at 1535-1600*, Jan 15, talk in Chinese, time check to ID. SINPO 23432. (Robic)
4900, Voice of Strait, Fuzhou, 1416-1430, Jan 11, not // 4940; 1430-1500 was // 4940; after 1500 not // 4940. Had hoped they might continue parallel for Focus on China in English, but no such luck. (Howard)
4940, Voice of Strait, Fuzhou, 1500-1525, Su Jan 11. Time to program Focus on China in English. News about China with music bridges between items. Reception reports can be sent to: Box 187, Voice of Strait, Fuzhou, Fujian, "zip code 350012", P.R.C. or on-line via their website: This program is only broadcast on Sunday. Light QRM from All India Radio- Guwahati. At 1525 into Chinese and pop songs. (Howard)
4950, Voice of Pujiang, Shanghai (p), 1510-1550, Jan 11 and 15 fade out. Chinese talk and song, weak // 5075. (Schulze)
5060, Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, 1708-1712, Jan 10, song. SINPO 33333. (Mille). Also heard at 2340-2350, Jan 09, Chinese talks. SINPO 35433. Just received a full data paper QSL from this station for a Dec 07 report. (Cody)
6060, Sichuan PBS-2, Chengdu, 1510-1515*, Jan 15. Traditional Chinese music, almost good reception // 7225 continued on till 1516*, with poor reception due to QRM. These two frequencies seem never to be in sync for sign-off. (Howard)
6130, Xizang PBS, Lhasa, 2202-2207, Jan 13, relaying CNR-8 in Tibetan, talks, possibly news, music, poor modulation. SINPO 34332, inactive on 7385 at this hour. (Romero)
6190, Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, 0203, Jan 18. Chinese with Chinese hard rock music and telephone talk show. The music was interesting, but to a westerner, the Chinese language just does not "fit" to hard rock music. Good signals, but weaker than normal here in Kabul. (Muick)
7165, Nei Menggu PBS, Hothot, 0430-0500, Jan 12/13, Mandarin. This is the first occasion that I have noted China on 7 MHz during the Asian Daytime Mode openings! As for previous Asian Mode events, these signals became audible abruptly, with no actual "fade-in" gradient. In the space of a few milliseconds, these signals suddenly appeared - some were audible for only two or three minutes - others were audible for up to 30 minutes and longer. These Asian mode signals often originate randomly from various countries - on these two days, no signals were audible from the Indian sub-continent or from Sarawak! Signals from the same transmitter location on different frequencies tend not to propagate at the same times! See my loggings from China below on these days. (Padula)
7275, Xinjiang PBS, Urumchi, 0440-0500, Jan 12/13, Uighur. (Padula)
7280, Voice of the Strait, Fuzhou, 0430-0500, Jan 12/13, Mandarin. (Padula)
7385, PBS Xizang, Lhasa, 2105-2108, Jan 13, Tibetan ann, local folkmusic, 34433. (Romero)
9500, CNR1 - Voice of China, Shijiazhuang, 0400-0515, Jan 12/13, Mandarin. (Padula)
9505, Voice of the Strait, Fuzhou, 0400-0500, Jan 12/13, Mandarin. (Padula)
9685, CNR5 - Voice of Zhonghua, Beijing, 0400-0515, Jan 12/13, Mandarin/Amoy. (Padula)
9720, CNR2 - China Business Radio, Xi'an, 0435-0515, Jan 12/13, Mandarin. (Padula)
9810, CNR2- China Business Radio, Xi'an, 0400-0515, Jan 12/13. (Padula)
(DSWCI/DX Window 369, A. Petersen)
Additional China monitoring
4220, PBS Qinghai (presumed) Xining. January-18 Tibetan(sch) 2316-2330. Announcer talks to music, 2326 male/female host with talks on Chinese music sounding like a commericial; SINPO 23322 (Lucio Otavio, Brazil/playdx2003)
4460, CNR 1 Beijing, 1048-1115, Jan 13, Mandarin. Announcers with continous talk, still going at 1104 re-check. Signal fade-out by 1115. Noted fair-poor. (Scott Barbour, NH)
6065, CNR-2/China Business Radio 1330-1400, Jan 16. First time I have heard their condensed half hour program of "English Evening." For years has always been a full hour (1300-1400); I will need to check this out to hear if it is a permanent change or not, mostly program is in English, hosted by John and a Chinese woman talking about the new edible greeting card, movies, etc., business news (Business Today) segment to Studio Classroom Worldwide program (in the past this was a half hour segment, today was about 15 minutes long) // 6155 and 7245. Noted all with fair reception (Ron Howard, CA)
7335, China Radio International, 7335 1750 English. SIO 333 Jan 12 Lady with two male host during program conversation about Hollywood movies. Station ID at 1756. (Stewart Mackenzie, CA)
7355, PBS Xizang 1814, SIO 433 Jan 14 Announcer's Chinese comments abruptly off the air 1815. (Stewart Mackenzie, CA)
7375, CNR-2/China Business Radio, 1157-1225, Jan 17,Chinese talk. Quick " China Business Radio" ID at 1200 and back to Chinese talk. Local music. Fair to good. Weak on // 6065, 6090, 6155, 7130, 7140, 7335, 7350, 9810. Fair on // 7315. Thanks toRon Howard tip. (Brian Alexander, PA)
DRM made big steps ahead in 2008
Editorial -
DRM made big steps ahead in 2008 with numerous events, milestones and novelties. The successful demonstration of a DRM data transmission towards the Audi VIP vehicles at the Olympic games, where only 80kW DRM power covered all Olympic sites, was a real breakthrough with a most cost-effective information system.
The current world financial situation forces broadcasters to use most economic broadcast infrastructure. DRM is the only system for large, populated areas deliverin the requested quality of sound at the lowest possible distribution costs. With its extremely high reliability and independence, the system is the preferred choice for many countries and cultures.
The increased costs for energy challenged Thomson to provide new features for higher efficiency. Several transmitting stations around the globe were updated with the AMC and EAMC option to decrease their electricity bills. With the right target audience, the right content, the right schedule, and with a broadcast infrastructure that provides sufficient weight to drive reach and frequency, radio can be an incredibly powerful medium, especially with the added advantages of DRM.
The coming years will form the transistion with tremendous changes for broadcasters and infrastructure providers. Thomson - with its highly skilled engineers and broad expertise - are glad to support and guide broadcasters through this new era of digital broadcasting.
Josef Troxler
(Radio News/Winter 2009)
DRM made big steps ahead in 2008 with numerous events, milestones and novelties. The successful demonstration of a DRM data transmission towards the Audi VIP vehicles at the Olympic games, where only 80kW DRM power covered all Olympic sites, was a real breakthrough with a most cost-effective information system.
The current world financial situation forces broadcasters to use most economic broadcast infrastructure. DRM is the only system for large, populated areas deliverin the requested quality of sound at the lowest possible distribution costs. With its extremely high reliability and independence, the system is the preferred choice for many countries and cultures.
The increased costs for energy challenged Thomson to provide new features for higher efficiency. Several transmitting stations around the globe were updated with the AMC and EAMC option to decrease their electricity bills. With the right target audience, the right content, the right schedule, and with a broadcast infrastructure that provides sufficient weight to drive reach and frequency, radio can be an incredibly powerful medium, especially with the added advantages of DRM.
The coming years will form the transistion with tremendous changes for broadcasters and infrastructure providers. Thomson - with its highly skilled engineers and broad expertise - are glad to support and guide broadcasters through this new era of digital broadcasting.
Josef Troxler
(Radio News/Winter 2009)
Mongolia to digitize National Network
Selection of an appropriate digital standard for the national radio and TV networks was a topic at a recent seminar in Ulaanbaatar, capital of the country. The conference was attended by representatives of Mongolian regulatory body, broadcasters, universities and local broadcast industry.
Thomson participated with a lecture on the bright radio future with DRM. During and in advance of the event, BBC sent live DRM transmissions, including the new text-based information service Journaline.
Participants were highly impressed by the practically unlimited program content and service options made possible by the DRM standard.
(Radio News/Winter 2009)
Thomson participated with a lecture on the bright radio future with DRM. During and in advance of the event, BBC sent live DRM transmissions, including the new text-based information service Journaline.
Participants were highly impressed by the practically unlimited program content and service options made possible by the DRM standard.
(Radio News/Winter 2009)
Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletins
Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2009 Jan 20 2151 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact:
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
12 - 18 January 2009
Solar activity was very low. No flares were observed. The visible disk was spotless.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at normal levels.
Geomagnetic field activity was at mostly quiet levels during the period. However, brief unsettled to active periods occurred at high latitudes during 14 - 15 January. In addition, a 13 nT sudden impulse (SI) was detected at Boulder at 14/0121 UTC; likely associated with a faint, slow CME observed on 09 January. ACE solar wind measurements indicated minor changes during the period. Velocities ranged from 289 to 433 km/sec. A weak shock was observed
at the ACE spacecraft at 14/0015 UTC, in advance of the SI mentioned above, with minor changes detected in velocity and IMF.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
21 January - 16 February 2009
Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels. No proton events are expected at synchronous orbit. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at normal levels.
The geomagnetic field is expected to be at quiet levels during 21 - 26 January. Activity is expected to increase to quiet to unsettled levels, with isolated active levels at high latitudes during 27 - 30 January due to a recurrent coronal hole high-speed stream (CH HSS).
Activity is expected to decrease to quiet levels during 31 January - 14 February. Activity is expected to increase to quiet to unsettled levels on 15 February with isolated active levels due to a recurrent CH HSS. Activity is expected to decrease to quiet levels on 16 February as the HSS subsides.
Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2009 Jan 20 2152 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact:
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2009 Jan 20
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2009 Jan 21 70 5 2
2009 Jan 22 70 5 2
2009 Jan 23 70 5 2
2009 Jan 24 70 5 2
2009 Jan 25 70 5 2
2009 Jan 26 70 5 2
2009 Jan 27 70 10 3
2009 Jan 28 70 8 3
2009 Jan 29 70 5 2
2009 Jan 30 70 8 3
2009 Jan 31 70 5 2
2009 Feb 01 70 5 2
2009 Feb 02 70 5 2
2009 Feb 03 70 5 2
2009 Feb 04 70 5 2
2009 Feb 05 70 5 2
2009 Feb 06 70 5 2
2009 Feb 07 70 5 2
2009 Feb 08 70 5 2
2009 Feb 09 70 5 2
2009 Feb 10 70 5 2
2009 Feb 11 70 5 2
2009 Feb 12 70 5 2
2009 Feb 13 70 5 2
2009 Feb 14 70 5 2
2009 Feb 15 70 8 3
2009 Feb 16 70 5 2
:Issued: 2009 Jan 20 2151 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact:
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
12 - 18 January 2009
Solar activity was very low. No flares were observed. The visible disk was spotless.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at normal levels.
Geomagnetic field activity was at mostly quiet levels during the period. However, brief unsettled to active periods occurred at high latitudes during 14 - 15 January. In addition, a 13 nT sudden impulse (SI) was detected at Boulder at 14/0121 UTC; likely associated with a faint, slow CME observed on 09 January. ACE solar wind measurements indicated minor changes during the period. Velocities ranged from 289 to 433 km/sec. A weak shock was observed
at the ACE spacecraft at 14/0015 UTC, in advance of the SI mentioned above, with minor changes detected in velocity and IMF.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
21 January - 16 February 2009
Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels. No proton events are expected at synchronous orbit. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at normal levels.
The geomagnetic field is expected to be at quiet levels during 21 - 26 January. Activity is expected to increase to quiet to unsettled levels, with isolated active levels at high latitudes during 27 - 30 January due to a recurrent coronal hole high-speed stream (CH HSS).
Activity is expected to decrease to quiet levels during 31 January - 14 February. Activity is expected to increase to quiet to unsettled levels on 15 February with isolated active levels due to a recurrent CH HSS. Activity is expected to decrease to quiet levels on 16 February as the HSS subsides.
Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2009 Jan 20 2152 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact:
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2009 Jan 20
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2009 Jan 21 70 5 2
2009 Jan 22 70 5 2
2009 Jan 23 70 5 2
2009 Jan 24 70 5 2
2009 Jan 25 70 5 2
2009 Jan 26 70 5 2
2009 Jan 27 70 10 3
2009 Jan 28 70 8 3
2009 Jan 29 70 5 2
2009 Jan 30 70 8 3
2009 Jan 31 70 5 2
2009 Feb 01 70 5 2
2009 Feb 02 70 5 2
2009 Feb 03 70 5 2
2009 Feb 04 70 5 2
2009 Feb 05 70 5 2
2009 Feb 06 70 5 2
2009 Feb 07 70 5 2
2009 Feb 08 70 5 2
2009 Feb 09 70 5 2
2009 Feb 10 70 5 2
2009 Feb 11 70 5 2
2009 Feb 12 70 5 2
2009 Feb 13 70 5 2
2009 Feb 14 70 5 2
2009 Feb 15 70 8 3
2009 Feb 16 70 5 2
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Moldova's Radio PMR changes
A reminder to our blog readers...
Moldova - Radio PMR is now asking for listeners to send correspondence via ordinary mail, and no longer announcing their email address. Radio PMR request a self-addressed stampted envelope be included with your correspondence.
Postal address:
Radio PMR
Rozy Lyuksemburg 10
MD-3300 Tiraspol, Moldova
Radio PMR broadcast in English
effective to 29 March 2009
All times UTC
1430 1445 mtwhf Moldova, Radio PMR/Pridnestrovie 7370eu (Europe)
1515 1530 mtwhf Moldova, Radio PMR/Pridnestrovie 7370eu
1600 1615 mtwhf Moldova, Radio PMR/Pridnestrovie 7370eu
1645 1700 mtwhf Moldova, Radio PMR/Pridnestrovie 7370eu
2230 2245 mtwhf Moldova, Radio PMR/Pridnestrovie 6240na (North America)
2315 2330 mtwhf Moldova, Radio PMR/Pridnestrovie 6240na
(Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager/Monitoring Times SW Guide)
Moldova - Radio PMR is now asking for listeners to send correspondence via ordinary mail, and no longer announcing their email address. Radio PMR request a self-addressed stampted envelope be included with your correspondence.
Postal address:
Radio PMR
Rozy Lyuksemburg 10
MD-3300 Tiraspol, Moldova
Radio PMR broadcast in English
effective to 29 March 2009
All times UTC
1430 1445 mtwhf Moldova, Radio PMR/Pridnestrovie 7370eu (Europe)
1515 1530 mtwhf Moldova, Radio PMR/Pridnestrovie 7370eu
1600 1615 mtwhf Moldova, Radio PMR/Pridnestrovie 7370eu
1645 1700 mtwhf Moldova, Radio PMR/Pridnestrovie 7370eu
2230 2245 mtwhf Moldova, Radio PMR/Pridnestrovie 6240na (North America)
2315 2330 mtwhf Moldova, Radio PMR/Pridnestrovie 6240na
(Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager/Monitoring Times SW Guide)
World Harvest Radio - B08 schedule update
USA Updated B-08 schedule of World Harvest Radio:
All times UTC
WHRI Angel 1
0500-1100 on 7315 Mon-Fri; 11565 Sat/Sun
1100-1200 on 7315
1200-1300 on 7335
1300-1600 on 9495 Sat/Sun
1600-1800 on 9495
1800-1900 on 17650 Mon-Fri; 9495 Sat/Sun
1900-2000 on 9495 Sun-Fri; 9510 Sat
2000-2100 on 15665 Mon-Sat; Voice of Biafra International in Ibo Fri
2000-2100 on 9495 Sun
2100-2200 on 7315
2200-2300 on 7335
2300-0500 on 7315
WHRI Angel 2
0000-0200 on 7385
0200-0300 on 7385 Sun-Fri; 7490 Sat
0300-0700 on 7385
0700-0900 on 11565 Mon-Fri; 5875 Sat/Sun
0900-1000 on 5875
1000-1100 on 9865 Deutsche Welle in German
1100-1200 on 5875
1200-1300 on 9410 BBC in Spanish Mon-Fri
1300-1600 on 9840 Sat/Sun
1600-2000 on 9840
2000-2100 on 9515
2100-2200 on 9525
2200-2300 on 9615
2300-2400 on 7335
T8WH Angel 3
0700-1500 on 9930 Sound of Hope Radio in Chinese 1200-1500 Mon-Fri
1500-1800 on 9905 Radio Free Asia in Chinese
1800-1900 on 9955
1900-2200 on 9875 Radio Free Asia in Chinese
T8WH Angel 4
0100-1000 on 15680
1000-1300 on 12130 Hoa-Mai Radio in Vietnamese 1200-1230 Tue/Thu/Sat
1300-1400 on 11880 Democtratic Voice of Burma in Burmese
1400-1500 on 9965 Voice of Wilderness in Korean
1500-1600 on 9965 Nippon no Kaze in Korean 1530-1600
1600-1900 on 9930
WHRA Angel 5
0500-0700 on 7465
1200-1500 on 15665
1500-1600 on 15665 Mon-Fri; 13650 Sat/Sun
1600-1800 on 17650
1800-1900 on 15665 Mon-Fri; 17650 Sat/Sun
1900-2000 on 13730 Mon-Sat; Demitse Tewahedo in Amharic 1900-2000 Mon
1900-2000 on 17650 Sun
2000-2100 on 7520 Mon-Fri; 11740 Sat/Sun
2100-2300 on 7520
2300-0500 on 5850
WHRI Angel 6
0700-1300 on 7385
1300-1500 on 11785 Sat/Sun; Hmong Lao Radio in Lao 1400-1500 Sat/Sun
1500-1600 on 11785 Sat/Sun; Hmong World Christian Radio in Lao 1500-1530 Sat
1600-2300 on 11785
2300-0700 on 5875
DXing With Cumbre B-08
WHRI Angel 1
0130-0200 on 7315 Sun
0330-0400 on 7315 Mon
0430-0500 on 7315 Sat
1930-2000 on 9495 Sat
KWHR Angel 4
0500-0530 on 13680 Sat/Sun
1500-1530 on 9930 Sun
WHRA Angel 5
0230-0300 on 5850 Sun/Mon
1230-1300 on 15665 Sat
WHRI Angel 6
1000-1030 on 7385 Sun
1530-1600 on 11785 Sat/Sun
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 20)
(DX Mix News #556 wb, Germany)
WHRI Angel 1
0500-1100 on 7315 Mon-Fri; 11565 Sat/Sun
1100-1200 on 7315
1200-1300 on 7335
1300-1600 on 9495 Sat/Sun
1600-1800 on 9495
1800-1900 on 17650 Mon-Fri; 9495 Sat/Sun
1900-2000 on 9495 Sun-Fri; 9510 Sat
2000-2100 on 15665 Mon-Sat; Voice of Biafra International in Ibo Fri
2000-2100 on 9495 Sun
2100-2200 on 7315
2200-2300 on 7335
2300-0500 on 7315
WHRI Angel 2
0000-0200 on 7385
0200-0300 on 7385 Sun-Fri; 7490 Sat
0300-0700 on 7385
0700-0900 on 11565 Mon-Fri; 5875 Sat/Sun
0900-1000 on 5875
1000-1100 on 9865 Deutsche Welle in German
1100-1200 on 5875
1200-1300 on 9410 BBC in Spanish Mon-Fri
1300-1600 on 9840 Sat/Sun
1600-2000 on 9840
2000-2100 on 9515
2100-2200 on 9525
2200-2300 on 9615
2300-2400 on 7335
T8WH Angel 3
0700-1500 on 9930 Sound of Hope Radio in Chinese 1200-1500 Mon-Fri
1500-1800 on 9905 Radio Free Asia in Chinese
1800-1900 on 9955
1900-2200 on 9875 Radio Free Asia in Chinese
T8WH Angel 4
0100-1000 on 15680
1000-1300 on 12130 Hoa-Mai Radio in Vietnamese 1200-1230 Tue/Thu/Sat
1300-1400 on 11880 Democtratic Voice of Burma in Burmese
1400-1500 on 9965 Voice of Wilderness in Korean
1500-1600 on 9965 Nippon no Kaze in Korean 1530-1600
1600-1900 on 9930
WHRA Angel 5
0500-0700 on 7465
1200-1500 on 15665
1500-1600 on 15665 Mon-Fri; 13650 Sat/Sun
1600-1800 on 17650
1800-1900 on 15665 Mon-Fri; 17650 Sat/Sun
1900-2000 on 13730 Mon-Sat; Demitse Tewahedo in Amharic 1900-2000 Mon
1900-2000 on 17650 Sun
2000-2100 on 7520 Mon-Fri; 11740 Sat/Sun
2100-2300 on 7520
2300-0500 on 5850
WHRI Angel 6
0700-1300 on 7385
1300-1500 on 11785 Sat/Sun; Hmong Lao Radio in Lao 1400-1500 Sat/Sun
1500-1600 on 11785 Sat/Sun; Hmong World Christian Radio in Lao 1500-1530 Sat
1600-2300 on 11785
2300-0700 on 5875
DXing With Cumbre B-08
WHRI Angel 1
0130-0200 on 7315 Sun
0330-0400 on 7315 Mon
0430-0500 on 7315 Sat
1930-2000 on 9495 Sat
KWHR Angel 4
0500-0530 on 13680 Sat/Sun
1500-1530 on 9930 Sun
WHRA Angel 5
0230-0300 on 5850 Sun/Mon
1230-1300 on 15665 Sat
WHRI Angel 6
1000-1030 on 7385 Sun
1530-1600 on 11785 Sat/Sun
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 20)
(DX Mix News #556 wb, Germany)
WEWN B08 Multilingual schedule update
USA Winter B-08 of WEWN Global Catholic Radio
All times UTC
0000-0300 on 11520 EWN 250 kW / 085 deg to WeAf
0300-0900 on 9455 EWN 250 kW / 085 deg to WeAf
0900-1200 on 9390 EWN 250 kW / 355 deg to SoEaAs
1200-1700 on 5755 EWN 250 kW / 355 deg to SoEaAs
1700-2000 on 15610 EWN 250 kW / 040 deg to WeEu
2000-2400 on 11520 EWN 250 kW / 040 deg to ME
0100-1100 on 11870 EWN 250 kW / 155 deg to SoAm
1100-1700 on 11520 EWN 250 kW / 155 deg to SoAm
1700-0100 on 17510 EWN 250 kW / 155 deg to SoAm
0500-1600 on 7555 EWN 250 kW / 220 deg to CeAm
1600-2200 on 11550 EWN 250 kW / 220 deg to CeAm
2200-0500 on 5810 EWN 250 kW / 220 deg to CeAm
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 20)
(DX Mix News #556 wb, Germany)
All times UTC
0000-0300 on 11520 EWN 250 kW / 085 deg to WeAf
0300-0900 on 9455 EWN 250 kW / 085 deg to WeAf
0900-1200 on 9390 EWN 250 kW / 355 deg to SoEaAs
1200-1700 on 5755 EWN 250 kW / 355 deg to SoEaAs
1700-2000 on 15610 EWN 250 kW / 040 deg to WeEu
2000-2400 on 11520 EWN 250 kW / 040 deg to ME
0100-1100 on 11870 EWN 250 kW / 155 deg to SoAm
1100-1700 on 11520 EWN 250 kW / 155 deg to SoAm
1700-0100 on 17510 EWN 250 kW / 155 deg to SoAm
0500-1600 on 7555 EWN 250 kW / 220 deg to CeAm
1600-2200 on 11550 EWN 250 kW / 220 deg to CeAm
2200-0500 on 5810 EWN 250 kW / 220 deg to CeAm
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 20)
(DX Mix News #556 wb, Germany)
Monday, January 19, 2009
Shortwave Blog "Bytes"
A selection of recent logs, web links, information and audio links.
All times UTC
Africa on Shortwave
Africa List
Alaska's KNLS looking for reception reports
Station KNLS would love to have a reception report from your part of the world. Most shortwave stations begin each broadcast by playing a station theme song or sound for several minutes. This special signal helps listeners find or “tune” the station even when reception is poor. To encourage you to file a report, we offer a special QSL card at the beginning of each broadcast season. Only 200 special cards are awarded each season. Each card is individually numbered and features a full colour photo of Alaska. To qualify for the station verification QSL a report must include the following: . the date and time (UTC only) of the transmission . the approximate frequency, and as many program details as you can supply. KNLS will provide ONLY ONE QSL for each report, regardless of the number of entries and they DO NOT provide QSLs for other transmitter operators who may air World Christian Broadcasting programs. Send reports to:
Station KNLS, Anchor Point, AK 99556, USA. Fax: (615)371- 8791, Email: (subject reception report) (an edited extract from the latest KNLS handout. (M. Beesley/World DX Club Contact)
Australia Media Report program
Includes feed, podcast download, and transcript service.
Via Radio Australia only Thurs 1031 and 1530.
1031 9580 9590 15415
1530 5995 6080 7240 9475 9590 11660
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 15/WWDXC top News/BC-DX #895 wb, Germany)
BBC Thailand relay notes
Thailand/ Myanmar. Since flood on November 13, 2008, 6105 kHz at 1100-1130 UT BBC London service in Burmese to Myanmar, but via Udornthani-THA 250 kW 264degr. Never seen such usage before -- in past decade. Is the 49 mb antenna still kaput in Nakhon Sawan? Or is a matter of afternoon propagation? Udorn Thani located 400 kilometers easterly, is 700-800 kms distance to central Burma/Myanmar.(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 10) (WWDXC Top News/BC-DX #895 wb, Germany)
Bhutan on 6035
6035 BBS, heard at 0150 on 18 Jan with exceptionally strong signals with some chanting and traditional music. If you can ever catch the opeing of transmissions with the monks chanting, it is a real treat for the ears - truly haunting. (Al Muick, Ahghamistan)
Canada's Sackville transmitter at dusk
Also another distant image available from GE.
(Ian Baxter-AUS, SW TXsites yg Jan 12/WWDXC Top News/BC-DX #895 wb, Germany)
Cancelled transmissions from Radio Ukraine International
0300-0600 on 7285 SMF 100 kW / 004 deg to RUS in Ukrainian
0600-1400 on 15635 LV 600 kW / 096 deg to AUS in Ukrainian#
1500-1800 on 6020 SMF 100 kW / 004 deg to RUS in Ukrainian
1900-0300 on 9785 SMF 250 kW / 245 deg to SAm in Ukrainian*
#except English 0600-0700; 1000-1100; 1200-1300
*except English 2000-2100; 2200-2300; 0100-0200, German 2100-2200
(WWDXC Top News/BC-DX #895 wb, Germany)
Clandestine activity dropped in 2008
2008 Clandestine Activity Survey
During the year 2008 the activity of political clandestine stations broadcasting on shortwave has dropped by 5.3 % to 1251 Weekly Broadcasting Hours (WBHs). This is the result of the latest Clandestine Activity Suvey, which has been published annually since 1986. The activity of clandestine stations broadcasting to target areas on the Asian continent has decreased by 2.6 % to 915 WBHs. Activity to target areas on the American continent has remained unchanged at 215 WBHs. The activity to target areas on the African continent, where volatility has always been very high in recent years, has decreased by 27.5 % to 121 WBHs. The most active target area worldwide is now - for the first time in the history of the Clandestine Activity Suvey - North Korea with 245 WBHs (+49 when compared with last year), followed by China P.R. with 224 WBHs (-16) and Cuba with 215 WBHs (unchanged). The number of different target areas active worldwide has decreased from 18 to 17, with Senegal dropping from the list of active targets. On the other hand, no new or reactivated target areas have been reported over the past 12 months. (Kropf via DSWCI) (NZ DX Times /SW Report)
Colombian unknown on 5555
This night (on Jan 11 at 0050-0157* UT) I again heard the probably Colombian station on 5555.00 kHz and not on 5585 or 5590 kHz.
It was slightly stronger than the night before with Indian Band singing until 0100 UT, then a very long interview in Spanish between two men until 0154. Unfortunately the microphone modulation was so poor that I could only perceive a few words, e.g. ".. restaurante..". There were a few short pieces of instrumental interlude music and at 0126 the American evergreen
"I love you". At 0154 instrumental music and carrier off at 0157* UT. SINPO was 25232 nearly all the time with a high local noise level here. (Anker Petersen-DEN, DXplorer Jan 11/WWDXC Top News/BC-DX #895 wb, Germany)
Congo tentative on 6115
On 9 Jan at 1820 UT noted on 6115 kHz a station in Afro-French with talks about Congo. Audio was switching from good to real poor. Around 1849 UT I guess there was "Radio Congo" ID and then the signal went off. Maybe Brazzaville firing up a transmitter again.
(Jari Savolainen-FIN, DXplorer Jan 9/WWdxc tOP NEWS/bc-dx #895 wb, Germany)
Cotton Tree News frequency change
Ascension Islands- 11875, Cotton Tree News, via Ascension, 0730-0800*, Nov 28, new frequency, ex 9525, opening “CTN” ID, ann at 0730 and English news. IDs as “C-T-N”. Talk about local election during entire broadcast. They usually go into vernacular talk around 0740 but tonight they were entirely in English. Abrupt sign off. (Alexander in DXplorer) 0700 to 0730 is Star Radio to Liberia also ex 9525 (NZ DX Times/SW Report)
Equatorial Guinea/ Mauritania/ Morocco unid
Unidentified on Dec 31st 2007 I listened to station on 5005 kHz where at 2300 UTC was the salvo and New Year coming and people there spoken in French. I thought there was a mistake in my log, but this time on December 31st, 2008 on same 5005 kHz at 2230 UT there was a meeting on some square and all people shouting in French and at 2300 UTC all said "Bonne Annee, Bonne Annee". Whether it was Madagascar ? All sources are given: 5005 Equat Guinea (but they were talking in Vernacular and Spanish) and Madagascar on 5010 kHz in Malagasy and French. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 2)
Yes noted that private talk too on approx. 5005 ... 5006 kHz every late afternoon and local evening, when I monitored Equat Guinea and Madagascar in 5 MHz range during holiday in southern Portugal on the Algarve coast in 2007. Probably fishery fleet of Mauritania and/or Morocco on North West African coast. (wb) (WWDXC Top News/BC-DX #895 wb, Germany)
Euro pirate QSLs
E-QSL from Radio Shadowman (via Netherlands)
6300 kHz, confirm with e-QSL in 15
days. Report with audio file sent via email at:
Pic available here:
Kazakhstan on 9310
YFR Burmese service, 9310 via Almaty Nikolayevka, distorted satellite audio feed with lots of dropouts. Noted 1300-1400 UT at S=9+10dB signal.(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 8)
(Dario Monferini/playdx2003)
Madagascar station to broadcast additional hours
KNLS says that they soon will be broadcasting an additional 30-35 hours from their new station in Madagascar in at least three additional languages: Arabic, Spanish and Portuguese. The construction in Madagascar is on schedule. (November NASB Newsletter direct and via DXLD) The transmitter building will contain three 100 kilowatt transmitters. The antenna towers are up and the wire will begin to be stretched in January 2009. (World Christian Broadcasting November bulletin/via WDXC-UK Dec Contact Dec 2/ Worldwide DX Club’s DX Magazine via NASWA LN)
Peru's Radio Cusco reactivates on 6195.8
Heard 2204-2310, Dec 13. Not heard since Aug 2007 when it was on 6193.4. Featuring a long program from Iglesia Dios es Amor without ann or advs. During the programme a feature called “Mensajes Cantados” with sung praises. At 2308 a short ID like “...Radio Cusco...” , then continued with another evangelical programme called “La Voz de la Profecia”. Also heard at 1100, Dec 14, again introducing Iglesia Dios es Amor. (Rodriguez via DSWCI).
(NZ DX Times/SW Report)
Qatar QSL
7210 Qatar Broadcasting Service, Full data QSL along letter, book about Radio Qatar, flag of Qatar and freq schedule. Received in 42 days. I just sent a reception report, and one-minute recording of their broadcast(*), no IRC and no money. Signed by Jassim Mohammed Al-Qattan (Head of Public Relations, Exchange and Research) (*) this was the first time I used this technique. I recorded just one minute of their broadcast and saved it as a audio file (*.wav) in my FTP site. Then, I wrote the URL of the sound file on my report and informed them that it was part of my reception report. This is much better and cheaper than sending an audio cassete tape to the station. (Marcelo Tonilo-NY-USA, Mar 24, 2001) (WWDXC Top News/BC-DX #895 wb, Germany)
Qatar Radio, QBS,Doha, 17755, Surprised to see a package from Qatar Radio, RTVC Dept. in the PO box today containing a "Radio Qatar..from Doha" booklet (circa. 1991), English sce schedule for 27 June, 2003 to First of Ramadan, which of course neglects to mention a single frequency, SW, MW or FM, a personal letter thanking me for my interest in Qatar Broadcasting Service and, most dissapointing, "We are sorry about a QSL card because we stopped issuing it."
Veri-signer Jassim Mohammed Al-Qattan, Head of Public Relations, Exchange and Research. This in 441 days for 1 IRC and an English report. (Scott Barbour-NH-USA, DXplorer Sept 19, 2003/) WWDXC Top News/BC-DX #895 wb, Germany)
Russia's Radio Magadan on 7320
Radio Magadan; 0055-0220 Dec 31. 7325 spatter until 0058, then in the clear and fair-good with singing Radio Rossii jingle, Russian female, another singing jingle, five short and one slightly extended final time sounders 0100 and into Vesti news by man until 0110. Another Radio Rossii canned ID by female over music bed, into discussion program with female host through 0115.
Recheck 0153, George Michael (or was it Wham! OK, who cares) Christmas song, chatter, 0200 time sounders, Vespi news, then piano filler and into local programming with clear "Govorit Magadan" by female at 0210, brief talk by the same female, semi-techno filler music and talk by her, then female pop vocal from 0218. Signal slowly fading but still quite readable at tune-out.(Terry L Krueger-FL-USA, DXplorer Jan 3) (RUS-DX #186-C)
Syrian radio antennas pic online
Radio & Archeological pics from Saria. Two pictures of radio antennas near the archaeological site of Palmyra (Syria) available here:
(WWDXC Top News/BC-DX #895 wb, Germany)
All times UTC
Africa on Shortwave
Africa List
Alaska's KNLS looking for reception reports
Station KNLS would love to have a reception report from your part of the world. Most shortwave stations begin each broadcast by playing a station theme song or sound for several minutes. This special signal helps listeners find or “tune” the station even when reception is poor. To encourage you to file a report, we offer a special QSL card at the beginning of each broadcast season. Only 200 special cards are awarded each season. Each card is individually numbered and features a full colour photo of Alaska. To qualify for the station verification QSL a report must include the following: . the date and time (UTC only) of the transmission . the approximate frequency, and as many program details as you can supply. KNLS will provide ONLY ONE QSL for each report, regardless of the number of entries and they DO NOT provide QSLs for other transmitter operators who may air World Christian Broadcasting programs. Send reports to:
Station KNLS, Anchor Point, AK 99556, USA. Fax: (615)371- 8791, Email: (subject reception report) (an edited extract from the latest KNLS handout. (M. Beesley/World DX Club Contact)
Australia Media Report program
Includes feed, podcast download, and transcript service.
Via Radio Australia only Thurs 1031 and 1530.
1031 9580 9590 15415
1530 5995 6080 7240 9475 9590 11660
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 15/WWDXC top News/BC-DX #895 wb, Germany)
BBC Thailand relay notes
Thailand/ Myanmar. Since flood on November 13, 2008, 6105 kHz at 1100-1130 UT BBC London service in Burmese to Myanmar, but via Udornthani-THA 250 kW 264degr. Never seen such usage before -- in past decade. Is the 49 mb antenna still kaput in Nakhon Sawan? Or is a matter of afternoon propagation? Udorn Thani located 400 kilometers easterly, is 700-800 kms distance to central Burma/Myanmar.(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 10) (WWDXC Top News/BC-DX #895 wb, Germany)
Bhutan on 6035
6035 BBS, heard at 0150 on 18 Jan with exceptionally strong signals with some chanting and traditional music. If you can ever catch the opeing of transmissions with the monks chanting, it is a real treat for the ears - truly haunting. (Al Muick, Ahghamistan)
Canada's Sackville transmitter at dusk
Also another distant image available from GE.
(Ian Baxter-AUS, SW TXsites yg Jan 12/WWDXC Top News/BC-DX #895 wb, Germany)
Cancelled transmissions from Radio Ukraine International
0300-0600 on 7285 SMF 100 kW / 004 deg to RUS in Ukrainian
0600-1400 on 15635 LV 600 kW / 096 deg to AUS in Ukrainian#
1500-1800 on 6020 SMF 100 kW / 004 deg to RUS in Ukrainian
1900-0300 on 9785 SMF 250 kW / 245 deg to SAm in Ukrainian*
#except English 0600-0700; 1000-1100; 1200-1300
*except English 2000-2100; 2200-2300; 0100-0200, German 2100-2200
(WWDXC Top News/BC-DX #895 wb, Germany)
Clandestine activity dropped in 2008
2008 Clandestine Activity Survey
During the year 2008 the activity of political clandestine stations broadcasting on shortwave has dropped by 5.3 % to 1251 Weekly Broadcasting Hours (WBHs). This is the result of the latest Clandestine Activity Suvey, which has been published annually since 1986. The activity of clandestine stations broadcasting to target areas on the Asian continent has decreased by 2.6 % to 915 WBHs. Activity to target areas on the American continent has remained unchanged at 215 WBHs. The activity to target areas on the African continent, where volatility has always been very high in recent years, has decreased by 27.5 % to 121 WBHs. The most active target area worldwide is now - for the first time in the history of the Clandestine Activity Suvey - North Korea with 245 WBHs (+49 when compared with last year), followed by China P.R. with 224 WBHs (-16) and Cuba with 215 WBHs (unchanged). The number of different target areas active worldwide has decreased from 18 to 17, with Senegal dropping from the list of active targets. On the other hand, no new or reactivated target areas have been reported over the past 12 months. (Kropf via DSWCI) (NZ DX Times /SW Report)
Colombian unknown on 5555
This night (on Jan 11 at 0050-0157* UT) I again heard the probably Colombian station on 5555.00 kHz and not on 5585 or 5590 kHz.
It was slightly stronger than the night before with Indian Band singing until 0100 UT, then a very long interview in Spanish between two men until 0154. Unfortunately the microphone modulation was so poor that I could only perceive a few words, e.g. ".. restaurante..". There were a few short pieces of instrumental interlude music and at 0126 the American evergreen
"I love you". At 0154 instrumental music and carrier off at 0157* UT. SINPO was 25232 nearly all the time with a high local noise level here. (Anker Petersen-DEN, DXplorer Jan 11/WWDXC Top News/BC-DX #895 wb, Germany)
Congo tentative on 6115
On 9 Jan at 1820 UT noted on 6115 kHz a station in Afro-French with talks about Congo. Audio was switching from good to real poor. Around 1849 UT I guess there was "Radio Congo" ID and then the signal went off. Maybe Brazzaville firing up a transmitter again.
(Jari Savolainen-FIN, DXplorer Jan 9/WWdxc tOP NEWS/bc-dx #895 wb, Germany)
Cotton Tree News frequency change
Ascension Islands- 11875, Cotton Tree News, via Ascension, 0730-0800*, Nov 28, new frequency, ex 9525, opening “CTN” ID, ann at 0730 and English news. IDs as “C-T-N”. Talk about local election during entire broadcast. They usually go into vernacular talk around 0740 but tonight they were entirely in English. Abrupt sign off. (Alexander in DXplorer) 0700 to 0730 is Star Radio to Liberia also ex 9525 (NZ DX Times/SW Report)
Equatorial Guinea/ Mauritania/ Morocco unid
Unidentified on Dec 31st 2007 I listened to station on 5005 kHz where at 2300 UTC was the salvo and New Year coming and people there spoken in French. I thought there was a mistake in my log, but this time on December 31st, 2008 on same 5005 kHz at 2230 UT there was a meeting on some square and all people shouting in French and at 2300 UTC all said "Bonne Annee, Bonne Annee". Whether it was Madagascar ? All sources are given: 5005 Equat Guinea (but they were talking in Vernacular and Spanish) and Madagascar on 5010 kHz in Malagasy and French. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 2)
Yes noted that private talk too on approx. 5005 ... 5006 kHz every late afternoon and local evening, when I monitored Equat Guinea and Madagascar in 5 MHz range during holiday in southern Portugal on the Algarve coast in 2007. Probably fishery fleet of Mauritania and/or Morocco on North West African coast. (wb) (WWDXC Top News/BC-DX #895 wb, Germany)
Euro pirate QSLs
E-QSL from Radio Shadowman (via Netherlands)
6300 kHz, confirm with e-QSL in 15
days. Report with audio file sent via email at:
Pic available here:
Kazakhstan on 9310
YFR Burmese service, 9310 via Almaty Nikolayevka, distorted satellite audio feed with lots of dropouts. Noted 1300-1400 UT at S=9+10dB signal.(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 8)
(Dario Monferini/playdx2003)
Madagascar station to broadcast additional hours
KNLS says that they soon will be broadcasting an additional 30-35 hours from their new station in Madagascar in at least three additional languages: Arabic, Spanish and Portuguese. The construction in Madagascar is on schedule. (November NASB Newsletter direct and via DXLD) The transmitter building will contain three 100 kilowatt transmitters. The antenna towers are up and the wire will begin to be stretched in January 2009. (World Christian Broadcasting November bulletin/via WDXC-UK Dec Contact Dec 2/ Worldwide DX Club’s DX Magazine via NASWA LN)
Peru's Radio Cusco reactivates on 6195.8
Heard 2204-2310, Dec 13. Not heard since Aug 2007 when it was on 6193.4. Featuring a long program from Iglesia Dios es Amor without ann or advs. During the programme a feature called “Mensajes Cantados” with sung praises. At 2308 a short ID like “...Radio Cusco...” , then continued with another evangelical programme called “La Voz de la Profecia”. Also heard at 1100, Dec 14, again introducing Iglesia Dios es Amor. (Rodriguez via DSWCI).
(NZ DX Times/SW Report)
Qatar QSL
7210 Qatar Broadcasting Service, Full data QSL along letter, book about Radio Qatar, flag of Qatar and freq schedule. Received in 42 days. I just sent a reception report, and one-minute recording of their broadcast(*), no IRC and no money. Signed by Jassim Mohammed Al-Qattan (Head of Public Relations, Exchange and Research) (*) this was the first time I used this technique. I recorded just one minute of their broadcast and saved it as a audio file (*.wav) in my FTP site. Then, I wrote the URL of the sound file on my report and informed them that it was part of my reception report. This is much better and cheaper than sending an audio cassete tape to the station. (Marcelo Tonilo-NY-USA, Mar 24, 2001) (WWDXC Top News/BC-DX #895 wb, Germany)
Qatar Radio, QBS,Doha, 17755, Surprised to see a package from Qatar Radio, RTVC Dept. in the PO box today containing a "Radio Qatar..from Doha" booklet (circa. 1991), English sce schedule for 27 June, 2003 to First of Ramadan, which of course neglects to mention a single frequency, SW, MW or FM, a personal letter thanking me for my interest in Qatar Broadcasting Service and, most dissapointing, "We are sorry about a QSL card because we stopped issuing it."
Veri-signer Jassim Mohammed Al-Qattan, Head of Public Relations, Exchange and Research. This in 441 days for 1 IRC and an English report. (Scott Barbour-NH-USA, DXplorer Sept 19, 2003/) WWDXC Top News/BC-DX #895 wb, Germany)
Russia's Radio Magadan on 7320
Radio Magadan; 0055-0220 Dec 31. 7325 spatter until 0058, then in the clear and fair-good with singing Radio Rossii jingle, Russian female, another singing jingle, five short and one slightly extended final time sounders 0100 and into Vesti news by man until 0110. Another Radio Rossii canned ID by female over music bed, into discussion program with female host through 0115.
Recheck 0153, George Michael (or was it Wham! OK, who cares) Christmas song, chatter, 0200 time sounders, Vespi news, then piano filler and into local programming with clear "Govorit Magadan" by female at 0210, brief talk by the same female, semi-techno filler music and talk by her, then female pop vocal from 0218. Signal slowly fading but still quite readable at tune-out.(Terry L Krueger-FL-USA, DXplorer Jan 3) (RUS-DX #186-C)
Syrian radio antennas pic online
Radio & Archeological pics from Saria. Two pictures of radio antennas near the archaeological site of Palmyra (Syria) available here:
(WWDXC Top News/BC-DX #895 wb, Germany)
Radio Kuwait - B08 multilingual schedule
6055, 7250, 9855, 9880, 11630, 11675, 11990, 13600, 13620, 15110, 15495, 17885 kHz.
All times UTC
0200-0930 15495 Arabic No/CeAfrica
0200-1305 6055 Arabic ME, Persian Gulf.
0315-0700 11675 Arabic Europe / NoAmerica. DRM.
0500-0800 15110 English So/SoEaAsia
0800-1000 7250 Persian ME, Persian Gulf. (x9750)
0915-1310 13620 Arabic Europe / NoAmerica. DRM
1000-1200 17885 Filipino Asia
1000-1740 11630 Holy Quran No/Ce/EaAfrica. (x15505)
1205-1500 17885 Holy Quran Russia / Mongolia.
1315-2110 9880 Arabic No/CeAfrica. DRM
1505-1800 13620 Arabic Europe / NoAmerica.
1800-2100 11990 English Europe / NoAmerica.
1800-0000 13600 Arabic No/Ce/EaAfrica. (x15495)
1815-0000 9855 Arabic CeAmerica.
2200-0300 11675 Arabic NoAmerica. DRM.
(Jose Miguel Romero-ESP/HCDX Jan 17)
Google Earth imagery. Some high resolution place.
MW Kabd 630 kHz
29 08 46.44 N 47 46 50.22 E
or three times mast groups at
29 08 40.17 N 47 46 00.09 E
but not highpower installation 29 08 01.86 N 47 45 55.84 E
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 16)
(WWDXC Top News/ BC-DX #895 wb, Germany)
All times UTC
0200-0930 15495 Arabic No/CeAfrica
0200-1305 6055 Arabic ME, Persian Gulf.
0315-0700 11675 Arabic Europe / NoAmerica. DRM.
0500-0800 15110 English So/SoEaAsia
0800-1000 7250 Persian ME, Persian Gulf. (x9750)
0915-1310 13620 Arabic Europe / NoAmerica. DRM
1000-1200 17885 Filipino Asia
1000-1740 11630 Holy Quran No/Ce/EaAfrica. (x15505)
1205-1500 17885 Holy Quran Russia / Mongolia.
1315-2110 9880 Arabic No/CeAfrica. DRM
1505-1800 13620 Arabic Europe / NoAmerica.
1800-2100 11990 English Europe / NoAmerica.
1800-0000 13600 Arabic No/Ce/EaAfrica. (x15495)
1815-0000 9855 Arabic CeAmerica.
2200-0300 11675 Arabic NoAmerica. DRM.
(Jose Miguel Romero-ESP/HCDX Jan 17)
Google Earth imagery. Some high resolution place.
MW Kabd 630 kHz
29 08 46.44 N 47 46 50.22 E
or three times mast groups at
29 08 40.17 N 47 46 00.09 E
but not highpower installation 29 08 01.86 N 47 45 55.84 E
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 16)
(WWDXC Top News/ BC-DX #895 wb, Germany)
Media Broadcast B08 schedule update
Media Broadcast GmbH (formerly T-Systems - DTK)
B08 schedule effective to: 28 March 2009
All times UTC
frq startstop ciraf azi day from to loc pow broad
11835 1700-1758 47E,48 145 7 030109 280309 NAU 500 ADM
9610 1000-1100 28W 180 1 261008 280309 NAU 100 AWR
11720 1300-1329 42,43W 70 17 261008 280309 NAU 250 AWR
11720 1300-1329 42,43W 70 23456 261008 280309 NAU 250 AWR
11725 1330-1500 42,43W 70 1234567 261008 280309 NAU 250 AWR
7280 0300-0330 48 135 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
7315 0300-0330 48 135 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
7315 0330-0359 48 135 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
7425 0400-0430 39,40W 120 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
6025 0500-0600 28E 120 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 AWR
9595 0700-0800 37,38W 210 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 AWR
11975 0800-0830 37,38W 210 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 AWR
12010 0800-0830 37,38W 210 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 AWR
12010 0830-0900 37,38W 210 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 AWR
15495 1200-1230 41NE 90 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
15495 1230-1259 41NE 90 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
9665 1500-1530 41N 90 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
11675 1500-1530 41N 75 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
9665 1530-1559 41N 90 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
11675 1530-1600 41N 75 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
11905 1630-1659 48 135 1234567 011208 280309 WER 250 AWR
9445 1700-1729 39,40W 120 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
9830 1730-1759 37,38W 210 1 261008 280309 WER 100 AWR
9830 1730-1800 37,38W 210 234567 261008 280309 WER 100 AWR
11795 1730-1759 48 135 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
11760 1900-1930 37,38W 210 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 AWR
11955 1900-2000 37,38W 215 1234567 211108 280309 NAU 100 AWR
11760 1930-1959 37,38W 210 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 AWR
9805 2000-2030 37,38W 210 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 AWR
6195 1645-1800 39,40 120 24 261008 280309 WER 100 BVB
6195 1715-1730 39,40 120 6 261008 280309 WER 100 BVB
5945 0800-0830 27,28N 280 1 071208 280309 NAU 100 BVB
5945 0800-0915 27,28N 280 7 261008 280309 NAU 100 BVB
5945 0845-0900 27,28N 280 6 051208 280309 NAU 100 BVB
9460 1630-1915 39,40 130 1 261008 280309 NAU 100 BVB
9460 1645-1929 39,40 130 7 261008 280309 NAU 100 BVB
9460 1645-1715 39,40 130 6 261008 280309 NAU 100 BVB
9460 1830-1859 39,40 130 6 261008 280309 NAU 100 BVB
9460 1645-1700 39,40 130 24 261008 280309 NAU 100 BVB
7205 1800-1830 37NW 240 1 261008 280309 WER 100 BVB
7210 1830-1859 39,40 100 1 261008 280309 JUL 100 BVB
9460 1645-1745 39,40 130 5 261008 280309 NAU 100 BVB
9460 1645-1720 39,40 130 3 261008 280309 NAU 100 BVB
6015 1915-1930 28,29 45 24 261008 280309 WER 125 BVB
6015 1900-1945 28,29 45 57 261008 280309 WER 125 BVB
6015 1900-1930 28,29 45 36 261008 280309 WER 125 BVB
6015 1900-2000 28,29 45 1 261008 280309 WER 125 BVB
9470 1901-1931 39,40 120 7 261008 280309 WER 250 BVB
9470 1930-1959 39,40 120 6 261008 280309 WER 250 BVB
7210 1800-1830 39,40 100 246 261008 280309 JUL 100 BVB
7260 1930-2000 46,47 180 7 261008 280309 WER 125 BVB
11635 0430-0530 48 135 7 261008 280309 WER 125 BVB
11635 0430-0500 48 135 1 261008 280309 WER 125 BVB
9615 0430-0500 39,40 120 2345 081208 280309 WER 250 BVB
9615 0430-0545 39,40 120 6 261008 280309 WER 250 BVB
7210 1800-1859 39,40 100 35 261008 280309 JUL 100 BVB
7260 1830-2000 46,47 155 1 261008 280309 JUL 100 BVB
9925 1530-1729 39,40 105 1234567 060109 280309 WER 100 BVB
12035 1530-1559 40,41 90 17 261008 280309 JUL 100 BVB
6110 1830-1859 39,40 120 1 261008 280309 WER 125 BVB
6110 1800-1859 39,40 120 7 261008 280309 WER 125 BVB
17545 0900-1000 38,39 135 6 261008 280309 WER 125 BVB
12035 1515-1559 40,41 90 456 041108 280309 JUL 100 BVB
12035 1530-1559 40,41 90 3 041108 280309 JUL 100 BVB
9730 1600-1859 38S,39S140 16 261008 280309 JUL 100 BVB
9730 1600-1759 38S,39S140 2345 261008 280309 JUL 100 BVB
11970 1625-1715 39,40 120 36 261008 280309 WER 250 BVB
15565 1200-1230 31S,42N 70 23456 261008 280309 NAU 250 BVB
17650 1530-1559 47,48 135 4 261008 280309 WER 100 BVB
5935 0030-0045 41 75 17 261008 290309 WER 250 BVB
6030 0030-0100 41 90 1234567 261008 290309 WER 250 BVB
11875 1630-1729 47,48 150 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 BVB
7210 1800-1815 39,40 100 7 261008 280309 JUL 100 BVB
9460 1800-1900 39,40 130 3 261008 280309 NAU 100 BVB
11875 1729-1745 47,48 150 6 261008 280309 WER 250 BVB
11695 1400-1459 41 90 17 050109 280309 WER 250 BVB
11895 1500-1530 41 87 17 151108 280309 NAU 250 BVB
11895 1530-1556 41 87 23 151108 280309 NAU 250 BVB
11895 1500-1556 41 87 56 151108 280309 NAU 250 BVB
11895 1515-1556 41 87 4 151108 280309 NAU 250 BVB
7265 2000-2100 44E 45 1 040108 280309 WER 250 BVB
11970 1625-1729 39,40 120 4 010109 280309 WER 250 BVB
11970 1625-1715 39,40 120 25 010109 280309 WER 250 BVB
9470 1915-1945 39,40 120 1 040109 280309 WER 250 BVB
9730 1630-1830 38S,39S140 7 030109 280309 JUL 100 BVB
6055 1000-1059 27,28 90 1 261008 280309 WER 100 CHW
5960 1900-1959 28E,29 75 7 261008 280309 WER 100 CHW
5955 2330-0030 41,49 75 1234567 261008 280309 WER 125 DVB
11835 1700-1758 38E,39S145 14 080109 280309 NAU 250 EFD
11835 1700-1758 38E,39S145 5 261008 280309 NAU 125 ELF
6055 1130-1200 27,28 ND 17 261008 280309 WER 125 EMG
11840 1200-1230 19,20,2 35 7 261008 280309 NAU 250 EMG
9605 1600-1630 29,30 60 7 211208 280309 WER 250 EMG
7235 1900-1930 39N 105 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 FEB
15520 1230-1330 41NE,42 78 1234567 151108 280309 NAU 250 GFA
15185 1330-1459 41 90 1234567 311008 280309 WER 250 GFA
12005 1430-1529 41NE,43 75 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 GFA
11645 1530-1629 40E,41N 90 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 GFA
7215 0030-0130 40E,41N 90 1234567 261008 290309 WER 250 GFA
7200 2330-0030 41NE,43 75 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 GFA
13750 1330-1429 41NE,43 88 1234567 261008 280309 NAU 250 GFA
3955 1800-1900 27W,28 ND 1234567 161208 280309 JUL 100 HCJ
6045 1000-1100 27E,28 ND 1 261008 280309 WER 100 HLR
7375 2300-0400 11,12,1240 1234567 111108 280309 WER 100 HRT
7375 0000-0400 7,8,9,1300 1234567 261008 290309 WER 100 HRT
7375 0200-0600 2,3,6,7325 1234567 261008 280309 WER 125 HRT
9670 0100-0300 42,43 75 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
7205 0230-0330 40 105 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
9495 0230-0330 40 105 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
6105 0400-0459 28,29 60 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
6120 0400-0600 29 60 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
9430 0400-0500 40 105 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
15225 0500-0600 39N,40W105 1234567 261008 280309 NAU 250 IBB
17675 0600-0700 40 105 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
13680 1230-1559 40 105 1234567 141108 280309 WER 250 IBB
9565 1400-1459 40E,41N 75 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
9595 1400-1500 30S 75 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
12015 1400-1500 30S 75 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
9520 1600-1658 29 45 1234567 031208 280309 WER 250 IBB
11605 1600-1659 29SE 90 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
5850 1630-1930 40 105 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
15620 1630-1700 48 135 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
9770 1700-1800 40 105 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
9485 1730-1759 48 135 23456 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
9540 1700-1829 40 100 1234567 251108 280309 NAU 125 IBB
11905 1730-1759 48 150 23456 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
9485 1800-1900 48 140 1234567 261008 280309 NAU 250 IBB
9595 1800-1859 40 105 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
11905 1800-1859 48 150 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
9680 1830-1929 40 105 1234567 060109 280309 WER 100 IBB
12025 1830-1900 29SE 90 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
9485 1900-1930 48 140 23456 261008 280309 NAU 250 IBB
7165 2000-2200 29 60 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
6040 2030-2100 47,48,5190 23456 261008 280309 NAU 250 IBB
6040 2030-2100 37,38,4190 17 261008 280309 NAU 250 IBB
9815 1900-1930 47E,48W150 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
9465 1600-1629 29S,39N105 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 IBB
7150 1500-1530 30SE,31 75 1234567 161208 280309 WER 250 IBB
9415 1600-1659 29 60 1234567 121208 280309 WER 250 IBB
9485 1600-1659 29SE 103 1234567 231208 280309 NAU 125 IBB
9660 1730-1759 39S,47E140 1234567 261008 280309 JUL 100 IBR
9845 1900-2030 46N,46S210 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 IBR
11645 1730-1759 47,48,5145 1234567 261008 280309 JUL 100 IBR
9470 1800-1859 47,48 150 1234567 060109 280309 WER 250 IBR
9800 1830-1859 46S,47S180 1234567 261008 280309 WER 500 LWF
6140 1300-1400 27,28 ND 1 261008 280309 WER 100 MVB
6055 1200-1215 27,28 ND 1 261008 280309 WER 250 MWA
5980 0430-0500 27,28 60 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 NHK
15190 0830-0900 38-40 105 1234567 261008 280309 WER 500 NHK
15215 1300-1345 41 90 1234567 261008 280309 WER 500 NHK
15215 1345-1515 41 90 1234567 261008 280309 WER 500 NHK
6165 0030-0045 41 90 1 261008 290309 WER 100 PAB
13645 1400-1415 39N,40 90 7 261008 280309 WER 250 PAB
13645 1400-1430 41 90 14 261008 280309 WER 100 PAB
13645 1415-1430 41 90 23567 261008 280309 WER 100 PAB
13645 1430-1445 41 90 1 261008 280309 WER 250 PAB
9850 1600-1630 39,40 100 15 261008 280309 JUL 100 PAB
6020 1931-2016 37,38 150 1 261008 280309 WER 250 PAB
6020 2000-2030 37,38 150 6 261008 280309 WER 250 PAB
6020 1931-2031 37,38 150 7 261008 280309 WER 250 PAB
7285 1130-1200 28NE,29100 1234567 261008 280309 NAU 100 PRW
9445 1130-1159 27 300 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 PRW
15520 1200-1229 29 60 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 PRW
13840 1200-1229 29S 90 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 PRW
5975 1230-1259 28NW 40 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 PRW
5965 1230-1259 28NW ND 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 PRW
9450 1300-1359 27 300 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 PRW
7325 1300-1400 18 40 1234567 261108 280309 WER 100 PRW
11840 1400-1429 29 60 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 PRW
11675 1400-1429 30N,31W 60 1234567 281008 280309 WER 250 PRW
7180 1430-1530 28NE,29 60 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 PRW
6035 1430-1529 28NE,29 60 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 PRW
9790 1530-1600 29N 45 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 PRW
7105 1630-1700 28NW ND 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 PRW
6140 1630-1759 28NE,29 55 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 PRW
6015 1800-1859 27 300 1234567 151208 280309 WER 40 PRW
7345 1800-1900 18 25 1234567 261008 280309 ISS 250 PRW
5935 1900-1929 29S,30 75 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 PRW
9800 1900-1929 38E,39 120 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 PRW
5935 1930-2030 29S 75 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 PRW
5850 1930-1959 29S 75 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 PRW
6135 2000-2030 29N 45 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 PRW
9640 2030-2100 28NW 35 1234567 261008 280309 GUF 250 PRW
3975 2030-2100 28NW ND 1234567 151208 280309 WER 40 PRW
9660 2200-2300 27S 40 1234567 261008 280309 GUF 250 PRW
6050 2200-2300 28NE,29 55 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 PRW
7170 1600-1629 29S 75 1234567 231208 280309 WER 100 PRW
6000 1600-1630 29S 80 1234567 060109 280309 WER 100 PRW
6000 1530-1600 29S 97 1234567 231208 280309 NAU 100 PRW
6005 0800-1100 28 ND 5 251208 251208 WER 100R700
9820 1630-1659 38E,39S140 36 231208 280309 JUL 100 RHU
9695 1600-1659 47E,48 130 135 011208 280309 JUL 100 RMI
9680 1700-1730 47E,48 130 7 261008 280309 JUL 100 RMI
9680 1730-1759 47E,48 130 6 261008 280309 JUL 100 RMI
11760 1600-1700 47E,48 130 135 041208 280309 JUL 100 RMI
6110 1559-1657 27S,37N220 1234567 261008 280309 NAU 250 RNW
6120 0559-0657 27S,37N220 1234567 261008 280309 NAU 250 RNW
9895 0559-0658 28S,38,140 1234567 261008 280309 NAU 250 RNW
5955 0658-0758 27S 220 1234567 261008 280309 NAU 250 RNW
5955 0758-0859 18,27,2 ND 1234567 010109 280309 WER 250 RNW
5955 1100-1458 18,27,2 ND 1 010109 280309 WER 250 RNW
5955 1500-1557 18,27,2 ND 234567 261008 280309 WER 40 RNW
6010 1659-1757 27S,36,240 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 RNW
6035 0759-0857 18,27,2300 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 RNW
6120 0859-1100 27S 255 23456 261008 280309 WER 250 RNW
9895 0658-0757 28S 120 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 RNW
9895 1100-1557 27S,37N225 1 261008 280309 WER 250 RNW
11935 0759-0857 27S,36,240 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 RNW
12045 1759-1957 47E,48,150 1234567 261008 280309 WER 500 RNW
9750 1559-1657 27S,37N225 1234567 261008 280309 NAU 250 RNW
7315 0430-0527 47W,48 150 1234567 151108 280309 WER 500 RNW
9760 1830-1845 52,53 160 35 261008 280309 JUL 100 RRP
5965 1400-1500 27,28 ND 1 261008 280309 JUL 100 RTR
11810 1700-1758 38E,39S135 14 261008 280309 WER 125 SBO
13810 1400-1520 28,29W,120 1234567 111108 280309 NAU 100 TOM
13810 1520-1556 28,29W,120 1234567 111108 280309 NAU 125 TOM
17485 1500-1559 46E,47,160 1234567 261008 280309 JUL 100 TOM
6110 1400-1559 27,28W 290 1234567 261008 280309 JUL 100 TOM
6175 2100-2200 27,28W 300 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 TOM
5965 1626-1659 29S,39N 90 23456 261008 280309 WER 100 TWR
6060 1727-1800 30S,40 90 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 TWR
6105 0742-0920 27 285 1 261008 280309 NAU 125 TWR
6105 0812-0850 27 285 7 261008 280309 NAU 125 TWR
6105 0757-0850 27 285 23456 261008 280309 NAU 125 TWR
7170 1457-1600 28-30 60 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 TWR
5965 1626-1659 28 105 7 271208 280309 WER 100 TWR
7335 0400-0600 6,7,8 318 1234567 301008 280309 GUF 250 VOR
7335 0200-0400 6,7,8 300 1234567 111108 280309 WER 500 VOR
13575 0000-0100 12,13 181 1234567 311008 290309 GUF 250 VOR
13630 0100-0300 12,14,1195 1234567 261008 280309 GUF 250 VOR
6045 0000-0100 41 105 1234567 261008 290309 WER 250 WRN
5960 2000-2159 37,38W 210 1234567 201108 280309 NAU 250 YFR
5960 2200-2300 37,38W 210 1234567 111108 280309 WER 250 YFR
9885 1700-1759 29,30 60 1234567 251108 280309 WER 250 YFR
7180 1800-1859 29,30 60 1234567 251108 280309 WER 250 YFR
6050 1800-1859 28E 100 1234567 261008 280309 JUL 100 YFR
6105 1700-1759 40 105 1234567 261008 280309 NAU 500 YFR
6120 1802-1902 37N 230 1234567 261008 280309 NAU 250 YFR
7305 2100-2159 46E,47,180 1234567 261008 280309 WER 500 YFR
9405 1600-1700 41 90 1234567 261008 280309 WER 500 YFR
9465 1800-1859 46E,47W183 1234567 261008 280309 NAU 500 YFR
9500 1900-2000 37E,38 150 1234567 060109 280309 WER 250 YFR
9595 2000-2059 46E,47,165 1234567 261008 280309 WER 500 YFR
9650 1600-1659 40 105 1234567 261008 280309 WER 500 YFR
9695 1900-1959 37,46 210 1234567 261008 280309 WER 500 YFR
9760 1600-1659 39 120 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 YFR
9480 1900-2200 46,47,5185 1234567 201108 280309 NAU 500 YFR
9845 1800-1859 37E,38 150 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 YFR
9850 1700-1759 39 120 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 YFR
11685 1700-1800 37,38 180 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 YFR
11830 1500-1559 41 90 1234567 261008 280309 WER 500 YFR
11955 1600-1757 47,48 155 1234567 211108 280309 NAU 500 YFR
13700 1400-1558 41 95 1234567 151108 280309 NAU 500 YFR
13820 1300-1500 41E 85 1234567 060109 280309 NAU 500 YFR
13840 1400-1459 41S 105 1234567 261008 280309 WER 500 YFR
9585 1500-1559 41SE 90 1234567 141108 280309 WER 500 YFR
9800 1500-1600 41E 95 1234567 261008 280309 NAU 500 YFR
13600 1400-1459 30S,40N 75 1234567 281008 280309 WER 250 YFR
3975 1800-1900 28 ND 1234567 291208 280309 WER 250 YFR
13600 1400-1459 30S,40N 75 1234567 281008 280309 WER 250 YFR
List of Broadcasters which are using MEDIA BROADCAST technical equipment
ADM Abu Dhabi Media Company
AWR Adventist World Radio
BVB High Adventure Gospel - Bible Voice Broadcasting
CHW Christliche Wissenschaft
CVC Christian Vision
DTK MEDIA BROADCAST (ex Deutsche Telekom)
DVB Democratic Voice of Burma
EFD Ethiopeans For Democracy
ELF Eritrean Liberation Front
EMG Evangelische Missionsgemeinden in Deutschland
FEB Feba Radio UK
GFA Gospel for Asia
HCJ Voice of the Andes
HLR Hamburger Lokalradio
HRT Hrvratska Radio Televizija
IBB International Broadcast Bureau
IBR IBRA Radio Schweden
LWF Lutheran World Federation
MVB Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Baltic Radio
MWA Missionswerk Arche
NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai
PAB Pan Am Broadcasting
PRW Polskie Radio Warsaw
RHU Radio Huriyo (Xoriyo)
RMI Radio Miami International
RNW Radio Netherlands World Service
RRP Radio Reveil Paroles de Vie
RTR Radio Traumland (Belgium)
SBO Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo
TOM The Overcomer Ministry
TWR Trans World Radio
VOR Voice of Russia
WRN World Radio Network
YFR WYFR Family Radio
Michael Puetz
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