Logs have been edited for clarityAll times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on/ sign-off*
English unless otherwise indicated
Argentina15345, 0015. SINPO 34433. Radio Nacional Argentina. General Pacheco transmitter site. Multiple station IDs in Spanish by male/female announcers at 0023, followed by advertisement. Latin style music at 0025 to time pips, additional IDs at 0030. Fair signal at S-6/7.(Nick Rumple, Kannapolis, NC)
Australia2368.5, 1325-1335. Radio Symban (presumed).Heard during a brief opening at my local sunrise (1325 UT). Greek songs and music. Recently had been below threshold level, so this was a nice change. Audio clip of music at http://www.box.net/shared/24e4m0acau (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
Bahrain9745, 0040-0100.+ Radio Bahrain. Carrier + USB. Call to prayer to Arabic vocals and pop music to tranditional Arabic music. Fair signal. (Brian Alexander-PA
Bolivia134.812, 0945-1000. Radio Santa Cruz. Male announcer's brief Spanish comments over music, possibly a religious program to 0950. Bolivian music segment noted during poor signal quality. Recheck at 1006, resulted in the signal being fair. (Chuck Bolland, FL)
Brazil4885, 0540. Radio Clube do Para (Belem). Portuguese. Middle-of-the road Latin style music. Fair signal quality. (Joe Wood, TN).
15189.95, 2315-2335. Radio Inconfidência. Portuguese talk to Brazilian pop/ballads. Weak under WYFR at 2315, but gradually getting stronger. Fair level at times after 2320 but mixing with WYFR. Weak // 6010. (Brian Alexander, PA)
15189.95, 0030-0105. Radio Inconfidência. Heard under WYFR with Portuguese talk. Portuguese ballads. In the clear after WYFR signs off at 0045. Weak // 6010. (Brian Alexander-PA)
Chad6165, 2229-2235.* RNT. French talk to lite instrumental music. Sign off with national anthem. Poor/noisy conditions and adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA)
China5000, 1229. BPM Time/Frequency Station. Noted with ten "BPM" morse code ID's.Fair signal but covered by WWV/WWVH. (John Wilkins-CO/Cumbre DX)
6035, 1300. PBS Yunnan/Voice of Shangri-La. Usual ID in English as, “this is the Voice of Shangri-La, brought to you by Yunnan Radio." Unfortunately the adjacent interference is strongest just at 1300, otherwise this was almost fair in Vietnamese. Recently their reception has been well above the norm.(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
Clandestine13740, 1900-1929.* Radio Dardasha 7 Via Wertachtal, Germany. Instrumental music to traditional Arabic music. Arabic talk. IDs. Abrupt sign off. Good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA)
11945, *1930-1945.+ Hamada Radio International via Wertachtal, Germany. Sign-on with local music and opening ID announcements. Talk in listed Hausa. Good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA)
15537, 1240. Via Dushanbe Yangi Yul, Tajikistan. Voice of Tibet program. Signal poor S=5-6, accompanied China mainland Firedrake music bumm bäng jammer on exact 15540 kHz, S=6 signal.(Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany/HCDX)
15410, *1700-1715.* Radio Y'Abaganda via France. Frequency ex-17725. Sign-on with pop music. Vernacular talk at 1702 and Afro-pop music. Choral tune at 1711 to vernacular talk and sign off. Fair signal. Broadcast Saturday only. (Brian Alexander-PA)
Colombia5910, 0613-0623. Alcarvan Radio (Puerto Lleras). Spanish station identification at 0617 with nice Latin American music. Fair signal quality (Joe Wood, TN).
Cuba5025, 0545. Radio Rebelde (Habana). Spanish service. Musical ballads and lounge music with ID by male announcer. Very good signal. (Joe Wood, TN).
Equatorial Guinea15190, 2245-2257.* Radio Africa. Religious programming. Closing ID announcements at 2256 along with contact information. Strong. Mixing with WYFR but Radio Africa just slightly stronger than WYFR. (Brian Alexander, PA)
Ethiopia9705, 2020-2100.* Radio Ethiopia. Local Horn of Africa style music. Amharic talk. National anthem at 2059. Good. No sign of Niger lately. (Brian Alexander-PA)
France9805, 0431. Radio France International. Reports from correspondents in African cities including one on the Nigerian election. Fair signal //11995 poor. (Harold Sellers-BC, Canada) 17800, 0600. English sign-on and news headlines. Fair, //11615 poor. (Harold Sellers-BC, Canada)
Gabon9580, 0530. SINPO 44333. Africa No. 1 via Moyabi. French service with many station IDs, followed by newscast at 0532. Good signal with static S-7. (Nick Rumple, Kannapolis, NC/ptsw)
Greece11645, 0455. Radio Filia. Carrier on, 0456 cut, into talk in Greek. Listened right through until 0554 sudden sign-off. All in Greek - no English and no BBC relay noted today, mostly news and talks in Greek with folk music every ten minutes. Several IDs as “Radio Filia,” and one “Foní tis Athínas” Station ID. Signal very good. (Harold Sellers-BC, Canada)
Guatemala4055, 0533. Radio Verdad (Chiquimula). Spanish. Presumed reception with just a hint of inspirational music making it thru the mud. Poor signal quality. (Joe Wood,
India4970, 1255-1315. All India Radio-Shillong. DJ in English with the Tuesday program, Heart to Heart playing easy-listening love songs (If Ever You're In My Arms Again) Public service annoouncements for having regular eye exams. Time check (“6:45”), 1315 into Hindi. Reception well above the norm till 1345 tune out.(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
4835, 1252-1311. All India Radio-Gangtok(presumed). Male/female chatting in unknown language. Low level signal and deteriorated further after 1300.(John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX)
9425, All India Radio-Bengaluru-National Channel. Confirmed the new schedule for their program in English, “Vividha”. Now on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In the past was only Monday and Wednesday-on from 1435 (just after the news in English) till 1500. Often presenting an interesting program.(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
Indonesia3344.97, 1302-1402. RRI Ternate. It’s Thursday so it’s the “Bali International English Club” show, today was solely a self serving promotion of their own English Learning Center. Almost fair signal. Even with all the self advertisement, I still found this entertaining. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
9525.96, *0955-1015. Voice of Indonesia, Abrupt sign on in listed Korean in progress. Theme music to intro listed in English at 1000, but signal too weak to actually ID language. (Brian Alexander, PA)
Iran11660, 0250-0301. IRIB/VOIRI (Zahedan). Arabic. Qu'ran recitations. Poor signal with fading. Slightly weaker parallel noted on 11760 (Kamalabad) under weak Radio Havana, Cuba. (Jim Evans, TN)
Israel15850, 2350-0000. Galei Zahal. Rnglish pop and local music. Hebrew announcements. Fair signal-weaker on // 6977. (Brian Alexander-PA)
Malaysia7295, 1153. Traxx FM. Must be a regular show in English. Islamic program noted as, Reflections. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
Wai FM via RTM on a new frequency of 6100, April 25, assume via Kajang, near Kuala Lumpur, but this needs to be confirmed; 1541-1600. In vernacular, with classic pop song (Deep Purple's Smoke On The Water, and ballads in vernacular. On-air phone calls and many IDs. Fair signal - // 11665 (not // 9835).(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
Sarawak FM via RTM, 1600-1604. Became // 9835. Choral national anthem (Negaraku – Lagu Kebangsaan Malaysia) singing Sarawak FM jingle. Pop song, also still // 11665.(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
9835, 1300-1313. Sarawak FM via Kajang. Two time pips to 1300, then time check for 9:00 ("Sembilan [waktu?]), followed by news in Bahasa Malaysia, and a one-minute anmt at 1310. Back to local programming at 1311 with a "Sarawak FM" jingle and regional pop mx. Good signal. (John Wilkins-CO/Cumbre DX)
Mongolia12085, 0959-1057.* Voice of Mongolia. Tune-in to station interval signal. Talk in unidentified language at 1000. Some lite instrumental music. Interval signal at 1029 followed by nice English ID announcement and into half hour English program. News at 1031. Local music. Abrupt sign off. Very weak at tune-in and too weak to identify the language at that time, but improved to a stronger level by 1025. Signal best between 1025-1045. Started to get noisy after 1045. Thanks to Dave Valko tip.
(Brian Alexander, PA)
New Zealand11725, 0631-0643. Radio NZ International, (Rangitaki). Interview of woman concerning financial acumen and the capital requirements of getting a product from inception to market. Talk about the horse racing industry in North America. Segment concerning New Zealand poets writing about WW II. Very good signal. (Joe Wood, TN).
Nigeria15120, 0643-0700. Voice of Nigeria (Ikorodu). Several station ID’s. Program of electronic jazz and African music followed by program, Celebrations. Good signal. (Joe Wood, TN).
North Korea15180, 0100. Voice of Korea via Kujang transmitter site. SINPO 33333. Interval signal with station IDs by male/female announcers, followed by possible national anthem at 0100 UTC. Newscast read by female announcer at 0103 UTC. Signal weak, but clear (S-5) (Nick Rumple, Kannapolis, NC/ptsw)
Oman15140, 1411-1423. Radio Sultanate of Oman. Thursday show in English with lady DJ (not Adam as usual, but she did have a British accent) playing pop songs. Poor signal quality (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
Papua New Guinea5960, 1003. Radio Fly. Tok Pisin/English. Pop music to male announcer. Island music and call-in program. Audible almost every day here in the center of North America. Fair signal, more than 1 kw now? (Wendal Craighead-Kansas)
3205, 1028. Radio Sandaun (West Sepik) Happy to report them back on the air again. Faint signal, island pop songs, 1040-1053 female/male announcers in conversation. At 1102 became // 3385 (NBC East New Britain) with PNG birdcall and national news in English. Erratic schedule.(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
Peru4790, 0535. Radio Visión, Chicolayo. Male announcer's Spanish preaching with religious and inspirational music between talk. Poor signal quality. (Joe Wood, TN).
4790, 0550-0603. Radio Visión, Chiclayo. After several weeks I can't listen to it, today on air in the early morning with good signal here in the northwestern Spain. Religious songs in Spanish and comments by male: "La Voz de la Salvación". SINPO 24432. (Manuel Méndez, Spain/HCDX)
6019.215, 0953-1000. Radio Victoria. Lots of interference on frequency from Radio Australia, but noted male's Spanish comments. Not much else heard due to noise, signal poor. (Chuck Bolland, FL)
Romania11880, 2035. SINPO 45544. Radio Romania International via Galbeni. Newscast by female announcer in progress. Station ID at 2036 UTC, talk segment by woman, good signal at S-9 + 10dB (Nick Rumple, Kannapolis, NC/ptsw)
Russia12070, 0358-0405. Radio Rossii (Taldom-Severnyj). Russian with multiple IDs and announcements. Station ID by male announcer on the hour at the scheduled sign-on time. Newscast during poor signal with fading. Signal improving over time. (Jim Evans, TN)
Rwanda15275, 0624-0630. Deutsche Welle's Kigali relay. Program, News Link with news of German workers marching in “Easter Parades” to protest nuclear weapons, and German workers being required to take Good Friday and Easter Monday off without pay. Station ID and sign-off announcements.Very good signal. (Joe Wood, TN)
11610, 2015. SINPO 44434. Deutsche Welle's Kigali relay. Interview with manfemale duo talking economy in several African countries. African song at 2023. Good signal S-8. (Nick Rumple, Kannapolis, NC/ptsw)
Thailand9890, *1230-1259.* Radio Thailand. English service with national news, business news, and ads. Station off abruptly at 1259. Also heard on Apr 21, coming on at 1230 but playing Thai vocal and instrumental music with no announcements to 1253, when several ads (Crystal Design Center, a trade company, and one or two others) in American-accented English were noted. Program about Thai culture followed at 1256. Off in mid-sentence at 1259:30. Fair signal both days but fadey and hard to copy at times.(John Wilkins-CO/Cumbre DX)
Ukraine7440, 0230-0240. Voice of Russia (Lvov). News headlines to discussion on Easter and Earth Day. Good signal. (Jim Evans, TN)
Vatican City 11625, 0524. Vatican Radio, Two men in an interview to African song and off suddenly at 0527 after two notes of interval signal. Signal fair. (Harold Sellers-BC, Canada)