4940, Voice of Strait. I can confirm that Focus on China, now has both a new schedule and new format. Heard now on Saturday (ex-Sunday), from 1505 to 1535 UTC (ex: 1530-1600 UTC).
Saturday, April 2, at 1505 a new brief “Voice of Strait, Focus on China” station ID; “Welcome to our program Focus on China. I am your host ... In today’s program we will share with you some of the major events in review”; “Chinese President Hu Jintao has delivered a message of condolences to his Myanmar counterpart U Thein Sein over the losses of life and property inflicted by a strong earthquake. On behalf of the Chinese government and people, Hu extended heartfelt condolences to U Thein Sein and via him to the victims of the disaster which struck the country last Thursday”, etc.; no IDs during the show as there were in the past; 1534 VOS ID with email and postal address; final ID: "This is the Voice of Taiwan Strait News Radio"; then into Chinese programming. In a few more weeks I will have too much daylight to hear this. Will have to wait till next winter for good reception again. Audio clip at www.box.net/shared/q53r3ibvqm
I must confess I will miss the former recorded introduction: "This is the Voice of Strait, Fuzhou, China . . . Hello everyone. Welcome to our program Focus on China. This is Gary . . .”, as I enjoyed hearing it for many years, even long after “Gary” had in fact left the show.
Ron Howard
Asilomar State Beach, CA
(Cumbre DX)