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Friday, March 30, 2012
Update on Voice of Russia summer schedule
Special thanks to Wolfgang Bueschel, for forwarding the complete Voice of Russia summer schedule this afternoon. The English portion was posted earlier this morning (see below).
Gayle Van Horn
Effective: 25 March-01 September / 02 September-27 October 2012.
Language /UTC kHz location kW target area remarks
1600-1700 12110 12110 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
1600-1700 12065 12065 St. Petersburg 400 NE / ME
1600-1700 5925 5925 Novosibirsk 250 ME
1600-1700 7325 7325 Krasnodar 100 NE / ME
1600-2100 12110 12110 Dushanbe-TJK 500 All AF
1600-2100 12060 12060 St. Petersburg 200 All AF
1700-1800 11795 11795 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
1700-1800 12065 12065 St. Petersburg 400 NE / ME
1700-1800 12110 12110 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
1700-1800 1314 1314 Gavar-ARM 1000 NE / ME
1700-1800 5925 5925 Novosibirsk 250 ME
1700-1800 7305 7305 Krasnodar 100 NE / ME
1700-1800 9345 9345 Dushanbe-TJK 100 NE / ME
1800-1900 1314 1314 Gavar-ARM 1000 NE / ME
1800-1900 12110 12110 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
1800-1900 7305 7305 Krasnodar 100 NE / ME
1800-1900 9345 9345 Dushanbe-TJK 100 NE / ME
1900-2000 1314 1314 Gavar-ARM 1000 NE / ME
1900-2000 12110 12110 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
1900-2000 7315 7315 Novosibirsk 250 ME
1900-2000 9345 9345 Dushanbe-TJK 100 NE / ME
1900-2000 9900 9900 Gavar-ARM 500 NE / ME
2000-2100 1314 1314 Gavar-ARM 1000 NE / ME
2000-2100 12110 12110 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
2000-2100 7315 7315 Novosibirsk 250 ME
2000-2100 9895 9895 Gavar-ARM 500 NE / ME
0500-0600 171 171 1200 Krasnodar Caucasus (CIS)
0500-0600 657 657 50 Groznyy Caucasus (CIS)
1200-1300 657 657 50 Groznyy Caucasus (CIS)
1200-1300 171 171 1200 Krasnodar Caucasus (CIS)
2000-2100 657 657 50 Groznyy Caucasus (CIS)
1000-1100 6075 6075 Vladivostok 100 Asia
1000-1100 648 648 Ussuriisk 500 Asia
1100-1200 648 648 Ussuriisk 500 Asia
1100-1200 6075 6075 Vladivostok 100 Asia
1200-1300 801 801 Kruchina Chita 600 Asia
1200-1300 6075 6075 Vladivostok 100 Asia
1200-1300 1080 1080 Irkutsk 500 Asia
1200-1300 648 648 Ussuriisk 500 Asia
1300-1400 648 648 Ussuriisk 500 Asia
1300-1400 9560 9560 Vladivostok 250 Asia
Dari, Pashto
1200-1400 1503 1503 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
1200-1400 15510 15510 Samara 250 NE / ME
1200-1400 4975 4975 Dushanbe-TJK 100 NE / ME
1200-1400 648 648 Dushanbe-TJK 1000 NE / ME
0000-0200 9800 9800 Krasnodar 500 NoAM
0000-0200 9665 9665 Grigoriopol-MDA 500 NoAM
0100-0300 1503 1503 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
0100-0300 648 648 Dushanbe-TJK 1000 NE / ME
0100-0300 972 972 Dushanbe-TJK 1000 NE / ME
0200-0400 15425 15425 Petr.-Kamchatsky 250 NoAM
0300-0400 972 972 Dushanbe-TJK 1000 NE / ME
0300-0400 1503 1503 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
0300-0400 648 648 Dushanbe-TJK 1000 NE / ME
0300-0400 1314 1314 Gavar-ARM 1000 NE / ME
0400-0500 1314 1314 Gavar-ARM 1000 NE / ME
0400-0500 15760 15760 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
0400-0600 1323 1323 Wachenbrunn-GER 1000 EUR
0400-0600 13775 13775 Petr.-Kamchatsky 250 NoAM
0600-0700 21800 21800 Irkutsk 250 PAC/AUS/NZL
0600-0800 11830 11830 Moscow 40 EUR 1st ch stream DRM
0600-0800 1323 1323 Wachenbrunn-GER 1000 EUR
0700-0800 21800 21800 Irkutsk 250 PAC/AUS/NZL
0700-0900 21800 21800 Irkutsk 250 Asia
0800-0900 9850 9850 Kaliningrad 15 EUR 1st ch stream MIDI format DRM
0800-0900 1323 1323 Wachenbrunn-GER 1000 EUR
0800-0900 11830 11830 Moscow 40 EUR 1st ch stream MIDI format DRM
0800-0900 21800 21800 Irkutsk 250 PAC/AUS/NZL
0900-1000 15170 15170 Kruchina Chita 500 SoEaAS
0900-1000 9560 9560 Vladivostok 250 Asia
0900-1000 21800 21800 Irkutsk 250 Asia
0900-1000 21800 21800 Irkutsk 250 PAC/AUS/NZL
0900-1000 9850 9850 Kaliningrad 15 EUR 1st ch stream MIDI format DRM
0900-1000 11830 11830 Moscow 40 EUR 1st ch stream MIDI format DRM
1000-1100 15170 15170 Kruchina Chita 500 SoEaAS
1000-1100 11500 11500 Dushanbe-TJK 500 Asia
1000-1100 9560 9560 Vladivostok 250 Asia
1100-1200 9560 9560 Vladivostok 250 SoEaAS
1100-1200 12065 12065 Kruchina Chita 500 SoEaAS
1100-1200 12030 12030 Novosibirsk 40 Asia digital broadcasting DRM
1100-1200 11500 11500 Dushanbe-TJK 500 Asia
1200-1300 11500 11500 Dushanbe-TJK 500 Asia
1200-1300 12030 12030 Novosibirsk 40 Asia digital broadcasting DRM
1200-1300 9445 9445 Irkutsk 15 Asia digital broadcasting DRM
1200-1300 9850 9850 Kaliningrad 15 EUR 1st ch stream MIDI format DRM
1200-1300 9560 9560 Vladivostok 250 SoEaAS
1200-1400 972 972 Dushanbe-TJK 1000 NE / ME
1300-1400 12095 12095 Moscow 40 EUR 1st ch stream MIDI format DRM
1300-1400 9850 9850 Kaliningrad 15 EUR 1st ch stream MIDI format DRM
1300-1400 12065 12065 Kruchina Chita 500 SoEaAS
1400-1500 11500 11500 Dushanbe-TJK 500 Asia
1400-1500 1251 1251 Dushanbe-TJK 500 Asia
1400-1500 11840 11840 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 250 SoEaAS
1400-1500 648 648 Dushanbe-TJK 1000 NE / ME
1400-1500 4975 4975 Dushanbe-TJK 100 Asia
1400-1500 9560 9560 Vladivostok 250 SoEaAS
1400-1500 12095 12095 Moscow 40 EUR 1st ch stream MIDI format DRM
1400-1500 4975 4975 Dushanbe-TJK 100 NE / ME
1500-1600 9560 9560 Vladivostok 250 SoEaAS
1500-1600 15640 15640 Moscow 200 ME
1500-1600 4975 4975 Dushanbe-TJK 100 NE / ME
1500-1600 1503 1503 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
1500-1600 4975 4975 Dushanbe-TJK 100 Asia
1500-1600 11840 11840 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 250 SoEaAS
1500-1600 1503 1503 Dushanbe-TJK 500 Asia
1500-1600 1251 1251 Dushanbe-TJK 500 Asia
1600-1700 7370 7370 Krasnodar 15 EUR digital broadcasting DRM
1600-1700 6070 6070 Novosibirsk 40 Asia digital broadcasting DRM
1600-1700 4975 4975 Dushanbe-TJK 100 Asia
1600-1700 1251 1251 Dushanbe-TJK 500 Asia
1600-1700 11985 11985 Moscow 500 ME
1600-1700 7285 7285 Moscow 250 ME
1600-1700 4975 4975 Dushanbe-TJK 100 NE / ME
1700-1800 648 648 Dushanbe-TJK 1000 NE / ME
1700-1800 1503 1503 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
1700-1800 4975 4975 Dushanbe-TJK 100 NE / ME
1700-1800 7285 7285 Moscow 250 ME
1700-1800 11985 11985 Moscow 500 ME
1700-1800 12040 12040 Moscow 200 EUR
1700-1800 7370 7370 Krasnodar 15 EUR digital broadcasting DRM
1700-1800 7285 7285 Moscow 250 All AF
1700-1800 1503 1503 Dushanbe-TJK 500 Asia
1700-1800 4975 4975 Dushanbe-TJK 100 Asia
1700-1800 1251 1251 Dushanbe-TJK 500 Asia
1700-1800 11985 11985 Moscow 500 All AF
1800-1900 7370 7370 Krasnodar 15 EUR digital broadcasting DRM
1800-1900 9880 9880 Kaliningrad 15 EUR 2nd ch stream MIDI format DRM
1800-1900 12040 12040 Moscow 200 EUR
1800-1900 4975 4975 Dushanbe-TJK 100 NE / ME
1800-1900 9900 9900 Gavar-ARM 500 NE / ME
1800-1900 648 648 Dushanbe-TJK 1000 NE / ME
1800-1900 1503 1503 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
1800-1900 9900 9900 Gavar-ARM 500 All AF
1900-2100 6155 6155 Kaliningrad 15 EUR 1st ch stream MIDI format DRM
1900-2100 12040 12040 Moscow 200 EUR
2200-2300 9800 9800 Krasnodar 500 NoAM
2300-2400 9665 9665 Grigoriopol-MDA 500 NoAM
2300-2400 9800 9800 Krasnodar 500 NoAM
1600-1700 11635 11635 Grigoriopol-MDA 500 All AF
1600-1700 12000 12000 Moscow 250 EUR
1600-1700 9745 9745 Kruchina Chita 500 All AF
1600-1700 9900 9900 Gavar-ARM 500 All AF
1700-1800 12030 12030 Moscow 250 All AF
1700-1800 12000 12000 Moscow 250 EUR
1700-1800 12030 12030 Moscow 250 EUR
1700-1800 12000 12000 Moscow 250 All AF
1700-1800 11635 11635 Grigoriopol-MDA 500 All AF
1700-1800 9745 9745 Kruchina Chita 500 All AF
1700-1800 9900 9900 Gavar-ARM 500 All AF
1800-1900 15465 15465 Moscow 250 All AF
1800-1900 12050 12050 Saint Petersburg 200 All AF
1800-1900 12000 12000 Moscow 250 All AF
1800-1900 12030 12030 Moscow 250 All AF
1800-1900 12030 12030 Moscow 250 EUR
1800-1900 12050 12050 Saint Petersburg 200 EUR
1800-1900 15465 15465 Moscow 250 EUR
1800-1900 12000 12000 Moscow 250 EUR
1800-1900 11635 11635 Grigoriopol-MDA 500 All AF
1800-1900 9880 9880 Kaliningrad 15 EUR 1st ch stream MIDI format DRM
1900-2000 15465 15465 Moscow 250 EUR
1900-2000 12050 12050 Saint Petersburg 200 EUR
1900-2000 1323 1323 Wachenbrunn-GER 1000 EUR
1900-2000 12000 12000 Moscow 250 EUR
1900-2000 12000 12000 Moscow 250 All AF
1900-2000 12050 12050 Saint Petersburg 200 All AF
1900-2000 15465 15465 Moscow 250 All AF
1900-2000 11635 11635 Grigoriopol-MDA 500 All AF
2000-2100 11635 11635 Grigoriopol-MDA 500 All AF
2000-2100 12000 12000 Moscow 250 All AF
0900-1000 1323 1323 Wachenbrunn-GER 1000 EUR
0900-1000 11830 11830 Moscow 40 EUR 2nd ch stream MIDI format DRM
0900-1000 1431 1431 Dresden-GER 250 EUR
0900-1000 693 693 Oranienburg-GER 250 EUR
0900-1000 630 630 Braunschweig-GER 100 EUR
0900-1000 9850 9850 Kaliningrad 15 EUR 2nd ch stream MIDI format DRM
1000-1200 1323 1323 Wachenbrunn-GER 1000 EUR
1000-1200 1431 1431 Dresden-GER 250 EUR
1000-1200 558 558 Monte Ceneri-Cima-SUI 200 EUR
1000-1200 630 630 Braunschweig-GER 100 EUR
1000-1200 693 693 Oranienburg-GER 250 EUR
1000-1200 9850 9850 Kaliningrad 15 EUR 2nd ch stream MIDI format DRM
1500-1700 12095 12095 Moscow 40 EUR 1st ch stream MIDI format DRM
1500-1700 12010 12010 Samara 250 EUR
1500-1700 1323 1323 Wachenbrunn-GER 1000 EUR
1500-1700 1431 1431 Dresden-GER 250 EUR
1500-1700 558 558 Monte Ceneri-Cima-SUI 200 EUR
1500-1700 693 693 Oranienburg-GER 250 EUR
1500-1700 6155 6155 Kaliningrad 15 EUR 1st ch stream MIDI format DRM
1500-1700 630 630 Braunschweig-GER 100 EUR
1700-1800 12010 12010 Samara 250 EUR
1700-1800 1431 1431 Dresden-GER 250 EUR
1700-1800 1323 1323 Wachenbrunn-GER 1000 EUR
1700-1800 6155 6155 Kaliningrad 15 EUR 2nd ch stream MIDI format DRM
1700-1800 630 630 Braunschweig-GER 100 EUR
1700-1800 9880 9880 Kaliningrad 15 EUR 2nd ch stream MIDI format DRM
1800-1900 1431 1431 Dresden-GER 250 EUR
1800-1900 1323 1323 Wachenbrunn-GER 1000 EUR
1800-1900 12010 12010 Samara 250 EUR
1800-1900 558 558 Monte Ceneri-Cima-SUI 200 EUR
1800-1900 693 693 Oranienburg-GER 250 EUR
1800-1900 630 630 Braunschweig-GER 100 EUR
1300-1400 11500 11500 Dushanbe-TJK 500 Asia
1300-1400 9445 9445 Irkutsk Asia 15 digital broadcasting DRM
1300-1400 9670 9670 Dushanbe-TJK 100 Asia
1500-1600 9445 9445 Irkutsk Asia 15 digital broadcasting DRM
1500-1600 9670 9670 Dushanbe-TJK 100 Asia
1500-1600 9745 9745 Kruchina Chita 500 Asia
1500-1600 972 972 Dushanbe-TJK 1000 Asia
1700-1800 9880 9880 Kaliningrad 15 EUR 1st ch stream MIDI format DRM
1700-1800 6155 6155 Kaliningrad 15 EUR 1st ch stream MIDI format DRM
1700-1800 12050 12050 Saint Petersburg 200 EUR
1700-1800 15465 15465 Moscow 250 EUR
1700-1800 558 558 Monte Ceneri-Cima-SUI 200 EUR
2130-2230 1548 1548 Grigoriopol-MDA 500 EUR
1200-1300 720 720 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 1000 Asia
1200-1300 7340 7340 Petr-Kamchatka Asia 250
1200-1300 7235 7235 Irkutsk 100 Asia
1300-1400 720 720 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 1000 Asia
1300-1400 7235 7235 Irkutsk 100 Asia
1300-1400 7340 7340 Petr-Kamchatka Asia 250
0500-0600 15760 15760 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
1500-1600 5925 5925 Novosibirsk 250 ME
1300-1330 801 801 Kruchina Chita 600 AS exc.Su
1300-1330 1080 1080 Irkutsk 500 AS exc.Su
1300-1330 6075 6075 Vladivostok 100 AS exc.Su
1330-1400 801 801 Kruchina Chita 600 AS exc.Su
1330-1400 1080 1080 Irkutsk 500 AS exc.Su
1330-1400 6075 6075 Vladivostok 100 AS exc.Su
1500-1700 1377 1377 Gavar-ARM 1000 NE / ME
1500-1700 12015 12015 Samara 250 NE / ME
1500-1700 9345 9345 Dushanbe-TJK 100 NE / ME
1500-1700 648 648 Dushanbe-TJK 1000 NE / ME
1500-1700 1314 1314 Gavar-ARM 1000 NE / ME
1700-1800 693 693 Oranienburg-GER 250 EUR
1700-1800 1143 1143 Kaliningrad 150 EUR
1700-1800 9615 9615 Samara 250 EUR
2100-2200 5920 5920 Krasnodar 200 EUR
Russian GR
0000-0100 1395 1395 Gavar-ARM 500 Caucasus (CIS)
0000-0200 801 801 Dushanbe-TJK 500 CeAS (CIS)
0000-0100 1395 1395 Gavar-ARM 500 NE / ME
0000-0100 801 801 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
0000-0100 657 657 Groznyy 50 Caucas.CISspec.sce Chechen/Russ lang
0100-0200 1314 1314 Gavar-ARM 1000 Caucasus (CIS)
0100-0300 801 801 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
0100-0200 1395 1395 Gavar-ARM 500 Caucasus (CIS)
0100-0300 1314 1314 Gavar-ARM 1000 NE / ME
0100-0300 1395 1395 Gavar-ARM 500 NE / ME
0100-0200 657 657 Groznyy 50 Caucasus (CIS)
0200-0300 1395 1395 Gavar-ARM 500 Caucasus (CIS)
0200-0600 11965 11965 Moscow 250 CeAS (CIS)
0200-0600 801 801 Dushanbe-TJK 500CeAS (CIS)
0200-0300 1314 1314 Gavar-ARM 1000 Caucasus (CIS)
0200-0300 657 657 Groznyy 50 Caucasus (CIS)
0200-0300 171 171 Krasnodar 1200 Caucasus (CIS)
0300-0400 171 171 Krasnodar 1200 Caucasus (CIS)
0300-0400 657 657 Groznyy 50 Caucasus (CIS)
0400-0500 1395 1395 Gavar-ARM 500 Caucasus (CIS)
0400-0500 657 657 Groznyy 50 Caucasus (CIS)
0400-0500 171 171 Krasnodar 1200 Caucasus (CIS)
0500-0600 1395 1395 Gavar-ARM 500 Caucasus (CIS)
0600-1200 171 171 Krasnodar 1200 Caucasus (CIS)
0600-1200 657 657 Groznyy 50 Caucasus (CIS)
0600-1200 1395 1395 Gavar-ARM 500 Caucasus (CIS)
0600-1300 801 801 Dushanbe-TJK 500 CeAS (CIS)
1200-1300 12085 12085 Novosibirsk 250 PAC/AUS/NZL
1200-1300 13870 13870 St. Petersburg 200 Caucasus (CIS)
1200-1300 1395 1395 Gavar-ARM 500 Caucasus (CIS)
1200-1300 9745 9745 Kruchina Chita 500 Asia
1200-1300 12085 12085 Novosibirsk 250 SoEaAS
1200-1400 801 801 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
1200-1400 13870 13870 St. Petersburg 200 ME
1300-1500 5925 5925 Novosibirsk 250 Middle Asia (CIS)
1300-1400 9745 9745 Kruchina Chita 500 Asia
1300-1400 9465 9465 Irkutsk 250 SoEaAS
1300-1400 1395 1395 Gavar-ARM 500 Caucasus (CIS)
1300-1400 9465 9465 Irkutsk 250 PAC/AUS/NZL
1300-1400 13870 13870 St. Petersburg 200 Caucasus (CIS)
1300-1500 801 801 Dushanbe-TJK 500 CeAS (CIS)
1300-1500 11860 11860 Moscow 250 CeAS (CIS)
1300-1400 171 171 Krasnodar 1200 Caucasus (CIS)
1300-1400 657 657 Groznyy 50 Caucasus (CIS)
1400-1500 801 801 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
1400-1500 9900 9900 Gavar-ARM 500 NE / ME
1400-1500 13870 13870 St. Petersburg 200 ME
1400-1500 657 657 Groznyy 50 Caucasus (CIS)
1400-1500 1395 1395 Gavar-ARM 500 Caucasus (CIS)
1400-1500 171 171 Krasnodar 1200 Caucasus (CIS)
1400-1500 13870 13870 St. Petersburg 200 Caucasus (CIS)
1400-1500 7285 7285 Moscow 250 Caucasus (CIS)
1500-1600 12015 12015 Samara 250 CeAS (CIS)
1500-1600 801 801 Dushanbe-TJK 500 CeAS (CIS)
1500-1600 1026 1026 Novosibirsk 500 Middle Asia (CIS)
1500-1600 801 801 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
1500-1600 1143 1143 Kaliningrad 150 Baltic States
1500-1600 1215 1215 Kaliningrad 1200 Baltic States
1500-1600 171 171 Krasnodar 1200 Caucasus (CIS)
1500-1600 657 657 Groznyy 50 Caucasus (CIS)
1500-1600 1089 1089 Krasnodar 1200 Caucasus (CIS)
1500-1600 1395 1395 Gavar-ARM 500 Caucasus (CIS)
1500-1600 7285 7285 Moscow 250 Caucasus (CIS)
1500-1700 9615 9615 Samara 250 Belarus (CIS)
1500-1600 9900 9900 Gavar-ARM 500 NE / ME
1500-1600 9615 9615 Samara 250 Baltic States
1600-2000 1395 1395 Gavar-ARM 500 Caucasus (CIS)
1600-2000 1089 1089 Krasnodar 1200 Caucasus (CIS)
1600-1700 9615 9615 Samara 250 Baltic States
1600-1700 7310 7310 Moscow 250 The Baltic States
1600-1700 1395 1395 Gavar-ARM 500 NE / ME
1600-1700 1215 1215 Kaliningrad 1200 Baltic States
1600-1700 1143 1143 Kaliningrad 150 Baltic States
1600-2000 657 657 Groznyy 50 Caucasus (CIS)
1600-1700 15640 15640 Moscow 200 ME
1600-2000 171 171 Krasnodar 1200 Caucasus (CIS)
1600-1800 801 801 Dushanbe-TJK 500 CeAS (CIS)
1600-1800 1026 1026 Novosibirsk 500 Middle Asia (CIS)
1600-1800 11730 11730 Irkutsk 100 CeAS (CIS)
1600-1800 12015 12015 Samara 250 CeAS (CIS)
1600-1700 11730 11730 Irkutsk 100 NE / ME
1600-1700 801 801 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
1600-1700 1170 1170 Krasnodar 1200 NE / ME
1600-1700 11730 11730 Irkutsk 100 Asia
1700-1800 801 801 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
1700-1800 1215 1215 Kaliningrad 1200 Baltic States
1700-1800 1170 1170 Krasnodar 1200 NE / ME
1700-1800 1395 1395 Gavar-ARM 500 NE / ME
1700-1800 15640 15640 Moscow 200 ME
1700-1800 12015 12015 Samara 250 Asia
1700-1800 11730 11730 Irkutsk 100 Asia
1700-1800 12015 12015 Samara 250 ME
1700-1800 11730 11730 Irkutsk 100 NE / ME
1700-1800 1494 1494 St.Petersburg 600 Baltic States
1800-1900 1143 1143 Kaliningrad 150 Baltic States
1800-1900 1215 1215 Kaliningrad 1200 Baltic States
1800-2100 801 801 500 Dushanbe-TJK CeAS (CIS)
1800-1900 1494 1494 St.Petersburg 600 Baltic States
1800-2100 1143 1143 Kaliningrad 150 Belorussia (CIS)
1800-2100 1026 1026 Novosibirsk 500 Middle Asia (CIS)
1800-2000 801 801 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
1800-2000 1089 1089 Krasnodar 1200 NE / ME
1800-2000 1395 1395 Gavar-ARM 500 NE / ME
1800-2000 1170 1170 Krasnodar 1200 NE / ME
1900-2100 1215 1215 Kaliningrad 1200 Baltic States
1900-2100 1143 1143 Kaliningrad 150 Baltic States
2000-2200 1395 1395 Gavar-ARM 500 NE / ME
2000-2200 801 801 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
2000-2100 1395 1395 Gavar-ARM 500 Caucasus (CIS)
2000-2200 1170 1170 Krasnodar 1200 NE / ME
2100-2300 1395 1395 Gavar-ARM 500 Caucasus (CIS)
2100-2300 657 657 Groznyy 50 Caucasus (CIS)
2100-2300 801 801 Dushanbe-TJK 500 CeAS (CIS)
2200-2300 801 801 Dushanbe-TJK 500 NE / ME
2200-2300 1395 1395 Gavar-ARM 500 NE / ME
2300-2400 657 657 Groznyy 50 Caucasus (CIS)
1500-1700 1548 1548 Grigoriopol-MDA 500 EUR
1500-1700 6155 6155 DRM Kaliningrad 15 EUR 2nd ch stream MIDI format DRM
1500-1700 12030 12030 Moscow 250 EUR
1500-1700 12095 12095 Moscow 40 EUR 2nd ch stream MIDI format DRM
2000-2130 1548 1548 Grigoriopol-MDA 500 EUR
2000-2130 9470 9470 Samara 250 EUR
2000-2100 5920 5920 Krasnodar 200 EUR
0100-0300 1377 1377 Gavar-ARM 1000 NE / ME
0300-0500 1350 1350 Gavar-ARM 1000 NE / ME
1300-1400 1350 1350 Gavar-ARM 1000 NE / ME
1400-1500 11985 11985 Moscow 500 ME
1400-1500 1170 1170 Krasnodar 1200 NE / ME
1400-1500 1350 1350 Gavar-ARM 1000 NE / ME
1400-1500 7325 7325 Krasnodar 100 NE / ME
1500-1600 1170 1170 Krasnodar 1200 NE / ME
1500-1600 7325 7325 Krasnodar 100 NE / ME
1500-1600 11985 11985 Moscow 500 ME
2100-2230 1314 1314 Gavar-ARM 1000 NE / ME
1400-1500 1503 1503 Dushanbe-TJK 500 Asia
1400-1500 9445 9445 Irkutsk 15 Asia digital broadcasting DRM
1400-1500 9670 9670 Dushanbe-TJK 100 Asia
1400-1500 972 972 Dushanbe-TJK 1000 Asia
1400-1500 9745 9745 Kruchina Chita 500 Asia
1200-1300 12065 12065 Kruchina Chita 500 SoEaAS
(Voice of Russia, via Vadim Alexeew-RUS, DXing.ru. Google translated and transformed from xls to txt file format by wb., wwdxc BC-DX TopNews, March 29) (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany)
VOA and RFA to cover elections from Burma
Washington, D.C. – As Burmese voters go to the polls on April 1, the Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Asia (RFA) will provide wall-to-wall coverage of a society that until recently has lacked electoral freedom.
“In a place where approximately one in four adults tune in to broadcasts from RFA and VOA, we know our broadcasts play a vital role providing unbiased coverage of these elections,” said Michael Meehan, a member of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which oversees all U.S. international broadcasting.
VOA and RFA will provide broadcast and on-line coverage, including analysis and reaction to the process, the results, and the impact on the nation and its people. The multimedia programming includes election previews, reaction from exiles and other features.
The election comes at a key moment for the people of Burma: President Thein Sein has been making reforms, including freeing political prisoners, easing press restrictions, and engaging with opposition leader and Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi.
VOA has dispatched correspondent Daniel Schearf to Burma to file election coverage from Kawhmu outside Rangoon, where Suu Kyi, a life-long activist on behalf of democracy, is seeking one of 48 parliamentary seats. VOA Burmese reporter Kyaw Kyaw Thien also is headed to Burma to cover the election and the post-election climate.
RFA’s reporters on the ground include one attached to Suu Kyi’s campaign. This weekend, RFA will be in Naypyitaw, the Burmese capital, as the votes are counted — and with Suu Kyi as she awaits results. RFA Burmese has provided coverage of candidates, government officials and opposition leaders in the run-up to the vote.
(Leticia King/VOA)
“In a place where approximately one in four adults tune in to broadcasts from RFA and VOA, we know our broadcasts play a vital role providing unbiased coverage of these elections,” said Michael Meehan, a member of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which oversees all U.S. international broadcasting.
VOA and RFA will provide broadcast and on-line coverage, including analysis and reaction to the process, the results, and the impact on the nation and its people. The multimedia programming includes election previews, reaction from exiles and other features.
The election comes at a key moment for the people of Burma: President Thein Sein has been making reforms, including freeing political prisoners, easing press restrictions, and engaging with opposition leader and Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi.
VOA has dispatched correspondent Daniel Schearf to Burma to file election coverage from Kawhmu outside Rangoon, where Suu Kyi, a life-long activist on behalf of democracy, is seeking one of 48 parliamentary seats. VOA Burmese reporter Kyaw Kyaw Thien also is headed to Burma to cover the election and the post-election climate.
RFA’s reporters on the ground include one attached to Suu Kyi’s campaign. This weekend, RFA will be in Naypyitaw, the Burmese capital, as the votes are counted — and with Suu Kyi as she awaits results. RFA Burmese has provided coverage of candidates, government officials and opposition leaders in the run-up to the vote.
(Leticia King/VOA)
ARLHS Spring Lites QSO Party and Contest
March 31 - April 8 2012
The weather in the Northern hemisphere has warmed up. Spring is here, and already there are quite a few ARLHS members activating light beacons around the world. With the band conditions improving almost daily, this could be the best lighthouse event in several years. You won't want to miss it!
Complete rules and operating guidelines can be found on line at http://arlhs.com/SL-2012-guidelines.html
Be sure to see the list of prizes, awards, and certificates.
And: The ARLHS memorial club station, W7QF, will be monitoring 14.270 and 7270 kHz to offer a Certificate of Achievement to anyone who works us during the contest week.
(Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society)
The weather in the Northern hemisphere has warmed up. Spring is here, and already there are quite a few ARLHS members activating light beacons around the world. With the band conditions improving almost daily, this could be the best lighthouse event in several years. You won't want to miss it!
Complete rules and operating guidelines can be found on line at http://arlhs.com/SL-2012-guidelines.html
Be sure to see the list of prizes, awards, and certificates.
And: The ARLHS memorial club station, W7QF, will be monitoring 14.270 and 7270 kHz to offer a Certificate of Achievement to anyone who works us during the contest week.
(Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society)
Radio Netherlands Program Preview, March 30-April 5
The State We're In
Jonathan Groubert and his team look at current events from an unexpected perspective.
This week: Taking the reins
William Browder on the outrageous theft of his investment fund by Russian authorities and the virtual assassination of his lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky. A woman suffering from cancer discovers she has no health insurance and takes to lying to get what she needs. And a Kuwaiti man, repulsed by western stereotypes and Muslim fanatics, makes superheroes based on Allah’s attributes. He tells Jonathan how it became a spectacular success that made him enemies.
First airing: Saturday 02:00 UTC
Earth Beat
Marnie Chesterton and her team look at the footprint we’re leaving on our planet.
This week: Fighting talk
It’s all about war. From restoring the Iraqi Marshlands after Saddam to why creating compost on an army base in Iraq can be a bit of a bummer. Plus, visiting the front line, nearly 100 years later.
First airing: Friday 03:00 UTC
South Asia Wired
Stories from South Asia.
This week:
In India's Maoist corridor, violence is committed on a daily basis - much of it sanctioned by the state. Our reporter visits a place where journalists are not welcome, to talk to the families of people who died in police custody.
(There'll be a new edition of the programme on Thursday 5 April)
First airing: Thursday 10:00 UTC
Bridges With Africa
We're giving the microphone to Diaspora groups in Europe and are linking up with stations in Africa.
This week:
We have an exclusive interview with José Luis Moreno Ocampo, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, on the massacre in Duékoué (Ivory Coast) one year ago this week. At least 800 people were killed, shortly after the town fell to troops loyal to President Alassane Ouattara.
Our West Africa correspondent Bram Posthumus travelled to Duékoué and made a report on the state of the town one year after the killings.
We have music from Guinea’s music legend Ba Cissoko. He speaks to us about the role of musicians in politics and about his favourite neighbourhood in the capital Conakry.
The majority of the vegetables used for consumption in Ghana’s capital Accra are grown right next to the city’s drainage. Many of these vegetables which are supposed to be healthy are also washed with this contaminated water. But people have found ways to make their vegs healthy.
First airing: Friday 00:00 UTC
Africa in Progress
Inspiring round-table discussions with guest speakers and in-depth interviews give listeners food for thought.
This week: A socialist drive-in cinema in Tanzania
Was it a capitalist, or was it a socialist venture? In any case, it was a lot of fun. In the 1960s, Tanzania opened its own open air, drive-in cinema. The country was experimenting with socialism, so this cinema in Dar es Salaam can be seen, perhaps, as the first socialist drive-in on the planet.
With historian Laura Fair we look at this unusual project in the context of the immense popularity of cinema in Africa in the 1960s, and Tanzania’s push for development after independence.
First airing: Monday 18:00 UTC
Commonwealth Story
A selection of winning stories chosen from the large number of entries for the 2010 Commonwealth Short Story Competition.
This week: From dark - by Karen Jennings, South Africa. The hell and horror of illegal mining.
Global Perspective
Who says I can’t… is the motto of this year’s collaboration of international broadcasters, offering stories of defiance and perseverance.
This week: Who says I can’t fish?
Around one billion people in the world rely on fish as their primary source of protein, but fishermen in many parts of the world are having greater restrictions put on their fishing because of concerns about the level of fish stocks and the marine environment. The BBC World Service introduces us to Fred Normandale, one of the few remaining fishermen in the small town of Scarborough in the North East of England.
First airing: Monday 17:30 UTC
Hear the World
The current series of European Jazz Stage has come to an end. But don’t despair, there’s plenty of good music to come. We’ve started a new series of Hear the World, hosted by Dheera Sujan.
This week:
A veteran of Ghanaian music, 75-year-old singer-guitarist Ibo Taylor appears with his young band Bonze Concoma.
Amsterdam’s popular Afrogroove formation Mdungu mixes traditional West African music with Western funk, jazz and rock.
In this week’s Dutch Delights spot it’s the New Cool Collective. This band feels at home everywhere and incorporates a wide range of styles, including Cuban and African.
And to end the show, there’s the Havana Cultura project by British DJ Giles Petersen and Cuban pianist Roberto Fonseca.
First airing: Monday 01:00 UTC
RNW Classical
Classical concerts from the Royal Concertgebouw as well as studio recordings of Dutch performers, presented by Hans Haffmans.
Available 24 hours a day
Streaming audio www.netherlands.nl/
Radio Netherlands Worldwide English Service
Effective from: 25 March 2012 - 28 October 2012
All times UTC
English targeted to Africa and Asia
0959-1000 15110as
1000-1057 15110as
1359-1400 9800as
1400-1457 9800as
1859-1900 7425af 11615af 15495af
1900-2000 7425af 11615af 15495af
2000-2057 7425af 11615af 15495af
(R Netherlands/Jaisakthivel/ADXC Tirunelveli, India /www.adxc.wordpress.com via
Leo van der Woude) Reformatted by Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager-Monitoring Times.
Voice of Russia, English Summer Schedule
Effective: 25 March - 28 October 2012
broadcast daily unless otherwise indicated
target areas: af (Africa) as (Asia) eu (Europe) me (Middle East) pa (Pacific) va (various)
0000-0100 9665va (na/ca) 9800va (na/sa)
0100-0200 9665va (na/ca) 9800va (na/sa)
0200-0300 9665va (na/ca) 15425na
0300-0400 9665va (na/ca) 15425na
0400-0500 13775na 15760me
0500-0600 13755na
0600-0700 21800pa
0600-0700 DRM 11830eu
0700-0800 21800va (as/pa)
0700-0800 DRM 11830eu
0800-0900 21800va (as/pa)
0800-0900 DRM 9850eu 11830eu
0900-1000 9560as 15170as 21800va (as/pa)
0900-1000 DRM 9850eu 11830eu
1000-1100 9560as 11500as 15170as
1100-1200 9560as 11500as 12065as
1100-1200 DRM 12030as
1200-1300 DRM 9445as 12030as
1200-1300 9560as 11500as
1200-1300 DRM 9850eu
1300-1400 12065as
1300-1400 DRM 9850eu 12095eu
1400-1500 4975va (as/me) 9560as 11500as 11840as
1400-1500 DRM 12095eu
1500-1600 4975va (as/me) 9560as 11840as 15640me
1600-1700 DRM 6070as 7370eu
1600-1700 4975as 7285me 11985me
1700-1800 4975va (as/me) 7285va (af/me) 11985af 12040eu
1700-1800 DRM 7370eu
1800-1900 4975me 9900va (af/me) 12040eu
1800-1900 DRM 7370eu 9880eu
1900-2000 12040eu
1900-2000 DRM 6155eu
2000-2100 12040eu
2000-2100 DRM 6155eu
2100-2200 DRM 6155eu
2200-2300 9800va (ca/na)
2300-0000 9665va (ca/na) 9800va (na/sa)
(Elena Osipova/VOR 3/30/12) Reformatted by Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager, Monitoring Times.
broadcast daily unless otherwise indicated
target areas: af (Africa) as (Asia) eu (Europe) me (Middle East) pa (Pacific) va (various)
0000-0100 9665va (na/ca) 9800va (na/sa)
0100-0200 9665va (na/ca) 9800va (na/sa)
0200-0300 9665va (na/ca) 15425na
0300-0400 9665va (na/ca) 15425na
0400-0500 13775na 15760me
0500-0600 13755na
0600-0700 21800pa
0600-0700 DRM 11830eu
0700-0800 21800va (as/pa)
0700-0800 DRM 11830eu
0800-0900 21800va (as/pa)
0800-0900 DRM 9850eu 11830eu
0900-1000 9560as 15170as 21800va (as/pa)
0900-1000 DRM 9850eu 11830eu
1000-1100 9560as 11500as 15170as
1100-1200 9560as 11500as 12065as
1100-1200 DRM 12030as
1200-1300 DRM 9445as 12030as
1200-1300 9560as 11500as
1200-1300 DRM 9850eu
1300-1400 12065as
1300-1400 DRM 9850eu 12095eu
1400-1500 4975va (as/me) 9560as 11500as 11840as
1400-1500 DRM 12095eu
1500-1600 4975va (as/me) 9560as 11840as 15640me
1600-1700 DRM 6070as 7370eu
1600-1700 4975as 7285me 11985me
1700-1800 4975va (as/me) 7285va (af/me) 11985af 12040eu
1700-1800 DRM 7370eu
1800-1900 4975me 9900va (af/me) 12040eu
1800-1900 DRM 7370eu 9880eu
1900-2000 12040eu
1900-2000 DRM 6155eu
2000-2100 12040eu
2000-2100 DRM 6155eu
2100-2200 DRM 6155eu
2200-2300 9800va (ca/na)
2300-0000 9665va (ca/na) 9800va (na/sa)
(Elena Osipova/VOR 3/30/12) Reformatted by Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager, Monitoring Times.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Radio Taiwan International Summer English Schedule
Effective from: 25 March - 28 October 2012
All times UTC
target areas as indicated
to Europe
1800-1900 6155
to North America
0200-0300 5950 East Coast
0200-0300 9680 Midwest
0300-0400 5950 West Coast
0500-0600 5950 West Coast
to Philippines
0100-0200 11875
1100-1200 9465
to Africa
1700-1800 15690
to South Asia
1600-1700 9440, 15485
to Southeast Asia
0300-0400 15320
1100-1200 7445
(Jaisakthivel, ADXC, Tirunelveli, India, For A12 www.adxc.wordpress.com via http://english.rti.org.tw
NHK Radio Japan Summer Schedule
Schedule is reported as 'Tentative'
Not yet released: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/radio/shortwave/all_201203.pdf
Transmitters via: Armenia, Bonaire, Canada, Chile, France, Germany, Lithuania, Madagascar, Palau, Russia, Singapore, Tajikistan, United Arab Emirates and Uzbekistan.
All times UTC
broadcast daily unless otherwise indicated
target areas and relay sites as indicated
0600-0630 ME 11975iss
2015-2145 ME MW1350yer 89.3+107.2 MHz in Palestine
1300-1345 swAS 11685sng
1030-1100 seAS 11740sng
1430-1500 seAS 11740sng
2340-2400 seAS 13650 delete
0900-0930 AS 6090
0930-1000 AS 6090
1200-1230 AS 6090
1300-1330 AS/seAS 6190 9455delete
1430-1500 AS 6190
1530-1600 AS 6190 delete
1600-1630 seAS 9720
2230-2250 AS 9560
2240-2300 seAS 13650 delete
2340-2400 AS 15195 delete
2340-2400 seAS 17810 delete
0500-0530 AF/EU 5975wof 11970iss
0500-0530 NoAM 6110sac
1000-1030 OC/Hawaii 9625 9695sng
1000-1030 seAS 9605 delete
1100-1130 EUR 9760wof, Fris only DRM mode, 100kW 105degr
1200-1230 NoAM 6120sac
1200-1230 seAS 9695sng
1300-1330 AS 15735uzb
1400-1430 seAS 11705pal
1400-1430 AS 15735uzb
1400-1430 EU/AF 21560iss delete
1800-1830 AF 15720mdg NEW
0530-0600 AF 11730iss 13840mdg
1230-1300 AF 17690mdg delete
2030-2100 AF 11850mdg new time
0130 0200 swAS 11740uzb
1430-1515 swAS 15745mdg
0945-1030 seAS 6140sng
1315-1400 seAS 11705pal
2300-2400 seAS 17810 extended time
0000-0100 AS 11910
0000-0100 seAS 13680
0000-0200 AS 15415
0100-0700 AS 15195
0100-0500 ME/ceAS 17560
0200-0300 seAS 11780sng
0200-0400 SoAM 11935bon
0200-0500 CeAM 5960sac
0200-0500 soeaEUR/NE/ME/ceAS 11680wer
0200-1000 AS 15325
0300-0500 seAS 17810
0500-0800 ME/ceAS 17700
0500-0900 seAS 17585
0700-0800 AS 6165
0700-1700 AS 9750
0800-0900 ceAM 5970bon
0800-1200 ME/ceAS 17895
0800-1000 seAS 11740sng
0800-1000 AF 15290iss
0900-1000 ce/soAM 9795sac
0900-1700 seAS 11815
1000-1200 AS 15590
1200-1400 AS 15460
1200-1500 ME/ceAS 17660
1300-1500 no/ceAM 11655sac
1400-1600 AS 17670
1500-1700 AF/swAS/SoAS 12045sng
1500-1700 soEU/AF 17735iss
1500-1700 ME/ceAS 17765
1600-2000 ceAS/ME/NE 13710
1700-1900 AS 6035 7225
1700-1900 soAM 9835
1700-1900 soEU/AF 11945iss
1700-1900 ceAS/ME/NE 11995
1700-1900 noeaAF/NE/ME/ceAS 15445wer
1900-2100 seAS 9560
1900-2100 CeAS/ME/NE 11910
1900-2200 CeAS/ME/NE 11670 11965
2000-2100 OC 9625
2000-2330 ceAS/ME/NE 11725
2100-2200 seAS 9560
2100-2200 AS 11910
2200-2300 NE/ME 9620wer
2200-2330 seAS 13680
2200-2400 soAM 15265bon
2200-0100 AS 11855
2255-2400 seAS 13650
2330-2400 ceAS/ME/NE 15415
0915-0945 AS 6160 delete
1130-1200 AS 6090
1230-1300 AS 6190
1330-1400 AS 6190
1400-1430 AS 6190
1500-1530 AS 6190 delete
2200-2230 AS 9560
0400-0430 ME 11730uzb
1430-1500 ME 13680iss 88.0MHz Kabul
1630-1700 ME MW927tjk
0900-0930 soAM 6130chl
0930-1000 soAM 6195chl
2130-2200 soAM 11880chl
0330-0400 EU MW738msk MW1386sit
0430-0500 EU 6165sit
0530-0600 AS 11760
0800-0830 AS 6165
1100-1130 AS 6090
1130-1200 EU 9760wof, Fris only DRM mode
1600-1630 EU MW738msk MW927tjk
0400-0430 soAM 6195bon
0500-0530 ceAM 6080bon
0930-1000 cesoAM 6080bon
0315-0400 AF 7395mdg
1729-1800 AF 13730mdg
1130-1200 seAS 11740sng
1230-1300 seAs 9685sng
2300-2320 seAS 13650 delete
1515-1600 swAS 13870dhb MW927tjk
1100-1130 seAS 9695sng
1300-1330 seAS 11740sng
2320-2340 seAS 13650 delete
Relay codes:
bon Bonaire, Neth Antilles
chl Santiago, Chile
dhb Al Dhabayya, UAE
iss Issoudun, France
mdg Madagascar
msk Moscow, Russia
pal KHBN Palau
sac Sackville, Canada
sit Sitkunai, Lithuania
sng Kranji, Singapore
tjk Dushanbe, Tajikistan
uzb Tashkent, Uzbekistan
wer Wertachtal, Germany
wof Woofferton UK
yer Gavar Yerevan, Armenia
(NHK Radio Japan, transformed by wb wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 21/Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany/HCDX)
Radio Free Asia Summer Schedule
Effective: 25 March - 28 October 2012
All times UTC
broadcast daily unless otherwise indicated
all programming targeted to Asia
Burmese (4 hours daily)
0030-0130 12115, 15700, 17835
1230-1330 7390, 9335, 13675
1330-1400 7390, 9335, 12140
1400-1430 7390, 9335
1630-1730 9945
Cantonese (2 hours daily)
1400-1430 9605
1430-1500 7280, 9605
2200-2300 9720, 11785
Khmer (2 hours daily)
1230-1330 12140, 15145
2230-2330 5840, 13740
Korean (5 hours daily)
1500-1700 648, 5820, 7210, 7455
1700-1800 648, 5820, 9975
1800-1900 648, 5820, 7465
2100-2200 648, 7460 9385 11945
Lao (2 hours daily)
0000-0100 15545, 15690
1100-1200 9325, 15120
Mandarin (12 hours daily)
0300-0400 13785, 15120, 15615, 15635, 17485, 17855, 21595, 21650
0400-0500 13760, 15615, 15635, 15660, 17615, 17855, 21480, 21580
0500-0600 13760, 15615, 15635, 15660, 17615, 17855, 21580, 21710
0600-0700 13760, 15615, 15635, 17495, 17615, 17855, 21720
1500-1600 9455, 9905, 11540, 11965, 12005, 13640, 13675
1600-1630 5855, 9455, 9905, 11540, 11870, 12005, 13675
1630-1700 5855, 9725, 9905, 11550, 11610, 11870, 13675
1700-1800 5855, 7280, 9355, 9455, 9540, 9905, 11695, 13780
1800-1900 7280, 7355, 9355, 9455, 9540, 9690, 11540, 13780
1900-2000 1098, 5855, 7260, 7355, 7435, 9355, 9455, 9875, 9905, 11785, 13780
2000-2100 1098, 5855, 6140, 7260, 7355, 7435, 9355, 9455, 9905, 11785
2100-2200 1098, 5855, 6140, 7355, 7435, 9455, 9905
2300-2400 7540, 9535, 11760, 11785, 15430, 15585
Tibetan (10 hours daily)
0100-0200 9680, 9885, 11695, 17505, 17730
0200-0300 9885, 11695, 11745, 17610, 17730
0600-0700 17510, 17765, 21500, 21690
1000-1100 13680, 15435, 17495
1100-1200 7470, 13830, 15670, 17495
1200-1400 7470, 11605, 13795, 13830, 15670
1500-1600 9370, 11585, 11795, 11835
2200-2300 7505, 9815, 9880
2300-2315 7505, 9805, 9815, 9875
2315-2400 7505, 9805, 9875, 9900
Uyghur (2 hours daily)
0100-0130 9350, 9400, 11895, 11945, 17640
0130-0200 9350, 9400, 11895, 11945, 17635
1600-1700 9370, 9555, 9975, 11590
Vietnamese (2.5 hours daily)
0000-0030 7445, 11605, 13730, 15570
1400-1430 1503, 9715, 11605, 12075, 13640
1430-1500 9715, 11605, 12075, 13640
2300-2330 1503
2330-2400 1503, 7520, 11605, 13730, 15570
(Jaisakthivel, ADXC, Trirunelveli, India, For A12 www.adxc.wordpress.com Via AJ Janitschek)
All times UTC
broadcast daily unless otherwise indicated
all programming targeted to Asia
Burmese (4 hours daily)
0030-0130 12115, 15700, 17835
1230-1330 7390, 9335, 13675
1330-1400 7390, 9335, 12140
1400-1430 7390, 9335
1630-1730 9945
Cantonese (2 hours daily)
1400-1430 9605
1430-1500 7280, 9605
2200-2300 9720, 11785
Khmer (2 hours daily)
1230-1330 12140, 15145
2230-2330 5840, 13740
Korean (5 hours daily)
1500-1700 648, 5820, 7210, 7455
1700-1800 648, 5820, 9975
1800-1900 648, 5820, 7465
2100-2200 648, 7460 9385 11945
Lao (2 hours daily)
0000-0100 15545, 15690
1100-1200 9325, 15120
Mandarin (12 hours daily)
0300-0400 13785, 15120, 15615, 15635, 17485, 17855, 21595, 21650
0400-0500 13760, 15615, 15635, 15660, 17615, 17855, 21480, 21580
0500-0600 13760, 15615, 15635, 15660, 17615, 17855, 21580, 21710
0600-0700 13760, 15615, 15635, 17495, 17615, 17855, 21720
1500-1600 9455, 9905, 11540, 11965, 12005, 13640, 13675
1600-1630 5855, 9455, 9905, 11540, 11870, 12005, 13675
1630-1700 5855, 9725, 9905, 11550, 11610, 11870, 13675
1700-1800 5855, 7280, 9355, 9455, 9540, 9905, 11695, 13780
1800-1900 7280, 7355, 9355, 9455, 9540, 9690, 11540, 13780
1900-2000 1098, 5855, 7260, 7355, 7435, 9355, 9455, 9875, 9905, 11785, 13780
2000-2100 1098, 5855, 6140, 7260, 7355, 7435, 9355, 9455, 9905, 11785
2100-2200 1098, 5855, 6140, 7355, 7435, 9455, 9905
2300-2400 7540, 9535, 11760, 11785, 15430, 15585
Tibetan (10 hours daily)
0100-0200 9680, 9885, 11695, 17505, 17730
0200-0300 9885, 11695, 11745, 17610, 17730
0600-0700 17510, 17765, 21500, 21690
1000-1100 13680, 15435, 17495
1100-1200 7470, 13830, 15670, 17495
1200-1400 7470, 11605, 13795, 13830, 15670
1500-1600 9370, 11585, 11795, 11835
2200-2300 7505, 9815, 9880
2300-2315 7505, 9805, 9815, 9875
2315-2400 7505, 9805, 9875, 9900
Uyghur (2 hours daily)
0100-0130 9350, 9400, 11895, 11945, 17640
0130-0200 9350, 9400, 11895, 11945, 17635
1600-1700 9370, 9555, 9975, 11590
Vietnamese (2.5 hours daily)
0000-0030 7445, 11605, 13730, 15570
1400-1430 1503, 9715, 11605, 12075, 13640
1430-1500 9715, 11605, 12075, 13640
2300-2330 1503
2330-2400 1503, 7520, 11605, 13730, 15570
(Jaisakthivel, ADXC, Trirunelveli, India, For A12 www.adxc.wordpress.com Via AJ Janitschek)
Saturday, March 24, 2012
MT March 2012 Air Show issue now available for Kindle
No other issue of Monitoring Times magazine is more popular than our annual air show issue that is released in March of each year.
As a leader in the radio hobby publishing world, Grove Enterprises and the Monitoring Times magazine staff is pleased to announce that the March 2012 air show issue is now available in the Kindle reader format from Amazon.com at a price you just can not beat - $0.99. Now you can take our most popular issue of MT with you to the air show as a ready reference.
And no need to worry if you do not own a Kindle reader. You can still read our new Kindle electronic reader edition or any Kindle book anywhere with Amazon's free reading apps.
There are free Kindle reading apps for Smartphones (iPhone & iTouch, Android, Windows Phone 7, and Blackberry); Computer platforms (Windows and Mac); Tablets (iPad and Android Tablet), and of course the Kindle readers including the new Kindle Fire that will be reviewed in the June issue of Monitoring Times. You can get more detail on these apps by clicking here.
MT March 2012 Product Description
Monitoring Times Xpress digital edition, March, 2012. Monitoring Times magazine is the leader in radio communications for the world of radio. Each issue is packed with shortwave, scanner and other radio reviews, features and columns. Now in our 31st year, MT is better than ever offering a print edition, PDF version (full color and graphics) and now the MT Digital Reader edition. This is our test of the digital version of the magazine for e-readers. It contains no graphics and no ads. We want to see your response as the reader whether this is worth pursuing as a monthly subscription. Please give us your thoughts and comments.
Bill Grove
Art Director, Monitoring Times Magazine
bill at grove-ent.com
This is an offer to good to pass up. You can purchase your 99 cents MT Annual Air Show edition in Kindle format by clicking here.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Weekend Euro special programming
Dear Listeners,
E.M.R. Radio Gloria and HH Lokalradio are on the air this Sunday the 25th of March 2012
Station Name Time Slot Channels Relay station
HH Lokalradio 05.00 to 08.00 7265 kHz via MVBR
Radio Gloria 08.00 to 10.00 9480 kHz via MVBR
Radio Gloria 09.00 to 10.00 6140 kHz via Media
Radio Gloria 09.00 to 10.00 6005 kHz via Radio 700
E.M.R. 10.00 to 11.00 9480 kHz via MVBR
HH Lokalradio 11.00 to 12.00 7265 kHz via MVBR
Radio Gloria 12.00 to 14.00 9480 kHz via MVBR
HH Lokalradio 14.00 to 18.00 7265 kHz via MVBR
All Reception reports to HH Lokalradio: m.kittner@freenet.de
All Reception reports to Radio Gloria: radiogloria@aol.com
All Reception reports to E.M.R: studio@emr.org.uk
EMR Internet repeats on Sunday and Monday
Program repeats are at the following times: 10:00, 13:00, 16:00, 19:00 UTC
Please visit http://www.emr.org.uk/ and click on the “EMR internet radio” button
which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).
(Tom Taylor)
E.M.R. Radio Gloria and HH Lokalradio are on the air this Sunday the 25th of March 2012
Station Name Time Slot Channels Relay station
HH Lokalradio 05.00 to 08.00 7265 kHz via MVBR
Radio Gloria 08.00 to 10.00 9480 kHz via MVBR
Radio Gloria 09.00 to 10.00 6140 kHz via Media
Radio Gloria 09.00 to 10.00 6005 kHz via Radio 700
E.M.R. 10.00 to 11.00 9480 kHz via MVBR
HH Lokalradio 11.00 to 12.00 7265 kHz via MVBR
Radio Gloria 12.00 to 14.00 9480 kHz via MVBR
HH Lokalradio 14.00 to 18.00 7265 kHz via MVBR
All Reception reports to HH Lokalradio: m.kittner@freenet.de
All Reception reports to Radio Gloria: radiogloria@aol.com
All Reception reports to E.M.R: studio@emr.org.uk
EMR Internet repeats on Sunday and Monday
Program repeats are at the following times: 10:00, 13:00, 16:00, 19:00 UTC
Please visit http://www.emr.org.uk/ and click on the “EMR internet radio” button
which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).
(Tom Taylor)
Trans World Radio Africa Summer Schedule
Via Swaziland and South Africa
Effective: 25 March - 28 October 2012
All times UTC
broadcast daily unless otherwise indicated
all programming targeted to Africa
1630-1645 mt 9500af
1700-1715 Sun 9500af
1700-1730 mtwhfa 9500af
1730-1800 Sat 9500af
0400-0445 Sat/Sun 5995af
1820-1835 6130af
0255-0300 Sun 3200af
0300-0325 Sun 3200af
0430-0500 mtwhf 3200af
0500-0600 3200af 9500af
0600-0700 3200af 9500af
0602-0700 6120af
0700-0800 3200af 6120af 9500af
1400-1455 4760af
1525-1555 Sat/Sun 4760af
1700-1800 3200af
1800-1900 3200af 9500af
1900-2000 3200af
2000-2030 Sat 3200af
1905-1920 f 6130af
1440-1500 Sat 9585af
1500-1525 Sat 9585af
1935-1950 9450af
1950-2000 Sat 9450af
2000-2020 Sat 9450af
0400-0430 mtwhf 3200af 4775af
0400-0500 Sat/Sun 3200af 4775af
1645-1700 fa 9500af
1630-1645 fa 9500af
1850-1900 stwhf 6130af
1900-1905 smwhf 6130af
1950-2000 6130af
2000-2005 6130af
1557-1600 mtwhf 15105af
1600-1627 mtwhf 15105af
1905-1920 Sun 6130af
1905-1935 9940af
0342-0357 4775af
1510-1555 7315af
1905-1920 w 6130af
1905-1920 Sat 6130af
1850-1900 m 6130af
1900-1905 m 6130af
1905-1920 h 6130af
1355-1400 Sat 7315af
1455-1500 7315af
1500-1510 7315af
1455-1500 mtwhfs 9585af
1500-1525 mtwhfs 9585af
0325-0340 3240af
1600-1630 Sat 3200af
1615-1645 Sun 3200af
1645-1700 3200af
0255-0300 mtwhf 3200af
0300-0310 Sat 3200af
0300-0325 mtwhf 3200af
1455-1500 4760af
1500-1525 4760af
1525-1555 mtwhf 4760af
1630-1700 wh 9500af
1645-1700 smt 9500af
1715-1745 Sun 9500af
1730-1800 mtwhf 9500af
1355-1400 Sun 7315af
1400-1425 Sun 7315af
1425-1455 7315af
1630-1645 mf 3200af
1850-1900 Sat 6130af
1900-1905 Sat 6130af
1905-1920 mt 6130af
2005-2020 Sun 6130af
1545-1600 Sun 3200af
1600-1615 Sun 3200af
1630-1645 twfa 3200af
1920-1950 6130af
0255-0300 3240af
0300-0325 3240af
1555-1600 4760af
1600-1625 4760af
1700-1745 9475af
1745-1800 Sat/Sun 9475af
1800-1815 Sat/Sun 9475af
1600-1630 mtwhf 3200af
1750-1800 mtwhf 6130af
1800-1820 mtwhf 6130af
1835-1850 6130af
1400-1415 15360af
(TWR via Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India) Reformatted by Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager-Monitoring Times)
Radio Veritas Asia Summer Schedule
Effective: 25 March - 28 October 2012
All times UTC
0030–0057 15.265
1400–1427 11.870
0130–0157 15.255
1430-1500 11.870
2300-2327 9.720
1500-1553 15.350 (Via CVA)
0030–0057 15.280
1330–1400 11.870
1200–1227 11.935
2330–2357 9.645
1230–1257 15.225
0000–0027 11.935
1200–1230 15.225
1000–1030 11.850
2100–2257 6.115
1000–1157 11.945
2330–2357 9.720
1130–1157 15.450
0000–0027 11.855
0000–0027 15.460
1330–1400 9.520
0030–0057 11.935
1400–1427 9.520
0100–0127 15.530
1430–1500 11.750
0100–0127 15.280
0100–0127 17.860
1430-1457 15.435
2330–2357 9.670
0130–0230 15.530
1030–1127 11.850
1300–1327 11.850
(Ashik Rajshahi,Bangladesh/HCDX)
Deutsche Welle Summer Schedule
Effective: 25 March - 28 October 2012
All times UTC
Broadcast daily unless other wise indicated
Target Areas: af (Africa) as (Asia) va (Various)
1600-1657 9800af 11805af 15275af
1300-1400 11965as 17770af
0830-0858 17710as
0830-0900 15640as
1330-1400 15275as 15595as 17860as
0400-0457 6180af 7240af 9470af 12045af
0500-0527 6075af
0500-0530 9470va 9800af 9850va
0530-0557 9800af
0530-0600 9850va
0600-0630 9470af 13780af 17820af
0630-0700 13780af 17820af
1900-1930 9735af 11800af
1900-1957 7365af
1930-2000 11800af
2000-2100 6150af 9490af 11800af
2100-2200 11800af 11830af 11865af
1200-1257 11800af 15275af 17810af
1200-1300 17820af 21780af 21840af
1700-1757 9735af
1700-1759 11810af 15275af
1700-1800 15620va
0630-0700 12045af 15275af
1300-1400 15410af 17800af 21780af
1800-1857 9735af 15275af
1800-1900 21780af
0800-0830 15640as 17710as
1400-1430 15275as 15595as 17860as
0530-0557 9470af
0530-0600 17800af
1930-1957 6150sa
1930-2000 11865af
0300-0357 6180af
0300-0400 5925af 9470af 9800va
1000-1100 11800va 15410af 15515af
1500-1557 7265af 9770af 12070af
1430-1457 15275as
1430-1500 13630as 15595as
(DW/Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India. Reformatted by Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager-Monitoring Times)
HCJB Global Australia Summer Schedule
Effective: 25 March - 28 October 2012
All times UTC
broadcast days as indicated
0000-0030 mtwhf 15400as
1145-1200 15340as
1200-1230 mtwhfa 15340as
2345-0000 15400as
1430-1445 m 15340as
1315-1330 m 15340as
1430-1445 Sat/Sun 15340as
1300-1315 f 15340as
0730-0800 11750as
0800-0830 11750as
1445-1500 15340as
1500-1530 15340as
1030-1100 mtwhf 15400as
2300-2330 mtwhf 15525as
1430-1445 f 15340as
1345-1400 15340as
1315-1330 f 15340as
2230-2300 Sat/Sun 15525as
1430-1445 w 15340as
Malay Bahasa
0000-0030 Sun 15400as
1200-1230 Sun 15340as
1315-1330 h 15340asw
1030-1100 Sat/Sun 15400as
1100-1130 mtwhf 15400as
2230-2300 mtwhf 15525as
1315-1330 w 15340as
1430-1445 t 15340as
1300-1315 mtwh 15340as
1300-1315 Sat 15340as
1300-1315 Sun 15340as
0030-0100 15400as
1230-1300 15340as
1315-1330 t 15340as
1430-1445 h 15340as
1315-1330 Sat 15340as
1400-1430 15340as
(A12 Derek Kickbush/HCJB Global Australia 3/22/2012) Reformatted by Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager-Monitoring Times.
TDP station summer schedules
Transmitter Documentation Project
All times UTC
broadcast days as indicated
Radio Miraya (Clandestine)
0300-0600 on 11560 SMF 250 kW / 180 deg to EaAf
Denge Mezopotamya (Clandestine)
0300-1500 on 11530 SMF 300 kW / 129 deg to WeAs Daily
1500-1900 on 11530 SMF 500 kW / 129 deg to WeAs Daily
TDP Radio
0700-0800 on 6015 ISS 035 kW / 060 deg to WeEu Mon
0800-0900 on 6015 ISS 035 kW / 060 deg to WeEu Tue
0900-1000 on 6015 ISS 035 kW / 060 deg to WeEu Wed
1000-1100 on 6015 ISS 035 kW / 060 deg to WeEu Thu
1100-1200 on 6015 ISS 035 kW / 060 deg to WeEu Fri
1200-1300 on 6015 ISS 035 kW / 060 deg to WeEu Sat
1300-1400 on 6015 ISS 035 kW / 060 deg to WeEu Sun
Suab Xaa Moo Zoo
1130-1200 on 11570 TAI 100 kW / 250 deg to SEAs Daily
2230-2300 on 7530 TAI 100 kW / 250 deg to SEAS Daily
Khmer Post Radio (Clandestine)
1200-1300 on 9960 HBN 100 kW / 270 deg to SEAs Wed/Thu/Fri
Khmer People Power Movement (Clandestine)
1200-1300 on 9960 HBN 100 kW / 270 deg to SEAs Sat/Sun
The Disco Palace
1530-1630 on 15775 ISS 100 kW / 079 deg to Asia Daily
2000-2100 on 17755 GUF 100 kW / 311 deg to NoAm Daily
Radio Xoriyo Ogadenia (Clandestine)
1600-1630 on 17870 KCH 100 kW / 180 deg to EaAF Mon/Fri
Voice of Asena (Clandestine)
1700-1800 on 15245 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf Mon/Fri
E-SAT Radio (Clandestine)
1700-1800 on 15370 KCH 100 kW / 180 deg to EaAF Daily
(Ivo Ivanov/DX Re Mix # 723 via Alokesh Gupta, India)
Radio Tirana Summer Schedule
Effective: 25 March - 28 October 2012
All times UTC
broadcast days as indicated
Albanian Daily
0700-0800 on 7390 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu
0801-0900 on 1395 FLA 500 kW / 033 deg to WeEu
0801-0900 on 7390 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu
1400-1530 on 1458 FLA 500 kW / non-dir to WeEu
2300-2400 on 7425 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm, but registered at 300 deg
English Tue-Sun
0130-0200 on 7425 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm
English Mon-Sat
2000-2030 on 7465 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to U.K.
German Mon-Sat
1931-2000 on 7465 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to Germany
Greek Mon-Sat
1545-1600 on 1458 FLA 500 kW / non-dir to Greece
French Mon-Sat
1730-1800 on 7465 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to France, but registered 1901-1930
Italian Mon-Sat
1700-1730 on 7465 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to Italy
Serbian Mon-Sat
2015-2030 on 1458 FLA 500 kW / 004 deg to Serbia
Turkish Mon-Sat
1830-1900 on 1458 FLA 500 kW / non-dir to Turkey
(Ivo Ivanov/DX Re Mix # 723 via Alokesh Gupta, India)
All times UTC
broadcast days as indicated
Albanian Daily
0700-0800 on 7390 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu
0801-0900 on 1395 FLA 500 kW / 033 deg to WeEu
0801-0900 on 7390 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu
1400-1530 on 1458 FLA 500 kW / non-dir to WeEu
2300-2400 on 7425 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm, but registered at 300 deg
English Tue-Sun
0130-0200 on 7425 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm
English Mon-Sat
2000-2030 on 7465 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to U.K.
German Mon-Sat
1931-2000 on 7465 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to Germany
Greek Mon-Sat
1545-1600 on 1458 FLA 500 kW / non-dir to Greece
French Mon-Sat
1730-1800 on 7465 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to France, but registered 1901-1930
Italian Mon-Sat
1700-1730 on 7465 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to Italy
Serbian Mon-Sat
2015-2030 on 1458 FLA 500 kW / 004 deg to Serbia
Turkish Mon-Sat
1830-1900 on 1458 FLA 500 kW / non-dir to Turkey
(Ivo Ivanov/DX Re Mix # 723 via Alokesh Gupta, India)
Radio Netherlands Program Preview, March 23-29
Greetings from a sunny Hilversum. As spring is starting and the first tulips are in full bloom, preparations for our new summer schedule are in full swing.
The new schedule starts on Sunday 25 March 2012.
Jonathan Groubert and his team look at current events from an unexpected perspective.
The real me
A 13-year-old street hawker in Kabul dreams of becoming a pilot. A Kurdish woman struggles with breast cancer and her culture’s punitive view of it. And a man in Denver talks about his 20 year struggle to beat sex addiction.
First airing: Saturday 02:00 UTC
Earth Beat
Marnie Chesterton and her team look at the footprint we’re leaving on our planet.
Things that turn up in the unlikeliest of places… Like sea salt full of prescription drugs, or pesticides in the Arctic. And the man searching the Amazon for a tribe he’s not allowed to contact. Foreign bodies, in all their forms.
First airing: Friday 03:00 UTC
South Asia Wired
Stories from South Asia.
Sri Lanka remains a country deeply divided along ethnic lines. It is therefore both surprising and refreshing to see the work of Dr Panagamuwa Bandara, an ethnic Sinhalese who grew up in Britain, but returned to Sri Lanka to work in a hospital in the north-west Tamil region. This week we hear from him about his work, the ethnic divide and the future prospects for his country.
(There'll be a new edition of the programme on Thursday 29 March)
Bridges With Africa
We're giving the microphone to Diaspora groups in Europe and are linking up with stations in Africa.
The trial of the ‘Zim 6’ - six Zimbabweans convicted for plotting to overthrow the Zimbabwean government because they were watching footage of the Arab Spring. We ask: is this a political trial to quiet down the opposition?
George Clooney, Madonna, Bono and Angelina Jolie. International, white celebrities fighting for African causes. We look at the negative sides to the Hollywood-style of campaigning.
Women in hip hop are rare. And especially female hip hop DJs. But DJ Zeyna from Senegal’s capital Dakar hopes to change that. Being the first female DJ graduating from the Hip Hop Academy in Dakar she dreams of changing ‘the game’.
We have music from South African jazz musician Kyle Shepherd who just released his third album South African History !X that pays an homage to the first inhabitants of South Africa, the Khoi Khoi and the San.
The majority of the vegetables used for consumption in Ghana’s capital Accra are grown right next to the city’s drainage. Many of these vegetables which are supposed to be healthy are also washed with this contaminated water. But people have found ways to make their vegs healthy.
First airing: Friday 00:00 UTC
Africa in Progress
Inspiring round-table discussions with guest speakers and in-depth interviews give listeners food for thought.
What is African writing?
They say they write about life, and seek the truth, wherever they are. Sometimes, their books are judged not African enough. What challenges do young African writers in the diaspora face? How do they see their role in the age of internet? Listen to a round table discussion with three authors.
First airing: Monday 18:00 UTC
Commonwealth Story
A selection of winning stories chosen from the large number of entries for the 2010 Commonwealth Short Story Competition.
Retirement - by Schachi Kaul (India). A daughter's view of her father's retirement.
First airing: Tuesday 01:50 UTC
Global Perspective
Who says I can’t… is the motto of this year’s collaboration of international broadcasters, offering stories of defiance and perseverance.
Who says we can’t be gay, Muslim, and successful?
Elkader is a small town in the centre of the American Midwest. It’s not where you’d expect to find a gay couple starting an Algerian restaurant. But this town in Iowa was named after a 19th-century Algerian jihadist. WAMU radio takes us to Elkader to see how the residents have found their way through the Islamophobia debate.
First airing: Monday 17:30 UTC
Hear the World
The current series of European Jazz Stage has come to an end. But don’t despair, there’s plenty of good music to come. We’ve started a new series of Hear the World, hosted by Dheera Sujan.
Portuguese singer Lura kicks off the programme with catchy songs based on rhythms created by her Cape-Verdian ancestors.
Luis Melodia is a Brazilian singer who began mixing samba and bossanova with Western pop music in the 1960s and 70s.
Flamenco music by the Dutch Metropole Orchestra conducted by Vince Mendoza.
In our Dutch Delights slot this week it’s Christina Branco. She is Portuguese but has forged strong links with the Netherlands since the 1990s and initiated a fado revival.
First airing: Monday 01:00 UTC
RNW Classical
Classical concerts from the Royal Concertgebouw as well as studio recordings of Dutch performers, presented by Hans Haffmans.
Available 24 hours a day
English schedule to 25 March 2012
Targeted to Africa and Asia
1000-1057 12065as
1400-1457 12080as
1800-1900 11655af
1900-1957 11655af
1900-1959 11615af
1900-2000 7425af
2000-2057 7425af 11615af
(original Excel via Leo van der Woude, R Netherlands)
English schedule from 25 March 2012
Targeted to Africa and Asia
0959-1000 15110as
1000-1057 15110as
1359-1400 9800as
1400-1457 9800as
1859-1900 7425af 11615af 15495af
1900-2000 7425af 11615af 15495af
2000-2057 7425af 11615af 15495af
(R Netherlands/Jaisakthivel/ADXC Tirunelveli, India /www.adxc.wordpress.com via
Leo van der Woude) Reformatted by Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager-Monitoring Times.
Polish Radio reminder
Polish Radio carries the following announcement on its English website: “From Sunday 25 March, the English Section of Polish Radio External Service is changing its broadcast times and the nature of its transmissions. As of Sunday, the English Section will NOT be available on Short Wave, ending almost 80 years of broadcasts on this spectrum. Many thanks to all our listeners who tuned in via these means over the years.
“However, the English Section is continuing ALL its transmissions via satellite and online, with podcasts also available via our RSS feed and through the iTunes platform. Additionally, the English Section of Polish Radio External Service is available in London on DAB Spectrum 1 daily at 1900 local time.
“Major changes are our LIVE transmission at the time of 1400 CEST (1200 UTC), with our main broadcast moving to 2000 CEST (1800 UTC). Our flagship production, News from Poland, will move to the time of 1400 CEST, with a second edition at 2000 CEST. All magazine premieres will also air at 2000 CEST.”
The new schedule is detailed on this page.
(Source: thenews.pl)
“However, the English Section is continuing ALL its transmissions via satellite and online, with podcasts also available via our RSS feed and through the iTunes platform. Additionally, the English Section of Polish Radio External Service is available in London on DAB Spectrum 1 daily at 1900 local time.
“Major changes are our LIVE transmission at the time of 1400 CEST (1200 UTC), with our main broadcast moving to 2000 CEST (1800 UTC). Our flagship production, News from Poland, will move to the time of 1400 CEST, with a second edition at 2000 CEST. All magazine premieres will also air at 2000 CEST.”
The new schedule is detailed on this page.
(Source: thenews.pl)
Adventist World Radio returns to Sri Lanka
Already, astute international radio monitors on all continents have become aware that Adventist World Radio is making a return visit to the island of Sri Lanka. For a period of nearly 40 years, AWR programming was on the air from the radio broadcasting service in Colombo Sri Lanka, beginning in the year 1950. Then when the shortwave station KSDA on the island of Guam became fully functional, the Asian programming from Adventist World Radio was transferred to this new station. After a quarter century absence from the radio broadcasting scene in Sri Lanka, AWR is now returning to this island once again, but this time from another station, the large shortwave station that was on the air previously with the programming of Deutsche Welle. This is the story.
It was back in the year 1950, at 8:30 am local time on Sunday morning October 1, 1950, that the first broadcast of the “Voice of Prophecy” radio program went on the air from the shortwave service of Radio Ceylon, as it was known in those days. During that era, the Commercial Service of Radio Ceylon was on the air with just two shortwave transmitters, one at 100 kW and another at 7½ kW, both located at Ekala, a dozen miles north of the national capital, Colombo. This was the first Adventist broadcast from Radio Ceylon, and it was also the first syndicated Christian broadcast from this station.
As time went by, Radio Ceylon became the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation, and the Adventist radio programming over this station was organized as the original Adventist World Radio in Asia, AWR-Asia. It was at the end of the year 1988, that the final AWR broadcasts ended over SLBC Colombo, in favor of AWR’s own shortwave station, KSDA Guam.
Beginning on Sunday March 25, AWR will again be heard from Sri Lanka, and this time, from the large Deutsche Welle station located near Trincomalee on the eastern coast of the island of Sri Lanka. It is intended that these broadcasts from this new AWR location will be on the air for a period of a little over three months, terminating at the end of June this year.
The reason for the temporary transfer of AWR programming from KSDA Guam to ex-Deutsche Welle Sri Lanka is so that technical personnel can perform antenna maintenance on Guam on curtain antennas 1 & 2, and also for the installation of an additional curtain antenna at the same location.
International radio monitors around the world are invited to submit reception reports on the temporary AWR usage of the Trincomalee shortwave station. A special QSL card honoring the temporary return of Adventist World Radio to Sri Lanka is under preparation, and this will be available only from the AWR address in Indianapolis in the United States. Reception reports via the postal system, together with a suitable form of return postage are preferred, though email reports will also be welcome.
It can also be remembered that the long time AWR DX program, “Radio Monitors International”, was “born” in the Torrington Square studios of the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation and the first broadcast went on the air on Sunday June 1, 1975. Thirty seven years later, and a few thousand scripts later, we are still on the air with the same DX program, though the title was modernized in more recent time to “Wavescan”. The scheduling for “Wavescan” beginning on Sunday March 25 is given below:-
Sundays 1200 - 1230 UTC Wertachtal Germany 17535 kHz 250 kW
1530 - 1600 Wertachtal Germany 15255 250
1600 - 1630 KSDA Guam 11750 & 15360 100
1630 - 1700 Trincomalee Sri Lanka 11740 125
2230 - 2300 Trincomalee Sri Lanka 9730 125
The AWR DX program, “Wavescan”, is researched and written in Indianapolis by Dr. Adrian. M. Peterson and it is recorded in the studios of Radio Miami International WRMI by Jeff White. The scheduling for “Wavescan” via WRMI for the new A12 broadcast period will be obtainable from the WRMI website. Two QSL cards are available for the broadcast of “Wavescan”, one from AWR and another from WRMI.
“Wavescan” is also on the air from shortwave station WWCR, and likewise, their new scheduling will be available from their website.
Sri Lanka, AWR Asia
Effective: 25 March - 30 June 2012
0000-0030 11955as
2100-2200 Sun 11750as
1630-1700 11740as
2230-2300 9730as
1100-1130 15540as
2200-2230 9455as
1130-1200 mwf 15540as
2200-2230 sth 9545as
0030-0100 11955as
1500-1530 15715as
1300-1330 17635as
1330-1400 Sun 17635as
1330-1400 ha 17635as
1200-1300 15490as
1400-1500 12105as
2100-2200 mtwhfa 11750as
1530-1600 7410as
1130-1200 stha 15540as
2200-2230 mwfa 9545as
1330-1400 mtwhfa 17635as
1600-1630 11835as
2300-0000 9730as
(Adrian Peterson/AWR & Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India) Reformatted by Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager-Monitoring Times
Adventist World Radio Summer Schedule
Adventist World Radio Stations - A12 Summer Skeds
Effective: 25 March - 28 October 2012
All times UTC
Target Areas: af (Africa) as (Asia) eu (Europe) va (Vartious)
Effective: 25 March - 28 October 2012
All times UTC
Target Areas: af (Africa) as (Asia) eu (Europe) va (Vartious)
broadcast daily unless otherwise indicated
Austria, AWR Europe
1800-1830 Sat 15325af
1430-1500 17605af
1830-1900 11660af
1800-1830 m 15325af
1800-1830 h 15325af
2000-2030 11955af
1800-1830 w 15325af
2100-2130 11955af
0330-0400 9505as
0400-0430 9505as
1630-1700 15150as
1700-1730 15150as
0430-0500 6155af
1930-2000 15220af
2030-2100 15155af
1900-1930 11955af
Juba Arabic
1800-1830 t 15325af
1800-1830 Sun 15325af
0230-0300 9690as
1500-1530 11880as
0200-0230 9690as
1400-1430 15440as
1600-1630 15260as
1800-1830 f 15325af
Germany, AWR Europe
0330-0400 11610af
0400-0500 15225va
0500-0600 15225va
0700-0800 15225af
1900-1930 9765af
1900-2000 11605af 15260af
2000-2100 11605af
1230-1300 17535as
0400-0430 6020eu
1600-1630 9830eu
1200-1230 17535as
1530-1600 smtwa 15255as
0800-0830 15140af
2000-2030 9765af 17610af
1900-1930 15205af
1530-1600 15290as
1930-2000 15205af
0900-1000 Sun 9790eu
0800-0830 15225af
1730-1800 15170af
1300-1330 mtwhf 15320as
1330-1400 15320as
1400-1500 15320as
1500-1530 15595as
0300-0330 11610af
1730-1800 15155af
1500-1530 15255as
1630-1700 17575af
0830-0900 15225af
1930-2000 9765af
1530-1600 hf 15255as
0300-0330 6065af
1300-1330 Sat/Sun 15320as
1900-1930 11945af
2030-2100 11755af
Guam, AWR Asia
1330-1400 sw 15660as
1300-1330 15215as
1430-1500 15715as
1000-1100 Sun 12010as 17520as
2100-2200 Sun 15420as
1400-1430 11965as
1600-1630 11750as 15360as
1530-1600 15605as
1330-1400 hf 15660as
1030-1100 f 17550as
1030-1100 wh 17550as
1030-1100 Sun 17550as
1300-1330 15445as
1530-1600 11780as
1430-1500 12065as
1200-1300 9880as
2100-2200 11790as
1330-1400 mta 15660as
1530-1600 11870as
0000-0100 12025as 17880as
0100-0200 12025as 17880as
1000-1100 mtwhfa 12010as 17520as
1100-1200 11775as 12080as 12105as
1200-1300 9800as 12105as
1300-1400 12105as
1400-1500 13575as
2100-2200 mtwhfa 15420as
2200-2300 12120as 15215as
2300-0000 12120as 15370as
1500-1530 15690as
0300-0330 17645eu
1330-1400 9720eu
1400-1430 15165as
1030-1100 Sat 17550as
1030-1100 mt 17550as
1500-1530 11870as
1500-1530 11640as
Madagascar, AWR Africa
0230-0300 3215af
0300-0330 3215af
1430-1500 3215af
1500-1528 3215af
1300-1400 17670as
South Africa, AWR Africa
1800-1830 3215af 3345af
1830-1900 11840af
1700-1730 9600af
1730-1800 9600af
0100-0200 Sat 15445as
(Claudius Dedio, Adrian Peterson/AWR & Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India) Reformatted by Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager-Monitoring Times
Austria, AWR Europe
1800-1830 Sat 15325af
1430-1500 17605af
1830-1900 11660af
1800-1830 m 15325af
1800-1830 h 15325af
2000-2030 11955af
1800-1830 w 15325af
2100-2130 11955af
0330-0400 9505as
0400-0430 9505as
1630-1700 15150as
1700-1730 15150as
0430-0500 6155af
1930-2000 15220af
2030-2100 15155af
1900-1930 11955af
Juba Arabic
1800-1830 t 15325af
1800-1830 Sun 15325af
0230-0300 9690as
1500-1530 11880as
0200-0230 9690as
1400-1430 15440as
1600-1630 15260as
1800-1830 f 15325af
Germany, AWR Europe
0330-0400 11610af
0400-0500 15225va
0500-0600 15225va
0700-0800 15225af
1900-1930 9765af
1900-2000 11605af 15260af
2000-2100 11605af
1230-1300 17535as
0400-0430 6020eu
1600-1630 9830eu
1200-1230 17535as
1530-1600 smtwa 15255as
0800-0830 15140af
2000-2030 9765af 17610af
1900-1930 15205af
1530-1600 15290as
1930-2000 15205af
0900-1000 Sun 9790eu
0800-0830 15225af
1730-1800 15170af
1300-1330 mtwhf 15320as
1330-1400 15320as
1400-1500 15320as
1500-1530 15595as
0300-0330 11610af
1730-1800 15155af
1500-1530 15255as
1630-1700 17575af
0830-0900 15225af
1930-2000 9765af
1530-1600 hf 15255as
0300-0330 6065af
1300-1330 Sat/Sun 15320as
1900-1930 11945af
2030-2100 11755af
Guam, AWR Asia
1330-1400 sw 15660as
1300-1330 15215as
1430-1500 15715as
1000-1100 Sun 12010as 17520as
2100-2200 Sun 15420as
1400-1430 11965as
1600-1630 11750as 15360as
1530-1600 15605as
1330-1400 hf 15660as
1030-1100 f 17550as
1030-1100 wh 17550as
1030-1100 Sun 17550as
1300-1330 15445as
1530-1600 11780as
1430-1500 12065as
1200-1300 9880as
2100-2200 11790as
1330-1400 mta 15660as
1530-1600 11870as
0000-0100 12025as 17880as
0100-0200 12025as 17880as
1000-1100 mtwhfa 12010as 17520as
1100-1200 11775as 12080as 12105as
1200-1300 9800as 12105as
1300-1400 12105as
1400-1500 13575as
2100-2200 mtwhfa 15420as
2200-2300 12120as 15215as
2300-0000 12120as 15370as
1500-1530 15690as
0300-0330 17645eu
1330-1400 9720eu
1400-1430 15165as
1030-1100 Sat 17550as
1030-1100 mt 17550as
1500-1530 11870as
1500-1530 11640as
Madagascar, AWR Africa
0230-0300 3215af
0300-0330 3215af
1430-1500 3215af
1500-1528 3215af
1300-1400 17670as
South Africa, AWR Africa
1800-1830 3215af 3345af
1830-1900 11840af
1700-1730 9600af
1730-1800 9600af
0100-0200 Sat 15445as
(Claudius Dedio, Adrian Peterson/AWR & Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India) Reformatted by Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager-Monitoring Times
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Transmitters in Bata, Equatorial Guinea repaired
All times UTC
Logs edited for clarity - *sign-on / sign-off*
5005, Rdif. de Guinea Ecuatorial, Bata, 1805, Mar 17. Afro accented Spanish talks, weak to fair. Band opening up to West Africa. Tonight quite good reception. (Goonetilleke). When checking 5005.07 at 2000, Mar 17, I only heard a weak carrier in much local noise. But on March 19 at 2020-2027* there was an African song and music – probably the national hymn before close down. SINPO 23332 with utility interference and interference from spurious Russian on 5001 kHz. Thank you for the tips, Victor! (Petersen). Also heard at *0453-0515, Mar 18, sign on with local African music. Weak. Poor in noisy conditions. Nothing heard on 6250 kHz at various checks between 0500-0635. (Alexander in DXplorer)
15190.00, Pan American Broadcasting via Radio Africa, Bata, 1638-1700, Mar 18. Presumed with a strong but distorted signal. English religious talk. (Alexander in DXplorer). Also presumed heard at 1657-1856, Mar 18, with weak and fading signal in England - currently mixing with co-channel Radio Pilipinas. Has been audible since IRRS closed at 1657, with US and African sounding evangelists. Gospel of the Kingdom program heard starting at 1856. No ID yet though the programming, signal strength and poor audio quality are typical of Radio Africa. Same station was also tentatively heard here on Mar 02 from 1735 to abrupt close at 1755* and again Mar 16 around the same time. (Kenny)
And later at 0650-0835, Mar 18. Religious comments in English, and at the end of the program mentioned an address in USA, at 0700 a woman also with religious comments, reading a letter from Nairobi, Kenya, and a man mentioned "The Lord Jesus Christ." Some religious songs and at 0829 mention of a program: "The Voice of Trust". No IDs at hours and half hours. Fair modulation. SINPO 24322. (Méndez)
The re-appearance after a long OFF-time of both transmitters on the same day indicate, that a competent technician has visited Bata! (Petersen)
(Anker Petersen/DX Window 450)
Radio Canada International Summer Schedule
Effective: 25 March - 28 October 2012
All times UTC
Target Areas: af (Africa) as (Asia) ca (Central America) me (Middle East) sa (South America)
Broadcast daily unless otherwise indicated
0200-0229 5950af 7230me
0300-0329 5990me 7230me
1900-1929 15235af 15180me
0000-0057 11700as
1500-1529 DRM 17815as
1500-1557 11675as 15125as
1800-1859 9530af 11765af 17810af
2000-2100 15235af 15330af 17735af
1900-1959 11765af 13730af 15320af 17735af
2100-2159 9525af 15235af 17735af
2300-2329 9525af
0000-0059 9690as 12015as
1100-1159 9490as 9570as
1500-1529 11730as
1500-1559 6110as
2200-2259 9525as 9870as
2100-2129 Fri/Sat/Sun 15455ca 17860sa
2200-2229 Fri/Sat/Sun 17860sa
2300-2329 Fri/Sat/Sun 13760sa
1500-1529 15325eu
1600-1629 15325eu
0000-0029 11990sa 13760ca
0100-0129 11990ca
2200-2229 11990sa 15455sa
2300-2329 11990sa 15455sa
(RCI-Bill Westenhaver via Jaisakthivel, Tirunelveli, India & Alokesh Gupta, New Dehi, India. Reformatted by Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager-Monitoring Times)
KNLS Summer Schedule
USA, Anchor Point, Alaska
Effective: 25 March - 28 October 2012
All times UTC
broadcast daily unless otherwise indicated and targeted to Asia
0800-0900 9655as
0900-1000 9655as
1000-1100 9655as
1100-1200 9610as
1300-1400 9655as 9920as
1400-1500 7355as
1500-1600 9920as
1600-1700 9920as
1700-1800 9920as
0800-0900 11870as
1000-1100 11870as
1200-1300 7355as 11870as
1400-1500 11765as
0900-1000 11870as
1100-1200 11870as
1500-1600 9655as
1600-1700 9655as
(Alexander Yegorov, Ukraine via BC0DX Mrch 1)
BCl/last updated March 5, 2012)
Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletin
Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2012 Mar 19 1253 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact www.swpc.noaa.gov/weekly.html
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 12 - 18 March 2012
Solar activity was at low to high levels during the period. Region 1429 (N17, L = 299, class/area Dkc/1270 on 07 March) produced the largest event of the period, an M7/1b x-ray flare at 13/1741 UTC. Associated with this event, were a 1400 sfu Tenflare, a Type II and a Type IV radio sweep, with an estimated shock velocity of 1366 km/s, and finally an asymmetric full-halo CME, visible in both LASCO C2 and C3 imagery. Plane-of-sky speed, as measured from LASCO imagery was 1375 km/s. The CME associated with this event was forecast to become geoeffective. As Region 1429 approached the west limb, finally rotating off on 16 March, Region 1432 (N14, L = 223, class/area Esi/100 on 15 March) became active and produced two M-class events. The largest was an M2/1n x-ray event at 14/1521 UTC.
A faint CME, visible in LASCO C2 imagery, was observed with a plane-of-sky speed of 392 km/s. On 15 March, a second M-class event, an M1/1f x-ray event at 15/0752 UTC, was also observed. A Type II radio sweep with an estimated shock velocity of 468 km/s was associated with this event. Both CME’s associated with the solar flares from Region 1432 were expected to arrive at Earth, but with such slow speeds and a coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS)
preceding them, very little effects were forecast. Finally, Region 1434 (S22, L = 205, class/area on 11 March) produced an M1/Sf x-ray event at 17/2039 UTC. Another Type II radio sweep with an estimated shock velocity of 1140 km/s was associated with this event. However,the associated CME with this event was not expected to become geoeffective. Aside from the M-class x-ray events, multiple C-class events were observed during the period. Many of the solar regions remained active as they evolved around the disk, but Region 1435 (S25, L = 220, class/area Dao/150 on 18 March) showed rapid growth towards the end of the summary period.
Two separate greater than 10 MeV proton events were observed during the summary period. The period began with the greater than 10 MeV proton flux above the 10 pfu threshold. This event was associated with the X5/3b x-ray flare observed on 07/0024 UTC. This event began on 07/0510 UTC, reached a maximum flux of 6530 pfu on 08/1115 UTC, and dropped below the 10 pfu threshold at 12/2050 UTC. The second event, began on 13 March and was associated the M7/1b x-ray event, mentioned earlier, from old Region 1429 (N18, L = 299). This greater than 10 MeV proton event began at 13/1810 UTC, reached a maximum flux of 469 pfu on 13/2045 UTC, and dropped below the 10 pfu threshold on 15/0620 UTC. A greater than 100 MeV proton event was also associated with the M7/1b x-ray event. This event began at 13/1810 UTC, reached a maximum flux of 1 pfu at 13/1905 UTC, and dropped below the 1 pfu threshold at 13/2255 UTC.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at moderate to high levels for the entire summary period.
The geomagnetic field ranged from quiet to major storm periods with isolated severe storm periods observed at high latitudes. The summary period began at quiet levels, however midday on 12 March, a shock was observed by the ACE spacecraft with a Sudden Impulse of 96 nT, later observed by the Boulder magnetometer. This activity was due to the arrival of a CME associated with the 10 March M8 x-ray event from Region 1429. Measurements by the ACE spacecraft showed the solar wind speed increased from around 450 km/s to 775 km/s.
The Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) also increased from around 6 nT to 28 nT. As the effects of the CME continued, periods of major storms were observed with isolated sever storm levels at high latitudes from 12/0900-1500 UTC. From 13-14 March, quiet to active levels were recorded as effects from this CME event waned. On 15 March, another CME arrival was observed with another shock recorded by the ACE spacecraft, followed by a Sudden Impulse of 27 nT measured at the Boulder magnetometer. Solar wind measurements, as recorded by the ACE spacecraft, showed wind speeds around 800 km/s following the shock.
Once again, quiet to major storms were observed at mid latitudes with isolated periods at sever storm levels at high latitudes. For the remainder of the summary period, 16-18 March, solar wind speeds remained elevated, well above 500 km/s, in response to a CH HSS behind the CME arrival on 15 March. The combined effects of the CME and CH HSS produced quiet to active levels at mid latitudes with continued minor to major storm periods observed at high latitudes.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 19 March - 14 April 2012
Solar activity is expected to remain at low levels from 19 -26 March. On March 27, and then March 28, old Region 1430 (N22, L = 318) and Region 1429 (N18, L = 299) are expected to return, respectively. Even though these regions are on the far side of the solar disk, imagery supports that they are still active and producing CMEs. An increase to low to moderate levels is expected from 28 March - 11 April as both regions populate to front side of the solar disk. A return to predominantly low levels is expected to prevail for the remainder of the forecast period.
No proton events are forecast from 19 - 29 March. An increase to a slight chance for proton events is forecast from 30 March - 11 April as old Region 1429 populates the visible disk. A return to background proton flux levels is expected from 12 April - 14 April.
Electrons, greater than 2 MeV, are expected to be at high levels from 18-25 March. A decrease to normal to moderate levels is expected from 26 - 28 March. From 29 March - 03 April, a return to moderate to high levels is forecast. From 04 April, through the end of the forecast period, 14 April, a return to normal to moderate levels is expected.
The geomagnetic field is expected to be at quiet to active levels on 19-20 March, in response to the arrival and lingering effects of a CME. Predominantly quiet levels are expected to prevail from 21-27 March. On 28 - 31 March, a CH HSS is expected to become geoeffective with quiet to active conditions expected. Quiet conditions are expected from 01 - 02 April. From 03 - 04 April, quiet to unsettled conditions are expected as another CH HSS moves into a geoeffective position. Predominantly quiet levels are expected to continue from 05 - 12 April. From 13-14 April, a CH HSS is expected to become geoeffective.
Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2012 Mar 19 1253 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact www.swpc.noaa.gov/wwire.html
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2012-03-19
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2012 Mar 19 100 15 4
2012 Mar 20 105 10 3
2012 Mar 21 105 5 2
2012 Mar 22 100 5 2
2012 Mar 23 100 5 2
2012 Mar 24 100 5 2
2012 Mar 25 100 5 2
2012 Mar 26 100 5 2
2012 Mar 27 105 5 2
2012 Mar 28 115 10 3
2012 Mar 29 120 8 3
2012 Mar 30 130 8 3
2012 Mar 31 130 8 3
2012 Apr 01 130 5 2
2012 Apr 02 130 5 2
2012 Apr 03 135 8 3
2012 Apr 04 135 8 3
2012 Apr 05 135 5 2
2012 Apr 06 135 5 2
2012 Apr 07 130 5 2
2012 Apr 08 120 5 2
2012 Apr 09 115 5 2
2012 Apr 10 105 5 2
2012 Apr 11 100 5 2
2012 Apr 12 100 5 2
2012 Apr 13 100 15 4
2012 Apr 14 100 10 3
Update on Polish Radio summer schedule
Yesterday's edition of "What's Up?" confirmed that Polish Radio, External Service, in English is dropped from shortwave from start of A-12 Season. Only available on Internet, satellite and via WRN from 25 March 2012.
Polish Radio can be heard in English on shortwave until Saturday, March 24 at 1800-1900 on 3955 via Skelton.
The HFCC lists only these transmissions remaining on shortwave during the A12 period from Polish Radio - all via Woofferton:
Polish Radio can be heard in English on shortwave until Saturday, March 24 at 1800-1900 on 3955 via Skelton.
The HFCC lists only these transmissions remaining on shortwave during the A12 period from Polish Radio - all via Woofferton:
Belarusian 1630-1729 11630
Polish 1330-1459 15480 and 1530-1629 11640
Russian 1300-1329 15480 and 1730-1759 11960.
Polish 1330-1459 15480 and 1530-1629 11640
Russian 1300-1329 15480 and 1730-1759 11960.
(HFCC/DK) (Roe via Gabrielli, Mar 19)
3955, Polish Radio, via Skelton, *1800-1810, Mar 19. Music to Polish ID, English ID. News about airport strike in Poland, and newly elected German President Joachim Gauck is welcome on his first visit abroad to Poland. SINPO 55555. (Petersen)
3955, Polish Radio, via Skelton, *1800-1810, Mar 19. Music to Polish ID, English ID. News about airport strike in Poland, and newly elected German President Joachim Gauck is welcome on his first visit abroad to Poland. SINPO 55555. (Petersen)
(Anker Peterson/DX Window 450)
Radio Netherlands Summer Schedule
Effective: 25 March - 28 October 2012
All times UTC
broadcast daily unless otherwise indicated
Target Areas: af (Africa) am (Americas), as (Asia) ca (Central America), eu (Europe), na (North America) sa (South America, va (Various).
0000-0027 9445na
0000-0100 5955eu
0059-0100 6190ca
0100-0127 6190ca
0259-0300 6165na
0300-0327 6165na
0329-0357 6165sa
0359-0400 6165ca
0400-0427 6165ca
0459-0500 5955eu 6035eu 6165am 9790eu 9865pa 9895eu
0500-0527 6165am 9865pa
0500-0557 6035eu 9790eu
0500-0600 5955eu 9895eu
0557-0600 6035eu
0600-0657 6035eu
0600-0700 5955eu 9895eu
0657-0700 6035eu
0659-0700 11935va
0700-0800 5955eu 6035eu 9895eu 11935va
0759-0800 mtwhf 6120eu
0800-0900 Sat/Sun 9895eu
0800-0900 5955eu 6035eu
0800-0900 mtwhf 6035eu 6120eu
0900-1000 mtwhf 6120eu
0900-1000 5955eu
0900-1000 mtwhf 6035eu
0900-1000 Sat/Sun 9895eu
0929-0957 15750as
0929-0957 Sat/Sun 6020eu
0929-1000 mtwhf 6020eu
1000-1100 5955eu
1059-1100 7360as 9670as
1100-1127 7360as 9670as
1100-1200 5955eu
1200-1300 5955eu
1259-1300 9650as 12085as
1300-1327 9650as 12085as
1300-1400 5955eu
1400-1500 5955eu
1459-1500 5955eu 9895eu 13700eu
1500-1557 13700eu
1500-1600 5955eu 9895eu
1600-1657 5955eu 9895eu
1600-1700 5955eu
1659-1700 9445va 13730va 15710af 15720af
1700-1727 9445va 13730va 15710af 15720af
1700-1800 5955eu
1759-1800 17605af
1800-1900 5955eu 17605af
1900-1957 17605af
1900-2000 5955eu 11615af
2000-2100 5955eu
2059-2100 6020af 15315af 17605sa
2100-2127 6020af 15315af 17605sa
2100-2200 5955eu
2129-2157 17605af
2159-2200 15540sa
2200-2227 15540sa
2200-2300 5955eu
2259-2300 17605sa
2300-2327 17605sa
2300-0000 5955eu
2359-0000 9445na
0959-1000 15110as
1000-1057 15110as
1359-1400 9800as
1400-1457 9800as
1859-1900 7425af 11615af 15495af
1900-2000 7425af 11615af 15495af
2000-2057 7425af 11615af 15495af
1059-1100 9720as 9795as 15650as
1100-1157 9720as 9795as 15650as
2059-2100 9365as
2100-2157 9365as
0000-0057 6165sa
0059-0100 6165ca
0100-0157 6165ca
1059-1100 9895am
1100-1127 9895am
1129-1157 6165sa
1159-1200 6165sa 9715ca
1200-1227 6165sa 9715ca
2300-0000 6165sa
(R Netherlands/Jaisakthivel/ADXC Tirunelveli, India http://www.adxc.wordpress.com/ via
Leo van der Woude) Reformatted by Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager-Monitoring Times.
Monitoring Vietnam Coast Radio
All times UTC *sign-on -/ sign-off* // parallel frequency
logs edited for clarity
7906-USB and 8294-USB. Vietnam Coast Radio Station (VISHIPEL) (presumed). Thanks entirely to the timely tip from Sei-ichi Hasegawa (Japan) that I tuned in to this.
March 19 observed on 7906-USB, *1020-1025*, *1105-1110*, *1120-1125*. Actually ten minutes between the broadcasts of these five minute segments. In Vietnamese with assume marine weather. Today always ending with the same commercial ad (male/female) along with sound of phone ringing and young girl says “Hello”. Pulsating noise interference to 1123, 8294-USB not heard today.
March 20 on 7906-USB again with five minute segments. Ending with the same commercial. At 1220, found // 8294-USB for the first time, but this frequency did not run the commercial at the end of the marine weather, as heard on 7906-USB. Station went off at 1224, so the segments on 8294-USB are about one minute shorter and about eleven minutes between segments. Noted *1235-1239.*
Need to confirm the full schedule and exact transmitter sites of these broadcasts.
Per Sei-ichi, but not confirmed:
Ca Mau XVA, Vinh XVB, Hai Phong XVG, Mong Cai XVM,
Nha Trang XVN, Vung Tau XVR, Ho Chi Minh XVS, Da Nang XVT
Ho Chi Min Radio, Danang Radio, Hai Phong Radio
My MP3 audio of 8294-USB
My MP3 audio of commercial ad on 7906-USB
Very nice recording with some English
Check the following site for reception updates
www.vishipel.com.vn/ - click English.
"Fishing vessel safety information
Vietnam Coast Radio Stations broadcast sea weather forecast, sea disaster forecast to all fishing vessels on the frequency 7906 kHz, 8294 kHz as follows:
Sea weather forecast: daily broadcast in every 15 minutes Morning: from 05h20 to 09h20. Afternoon: from 17h20 to 21h20
Sea disaster forecast: broadcast in every 15 minutes,24/24 in the case of storms, tropical storms.
In addition, Vietnam Coast Radio Stations broadcast safety information guide to fishing vessels fishing in the sea such as channel guidance, floating dangerous
obstacles, dangerous waters .. In the case of a storm, tropical storms dangerous sea, Vietnam Coast Radio Stations broadcast on all Vietnam waters to call and
guide vessels to safety storm shelter.”
www.vishipel.com.vn/Index.aspx?page=service&tab=dc click English.
Search of the web found
(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
logs edited for clarity
7906-USB and 8294-USB. Vietnam Coast Radio Station (VISHIPEL) (presumed). Thanks entirely to the timely tip from Sei-ichi Hasegawa (Japan) that I tuned in to this.
March 19 observed on 7906-USB, *1020-1025*, *1105-1110*, *1120-1125*. Actually ten minutes between the broadcasts of these five minute segments. In Vietnamese with assume marine weather. Today always ending with the same commercial ad (male/female) along with sound of phone ringing and young girl says “Hello”. Pulsating noise interference to 1123, 8294-USB not heard today.
March 20 on 7906-USB again with five minute segments. Ending with the same commercial. At 1220, found // 8294-USB for the first time, but this frequency did not run the commercial at the end of the marine weather, as heard on 7906-USB. Station went off at 1224, so the segments on 8294-USB are about one minute shorter and about eleven minutes between segments. Noted *1235-1239.*
Need to confirm the full schedule and exact transmitter sites of these broadcasts.
Per Sei-ichi, but not confirmed:
Ca Mau XVA, Vinh XVB, Hai Phong XVG, Mong Cai XVM,
Nha Trang XVN, Vung Tau XVR, Ho Chi Minh XVS, Da Nang XVT
Ho Chi Min Radio, Danang Radio, Hai Phong Radio
My MP3 audio of 8294-USB
My MP3 audio of commercial ad on 7906-USB
Very nice recording with some English
Check the following site for reception updates
www.vishipel.com.vn/ - click English.
"Fishing vessel safety information
Vietnam Coast Radio Stations broadcast sea weather forecast, sea disaster forecast to all fishing vessels on the frequency 7906 kHz, 8294 kHz as follows:
Sea weather forecast: daily broadcast in every 15 minutes Morning: from 05h20 to 09h20. Afternoon: from 17h20 to 21h20
Sea disaster forecast: broadcast in every 15 minutes,24/24 in the case of storms, tropical storms.
In addition, Vietnam Coast Radio Stations broadcast safety information guide to fishing vessels fishing in the sea such as channel guidance, floating dangerous
obstacles, dangerous waters .. In the case of a storm, tropical storms dangerous sea, Vietnam Coast Radio Stations broadcast on all Vietnam waters to call and
guide vessels to safety storm shelter.”
www.vishipel.com.vn/Index.aspx?page=service&tab=dc click English.
Search of the web found
(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
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