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Friday, December 28, 2018
Shortwave Radiogram weekend schedules
Hello friends,
The humble municipal Christmas decorations featured in last weekend's program resulted in many nice shortwave-enhanced MFSK64 images, submitted by listeners via email and Twitter (@SWRadiogram). Some examples are below.
Videos of last weekend's Shortwave Radiogram (program 79) are provided by Scott in Ontario (Friday 2030 UTC), Ralf in Germany (Saturday 1400 UTC) and Lolo sdr in Spain (Sunday 2330 UTC). The audio archive is maintained by Mark in the UK. Analysis is prepared by Roger in Germany.
This weekend we stay with MFSK32 and MFSK64. The show will include eleven images, including the second of six images in the Tecsun Radios Australia decoding competition.
Here is the lineup for Shortwave Radiogram, program 80, 28-30 December 2018, in MFSK modes as noted:
1:39 MFSK32: Program preview
2:50 MFSK64: New Horizons probe approached Ultima Thule*
6:53 Images of the week*
22:24 Second image in the Tecsun Radios Australia competition*
27:18 MFSK32: Closing announcements
* with image(s)
Please send reception reports to radiogram@verizon.net
And visit http://swradiogram.net
Twitter: @SWRadiogram or https://twitter.com/swradiogram (visit during the weekend to see listeners' results)
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/567099476753304
Shortwave Radiogram Transmission Schedule
UTC Day UTC Time Frequency Transmitter
Friday 2030-2100 UTC 7780 kHz WRMI Florida
Saturday 1400-1430 UTC 9400 kHz Space Line Bulgaria
Sunday 0800-0830 UTC 5850 kHz
7730 kHz WRMI Florida
Sunday 2330-2400 UTC 7780 kHz WRMI Florida
Slow Scan Radio transmits SSTV images and text modes Saturdays at 1300-1330 UTC on 6070 kHz (and maybe also 7440 kHz) via Channel 292 in Germany -- according to the latest schedule information I have. The website is http://www.slowscanradio.com. Reception reports to x@xdv.me.
The Mighty KBC transmits to Europe Saturdays at 1300-1400 UTC on 11600 kHz from Bulgaria, with the minute of MFSK at about 1330 UTC (if you are outside of Europe, listen via websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/ ). And to North America Sundays at 0000-0200 UTC (Saturday 7-9 pm EST) on 5960 kHz, via Germany. The minute of MFSK is at about 0130 UTC. Reports to Eric: themightykbc@gmail.com . See also http://www.kbcradio.eu/ and https://www.facebook.com/TheMightyKbc/.
Italian Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) Five minutes of MFSK32 is at the end of the 30-minute English-language “Shortwave Panorama. For the complete IBC transmission schedule visit http://ibcradio.webs.com/
Broad Spectrum Radio is (sometimes) transmitted by WRMI Florida Sundays at 0700-0800 UTC on 5850 and 7730 kHz. MFSK32 is broadcast during the second half hour of the show. Reports to broadspectrumradio@gmail.com.
Thank you for listening, decoding, writing in, tweeting, producing videos, and for all your support in 2018. Wishing you a great 2019!
Kim Andrew Elliott, KD9XB
Producer and Presenter
Shortwave Radiogram
Reporting on international broadcasting at https://twitter.com/kaedotcom
Images decoded by Zach in Alabama, 21 December 2018, 2030-2100 UTC, 7780 kHz from WRMI Florida. Zach writes: "Don't laugh, but I always enjoying seeing the decorations that cities put up for Christmas! Ultra modern or totally old-fashioned, they're all getting me in the spirit of the season."
Ralf in Germany received these images 22 December 2018, 1400-1430 UTC, 9400 kHz from Bulgaria.
The Saturday 1400 UTC images were also received by Lorne in New Zealand.
Al in Florida received these images 23 December 2018 during the 0800-0830 UTC show on 5850 kHz from WRMI Florida. He wrote: "Visions of sugar plum images danced in my head as I set up FLDigi and settled into bed. In northern Florida not a creature stirred 0800z on 5850 kHz not even my mouse! Awoke & away to my Windows I flew like a flash to find Santa had left me this nice little stash... "
With some more distance from the Florida transmitter, Hal Fi in California decoded even clearer images on 5850 kHz.
On 23 December, the 2330-2400 UTC broadcast, 7780 kHz from WRMI in Florida, was decoded by Marco in Italy.