All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on / sign-off*
9745, Radio Bahrain, 0004-0040. Local Mid-East style pop music. Poor in noisy conditions. Reduced carrier USB. (Brian Alexander, PA)
15189.62, Rádio Inconfidência, 2140-2245. Portuguese talk. Brazilian pop music. Possible news at 2200. IDs at 2205, 2211. Poor to fair with slight adjacent channel splatter. Brazil now in the clear on this frequency at this time with WYFR no longer using this frequency. Deteriorated to a very weak level in noisy conditions by 2230. Also heard with a poor signal on // 6009.94.(Brian Alexander-PA)
6165, R N Chad 2145 with 'excellent' S10 level. African hilife song mix that seem a bit to like a Latin style on 2200 with ID but signal had strong interference from 6170 CRI Chinese. SINPO 44544 before the interference. (Zach Liangas, Greece/Cumbre DX)
4220, PBS Qinghai, 1555-1600.* Consistently playing Kenny G’s instrumental tune Forever in Love before going off the air. Must be a popular piece in China, as I heard the same selection used in the past via Zhoushan Maritime Meteorological Radio. Nov 8 reception was fair. The strongest since their recent reactivation.(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
4780, Radio Djibouti, *0300-0330. Sign on with national anthem followed by rustic local music and opening Arabic announcements. Qur`an at 0302. Arabic talk at 0314. Local tribal music. Poor to fair in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander-PA)
Dominican Republic
6025.11v, Radio Amanecer, 0330-0500.+ On the air late tonight with Spanish religious talk. IDs at 0400. Lite instrumental music. Fair signal but with slight distortion and frequency drifting from 6025.09-6025.11 during this time period. Occasional weak adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA)
3279.90, LV del Napo, Tena, 1020-1050. Spanish talk to Ecuadorian music. Local choral music. Fair level but muffled audio. (Brian Alexander, PA)
3279.90, LV del Napo, Tena, 0155-0308.* Spanish talk and inspirational Spanish music. Sign off with lite instrumental music. Poor to fair. (Brian Alexander, PA)
7210, Voice of the Broad Masses (Asmera), 0356-0415. Tigrinya. Interval signal consisting of Horn of Africa music and a quick announcement by a man, repeated. Talk by man starting at 0400 with an occasional few bars of music. Poor signal fading up to moderate at times. Also heard cochannel presumed Radio Fana (Ethiopia) with talk by man. Fana was usually below VoBM, but occasionally stronger. No parallels heard. (Jim Evans, TN)
Equatorial Guinea
15190, Radio Africa, 1605. Series of religious shows in English including The People’s Gospel Hour with mailing addresses in Halifax, Nova Scotia and Boston, MA, 1620 a different preacher. Signal fair to poor. Brazil will have a hard time today if they broadcast here.(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
4052.460, Radio Verdad, 2330-2335. Noted a couple of vales in conversation. Signal was fair with no noticable interference. (Chuck Bolland, FL)
6280, AIR, 2042. Signal of S40!! Bollywood songs on the Hindi service at 2045 with General Overseas Service in English ID. (Zach Liangas, Greece/Cumbre DX)
4970, AIR Shillong, 1453-1512. Extremely erratic schedule recently. Often not signing on till after 1400. In English, program of all Simon & Garfunkel songs. Their local IDs now includes both SW and FM frequencies, 1512 switched over to programming from Delhi and became // 9425. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
7245, Radio Mauritanie, *0623-0650. Sign on with Arabic talk and Qur`an at 0624. Local music at 0647. Poor. Weak with adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA)
7245, Radio Mauritanie, 0040-0058.* Local guitar music and local vocals. Arabic talk. Abrupt sign off. Good signal.(Brian Alexander, PA)
6009.96, Radio Mil, 1025-1040. Spanish pop music. IDs. Spanish announcements, promos, ads. Poor to fair in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA)
6240, Radio Pridnestrovye, 2310-2330. Female announcer in French at tune-in. Commeents and station ID at 2316 as, "... Radio Pridenstrovye." At 2317 music in Russian language. Very good signal. (Chuck Bolland, FL)
5770, Myanmar Defense Forces Broadcast Station (presumed), 1522-1530.* Vernacular language. Pop and indigenous songs. Off with the usual selection of indigenous music. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
7350, Radio Nigeria, Abuja, *0540-0600. Sign on with test tone. Local tribal drumming and whistling at 0545. Talk at 0547. Local music. Local drums at 0600 and news. Poor, weak in noisy conditions. Too weak tonight to pull out many program details. (Brian Alexander, PA)
Papua New Guinea
3290, NBC Central, 1348-1407.* Island pop songs. Station IDs and promos for “NBC Central” on “95.5 FM”, so assume a relay of Radio Gadona. Indigenous at 1400-1404 (National?) song. Sign off ID followed by choral national anthem. Poor signal. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
4789.956, Radio Vision, 2350-2359. Male announcer in Spanish with comments between ordinary secular music. Lots of band noise while the signal is poor. (Chuck Bolland, FL)
6019.294, Radio Victoria, 0930-0945. At tune in, noted a male in steady Spanish language comments. Frequency measurement is as precise as possible to get using the WR-G31DDC unit while in LSB mode. At 0934 music presented. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, FL)
7330, Voice of Russia, 1155-1205. Prior to the hour, heard the tone signal that VOR usually transmits before their scheduled transmission. The interesting observation of
this was there were two tones being transmitted. One was on 7329.170 kHz and the other
was on 7330.836 both on and off. In the meantime, a steady carrier remained on 7330.000 kHz. On the hour, both the side tones ceased and the regular schedule programming began with news in Russian on 7330.000 KHz. The tones when they were transmitting, were at a
good level, however, the program signal was very poor when it began on the hour. (Chuck
Bolland, FL)
6075, GTRK Kamchatka via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka, (Ex: 5930), 0810-0900 (ex: 0710-0800) . Local and regional programming, interviews, local news and music. Station IDs "Radio Rossii Kamchatka." Usual English ID at 0830 as "this is Kamchatka." Audio not as bad as it usually is, not so much motorboating as just a hum. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
4905, Xizang PBS-Lhasa, 1533-1600, Nov 8. Holy Tibet show in English; opening of the St. Regis Lhasa Resort luxury hotel. New airport in Tibet, near border with India, started operating last Saturday. Tibetan songs to segment Tibet Stories about tea bowls // 4920 and 6200 enjoyable programming.
7240, Voice of Turkey (Cakirlar), 0448-0458.* English service. Turkish music. Talk by woman at 0452 followed by ID, schedule, and closing announcements. Interval signal at 0454and repeated. Station gone at 0458. Poor to moderate signal with some fading. (Jim Evans, TN)
9745, Radio Bahrain, 0004-0040. Local Mid-East style pop music. Poor in noisy conditions. Reduced carrier USB. (Brian Alexander, PA)
15189.62, Rádio Inconfidência, 2140-2245. Portuguese talk. Brazilian pop music. Possible news at 2200. IDs at 2205, 2211. Poor to fair with slight adjacent channel splatter. Brazil now in the clear on this frequency at this time with WYFR no longer using this frequency. Deteriorated to a very weak level in noisy conditions by 2230. Also heard with a poor signal on // 6009.94.(Brian Alexander-PA)
6165, R N Chad 2145 with 'excellent' S10 level. African hilife song mix that seem a bit to like a Latin style on 2200 with ID but signal had strong interference from 6170 CRI Chinese. SINPO 44544 before the interference. (Zach Liangas, Greece/Cumbre DX)
4220, PBS Qinghai, 1555-1600.* Consistently playing Kenny G’s instrumental tune Forever in Love before going off the air. Must be a popular piece in China, as I heard the same selection used in the past via Zhoushan Maritime Meteorological Radio. Nov 8 reception was fair. The strongest since their recent reactivation.(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
4780, Radio Djibouti, *0300-0330. Sign on with national anthem followed by rustic local music and opening Arabic announcements. Qur`an at 0302. Arabic talk at 0314. Local tribal music. Poor to fair in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander-PA)
Dominican Republic
6025.11v, Radio Amanecer, 0330-0500.+ On the air late tonight with Spanish religious talk. IDs at 0400. Lite instrumental music. Fair signal but with slight distortion and frequency drifting from 6025.09-6025.11 during this time period. Occasional weak adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA)
3279.90, LV del Napo, Tena, 1020-1050. Spanish talk to Ecuadorian music. Local choral music. Fair level but muffled audio. (Brian Alexander, PA)
3279.90, LV del Napo, Tena, 0155-0308.* Spanish talk and inspirational Spanish music. Sign off with lite instrumental music. Poor to fair. (Brian Alexander, PA)
7210, Voice of the Broad Masses (Asmera), 0356-0415. Tigrinya. Interval signal consisting of Horn of Africa music and a quick announcement by a man, repeated. Talk by man starting at 0400 with an occasional few bars of music. Poor signal fading up to moderate at times. Also heard cochannel presumed Radio Fana (Ethiopia) with talk by man. Fana was usually below VoBM, but occasionally stronger. No parallels heard. (Jim Evans, TN)
Equatorial Guinea
15190, Radio Africa, 1605. Series of religious shows in English including The People’s Gospel Hour with mailing addresses in Halifax, Nova Scotia and Boston, MA, 1620 a different preacher. Signal fair to poor. Brazil will have a hard time today if they broadcast here.(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
4052.460, Radio Verdad, 2330-2335. Noted a couple of vales in conversation. Signal was fair with no noticable interference. (Chuck Bolland, FL)
6280, AIR, 2042. Signal of S40!! Bollywood songs on the Hindi service at 2045 with General Overseas Service in English ID. (Zach Liangas, Greece/Cumbre DX)
4970, AIR Shillong, 1453-1512. Extremely erratic schedule recently. Often not signing on till after 1400. In English, program of all Simon & Garfunkel songs. Their local IDs now includes both SW and FM frequencies, 1512 switched over to programming from Delhi and became // 9425. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
7245, Radio Mauritanie, *0623-0650. Sign on with Arabic talk and Qur`an at 0624. Local music at 0647. Poor. Weak with adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA)
7245, Radio Mauritanie, 0040-0058.* Local guitar music and local vocals. Arabic talk. Abrupt sign off. Good signal.(Brian Alexander, PA)
6009.96, Radio Mil, 1025-1040. Spanish pop music. IDs. Spanish announcements, promos, ads. Poor to fair in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA)
6240, Radio Pridnestrovye, 2310-2330. Female announcer in French at tune-in. Commeents and station ID at 2316 as, "... Radio Pridenstrovye." At 2317 music in Russian language. Very good signal. (Chuck Bolland, FL)
5770, Myanmar Defense Forces Broadcast Station (presumed), 1522-1530.* Vernacular language. Pop and indigenous songs. Off with the usual selection of indigenous music. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
7350, Radio Nigeria, Abuja, *0540-0600. Sign on with test tone. Local tribal drumming and whistling at 0545. Talk at 0547. Local music. Local drums at 0600 and news. Poor, weak in noisy conditions. Too weak tonight to pull out many program details. (Brian Alexander, PA)
Papua New Guinea
3290, NBC Central, 1348-1407.* Island pop songs. Station IDs and promos for “NBC Central” on “95.5 FM”, so assume a relay of Radio Gadona. Indigenous at 1400-1404 (National?) song. Sign off ID followed by choral national anthem. Poor signal. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
4789.956, Radio Vision, 2350-2359. Male announcer in Spanish with comments between ordinary secular music. Lots of band noise while the signal is poor. (Chuck Bolland, FL)
6019.294, Radio Victoria, 0930-0945. At tune in, noted a male in steady Spanish language comments. Frequency measurement is as precise as possible to get using the WR-G31DDC unit while in LSB mode. At 0934 music presented. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, FL)
7330, Voice of Russia, 1155-1205. Prior to the hour, heard the tone signal that VOR usually transmits before their scheduled transmission. The interesting observation of
this was there were two tones being transmitted. One was on 7329.170 kHz and the other
was on 7330.836 both on and off. In the meantime, a steady carrier remained on 7330.000 kHz. On the hour, both the side tones ceased and the regular schedule programming began with news in Russian on 7330.000 KHz. The tones when they were transmitting, were at a
good level, however, the program signal was very poor when it began on the hour. (Chuck
Bolland, FL)
6075, GTRK Kamchatka via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka, (Ex: 5930), 0810-0900 (ex: 0710-0800) . Local and regional programming, interviews, local news and music. Station IDs "Radio Rossii Kamchatka." Usual English ID at 0830 as "this is Kamchatka." Audio not as bad as it usually is, not so much motorboating as just a hum. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
4905, Xizang PBS-Lhasa, 1533-1600, Nov 8. Holy Tibet show in English; opening of the St. Regis Lhasa Resort luxury hotel. New airport in Tibet, near border with India, started operating last Saturday. Tibetan songs to segment Tibet Stories about tea bowls // 4920 and 6200 enjoyable programming.
7240, Voice of Turkey (Cakirlar), 0448-0458.* English service. Turkish music. Talk by woman at 0452 followed by ID, schedule, and closing announcements. Interval signal at 0454and repeated. Station gone at 0458. Poor to moderate signal with some fading. (Jim Evans, TN)
photo:Radio Bahrain QSL crest/Teak Publishing Archive Collection)