BRAZIL Radio Cancao Nova with religious program in Portuguese heard 0400-0500 on 6105 kHz on April 2nd, seems to be \\ with 9675 but covered by BSKSA 2nd prgr in Ar. From 0500 UT on 6105 kHz was already RL in Russian. (Ognyan Chengeliev-BUL, wwdxc BC-DX Apr 5)
3255 R. Educadora 6 de Agosto, Xapuri [pron. shapooree] AC, 2245-2303, 30 Mar, A Voz do Brasil, then ID+fqs followed by a sung ave Mary; 44343.
4805 R. Difa do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 2139-2149, 01 Apr, f/ball match report of Nacional vs. Maranhao; 45333.eport
4815 R. Difa, Londrina PR, 2144-2153, 01 Apr, songs; 34332, adjt. Utility interference. QRM.
4825 R. Educadora, Braganca PA, 2125-2148, 01 Apr, light songs; 55333.
4865 R. Alvorada, Londrina PR, 2141-2205, 28 Mar, news, list of affiliated stations. A Voz do Brasil 2200; 44332, QRM from Bolivia.
4975 R. Mundial, Osasco SP, 2140-2152, 30 Mar, shouting preacher, same as \\ Radio Capixaba 4935 or R. Tupi 9565 for instance; 25331.
4985 R. Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 2203-2223, 28 Mar, A Voz do Brasil; SINPO 55343.
5045 R. Guaruja Paulista, Presidente Prudente SP, 2209-2218, 28 Mar, talks on f/ball; 44332, adjacent QRM.
5990 R. Senado, Brasilia DF, 2127-2136, 29 Mar, senat session; 52432, DRM QRM spoiling a very. strong QSA.
6010 R. Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG, 2219-2227, 28 Mar, A Voz do Brasil; 34432, adj. QRM. Rtd. 55433 on 01 Apr 2213-2223.
6020 R. Gaucha, Pto Alegre RS, 2132-2144, 29 Mar, f/ball news, advertisements, time checks to temperature info (31cC); 44332.
6040 R. Club Paranaense, Curitiba PR, 2236-2252, 28 Mar, A Voz do Brasil, part 2; 54433. On MW: 1430, 2227-2231, 31 Mar, phone-in program; 23441, and outperforming \\ 6040!
6080 R. CBN Anhanguera, Goiania GO, 2233-2242, 29 Mar, A Voz do Brasil part 2; 33442, co-ch. QRM (de BLR+BOL+EQA) & adj. QRM, BLR waxs hardly noticed though.
6105 R. Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 2247-2256, 01 Apr, songs; 44433, QRM de CHN.
6135 R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2148-2200, 29 Mar, advertisements for truck parts in musical prgr dedicated to truck drivers; 43432, adj. QRM, then vy. strg. Co-ch. QRM de R. Republica /2200.
6150 R. Record, Sao Paulo SP, 2251-2258, 01 Apr, f/ball match rpt. Santos vs. (?), advertisements; 54433.
6180 R. Nac. da Amazonia, Brasilia DF, 2229-2242, 29 Mar, A Voz do Brasil part 2 w/ Jornal do Senado; 54433, adjt. QRM; \\ 11780 reported SINPO 45433.
9515 R. Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 1005-1100, 30 Mar, talks, songs; SINPO 25432, blckd. By ROU 1200.
9565 R. Tupi, Curitiba PR, 1003-1120, 30 Mar, prayer, talks; SINPO 25432, barely audible at 1130.
9675 R. Cancao Nova, Cach. Paulista SP, 0955-1205, 30 Mar, end of news, listo f affil. Stns, songs, prayer, mass; 35443, then barely audible at 1205.
9685 R. Rio Mar, Manaus AM, 1000-1230, 30 Mar, R. Bandeirantes news, advertisements, music; 35443, but barely audible at 1230. I obs'ed R. Bandeirantes 11925 too, and every time advs. were aired within the newscast, R. Rio Mar & R. Bandeirantes carried different ones.
11735 R. Transmundial, Sta Ma RS, 1155-1427, 02 Apr, talks, music, ID to news 1200,_, religious program around 1420; SINPO 15431.
11805 R. Globo, Rio de Jano RJ, 1012-..., 30 Mar, chats, infos; 25432; drifted to 11804.9 at 1051.
11815 R. Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 1831-1855, 28 Mar, advertisements, songs, prgr "A Tarde e sua", incl. sev. Features, many TCs and news; SINPO 44433.
11815 R. Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 1410-1428, 29 Mar, advertisements, infos, TCs, songs; 24432, adjt. QRM.
11925 R. Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 1009-1232, 30 Mar, news, advertisements; 25432, vy. weak by 1230.
17815 R. Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 1414-1428, 02 Apr, Braz. Songs, infos, program announcements; 13431, adjt. QRM 17820. (all Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Apr 3)
3365 R. Cultura, Araraquara SP, 2230-..., 02 Apr, A Voz do Brasil part 2; 23231, uty. QRM.
4775 R. Congonhas, Congonhas MG, 2214-2224, 02 Apr, A Voz do Brasil; SINPO 25332.
4755.2 R. Educacao Rural, Campo Grande MS, 2216-2225, 02 Apr, A Voz do Brasil; 15331.
4785 R. Caiari, Pto Velho RO, 2214-2225, 04 Apr, A Voz do Brasil; SINPO 45333.
4845.2 Radio Cultura-Ondas Tropicais Apr 5 2140 with non-stop songs. At 2200 short "Radio Cultura-Ondas Tropicais" ID. Even readable with strong Mauritania on 4845. Brazilians also on 4805, 4885a (2), 4915, 4985. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc BC-DX Apr 6)
4885 R. Club do Para, Belem PA, 2031-2049, 02 Apr, news bulletin "éltima Edicao", ID+MW fq, religious prgr "A Prece Poderosa"; 45343.
4925 R. Educacao Rural, Tefe AM, 2207-2219, 04 Apr, A Voz do Brasil; 44333, QRM de INS (tent).
4985 R. Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 2242-2256, 04 Apr, A Voz do Brasil; 54333, CODAR QRM.
5035 R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2138-2153, 02 Apr, cf. \\ 6135; SINPO 34332.
6080 R. CBN Anhanguera, Goiania GO, 2207-2217, 02 Apr, A Voz do Brasil; SINPO 33442, adj. QRM de DW 6075, co-ch QRM de B.
6135 R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2137-2155, 02 Apr, truck drivers' program "Pe na Estrada"; 54433, QRM de UNID in Polish s/off 2200, then R. Republica s/on; \\ 5035, 9630.
9515 R. Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 1038-f/out 1055, 05 Apr, preacher; SINPO 15431.
9565 R. Tupi, Curitiba PR, 2119-2128, 02 Apr, shouting preacher; SINPO 44433, weak QRM de R. Marti (USA) & its Cuban jammer.
9615 R. Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 2102-2140, 02 Apr, music program about. Braz. "bandas", but failed to get its name; 54433, adj. QRM de DW in Arabic 9620.
9630 R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2131-2144, 02 Apr, talks, but I had to try their \\ 6135 or 5035 to get some audio of the prgr as their tx for 9630 was putting an almost empty carrier; 54444, adj. QRM only; \\ 5035, 6135.
9645 R. Bandeirantes 2056 UT talk by man in Portuguese. Music and ID. SIO: 323.
9675 R. Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 1035-1305, 05 Apr, mass, songs, news; SINPO 34433, and barely heard at 1300. (all Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Apr 7)
11805 R. Globo MX but suddenly desappeared after 2100 (Apr 6). On the following day it continued with sports after 2100 in Portuguese. SIO: 333 (Apr 6-7) (Zeljko Crncic-D, wwdxc BC-DX Apr 9)
11925 parallel to 9645 slightly stronger with the same program (Apr 6).
9665 R. Marumby, Florianopolis SC, 2108-2120, 02 Apr, songs during some religious prgr; 53443, adjt. QRM de B 9675 (!) & super powerhouse CRI 9640 surely via some European relay.
9675 R. Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 2110-_, 02 Apr, Rosary; SINPO 55444 but terribly overmodulated and causing a splash audible well beyond 9675. (all Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Apr 4)
(Source: WWDXC Top News-BC-DX #802/BC-DX # 803)