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Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Blog Logs
A sampling from recent shortwave monitoring
All times UTC/ frequency in kHz (kilohertz) // parallel frequency
* Sign-on / Sign-off *
English unless otherwise indicated
Logs edited for clarity
15476, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, 1933-1950. Very weak signal - only audible on LSB, Spanish comments and music. SINPO 14321. Also 1915-1940 next day with best signal. program comments and songs in Spanish. SINPO 14321. (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain/HCDX)
15345.3, Radio Nacional 2252. Spanish service with interviews, ID to time pips at 2300. Newscast of fair quality. Signal improved to good later in broadcast (Harold Sellers, BC Canada) 15345.4, Radio Nacional, General Pacheco, 2001-2016. Spanish,"Para todo el país, Nacional, la Radio Pública, Nacional te informa." News at 2005 to program "Derecho Viejo", "Radio Nacional Argentina presenta Derecho Viejo, crónica para recordar el derecho a la justicia." SINPO 34433. (Méndez)
9590, Radio Sadaye Zindagi (IBRA Radio) presumed at 1458. Station sign-on with instrumental music. Announcement at 1500 to brief music. Signal very poor. (Sellers)
9674.8, Edaletin Sesi Radiosu, Nagorno Karabakh(?),1305. Azeri, ID, news (heard in range 9672.4-9674.6). Later at 1310 retro songs in Azeri), SINPO 45544 (Pankov/DX Window 514)
11730 Minsk-Kalodzicy Belarus Radio. Schedule 1100-2300, but in Bjelorussian language at 1100-1400. S=9+40dB or -34dBm and logged with two very strong distorted spurious signals of S=9+5dB on 11698 - 11713 kHz and 11749 - 11762 kHz. Latter even covered the 11760 RHC La Habana transmission. (W Bueschel, Germany/HCDX)
6034.95 Bhutan Broadcasting Service, Sangaygang 0114. Very poor talks .Best on my EKD 500 receiver (Maurits van Driessche, Belgium/HCDX)
5952.2, Pio XII, Siglo Veinte, 2330-0015. Spanish and Quechua comments. SINPO 14321. (Méndez and Wilkner). Also heard at 1035-1105 with news and station ID as, “Pio XII”, impossible to listen after *1100 because of interference from another station. SINPO 44444. (Arrunátegui/DX Window 514)
6134.80, R Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 2220-2245. Mixed modern music, ID: “Cuando pienses en música piensa en Santa Cruz", music, ID: “En Santa Cruz la música es diferente”, music, ID: “Santa Cruz una radio diferente." SINPO 44444. (Arrunátegui). Heard later at 2356-0018, with Bolivian songs, and flute music. Strong interference from Brazil's Radio Aparecida, SINPO 12221. (Manuel Méndez/DX Window 514)
4875, Radiodifusora Roraima, Boavista, 0355-0501.* Portuguese religious comments and Brazilian anthem and close down. SINPO 24322. (Méndez)
4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0445-0510. Portuguese programming with comments, SINPO 24322. (Méndez)
4915, Radiodifusora Macapá, Macapá 0602-0612. Brazilian music program with SINPO 24222 (Méndez)
5970, Radio Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte, MG, 0448-0512. Portuguese talks to Brazilian songs. (Méndez). Also heard at 2305-2341, with announcer's Portuguese hosting music program. Station ID and beginning of a long talk. Fair signal. (Rich D'Angelo, PA/DX Window 514)
6134.8, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, SP, 0140-0210. Two men with a religious discussion in Portuguese to choir singing. Nice ID at 0200 with many station outlets mentioned. I thought this would be closedown, but programming continued. Fair at peaks here but //11855 was good. (D’Angelo). Also heard at 0508-0620, with religious program "Con a Mae Aparecida." SINPO 24322. (Méndez/DX Window 514)
9645.4, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 0553-0620. Portuguese comments and Brazilian songs. SINPO 24322. (Méndez
9820, Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 0555-0612. Religious comments, program "Com a Mae Aparecida", "Santuario Nacional da Nosa Senhora Aparecida." SINPO 34433. (Méndez)
11595, Democratic Voice of Burma, via Dushanbe (100 kW / 125 degrees), 2330-0030. Burmese to South East Asia. At the end of October they will cease both transmissions on shortwave after 21 years of broadcasting. (Ivanov/HCDX). Heard at 0013-0030* in Burmese talks, brief instrumental music breaks before a long talk by another speaker. Several men talking near closedown which was followed by light closing instrumental music. Fair signal. (D’Angelo/DX Window 514)
5910, Alcaraván Radio, Puerto LLeras 0541-0555. Latin American songs, SINPO 24322 (Méndez) 5910.06, Alcaravan Radio, Puerto Lleras, 2340-2345. Spanish with good signal. (Wilkner). Also heard at 0510-0700, with Latin American songs, "Llaneras", SINPO 34433. (Méndez). Also heard at 1015-1140, with various Latin music tunes. Time announcement as ”5 y 31 de la mañana”, station ID: “Alcaraván Radio…”, SINPO 33333. (Arrunátegui/DX Window 514)
6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, 0449-0607. Spanish program "El ministerio de Dios", "Desde Colombia, una radio diferente". Between 0459-0555, strong interference from BBC World Service. SINPO 13221 (Méndez)
4780.00, Radio Djibouti, Dorale, 1833-1845. Vernacular comments, noteing heavy noise on this frequency, SINPO 24121. (Méndez). Also heard at 1946-1948, with local song, SINPO 25332. (Mille). Also heard at 2050-2101*, Arabic announcement and Horn of Africa music. Somali closedown at 2100. Signal only audible in LSB, due to heavy digital interference in USB, SINPO 45232. (Anker Petersen/DX Window 514)
5950, Voice of Tigray Revolution, Addis Ababa, *0256-0336. Familiar interval signal opening at 0300. Service listed as Tigrinya. Brief news items before music programming opened at 0304. Fair signal quality (D’Angelo). Also heard at 1938-1940, local song, SINPO 25332. (Mille/DX Window 514)
6110, Fana Broadcasting Corporation, R Fana, Addis Ababa, *0254-0334. Interval signal at 0258. Music fanfare and station ID and opening announcements. Music program of Horn of Africa vocals. Fair signal. (D’Angelo). Also heard at 2020, Oromo service to East Africa. (Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria/DX Window 514)
7315, Echo of Europe 1833-1845. Friday afternoon French program. Announcer's text and conversation to 1844. "Merci beaucoup", station identification, kilohertz quote, station info and "bye-bye." Music instrumental to 1845. "European News Radio" identification at 1845. (G Van Horn, NC/NL SDR)
9925, The Mighty KBC 0000. Station sign-on with theme song and “we are the Mighty K-B-C.” Additional IDs and promos, into pop music. Fair signal quality (Sellers).
3985, Voice of Mongolia via Kall Krekel, 1903-1910. English news of Mongolia. SINPO 23322. (Méndez)
6005, Voice of Mongolia via Kall Krekel, *1730-1741. Tuning music, identification: "Voice of Mongolia", English comments. SINPO 12321. (Méndez)
6005, Voice of Mongolia via Kall Krekel 1743-1758.* Program, Mongolian Travel featuring interview with U.S. photo journalist covering his two-year trek across Mongolia. Station ID, station info, postal, email and web addresses. German service commencing at 1759. (Van Horn/NL SDR)
English schedule via Kall Krekel, Germany to October 5, 2014
1430-1500 7310eu
1730-1800 6005eu
1900-1930 3985eu
4055, Radio Verdad, Chiqimula, 04503-0520. Male announcer's religious comments in English. Signal very weak, best on LSB. SINPO 14321. (Méndez)
4920, All INdia Radio, Chennai, 1730-1741.* English news, identification: "All India Radio" at 1735. PVernacular pogram comments. SINPO 24322. (Méndez)
5010, AIR, Thiruvananthapuran, 1720-1741.* Program comments to English news at 1730, // with 4920. SINPO 14321. (Méndez)
15500, S=9+10dB of IRIB's Dari service via Kamalabad site accompanied by two spurious signals 68 kHz distance away on 15427 - 15438 and 15564 - 15572 kHz, noted at 1135 UT, scheduled in HFCC/Aoki Nagoya list daily at 0820 - 1150 UT. (Bueschel)
9835, Sarawak FM 1212. Bahasa Malay service including music and announcer's mention of “salam” several times. RTM news at 1300 // 5965 and 11665. Good signal. (Sellers).
11665 Wai FM 1218. Bahasa Malay service with conversations and noted English phrase “I think, therefore I am” and “optimistic” which was said several times and also spelled. Pop music program, followed by pop Malay music. Station ID at 1225 as “Wai FM.” RTM national news, noted on //5965 and 9835 (Sellers).
6050 Asyik FM 1238. Lady host in Bahasa Malay with pop music program. At 1300 this outlet continued with pop music and was not in parallel to others for RTM national news. Good signal observed (Sellers).
5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, *0559-0612. Tuning music to French, identification as "Radiodifusion Malienne emetant du Bamako." Newscast with SINPO 24322. (Méndez)
6185, Radio Educación, Mexico D. F., 0440-0505.*, Classic music to Spanish commentsas - "Una forma de proteger el patrimonio nacional", "Revista del consumidor", "Radio Educación, 1060 AM". SINPO 23322. (Méndez)
4755.4, The Cross Radio 1156. Religious hymns to male speaker through 1200. Continued with Christian music. Signal very poor (Sellers)
11770, Voice of Nigeria 2115. At tune-in, noted two men engaged in conversation, listed in Intl SW Broadcast Guide, as Hausa language. Discussion included talking about Nigeria and mentions of the ebola crisis. Signal SIO 433 with minimal interference from co-channel station. Native percussion African music to brief Call to Prayers routine and text sounding Arabic from announcer at 2130. Recheck 2150 to host's conversation in possibly Hausa. Brief station text/info to interval signal at 2157 and off the air. Scheduled to shift to 7255 kHz at 2200, did not do so. (Van Horn)
North Korea
11710, Voice of Korea 1515. English service with chat about relations between the two Korea's and espionage. Mentions of Seoul dropping political and religious leaflets on the North Korean side of the DMZ. Good signal // 9435 fair. (Sellers)
9795, FEBC Radio 1058. Station identification and interval signal loop repeating “this is F-E-B-C Radio broadcasting from Manila, Philippines.” Sign-on in Vietnamese at 1101. (Sellers)
9740, BBC relay 1103. Station IDs and World News program. Fair signal quality (Sellers).
Solomon Islands
5020, S.I.B.C., 1155. English religious sermon. Lady announcer's closing text including “you have been listening to the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation, Radio Happy Isles.” Frequency quote to national anthem at 1158 and station close-down. Signal fair (Sellers)
United States
9780, BBG/Voice of America-Deewa Radio 1808-1828. Pashto programming including conversations, Arabic pop vocals, and phone chats. Voice of America Facebook information to additional phone chat. Noted on // 9965 (SIO 322) 9310 (SIO 433) 9935 (SIO 333). (Van Horn).
9920, Alaska-KNLS Anchors 1501. English service to station ID and welcome by Lucy Graham, to Saturday broadcast. Poor signal. (Sellers)
11735, ZBC/Zanzibar Broadcasting Corp., 1708-1743. Swahili news and talk about ebola in Angola and Sierra Leone. Station info at 1710 with close down of news and mention of "Swahili" and "ZBC Radio." Brief Afro pop tune to "ZBC" repeat and mentions of Zanzibar. Discussion about Comoros Islands, Mali,Mauritius, Somalia. Majority of the conversations was on the Comoros Islands. "ZBC" ID at 1738 into highlife music, monitored to 1740. Recheck 1800 included; native African drums (interval signal ?) time tips and announcer's "ZBC" ID. English news headlines, followed by news on Liberia, Boko Haram in Nigeria, Scotland, Beijing, Liberia and Sierra Leone's ebola outbreak, Australian terror threat, Syrian conflicts and repeat of headlines. "that is the end of the news, here are the headlines" at 1808. "ZBC" ID to resumption of Swahili service at 1809. (Gayle Van Horn, NL SDR)