Welcome to Teak Publishing's Shortwave Central blog. This blog covers shortwave frequency updates, loggings, free radio, international mediumwave, DX tips, clandestine radio, and late-breaking radio news. Visit my YouTube and Twitter links. Content on Shortwave Central is copyright © 2006-2026 by Teak Publishing, which is solely responsible for the content. All rights reserved. Redistribution of these pages in any format without permission is strictly prohibited.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
The question is ....will WHRI ever QSL or not ?
My esteemed colleague Robert Ross in London, Ontario posted this....
21600 WHRI Cypress Creek, South Carolina Nov/15/14. 1740 UTC English service. Male
announcer spoke at 1740 UTC. Gave an address for the show being aired. Gospel Music. Website address given as "www.whri.org". Mentioned you can send for a QSL!!! "World Harvest Radio" ID @ 1745 UTC. Into Gospel Music.
(Ross, ON, Canada)
So I have posted this comment.................
How WHRI responses to their QSL requests ………….
On every broadcast, you will hear the request to send your reception reports to their address in Indiana.Like others I have over the years and I have got a fairly good response, but the last two plus years has been a dilemma.
Having heard the following stations, Radio Australia, Voice of Vietnam, Khmer Post Radio plus two others, I proceeded to send my reports via regular mail ( no e-mails) to their Indiana address. Hearing nothing after several plus months, sent follow-ups and series of follow-ups and finally sort of
gave up. This was a two year period..............
Now, I am not a person who gives up easily..so I was able to make contact with person there in the accounting department ( of WHRI) , who in turn, told me to send my reports directly to him and he would get them verified. He saw my dilemma and assured me that he would help me. Which I did directly to him via mail.
After about six weeks and hearing nothing, I called him, and he told me that the verification cards where sent out and then returned due to insufficient address..gee..I was 100 % positive that all my reports and cover letter had my mailing address posted.I checked my local post office and they told me (I have no doubts) that they never return mail and even if it just a name and town it would get to me….and yes, I have gotten mail in the past with just this..so kodos to Canada Post.
Okay, now what….so I e-mailed my reports to this person and asked him again to verify and asked him just to sign a prepared verification .pdf QSL and e-mail back to me.
That’s all…nothing more....
Heard nothing back ( after about three weeks or so) , so being somewhat ‘ticked off’” ( which takes quite a bit to do) I wrote this person a rather pointed letter saying“ why ask for reception reports in your broadcasts..yet you folks at WHRI fail to response to verifications….”Seemed it was somewhat one sided? …
I did mention the fact he went out his way for his help but I was disappointed that I could not get closure to this. Never heard back nothing or a response to my correspondences. Did I point out their failure to reply to verification requests?
So that’s it…in all my years of DX’ing I have never run across a situation as this…so one for the history books….
If one of these days I have the opportunity to travel down through that area of Indiana, I will make it a point to visit WHRI and address this ……mmmmm wonder if I will get by the chain-link fence and the guard towers?
Edward Kusalik
Daysland,Alberta Canada
DX'er since 1965
(playdx 19 Nov)
Monday, November 17, 2014
Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletins
Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2014 Nov 17 0442 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact www.swpc.noaa.gov/weekly.html
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 10 - 16 November 2014
Solar activity levels ranged from low to high. Low levels were observed on 10-14 November, moderate levels on 15 November and high levels on 16 November. Regions 2205 (N15, L=001, class/area Ekc/410 on 07 Nov), 2208 (S11, L=307, class/area Esc/160 on 12 Nov) and 2209 (S14, L=254, class/area Fkc/940 on 16 Nov) produced the majority of the activity. Region 2205 produced 19 C-class flares, the largest a C7/Sb on 10/0222 UTC. Region 2208 produced 8 low-level C-class flares while Region 2209 produced 13 C-class and 3 M-class flares.
At 13/0607 UTC, Region 2209 produced a C8 x-ray event. Moderate level activity was observed on 15 November with a pair of M-class flares from Region 2209. The region produced an M3/Sb at 15/1203 UTC followed by an M3/1n at 15/2050 UTC. Both events were associated with weak to moderate radio emissions including a pair of Tenflares (226 sfu and 240 sfu) respectively. The period ended at high levels on 16 November when Region 2209 produced an M5 x-ray event with an
associated 300 sfu Tenflare.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at normal levels on 10-14 November, moderate levels on 15 November and high levels on 16 November.
Geomagnetic field activity was at predominately quiet to active levels with isolated minor storm intervals observed midday on 10 November and again late on 11 November. The period began on 10 November with mostly unsettled to active levels and an isolated minor storm period midday on the 10th. This activity was due to the arrival of the 07 November CME early on the 10th combined with effects from a weak, positive polarity coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS). 11-14 November saw mostly quiet to unsettled conditions with isolated active to minor storm periods late on the 11th and early on the 12th. Extended periods of southward Bz, elevated wind speeds and a solar sector boundary crossing (SSBC) contributed to the activity during this time frame. Unsettled to active geomagnetic conditions were observed during 15-16 November due to effects from a co-rotating interaction region (CIR) in advance of a recurrent, positive polarity CH HSS.
Solar wind parameters reflected the geomagnetic activity described above. IMF total field (Bt) began the period at 22 nT before relaxing to a fairly steady 5-8 nT by 11 November. Bt remained at these levels through the balance of the period. The Bz component was highly variable between +20 nT to -10 nT through 11 November. As with the total field, Bz relaxed to not vary much beyond +/- 8 nT through the remainder of the period. Solar wind averaged about 500 km/s through late on 14 November when a gradual increase in speed was observed to peak at about 675 km/s on 16/0600 UTC. The period ended with wind speed near 500 km/s. Phi angle was in a predominately negative (towards) orientation through about 14/0530 UTC when a switch to a more positive (away) sector was observed.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 17 November - 13 December 2014
Solar activity is expected to be at predominately low to moderate levels with isolated high activity from 17-25 November due to active Region 2209. The exit of Region 2209 will see a decrease in solar activity to mostly low levels from 26 November - 06 December. From 07-13 December, a return to predominately low to moderate levels with isolated high activity is forecated due to the return of old Region 2209.
A slight chance for a greater than 10 MeV proton event at geosynchronous orbit exists from 17-25 November and from 07-13 December due to potential significant flare activity from Region 2209 through 25 November, and again after 07 December upon the region's return.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be moderate to high levels from 17 November to 01 December, normal to moderate levels from 02-11 December, and moderate to high levels from 12-13 December.
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at unsettled to active levels on 17-24 November, 04-06 December and 11-13 December due to a combination of CIR/CH HSS and SSBC effects. Mostly quiet conditions are anticipated for the remainder of the outlook period.
Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2014 Nov 17 0442 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact www.swpc.noaa.gov/wwire.html
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2014-11-17
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2014 Nov 17 165 18 4
2014 Nov 18 170 12 4
2014 Nov 19 170 10 3
2014 Nov 20 170 8 3
2014 Nov 21 175 10 3
2014 Nov 22 175 12 4
2014 Nov 23 175 8 3
2014 Nov 24 165 8 3
2014 Nov 25 160 5 2
2014 Nov 26 140 5 2
2014 Nov 27 130 5 2
2014 Nov 28 120 5 2
2014 Nov 29 120 5 2
2014 Nov 30 115 5 2
2014 Dec 01 115 5 2
2014 Dec 02 110 5 2
2014 Dec 03 110 5 2
2014 Dec 04 115 12 4
2014 Dec 05 115 10 3
2014 Dec 06 135 8 3
2014 Dec 07 155 5 2
2014 Dec 08 165 5 2
2014 Dec 09 165 5 2
2014 Dec 10 165 5 2
2014 Dec 11 160 10 3
2014 Dec 12 160 15 5
2014 Dec 13 160 20 5
Friday, November 14, 2014
A closer look at European Music Radio
Special thanks to Tom Taylor for sharing the history of European Music Radio with our blog readers. If you would like your station featured on Shortwave Central, send your information to: w4gvh at frontier. com
Dear Listener of EMR,
Thank you for your recent interest in EMR and thereby supporting the station. Your response as
a listener is a very important factor for our survival. With the ever-decreasing number of short-wave stations due to station closures, we at EMR depend on your correspondence and input, so
we can improve our service to you the listener, and know that our service is of value to you!
EMR’s history is a rather colourful one, and many people will remember the station as a free radio
station. Free, not in the sense of costing you nothing, as that is true of almost all radio, but free in
the sense that the station was free from state control. Some would call EMR a pirate station, but the
word pirate implies theft of a possession. One thing is certain, EMR was once an unlicensed, or illegal broadcaster, whose sole purpose was to demonstrate the airwaves, could be used more effectively
to provide the people of Europe with more choice. By means of an example, back in the 1970’s when EMR started broadcasting, there were only 19 commercial radio stations in the UK. These days there are over 200, some of which started out like us, operating illegally. Hopefully, we played a small part
in proving the case for more choice on the airwaves.
The first EMR broadcast was heard in February 1976 with test transmissions on 6250khz.
In May 1977 regular scheduled broadcasts commenced on the 3rd Sunday of every month, and these continued until the station was raided in October 1980.
After the raid, we transferred all transmissions to Holland via the Free Radio Service Holland and continued using their services. These Dutch relays ended on the 12th of June 1983 when the station was closed down.
EMR remained silent until 2 years later when UK-based transmissions were heard for a short period of time up until 1986, but once again the station fell silent. It took a further 10 years when in February 1996 it all started over again – EMR was back on the air, but still broadcasting illegally
with it’s own 180watt transmitter.
In November 2002 the station started legal transmissions via the Italian Radio Relay Service in Milan. With the conversion to legal status, came a significant increase in transmitter power to 10,000 watts (10Kw). From February 2003, the transmitter power increased yet again to 100Kw via the facilities of the LVRTC transmitter in Ulbroka, Latvia.
In January 2005 the official European Music Radio website was set up with all the Information you
will need to Know about EMR, along with pictures and recordings of past programming along with
up to date information of our broadcast schedule. On the 18th September 2005, EMR commenced
live programmes from our UK studios, live on 9290. The first-ever live phone-in featured a listener from Japan!
On February 12th 2006 the EMR Internet radio streaming service started. This service is available
24 hours a day, and all of our short-wave broadcasts can now be heard simultaneously on the internet in high-quality stereo, which means that even if conditions on short-wave are not favourable, listeners can still hear EMR!
Thanks go out to Jack Raats and Jarasoft in Holland for all their time and effort, and providing
the streaming servers for the internet service which are located in the Netherlands which enables listeners from all over the world to listen to EMR.
On the 23rd of April 2006 EMR celebrated its 30th Birthday with Transmissions on 9290 kHz from Latvia and 5775 kHz from Milan. Live transmissions on 9290 continued until December 2008 until the Latvian transmitter was taken out of service.
From 2008 until 2011, EMR broadcast exclusively via the 100Kw Wertachtal transmitter in Germany in our first association with MV Baltic Radio.
EMR continued to broadcast in 2014 via the transmitter of MV Baltic Radio which is fully-licensed and located in Goehren in Germany.
Over the years EMR has received reception reports from all corners of the world and as far away
as Japan - New Zealand, South Africa, Brazil, the USA, and of course Europe.
All Broadcasts are in English with music and radio related programming to Europe. Please continue listening to EMR and corresponding with the station, and thanks for contacting us!
European Music Radio Relay on 16th November 2014
0800 to 0900 (Gohren) on 7265 Tom & Mike Taylor
0900 to 1000 (Gohren) on 9485 Tom & Mike Taylor
Please send all E.M.R. reports to: studio@emr.org.uk
EMR Internet repeats on Sunday and Monday:
Program repeats are at the following times: 0800, 1300, 1700, 2000
Please visit www.emr.org.uk and click on the “EMR internet radio” button which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).
or www.tunein.com and sign in
If you live outside the listening area please try the Twente/Netherlands web receiver at http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/
Dear Listener of EMR,
Thank you for your recent interest in EMR and thereby supporting the station. Your response as
a listener is a very important factor for our survival. With the ever-decreasing number of short-wave stations due to station closures, we at EMR depend on your correspondence and input, so
we can improve our service to you the listener, and know that our service is of value to you!
EMR’s history is a rather colourful one, and many people will remember the station as a free radio
station. Free, not in the sense of costing you nothing, as that is true of almost all radio, but free in
the sense that the station was free from state control. Some would call EMR a pirate station, but the
word pirate implies theft of a possession. One thing is certain, EMR was once an unlicensed, or illegal broadcaster, whose sole purpose was to demonstrate the airwaves, could be used more effectively
to provide the people of Europe with more choice. By means of an example, back in the 1970’s when EMR started broadcasting, there were only 19 commercial radio stations in the UK. These days there are over 200, some of which started out like us, operating illegally. Hopefully, we played a small part
in proving the case for more choice on the airwaves.
The first EMR broadcast was heard in February 1976 with test transmissions on 6250khz.
In May 1977 regular scheduled broadcasts commenced on the 3rd Sunday of every month, and these continued until the station was raided in October 1980.
After the raid, we transferred all transmissions to Holland via the Free Radio Service Holland and continued using their services. These Dutch relays ended on the 12th of June 1983 when the station was closed down.
EMR remained silent until 2 years later when UK-based transmissions were heard for a short period of time up until 1986, but once again the station fell silent. It took a further 10 years when in February 1996 it all started over again – EMR was back on the air, but still broadcasting illegally
with it’s own 180watt transmitter.
In November 2002 the station started legal transmissions via the Italian Radio Relay Service in Milan. With the conversion to legal status, came a significant increase in transmitter power to 10,000 watts (10Kw). From February 2003, the transmitter power increased yet again to 100Kw via the facilities of the LVRTC transmitter in Ulbroka, Latvia.
In January 2005 the official European Music Radio website was set up with all the Information you
will need to Know about EMR, along with pictures and recordings of past programming along with
up to date information of our broadcast schedule. On the 18th September 2005, EMR commenced
live programmes from our UK studios, live on 9290. The first-ever live phone-in featured a listener from Japan!
On February 12th 2006 the EMR Internet radio streaming service started. This service is available
24 hours a day, and all of our short-wave broadcasts can now be heard simultaneously on the internet in high-quality stereo, which means that even if conditions on short-wave are not favourable, listeners can still hear EMR!
Thanks go out to Jack Raats and Jarasoft in Holland for all their time and effort, and providing
the streaming servers for the internet service which are located in the Netherlands which enables listeners from all over the world to listen to EMR.
On the 23rd of April 2006 EMR celebrated its 30th Birthday with Transmissions on 9290 kHz from Latvia and 5775 kHz from Milan. Live transmissions on 9290 continued until December 2008 until the Latvian transmitter was taken out of service.
From 2008 until 2011, EMR broadcast exclusively via the 100Kw Wertachtal transmitter in Germany in our first association with MV Baltic Radio.
EMR continued to broadcast in 2014 via the transmitter of MV Baltic Radio which is fully-licensed and located in Goehren in Germany.
Over the years EMR has received reception reports from all corners of the world and as far away
as Japan - New Zealand, South Africa, Brazil, the USA, and of course Europe.
All Broadcasts are in English with music and radio related programming to Europe. Please continue listening to EMR and corresponding with the station, and thanks for contacting us!
European Music Radio Relay on 16th November 2014
0800 to 0900 (Gohren) on 7265 Tom & Mike Taylor
0900 to 1000 (Gohren) on 9485 Tom & Mike Taylor
Please send all E.M.R. reports to: studio@emr.org.uk
EMR Internet repeats on Sunday and Monday:
Program repeats are at the following times: 0800, 1300, 1700, 2000
Please visit www.emr.org.uk and click on the “EMR internet radio” button which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).
or www.tunein.com and sign in
If you live outside the listening area please try the Twente/Netherlands web receiver at http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/
Blog Logs
All times UTC -frequencies in kilohertz // parallel station.
English unless otherwise indicated.
* sign-on sign-off*
logs edited for clarity as needed
4949.745, Rádio Nacional Angola. Portuguese program, poor signal into Germany at 2300. Signal S=6-7 or -80dBm strength. (W Bueschel wwdxc BC-DX TopNews)
15476 Radio Nacional Archangel San Gabriel LRA36 (presumed). 2027-2035+. Station barely audible. Clatter burst interference 2059-2144:20.* Signal improved to SIO=252+ with continuous music, no announcements, thumpity-thump and reggae music. Problems or experimenting? Sudden
changes to signal strength up/down. Best in USB. (Harold Frodge-DXP/MARE 808)
15475.95, LRA36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, 1955. Spanish, local music, SINPO 22222. (Giroletti). Also heard at 2103-2121, three sessions playing easy-listening style of music, (SINPO15341). Carrier went off between 2143 and 2144. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada/DXW # 518)
Ascension Island
15400 BBC 1956,SIO-233. Talk about Rob and Marie app on smart phone, "Rahmin Shop” Japanese joint on “Boston Calling” program. This is
role reversal, BBC using a program produced by WGBH, the PBS station in Boston. (Racenis/MARE 808)
4835, VL8A, Alice Springs, NT, 1125-1130. Song ”Bridge over troubled water” Simon & Garfunkel to station ID.SINPO 34343. (Wagai). Also heard in South Africa at 1653 with chat, interview, telephone numbers, SINPO 32433. (Bell). Also heard on the Canary Islands at 1810-1825. English comments, "Good Morning", musical songs (SINPO 24322). (Manuel Méndez/DXW 518)

9745, Radio Bahrain, Abu Hayan, 2251-2321. Heard from Perseus site in Scotland. Contemporary Middle East vocals with recorded program ID by man at 2253 as "98.4." Brief Arabic announcements and back into music, (SINPO 3-43533) Interference from Han Sheng Voice of Kuanghua. (Churchill/DXW 518)
15105 Bangladesh Betar, 1250-1259:30* English news to 1254 to "now an English song." Station ID/closedown at 1259. SIO=3+33 with 15110 splash interference. (Frodge)
3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, 2300-2310. Local noise observed under vernacular (Wilkner/DXW 518. Additional Bolivians noted as; 4409.8, Radio Eco, Reyes, 2320-2355. Spanish program of music, deep fades and high noise level. (Nilsson and Wilkner) 4699.9, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 1000-1020 and 2255-2310. Spanish programming with fair signal. (Wilkner) 5580.34, Radio San José, San José de Chiquitos, 2355-0020. Deep fades in Spanish. (Wilkner). Also heard at 0210-0220 in Spanish (SINPO 25232. (Petersen/DXW 518)
5939.75 Radio Voz Missionaria (presumed) 2253-2311.+ Pastor's Portuguese text to "Musica do Brasil" promo. Series of transmissions and presumed station ID with mentions of "kilohertz" and "potencia." Music at 2303. SIO 353 (Frodge)
6000, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, RS, 0100. Announcements in Portuguese. Music clips to station ID. SINPO-42333. (Bell). Still heard at 0730-0750, in Portuguese with news, "5 y 32", "bo día", at 0735 Brazilian songs, ID: "Rádio Guaiba". SINPO 24322. (Méndez/DXW 518)
6010, Radio Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte, MG, 0215. Slow romantic pop songs, short ID, SINPO-45444. (Bell). Also heard at 0701-0718, Portuguese program "Tren Caipira", "Agora 5 y 15, Tren Caipira, o som da nossa terra", SINPO 24322 // with 15190. (Méndez/DXW 518)
9819.87, Radio 9 de Julho, São Paulo, SP, 0350. Male pastor in Portuguese with instrumental music backing. SINPO 44444. (Bell). Also heard at 0733-0750 with Portuguese newscast: "O tempo, 20º en São Paulo, bom dia, "A cor do Brasil", "Rádio 9 de Julho, repartindo companhia." SINPO 34433. (Méndez). Also heard in Japan at 0841-0848 with “Fascination” song by Nat King Cole, I felt fascination of this song again by Brazilian domestic broadcast, I’m feeling drifting of frequency is different from what it was two years ago. SINPO-34333. (Wagai/DXW 518)
11765 Super Radio Deus e Amor, Cuitaba. Good signal for religious text in Portuguese. Station jingle at 2230, to alternating religious talks from male/female duo, including crying and prayers. Two mentions of Brazil to station ID at 2241 as "Radio Deus e Amor", and no mention of "Super." (David Ross, Canada/MARE 808)
4885.018 Nice music signal into Boston-MA/NY-USA at 0802 UT on Nov 10, S=8-9, ZYG362 Rádio Clube do Pará, Belém PA, heavily disturbed by CODAR wiper signal in 4884 to 4914 kHz wideband range.(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews)
6070 CFRX 2309, SIO-555, "CFRB" ID to weather forecast and comments about winter weather coming. Canada's CB1 St. John's on 6160 heard (SIO-343), with winter storm warning for Labrador, "As It Happens" program (Racenis)
3900.00, Hulun Buir PBS, Hailar, Nei Menggu, 2315-2325. Chinese talk. SINPO-25332. (Petersen) Additonal CHinese monitored as; 3950.00, Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, 2320-2330 with Chinese report. SINPO 45444 // 5060 (45444). Xinjiang PBS has reoccupied all their usual winterfrequencies! (Petersen) 3990.00, Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, 2325-2335. Uyghur announcement to folk music. SINPO-55444 // 4980 (SINPO 45344). (Petersen) 4750.00, Voice of China, Hailar, Nei Menggu, 2345-2355. Chinese talk, 15322 // 4800. SINPO-45344. (Petersen) 4850.00, Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, 2350-2400. Kazakh talk with piano in the background, 2359 jingle and timesignal, ID: "Sinkiang khale." SINPO 555344 // 6015 (45444) which was disturbed by Radio Romania Int. until 2356.* (Adrian Petersen/DXW 518)
7515, Radio Free Chosun, 1312. Announcer's Koean text very weak. Musical interludes between program segments and lady's features. Audible on NLD SDR (Van Horn).
9330, Radio Free North Korea 1255. Korean programming of text, Asian music, ID routine at 1300. Program features with conversations. (Van Horn)
12115, Radio Dialogue FM, Talata-Volonondry, Madagascar. Carrier on at 1557. Music began at 1559:30, 1600 man in Shona or Ndebele with announcements and talk over music until 1606:30. Many references to “Radio Dialogue FM.” SINPO-43443. (Sellers). Also heard at *1600-1700.* Talks in Shona/Ndebele/English. Found here on their new B14 season frequency. SINPO-45444. (Ford). Also heard at 1632, in Shona or Ndebele to South Africa. (Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria/DXW 518)
13800, Radio Dabanga via Talata-Volonondry, Madagascar. Program in Sudanese/Arabic with male/female announcer's talk to Arabic 1527-1529, possible mentions of a schedule, and heard "kilohertz." Arabic vocals and local stringed music tunes. (Frodge)
Voice of Wilderness via Dushanbe, Tajikistan (presumed), 1332. Poor signal for Korean service and heard under Radio Havana Cuba. Remained audible and able to detect language as Korean. Talk with religious text 1332-1342. Gospel music 1342-45. No station ID heard (Ross)
6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, 0750-0810. Religious comments by Martin Stendall, Spanish, interference from Radio Inconfidencia. 23222. (Méndez/playdx)
4765 Radio Progreso, Havana, 0214. Spanish programming of musical ballads 0214-0223. Male announcer in Spanish with several mentions of Cuba, followed by newscast as "Noticias" at 0225. (Ross)
6050, HCJB, La Voz de los Andes, Pichincha, 0828-0836. Anthem, Quechua service, "HCJB Quito, 690 AM, onda corta 6050", comments. SINPO 24322. (Méndez)
11775, RTV Algerienne via Issoudun, France. Monitored from 2025 in Arabic including progrmming of text, conversation, and Arabic vocal music. (SIO 434) Station's sign-off at 2059. Also monitored on 9380 from 2035 with Qur'an program and text. Arabic ID at 2100 into French service with news, talk and pop style Arabic music. Call to Prayers/Qu'ran in Arabic 2115-2136. Arabic intro format to program featured segment and Arabic vocal music. French sign-off routine with ID and freqs from 2157-2159. Time-tips 2159 and immediately off. (Gayle Van Horn W4GVH/NC)
13590, Voice of America-Deewa Radio via Nauen, Germany. Pashto service heard at 1443 tune-in. Talk and mentions of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Program abruptly off at 1458 without ID or sign-off routine. Noted parallel to audio streaming online (Ross)
15150 Athmeeya Yathra Radio via Nauen, Germany. Presumed this religious station from India. Local languages and poor signal quality - possibly Awadi service? Local Indian string music and lengthy text 1602-1610. No station ID noted (Ross)
4055, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0555-0617.* Station identification in various languages. "Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, Guatemala, Centroamérica". SINPO 14321. (Méndez)
4810, AIR, Bhopal, 1734-1735. English, news // with 5010, 4910, 4860. SINPO-24322. (Méndez) Additional AIR monitored as; 4860, AIR, Shimla, 1733-1735, English, news // with 5010, 4910. SINPO 24222. (Méndez) 4880, AIR, Lucknow, 1732-1735. English, news // with 5010, 4910. SINPO 24322. (Méndez) 4910, AIR, Jaipur 1731-1734. English news // 5010. SINPO-24322. (Méndez) 5010, AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, 1725-1741.* Hindi music, at 1730 English, news, "This is All India Radio", at 1735 in vernacular. SINPO-24322. (Méndez/playdx)
9760, Radio Nikkei. Second Program monitored at 0558-0642. Western pop tunes with occasional English announcements such as “We’ve got what you want.”, “Good music keeps you going.”, “Making...with some great music.” At 0641 station ID as “you’re listening to the R-N-2.” - Fair, // 6115 very weak. Also heard the previous night, at 0700-0730 with same English programming and ID at 0730 as “You’re listening to R-N-2. Sit back, relax and enjoy.” (Sellers-BC)
4760 ELWA (presumed) 2342-2401:43.* Male announcer's weak signal, but traditional religious hymns to national anthem at 0000:30. Best in either SSB. Noted also 2322-0000.* Low-key religious music and some in english to announcer at 2356:21--no copy--back to music at 2357. Off without anthem or ID.(Frodge/Racenis)
5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, 0607-0630. French comments, "Bon jour a touts, la Radio National." Good signal all days in Playa Blanca. SINPO-34433. (Méndez) 9635, Radio Mali, Bamako, 1445-1615 in French with comments and African songs. Station identification -"Radio Mali". Good to fair signal all days in Playa Blanca, listened too with Tecsun PL 310ET and telescopic antenna. SINPO- 34433. (Méndez/playdx)
North Korea
9730, Voice of Korea at 0628 in English with band music and patriotic song. Signal fair, //9445 fair, 7220 poor. (Sellers) North Korea's KCB on 9850, 1402-1425. Korean text barely audible. Noted // 6185 Khz on NLD SDR (Van Horn).
15140 Radio Sultantate of Oman, 1423-1431+. Rock music to 1429+ message "Do more of what you love" to "Radio Sultantate of Oman 94 FM." English newscast. SIO=353+ (Frodge) Station monitored 1445 (SIO-344) with station identification, pop music, and Arabic talks from announcer (Racenis)
9930 T8WH (presumed) 1255-1300+ "Christ Gospel Broadcast" to 1300, followed by "Hearts Around the World." SIO=353+ (Frodge)
English unless otherwise indicated.
* sign-on sign-off*
logs edited for clarity as needed
4949.745, Rádio Nacional Angola. Portuguese program, poor signal into Germany at 2300. Signal S=6-7 or -80dBm strength. (W Bueschel wwdxc BC-DX TopNews)
15476 Radio Nacional Archangel San Gabriel LRA36 (presumed). 2027-2035+. Station barely audible. Clatter burst interference 2059-2144:20.* Signal improved to SIO=252+ with continuous music, no announcements, thumpity-thump and reggae music. Problems or experimenting? Sudden
changes to signal strength up/down. Best in USB. (Harold Frodge-DXP/MARE 808)
15475.95, LRA36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, 1955. Spanish, local music, SINPO 22222. (Giroletti). Also heard at 2103-2121, three sessions playing easy-listening style of music, (SINPO15341). Carrier went off between 2143 and 2144. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada/DXW # 518)
Ascension Island
15400 BBC 1956,SIO-233. Talk about Rob and Marie app on smart phone, "Rahmin Shop” Japanese joint on “Boston Calling” program. This is
role reversal, BBC using a program produced by WGBH, the PBS station in Boston. (Racenis/MARE 808)
4835, VL8A, Alice Springs, NT, 1125-1130. Song ”Bridge over troubled water” Simon & Garfunkel to station ID.SINPO 34343. (Wagai). Also heard in South Africa at 1653 with chat, interview, telephone numbers, SINPO 32433. (Bell). Also heard on the Canary Islands at 1810-1825. English comments, "Good Morning", musical songs (SINPO 24322). (Manuel Méndez/DXW 518)

9745, Radio Bahrain, Abu Hayan, 2251-2321. Heard from Perseus site in Scotland. Contemporary Middle East vocals with recorded program ID by man at 2253 as "98.4." Brief Arabic announcements and back into music, (SINPO 3-43533) Interference from Han Sheng Voice of Kuanghua. (Churchill/DXW 518)
15105 Bangladesh Betar, 1250-1259:30* English news to 1254 to "now an English song." Station ID/closedown at 1259. SIO=3+33 with 15110 splash interference. (Frodge)
3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, 2300-2310. Local noise observed under vernacular (Wilkner/DXW 518. Additional Bolivians noted as; 4409.8, Radio Eco, Reyes, 2320-2355. Spanish program of music, deep fades and high noise level. (Nilsson and Wilkner) 4699.9, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 1000-1020 and 2255-2310. Spanish programming with fair signal. (Wilkner) 5580.34, Radio San José, San José de Chiquitos, 2355-0020. Deep fades in Spanish. (Wilkner). Also heard at 0210-0220 in Spanish (SINPO 25232. (Petersen/DXW 518)
5939.75 Radio Voz Missionaria (presumed) 2253-2311.+ Pastor's Portuguese text to "Musica do Brasil" promo. Series of transmissions and presumed station ID with mentions of "kilohertz" and "potencia." Music at 2303. SIO 353 (Frodge)
6000, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, RS, 0100. Announcements in Portuguese. Music clips to station ID. SINPO-42333. (Bell). Still heard at 0730-0750, in Portuguese with news, "5 y 32", "bo día", at 0735 Brazilian songs, ID: "Rádio Guaiba". SINPO 24322. (Méndez/DXW 518)
6010, Radio Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte, MG, 0215. Slow romantic pop songs, short ID, SINPO-45444. (Bell). Also heard at 0701-0718, Portuguese program "Tren Caipira", "Agora 5 y 15, Tren Caipira, o som da nossa terra", SINPO 24322 // with 15190. (Méndez/DXW 518)
9819.87, Radio 9 de Julho, São Paulo, SP, 0350. Male pastor in Portuguese with instrumental music backing. SINPO 44444. (Bell). Also heard at 0733-0750 with Portuguese newscast: "O tempo, 20º en São Paulo, bom dia, "A cor do Brasil", "Rádio 9 de Julho, repartindo companhia." SINPO 34433. (Méndez). Also heard in Japan at 0841-0848 with “Fascination” song by Nat King Cole, I felt fascination of this song again by Brazilian domestic broadcast, I’m feeling drifting of frequency is different from what it was two years ago. SINPO-34333. (Wagai/DXW 518)
11765 Super Radio Deus e Amor, Cuitaba. Good signal for religious text in Portuguese. Station jingle at 2230, to alternating religious talks from male/female duo, including crying and prayers. Two mentions of Brazil to station ID at 2241 as "Radio Deus e Amor", and no mention of "Super." (David Ross, Canada/MARE 808)
4885.018 Nice music signal into Boston-MA/NY-USA at 0802 UT on Nov 10, S=8-9, ZYG362 Rádio Clube do Pará, Belém PA, heavily disturbed by CODAR wiper signal in 4884 to 4914 kHz wideband range.(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews)
6070 CFRX 2309, SIO-555, "CFRB" ID to weather forecast and comments about winter weather coming. Canada's CB1 St. John's on 6160 heard (SIO-343), with winter storm warning for Labrador, "As It Happens" program (Racenis)
Tai Ho Hall-China Radio Int'l QSL (Gayle Van Collection) |
3900.00, Hulun Buir PBS, Hailar, Nei Menggu, 2315-2325. Chinese talk. SINPO-25332. (Petersen) Additonal CHinese monitored as; 3950.00, Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, 2320-2330 with Chinese report. SINPO 45444 // 5060 (45444). Xinjiang PBS has reoccupied all their usual winterfrequencies! (Petersen) 3990.00, Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, 2325-2335. Uyghur announcement to folk music. SINPO-55444 // 4980 (SINPO 45344). (Petersen) 4750.00, Voice of China, Hailar, Nei Menggu, 2345-2355. Chinese talk, 15322 // 4800. SINPO-45344. (Petersen) 4850.00, Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, 2350-2400. Kazakh talk with piano in the background, 2359 jingle and timesignal, ID: "Sinkiang khale." SINPO 555344 // 6015 (45444) which was disturbed by Radio Romania Int. until 2356.* (Adrian Petersen/DXW 518)
7515, Radio Free Chosun, 1312. Announcer's Koean text very weak. Musical interludes between program segments and lady's features. Audible on NLD SDR (Van Horn).
9330, Radio Free North Korea 1255. Korean programming of text, Asian music, ID routine at 1300. Program features with conversations. (Van Horn)
12115, Radio Dialogue FM, Talata-Volonondry, Madagascar. Carrier on at 1557. Music began at 1559:30, 1600 man in Shona or Ndebele with announcements and talk over music until 1606:30. Many references to “Radio Dialogue FM.” SINPO-43443. (Sellers). Also heard at *1600-1700.* Talks in Shona/Ndebele/English. Found here on their new B14 season frequency. SINPO-45444. (Ford). Also heard at 1632, in Shona or Ndebele to South Africa. (Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria/DXW 518)
13800, Radio Dabanga via Talata-Volonondry, Madagascar. Program in Sudanese/Arabic with male/female announcer's talk to Arabic 1527-1529, possible mentions of a schedule, and heard "kilohertz." Arabic vocals and local stringed music tunes. (Frodge)
Voice of Wilderness via Dushanbe, Tajikistan (presumed), 1332. Poor signal for Korean service and heard under Radio Havana Cuba. Remained audible and able to detect language as Korean. Talk with religious text 1332-1342. Gospel music 1342-45. No station ID heard (Ross)
6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, 0750-0810. Religious comments by Martin Stendall, Spanish, interference from Radio Inconfidencia. 23222. (Méndez/playdx)
4765 Radio Progreso, Havana, 0214. Spanish programming of musical ballads 0214-0223. Male announcer in Spanish with several mentions of Cuba, followed by newscast as "Noticias" at 0225. (Ross)
6050, HCJB, La Voz de los Andes, Pichincha, 0828-0836. Anthem, Quechua service, "HCJB Quito, 690 AM, onda corta 6050", comments. SINPO 24322. (Méndez)
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RTV Algerienne QSL (Gayle Van Horn Collection) |
11775, RTV Algerienne via Issoudun, France. Monitored from 2025 in Arabic including progrmming of text, conversation, and Arabic vocal music. (SIO 434) Station's sign-off at 2059. Also monitored on 9380 from 2035 with Qur'an program and text. Arabic ID at 2100 into French service with news, talk and pop style Arabic music. Call to Prayers/Qu'ran in Arabic 2115-2136. Arabic intro format to program featured segment and Arabic vocal music. French sign-off routine with ID and freqs from 2157-2159. Time-tips 2159 and immediately off. (Gayle Van Horn W4GVH/NC)
13590, Voice of America-Deewa Radio via Nauen, Germany. Pashto service heard at 1443 tune-in. Talk and mentions of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Program abruptly off at 1458 without ID or sign-off routine. Noted parallel to audio streaming online (Ross)
15150 Athmeeya Yathra Radio via Nauen, Germany. Presumed this religious station from India. Local languages and poor signal quality - possibly Awadi service? Local Indian string music and lengthy text 1602-1610. No station ID noted (Ross)
4055, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0555-0617.* Station identification in various languages. "Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, Guatemala, Centroamérica". SINPO 14321. (Méndez)
4810, AIR, Bhopal, 1734-1735. English, news // with 5010, 4910, 4860. SINPO-24322. (Méndez) Additional AIR monitored as; 4860, AIR, Shimla, 1733-1735, English, news // with 5010, 4910. SINPO 24222. (Méndez) 4880, AIR, Lucknow, 1732-1735. English, news // with 5010, 4910. SINPO 24322. (Méndez) 4910, AIR, Jaipur 1731-1734. English news // 5010. SINPO-24322. (Méndez) 5010, AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, 1725-1741.* Hindi music, at 1730 English, news, "This is All India Radio", at 1735 in vernacular. SINPO-24322. (Méndez/playdx)
9760, Radio Nikkei. Second Program monitored at 0558-0642. Western pop tunes with occasional English announcements such as “We’ve got what you want.”, “Good music keeps you going.”, “Making...with some great music.” At 0641 station ID as “you’re listening to the R-N-2.” - Fair, // 6115 very weak. Also heard the previous night, at 0700-0730 with same English programming and ID at 0730 as “You’re listening to R-N-2. Sit back, relax and enjoy.” (Sellers-BC)
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ELWA QSL (Gayle Van Horn Collection) |
4760 ELWA (presumed) 2342-2401:43.* Male announcer's weak signal, but traditional religious hymns to national anthem at 0000:30. Best in either SSB. Noted also 2322-0000.* Low-key religious music and some in english to announcer at 2356:21--no copy--back to music at 2357. Off without anthem or ID.(Frodge/Racenis)
5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, 0607-0630. French comments, "Bon jour a touts, la Radio National." Good signal all days in Playa Blanca. SINPO-34433. (Méndez) 9635, Radio Mali, Bamako, 1445-1615 in French with comments and African songs. Station identification -"Radio Mali". Good to fair signal all days in Playa Blanca, listened too with Tecsun PL 310ET and telescopic antenna. SINPO- 34433. (Méndez/playdx)
North Korea
9730, Voice of Korea at 0628 in English with band music and patriotic song. Signal fair, //9445 fair, 7220 poor. (Sellers) North Korea's KCB on 9850, 1402-1425. Korean text barely audible. Noted // 6185 Khz on NLD SDR (Van Horn).
15140 Radio Sultantate of Oman, 1423-1431+. Rock music to 1429+ message "Do more of what you love" to "Radio Sultantate of Oman 94 FM." English newscast. SIO=353+ (Frodge) Station monitored 1445 (SIO-344) with station identification, pop music, and Arabic talks from announcer (Racenis)
9930 T8WH (presumed) 1255-1300+ "Christ Gospel Broadcast" to 1300, followed by "Hearts Around the World." SIO=353+ (Frodge)
The Calcutta Radio Story: QSL Cards and Letters-Part 5
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In this our final report on the
Kolkata scene, we draw attention to the many QSL cards and letters that have
been issued by All India Radio in Kolkata.
The QSL collection in Indianapolis holds more than 300 QSL cards and
letters from Indian radio broadcasting stations, and more than 30 are from
Kolkata itself.
The oldest Calcutta QSL is dated in
the year 1935. It is a letter addressed
to an international radio monitor who was living in Christchurch New
Zealand. The small style letterhead
itself states that it was issued by the Calcutta Station of the Indian State
Broadcasting Service and this was in the era before the now familiar All India
Radio was established. At the time,
station VUC was on the air mediumwave with 2½ kW on 810 kHz and
with 2 kW on 6110 kHz, though the QSL letter does not specify which outlet was
logged by the listener in New Zealand.
Next, VUC issued a Form Letter QSL
and our copy is dated in 1938 when the shortwave unit VUC2 was operating at 10
kW with a daily schedule of 4850 kHz morning and evening and 9530 kHz during
the day. Their first QSL card was the
Silver Logo network card which showed Calcutta with the same three frequencies,
mediumwave and shortwave.
In the 1970s, AIR Calcutta was
issuing picture postcards with the QSL text in the left panel on the address
side of the card. Those cards issued
from Calcutta showed local Calcutta scenes, such as the Howrah Bridge and the
Victoria Memorial. Those cards issued
from the AIR headquarters in New Delhi on behalf of Calcutta portrayed any
number off colorful scenes all throughout India. Many of the other Kolkata QSL cards in the
Indianapolis Heritage Collection are self-prepared Postal Cards with the QSL
text rubber stamped onto the blank side.
We should also mention that the
Calcutta-Kolkata QSL cards verify some twenty different mediumwave, shortwave
and FM channels with power ratings ranging from 2½ kW
through 10 20 & 50 kW up to 1,000 kW over a period of ¾ of
a century.
(AWR?Wavescan/NWS 298 via Adrian Peterson)
100th Anniversary Panama Canal: The Radio Story-Part 2
NBA-Panama Canal (US Navy/virhistory.com) |
Back in August 1918, the American navy inaugurated their first high powered wireless station in the Panama Canal Zone. This station, rated at 200 kW, was launched under an American navy callsign, NPJ, though this was soon afterwards regularized to the better known NBA.
The station location for NBA was always given as Balboa, though originally it was located in the Darien district about half way along the canal. When electronic valve equipment was installed at a new location in 1929, a new callsign was allotted, NDG. The transmitter was at the Summit, and the receiver station was located across the canal at Farfan.
However, a do-it-yourself typed QSL card verifies the usage of the callsign NBA in 1972. Reception of NBA as heard in the United States was on July 27, and the frequency was 17697.5 kHz with a power of 5 kW.
Around the same time, the American army established a communication station at Quarry Heights under the callsign WVL and the purpose for this facility was intercommunication with other army stations in the area. However, in 1940, a small low powered broadcasting transmitter was co-installed with station WVL in the basement of the army barracks for the purpose of disseminating army information to army outposts.
In January of the following year (1941), army personnel began broadcasting music over this small transmitter for the entertainment of army personnel. The unofficial callsign was PCAC, standing for Panama Canal Artillery Command. Daily broadcasts of news were taken from the Panama Star & Herald, and on Sundays news was read from the latest available issue of Time magazine.
This small, unofficial, irregular and unlicensed radio broadcasting station is considered to be the first American army entertainment station, a forerunner to AFRS, the Armed Forces Radio Service. Regular programming began in April, and it was carried on two channels in parallel, WVL shortwave and WVUB mediumwave.
In an attempt to obtain additional suitable programming, the staff wrote to the NBC network in the United States, requesting recordings, and soon afterwards almost one ton of pre-recorded program discs arrived at the station in Quarry Heights. However, a few months later, on Pearl Harbor Day, December 7, 1941, the Panama station was closed so that it could not be used as a homing beacon for incoming enemy bombers.
The radio broadcasting station was re-opened with new imported equipment as a regular unit of the AFRS network a little over a year later at the same location in Fort Clayton. That was in March 1943, and four broadcast transmitters were now available:-
WVL 5 kW 790 kHz Regular programming
WVUB ¼ 1420 Parallel relay
WVUC ¼ 1480 Occasional special programming
WVL .4 2380 Subsequently modified to 2390 kHz
At the same time as the new station was installed at Fort Clayton, a relay station was installed at Fort Gulick on the Atlantic coast of the Canal Zone. This station radiated with 1 kW on 1420 kHz.
Then in 1948, the entire facility at Fort Clayton was transferred to a permanent home, into Building 209 at this same army barracks.
According to entries in the World Radio TV Handbook, the twin AFRS mediumwave stations located at Fort Clayton and Fort Gulick (or Fort Davis under its newer name) were closed some time around the year 1971. We would suggest that the programming was still on the air for the next many years, though now only in the standard FM Band 2.
During the short era of military confrontation between the United States and president Manuel Noriega of Panama in December 1989, the United States implemented its psychological warfare procedures under the project title “Operation Just Cause”. The active FM station(s?) at the American base(s?) carried programming of special music and information for this purpose, beginning on December 20.
In addition, the Americans activated a mediumwave station (the previous 5 kW AFRS unit?) and it was on the air under the identification slogan, “Radio Liberacion". There was also a mobile radio transmitter on the air under the identification slogan, “Voice of Liberty”. These temporary stations ended their service under Operation Just Cause when hostilities culminated a little over a week later, on December 29.
Just a very few QSLs from the AFRS stations in the Panama Canal Zone are known, and these were letters from WVL Quarry Heights on shortwave in the immediate postwar era.
(AWR/Wavescan/NWS 298 via Adrian Peterson)
VOA Radiogram weekend schedule
Before discussing last
weekend’s and next weekend’s program, a reminder that an archive of past VOA
Radiogram broadcasts recorded by Mark Hirst in the UK is kindly maintained by
Mark at the URL below. You can decode the modes from these recordings
Last weekend’s
8PSK: As expected, the
640-word-per-minute 8PSK-250 in last weekend’s program usually resulted in more
errors than the 320-wpm 8PSK-125. There were a few instances of 95-100% decode
of the 8PSK-250, including the 360 km from the North Carolina transmitter to my
house in northern Virginia, Saturday 0230 UTC on 5745 kHz. It seems that the
8PSK-250 would be most useful in short-hop shortwave propagation, beyond the
range of VHF.
This weekend we return to our workhorse MFSK32 mode for the entire
program, except for an MFSK64 image and the surprise mode at the end of the
Here is the lineup for VOA
Radiogram, program 85, 15-16 November 2014 (all MFSK32 except where
1:45 Program
2:52 Solar eclipse and
European power grids*
7:53 Human settlements and
animal extinction*
11:45 Interfacing human
brains via Internet*
16:05 Sesame Street TV show
marks 45 years*
19:45 Russian media
26:37 Closing announcements
with MFSK64 logo
28:05 Surprise mode of the
Please send reception reports
to radiogram@voanews.com.
VOA Radiogram transmission
(all days and times UTC):
Sat 0930-1000 5910 kHz (new frequency as of 1 November)
Sat 1600-1630 17860 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz
All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.
(all days and times UTC):
Sat 0930-1000 5910 kHz (new frequency as of 1 November)
Sat 1600-1630 17860 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz
All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.
The Mighty
KBC will transmit a minute of MFSK64
Saturday at about 1230 UTC on 6095 kHz and Sunday at about 0130 UTC (Saturday
8:30 pm EST) on 7375 kHz. Both frequencies are via Germany. Reports for the KBC
transmissions to themightykbc@gmail.com .
Thanks for your reception
reports. I’ll try to respond before the end of the weekend.
Please tune in and write this
Kim Andrew
Producer and
Amateur Radio Special Castle Events
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Le Château Bivort (vimeo.com) |
WCA pedition of LZ2OQV/P to Royal Palace. Georgi LZ2OQV/1 will be active on from Royal Palace, WCA : LZ-00019. He plans to work as LZ2OQV/P on 20 meters CW/SSB and possible on 17, 15 and 10 meters. QSL via Home Call, bureau or direct. 73 & 11! [tnx info LZ2OQV].
November 16
WCA & BCA pedition of ON7ZC/P and ON4BZ/P to Le Château Bivort. Pierre ON7ZC and Michel ON4BZ will be active from Chateau Bivort, WCA: ON-00464, BCA: HT-107. They plan to work as ON7ZC/P and ON4BZ/P from 08:00 UTC on 7.131 and 14.251 only SSB. For Special QSL instruction please visit on ON7ZC - QRZ.COM. 73 & 11! [tnx info ON7ZC].
WCA Pedition of YT2KID/P to Lazarev Citadel. Dragan YT2KID will be active from Lazarev Citadel, WCA: YU-00008, on the occasion of 666 years since the founding of the guards spear knights SV.Djorda which was established in 1348 year . He plans to work as YT2KID/P on 40 (7.151), 20 (14.251) and 17 (18.130) meters band. QSL via Home Call, bureau or direct. 73 & 11! [tnx info YT2KID].
Weekend relays: Radio City, Euro Music Radio and HLR
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Radio City QSL (Gayle Van Horn Collection) |
All times UTC / frequencies kHz
Friday November 14th at 1900-2000 on 7290 via IRRS and on 1368 kHz via Challenger Radio in Italy, repeated on Saturday November 15th at 0900-1000 on 9510
Every Saturday evening at 2000-2100 there is a separate transmission via Radio Merkurs, Latvia on 1485 AM
Saturday November 22 there is another program via Hamburger Lokalradio at 1300-1400 on 7265
The address remains citymorecars@yahoo.ca
Thank you!
European Music Radio Relay on 16th November 2014
0800 to 0900 (Gohren) on 7265 Tom & Mike Taylor
0900 to 1000 (Gohren) on 9485 Tom & Mike Taylor
Please send all E.M.R. reports to: studio@emr.org.uk
Thank you!
EMR QSL courtesy of Tom Taylor |
EMR Internet repeats on Sunday and Monday:
Program repeats are at the following times: 0800, 1300, 1700, 2000
Please visit www.emr.org.uk and click on the “EMR internet radio” button which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).
or www.tunein.com and sign in
If you live outside the listening area please try the Twente/Netherlands web receiver at http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/
Every Saturday and Wednesday the programs of HLR:
07.00 to 0900 on 7265
09.00 to 1200 on 6190
12.00 to 1600 on 7265
Every Sunday:
1200 to 1600 on 9485
E-mail: redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de
Thank you!
Good Listening!
Tom Taylor
DX Stamp & Supply:November Specials
![]() |
New Zealand honors the upcoming release of The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies |
Italy increases their rate from 2,00 euros to 2,30 euros!! Dec. 1st. I've
rearranged the values I have on hand. All units updated. Unfortunately, I don't
have a 0,30 to update any units you might have on hand. We can do a
switch/exchange for 50c. New price for Italy is now $4.00 up from $3.50....Yes,
I have several hundred units of $1.15 in stock now. Take advantage of the
several 49c discount units for your holiday mailings.
Below are specials for November 2014
Discount postage: Domestic units still available. Stock up for your Holiday mailings. The 49c domestic rate will not increase in January.
If you need a current stamp list or supply list, I can email it to you. Send your request to: plumdx@msn.com
A list of the countries we stock that have issued their own international forever stamps is yours for the asking.
MALAYSIA now 2 RM, up from 1,80 RM.
SINGAPORE: now S$1.30 up from S$1.10
AUSTRALIA rate increased 6th Oct. VK rate now A$2.75 to rest of world, up from A$2.60
AUSTRALIA now priced at $2.75, up from $2.50
STAMPS ON BACK ORDER: Malaysia, Morocco and Saudi Arabia.
Recently acquired a batch of Norway denominated stamps. I can offer Norway
in denominated stamp unit of 17 kr., world rate for $2.75 each. (17 kr.
will be Norway rate beginning Jan. 2015). Norway international forever
stamp still available at $3.00 each. I've updated my stamp price list as such
for Norway.
Norway:D: means denominated stamps
Norway:F: means forever stamp
BACK ORDERS will now be sent with your next stamp order, unless I have several to send you. Am losing money by sending out one at a time. Sorry.
Save Big on your domestic mailings when you plaster
your envelope with colorful stamps.
49c Units
2 stamps
in 3 stamps
in 4 stamps
in 5 stamps
x 100
x 200
x 400
(Three stamps mean 49c unit is made with 3 stamps: 22c, 22c and 5c for example)
100 x 32c - $27 300 x 32c - $73
100 x 33c - $28 300 x 33c - $75
$100 Grab Bags - $70 Values from 3c to 29c in envelopes of 100 ea. I'll send a good mix.
For US postage deals, payment by
No charge for shipping US postage deals to US addresses.
2 Switzerland-$4.00 3 Japan-$3.90
2 Lithuania-$3.00 2 Spain-$3.20 3 UK-$5.10
200/200 European Air Mailers and Air Returns -$40.00
200/200 Stateside Mailers and Returns - $19.00
2 Standard QSL Albums - $40.00
5 Packs QSL Album Pages - $25.00
Priority Mail Shipping Rates: Orders up to $16.00 add $6.50, orders from $16.01 to $40.00 add $9.00, orders from $41.00 to $100.00 add $15.00. orders from $101.00 to $150.00 add $20.00, orders over $150.00 add 15%. When ordering supplies and stamps, the stamps ride free, just use supply total to figure shipping costs. Shipments to Canada and overseas ship at a greater cost. (01/2014)
Stamps Only Orders: Just add $1.00 P&H for posting to USA, add $2.00 for posting to Canada.
73, bill
William Plum
12 Glenn Road
Flemington, NJ 08822
908 788 1020
908 782-2612 FAX
Email: plumdx@msn.com
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Gorbachev Warns of New Cold War
Radio hobbyists have speculated that we may see the return of a Cold War in the radio scene ... Former General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev predicts the "world is on on the brink of a new Cold War."
Gorbachev Warns of New Cold War
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall," U.S. President Ronald Reagan demanded in a 1987 speech at Berlin's Brandenburg Gate. Some two and a half years later, on Nov. 9, 1989, Berliners flocked to the wall that severed East and West Berlin and did exactly that.
But as the city celebrated the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on Sunday, Reagan's catchy imploration is little more than a faint echo against a backdrop of blaring political tensions that former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev says have brought the world to the threshold of a "new Cold War."
Gorbachev, whose policies of glasnost and perestroika precipitated the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the Eastern Bloc, defended Russian foreign policy in his speech at a symposium in Berlin on Saturday.
"The world is on the brink of a new Cold War. Some say that it has already begun," Gorbachev said on Saturday in comments carried by Reuters. "Euphoria and triumphalism went to the heads of Western leaders. Taking advantage of Russia's weakening and the lack of a counterweight, they claimed monopoly leadership and domination of the world."
Gorbachev, 83, also said that President Vladimir Putin's speech at the annual Valdai International Discussion Club forum in Sochi on Oct. 24 — which many analysts interpreted as an anti-Western tirade — in fact expressed the "desire to find a way to decrease tensions and ultimately build a new basis for partnership."
Additional story at Moscow Times
The Brandenburg Gate, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, November 9, 1989 (photo/German Missions to the United States, Germany/MS State.edc) |
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall," U.S. President Ronald Reagan demanded in a 1987 speech at Berlin's Brandenburg Gate. Some two and a half years later, on Nov. 9, 1989, Berliners flocked to the wall that severed East and West Berlin and did exactly that.
But as the city celebrated the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on Sunday, Reagan's catchy imploration is little more than a faint echo against a backdrop of blaring political tensions that former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev says have brought the world to the threshold of a "new Cold War."
Gorbachev, whose policies of glasnost and perestroika precipitated the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the Eastern Bloc, defended Russian foreign policy in his speech at a symposium in Berlin on Saturday.
"The world is on the brink of a new Cold War. Some say that it has already begun," Gorbachev said on Saturday in comments carried by Reuters. "Euphoria and triumphalism went to the heads of Western leaders. Taking advantage of Russia's weakening and the lack of a counterweight, they claimed monopoly leadership and domination of the world."
Gorbachev, 83, also said that President Vladimir Putin's speech at the annual Valdai International Discussion Club forum in Sochi on Oct. 24 — which many analysts interpreted as an anti-Western tirade — in fact expressed the "desire to find a way to decrease tensions and ultimately build a new basis for partnership."
Additional story at Moscow Times
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Radio Sputnik replaces Voice of Russia
24/7 Broadcasting Strategy
Sputnik, a major new media brand with modern multimedia centers in dozens of countries, began live internet broadcast on November 10. All of Sputnik’s multimedia centers located in major world capitals will maintain their own websites and broadcast from local radio stations.
Station identification as, "the Voice of Russia has reached new heights and is now Radio Sputnik ... telling the untold " http://sputniknews.com/radio/
MOSCOW, November 10 (Sputnik) — In 2015, Sputnik will broadcast in 30 languages, with over 800 hours of radio programming a day, covering over 130 cities and 34 countries. Sputnik’s exclusive content is designed for a global audience of billions who are tired of aggressive propaganda promoting a unipolar world and want a different perspective.
The flagship site is www.sputniknews.com.
Sputnik for the world
Offering a fuller picture of the world with a truly diverse range of views, Sputnik tells the untold.
"There are countries that impose their will on both the West and East," Director General of Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency Dmitry Kiselev said. "Wherever they intervene, bloodshed, civil wars and color revolutions ensue. Entire countries fall apart. Iraq, Libya, Georgia, Ukraine, Syria, to name just a few. Many people already understand that the world doesn't necessarily have to believe that the actions of the United States work for everybody. Russia proposes a model for the world that is based on respect for all of humanity. We believe in a diverse, multicultural world, and we have many allies. To promote this outlook our media group is launching a new global brand, Sputnik."
Sputnik points the way to a multi polar world that respects every country's national interests, culture, history and traditions.
Read additional story on Sputnik's strategy and more at http://sputniknews.com/russia/20141110/1014569630.html
Sputnik Radio streaming audio available at: http://sputniknews.com/radio/
Thanking Veterans For Their Service
Today on November 11, 2014, our nation honors all of the veterans that have served in the United States services of the Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marines and Navy. This special day coincides with Armistice Day and Remembrance Day, which are celebrated in other parts of the world and also mark the anniversary of the end of World War I.
Teak Publishing thanks all that have served, not only this day ... but everyday. We honor your devotion to our country.
Gayle and Larry Van Horn (USN Ret.)
Monday, November 10, 2014
Special QSL: Letter from "Home" Voice of Mongolia
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Mongolian Costumes (chinaculture.org) |
our unique QSL this week, we feature a very special QSL that was received by
Mrs. Dr. Carolyn Lysandrou, amateur callsign KC9URR, who now lives in
Bloomington, Indiana. Some years ago,
Dr. Lysandrou was living in Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia where she spent some
Here in the United States two years
ago, she endeavored on several occasions to tune in to the shortwave service of
the Voice of Mongolia, and then on September 14 (2012) she was finally
successful in tuning their signal on 12085 kHz.
This 250 kW shortwave transmitter is located at Honhor, a few miles
south east from the national capital Ulaan Baatar.
Her reception report was verified by
a friendly letter in English from Uyanga Ganchangaa together with a QSL card;
that is, a tourist picture postcard with the QSL text handwritten on the
reverse side.
Mrs. Carolyn states that she ”spent
many days trying to hear the station”, and that “it
was so nice to receive such a wonderful personal letter” referring
to the area where she used to live in Ulaan Baatar. With a nostalgic comment, Carolyn Lysandrou
concludes by saying: “I miss Mongolia”.
(AWR-Wavescan/NWS 297 via Adrian Peterson)
North of the Stone Wall: The Radio Scene in Scotland - Part 2
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Portions of Hadrian's Wall in Scotland (wikipedia) |
program broadcasting came to Scotland on March 6, 1923 with the inauguration of
station 5SC in Glasgow with 1½ kW on 717 kHz. The original studios were located in a
confined area, in an attic in Rex House at 202 Bath Street, and the transmitter
was installed in the Pinkston Power Station at Port Dundas, a mile north of
Glasgow city. The number at the
beginning of the call sign 5SC has no apparent real significance within the
territories of the United Kingdom, though the letters SC would seem to indicate
the first two letters in the territorial name, Scotland.
stations that came on the air quite soon afterwards were Aberdeen 2BD 605
kHz, Edinburgh 2EH 328 kHz, and Dundee
2DE 906 kHz. The call sign for each of
these three subsequent stations began with the number 2, and the letters in
each call sign can be seen in the name of the city of license.
the second radio broadcasting station in Scotland was 2BD (605 kHz) in
Aberdeen, a relay station with studios at 17 Belmont Street and the transmitter
almost adjoining at the Aberdeen Steam Laundry in Claremont Street. This station was officially inaugurated on
October 10 of the same year 1923.
The third station was the lone
long wave relay station 2EH (328 kHz) with studios in the back premises of a
music shop at 79 George Street Edinburgh
and the transmitter in a wooden hut
in the quadrangle at the nearby university buildings at Teviot Place on the
other side of the main railway station.
In addition to the relay of programs
from the network key station 5SC in Glasgow, the Edinburgh 2EH was noted back
in that era for the production of its own afternoon programming, and a Children’s
Hour on Friday evenings. This station
was officially inaugurated on May 1 of the following year 1924.
fourth early broadcasting station in Scotland was 2DE (906 kHz) in Dundee with
studios at 1 Lochee Street and the transmitter at the Caldrum Jute Works on
nearby St. Salvador Street. This station
was inaugurated on November 12 of the same year 1924.
four of the original medium wave stations in Scotland were subsequently replaced
by the BBC at updated locations with new equipment before the commencement of
World War II in 1939.
of the Stone Wall, in Scotland itself, the BBC is on the air these days with a
multitude of radio and TV stations throughout the entire country. The BBC Scotland runs separate radio & TV
channels in English and in the Gaelic language.
map indicating all of the AFRS American Forces Radio Stations in the British
Isles during World War 2 shows two stations in Scotland. These stations were located at American bases
apparently near the two major cities, Glasgow and Edinburgh. Almost nothing is known about these two
stations, except that they operated at very low power, usually 50 watts. It is known that one station was installed in
the American Military Hospital at Cowglen, near Glasgow.
regular shortwave broadcasting station has ever been erected in Scotland,
though hobby pirates have been noted at various times. For example, QSL cards show:-
Freedom Midlothian 1974 35 watts 6220 kHz
Stella Central Scotland 1983 20 7319
of Scotland Cambridge England 1993 300 6205
there have been some program relays on shortwave from Scotland with the usage
of relay stations in the northern hemisphere.
A licensed internet radio station, Radio Six International in Glasgow,
took out several short term relays via shortwave stations in Europe and the
United States. The shortwave stations in
Europe were located in Italy and Latvia, and the shortwave stations in the
United States were WBCQ in Monticello Maine and WWCR in Nashville
Tennessee. These shortwave relays from
Radio Six International were on the air for a period of a little over five
years, running from December 2003 to December 2008.
(AWR-Wavescan/NWS 297 via Adrian Peterson)
Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletins
Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2014 Nov 10 0642 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact www.swpc.noaa.gov/weekly.html
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 03 - 09 November 2014
Solar activity ranged from low to high levels with Region 2205 (N15, L=011, class/area Ekc/410 on 07 Nov) responsible for the majority of the activity during the period.
The period began with high levels as Region 2205 produced an M2 x-ray event at 03/1153 UTC with an associated Type II sweep (517 km/s) followed by an M6/1f flare at 03/2240 UTC with another Type II sweep (601 km/s). 04 November saw activity decreased to moderate levels with a pair of M2 flares from Region 2205 at 04/0838 UTC and 04/0904 UTC respectively. On 05 November, high levels were observed as Region 2205 produced an M7/1n flare at 05/0947 UTC with an associated Castelli-U radio signature to include a 240 sfu Tenflare. Later in the day, the region produced a long duration (LDE) M2/1n flare at 05/1944 UTC with an associated Type II sweep (1291 km/s).
High levels continued on 06 November with Region 2205 producing an M5/1n flare at 06/0346 UTC with associated Type II (732 km/s) and Type IV sweeps. The region also produced an M3/2n flare at 06/0139 UTC and an M2/1n flare at 2216 UTC with an associated 200 sfu Tenflare.
High levels were observed on 07 November which began with an M2/2n LDE from Region 2205 at 07/0249 UTC followed by an M2 x-ray event at 07/0425 UTC and an M1/Sf at 07/1022 UTC. Later on the 7th, the region produced an X1 x-ray event at 07/1726 UTC with associated Type II (602 km/s) and Type IV sweeps. Also associated with this event was a partial-halo coronal mass ejection (CME) first observed in SOHO/LASCO imagery at 07/1808 UTC. Subsequent WSA/Enlil model output suggested a glancing blow Earth impact early to midday on 10 November.
Low levels were observed on 08 November with numerous low-level C-class flares observed from Region 2205, 2201 (S04, L=089, class/area Dai/070 on 06 Nov) and 2203 (N12, L=115, class/area Dao/200 on 03 Nov). The summary period ended on 09 November with a return to moderate levels as Region 2205 produced an M2/1b flare at 09/1532 UTC
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit. However, flux levels began the period enhanced due to the Hyder flare observed early on 01 November. The period began with flux levels at 7 pfu and finally declined to background levels early on 05 November.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at moderate levels on 03 and 04 November and normal levels on 05-09 November.
Geomagnetic field activity ranged from quiet to active levels. Quiet to unsettled levels were observed on 03 and 06-09 November while quiet to active levels occured on 04-05 November. Activity levels were dominated by numerous solar sector boundary changes (SSBC) and persistant periods of -Bz. No discernible transient or coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS) influences were observed during the period. The ACE satellite observed solar wind speeds that ranged from a low of about 375 km/s late on 03 November to a high near 600 km/s late on 05 November. The interplanetary magnetic field (Bt) recorded a variable field that ranged from a low of 1 nT early on 03 November to a peak of 14 nT midday on the 4th. The Bz component generally ranged from +/- 5 nT or less. Increased Bz variability was observed from about 04/0015 UTC - 05/0845 UTC (+8 nT to -12 nT), 07/1738 UTC - 07/2106 UTC (+9 nT to -8 nT) and again from 09/1452 UTC - 09/2359 UTC (+/-10 nT).
The phi angle reflected a mostly negative (towards) orientation through the period. Intermittent changes in orientation from a negative to a positive (away) sector were observed from 03/0027 UTC - 03/1101 UTC, 04/0626 UTC - 05/1316 UTC, 07/0025 UTC - 07/0911 UTC and 09/2233 UTC - 09/2359 UTC.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 10 November - 06 December 2014
Solar activity is expected to be at predominately low to moderate levels with isolated high activity from 10 - 23 November and again from 29 November - 06 December. This forecast activity is due to Region 2205, currently on the visible disk through 17 November and the return of old Region 2192 (S12, L=248) due to return late on 11 November. Mostly low level activity is expected for the remainder of the outlook period from 24 - 28 November.
A slight chance for a greater than 10 MeV proton event at geosynchronous orbit exist for a majority of the period with the exception of 24 - 28 November due to potential significant flare activity from Region 2205 and the return of old Region 2192.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at normal to moderate levels from 10 - 13 November and again from 02 - 06 December. Moderate to high levels are expected from 14 November - 01 December.
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at active to major storm levels on 10 - 11 November due to influences from the 07 November CME and negative polarity CH HSS effects. From 12 - 24 November and again from 03 - 06 December, quiet to unsettled levels with isolated active periods are expected due to a combination of CH HSS and SSBC effects. Mostly quiet conditions are expected on 25 November - 02 December.
:Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2014 Nov 10 0642 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact www.swpc.noaa.gov/wwire.html
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2014-11-10
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2014 Nov 10 135 34 6
2014 Nov 11 145 18 5
2014 Nov 12 150 8 3
2014 Nov 13 155 8 3
2014 Nov 14 155 8 3
2014 Nov 15 155 8 3
2014 Nov 16 150 12 4
2014 Nov 17 170 12 4
2014 Nov 18 190 10 3
2014 Nov 19 200 8 3
2014 Nov 20 200 8 3
2014 Nov 21 195 8 3
2014 Nov 22 190 12 4
2014 Nov 23 170 12 4
2014 Nov 24 150 12 4
2014 Nov 25 135 8 3
2014 Nov 26 125 5 2
2014 Nov 27 105 5 2
2014 Nov 28 105 5 2
2014 Nov 29 100 5 2
2014 Nov 30 100 5 2
2014 Dec 01 90 5 2
2014 Dec 02 90 5 2
2014 Dec 03 90 8 3
2014 Dec 04 85 12 4
2014 Dec 05 80 12 4
2014 Dec 06 85 12 4
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