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Sunday, November 09, 2014
NRC Antenna Pattern Book - 7th Edition Now Available
The 7th Edition of the National Radio Club Antenna Pattern Book is now available. This all new edition prepared by NRC member Paul Swearingen is an all inclusive book of patterns for both Day and Night operation of stations in the USA, Canada and selected foreign stations.
The data for the book comes from the 34th Edition of the AM Radio Log and NRC member John Callerman’s comprehensive Mexican station listing. The book comes shrink wrapped in 8½ by 11 three hole punch format for placement in your own three ring binder. There are 240 pages and the book has maps covering 530 through 1700 kHz depicting the lower USA, Canada and Mexico. Hawaii and Alaska are shown on separate maps at the of the book.
Price/ordering info:
To the United States, $22.95 for members, $28.95
for non members (add $4.00 for Priority Mail delivery to U.S. addresses only). To Canada $35.00; airmail outside of U.S. and Canada
$39.00. For those outside the U.S., use PayPal or a postal money order in U.S. funds only. Order from NRC, P.O. Box 473251, Aurora CO 80047?3251
or the NRC website at: www.nrcdxas.org. Colorado residents, please add 3.5% sales tax.