Special thanks to Larry Zamora for the following QSL contributions. What are you QSLing ? Share your veries with our worldwide readers. Contributions are always welcome to w4gvh @ frontier.com
Amateur Radio
United States
K2I, 14250 kHz USB, received full data QSL card signed by QSL manager for
monitoring 4th of July Original 13 Colonies special event station. Received in
2 months for a SWL report and SASE (used for reply). Address: K2I, 76 Longview
Drive, Green Brook, NJ 08812. (Larry Zamora, Garland, TX)
W3R, 14260 kHz USB, received partial data QSL card signed by QSL manager for
monitoring Whiskey Rebellion special event station. Received in 6 weeks for a
SWL report and SASE (used for reply). Address: NY9H, 401 Bells Lake Road,
Prosperity, PA. 15329. (Larry Zamora, Garland, TX)
W6E, 14269 kHz USB, received full data signed QSL card for monitoring the
Route 66 On-The-Air special event station. Received in 10 days for a SWL report
and SASE (used for reply). Address: Barstow Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 451,
Barstow, CA 92312. (Larry Zamora, Garland, Garland, TX)
Welcome to Teak Publishing's Shortwave Central blog. This blog covers shortwave frequency updates, loggings, free radio, international mediumwave, DX tips, clandestine radio, and late-breaking radio news. Visit my YouTube and Twitter links. Content on Shortwave Central is copyright © 2006-2026 by Teak Publishing, which is solely responsible for the content. All rights reserved. Redistribution of these pages in any format without permission is strictly prohibited.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Air Raids Over Darwin: The VID Radio Story
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(wikipedia) |
Northern Territory, the total population was only a little over one thousand residents. This rather discordant frontier settlement was almost totally disconnected from the rest of Australia; there was no reliable interconnecting motor highway, there was no interconnecting railway system, and of course at that era, passenger plane travel had not yet been developed. However, there was one unreliable single wire telephone line stretching across the intervening desert areas for more than one and a half thousand miles, connecting the far north with the distant south.
At that early era, local residents were struggling for employment, though gold had been discovered at Pine Creek, 140 miles south of Darwin. Other residents were involved with attempted food production on a large scale, various forms of government leadership, and of course, the maintenance of the cable system connecting Adelaide to the south and Singapore to the north west. There was also a large ethnic group of Larrakia Aborigines living in Darwin and the surrounding areas.
In 1911, the Australian section of the British Royal Navy recommended that a total of sixteen coastal wireless stations should be installed around the Australian coastline; three high powered stations and thirteen medium powered stations. Darwin was to receive a medium powered facility.
The new coastal wireless station for the northern coast of Australia was constructed at Frogs Hollow, Darwin, and a 5 kW spark transmitter designed under the Balsillie system was installed in the new wireless station building. They generated their own power, and the transmitter was paired with a simple crystal set receiver. A postcard from this early era shows a single pole as the support for the simple aerial system.
This new wireless station was officially opened for service exactly 102 years ago, on September 25, 1913, under the coastal system callsign VID. Two years later, the navy took over all of the coastal wireless stations surrounding the Australian coastline as a World War 1 wartime exigency, including VID Darwin.
However, some time after peace returned in Europe and to the rest of the world, all of these wireless stations, including VID, were finally returned in October 1920 to their previous owners, the government operated PMG system. Then, another change in ownership took place two years later, and VID, with all of the others, was taken over by the well known Australian radio organization, AWA. Under AWA, the ancient spark equipment was replaced by valve radio equipment.
As more recent history tells us, another world war came on the scene, and the navy once again took over the control of the entire network of coastal wireless stations, though AWA still retained the ownership and operation of the stations. That was on September 3, 1939, when open hostilities broke out on continental Europe. Military guards were appointed to guard each of these Australian wireless stations.
However one and a half years later, political events demonstrated that the war was on the horizon in Asia and the Pacific, and it was moving towards the continent of Australia. Thus it was that the navy wireless station near Darwin, VHM at HMAS Coonawarra, took over all navy communications from the commercial wireless station VID.
Following the tragic attack on Pearl Harbor towards the end of the year 1941, VID was again making contact with navy vessels, under the code callsign VID6. By this time, Darwin was a very busy harbor with a multitude of navy vessels, Australian, British and American, traversing the nearby seas. In fact, at this stage, there were an additional 10,000 service personnel from the United States and elsewhere serving in the armed forces in the Darwin neighborhood.
Then it came; at 9:58 am on February 19, 1942, the first air raid on Australian soil. The first wave of Japanese aircraft, 188 bombers and fighters, bombed and strafed the city, the harbour, and the radio station.
A Zero fighter strafed the radio station with machine guns, damaging the antenna beamed towards the headquarters coastal station VIS in Sydney. A second wave of 54 Japanese bombers attacked Darwin just two hours later in a raid lasting half an hour. The airport radio station was destroyed, and VID was asked to take over all aircraft communications. In total, anywhere up to a thousand people were killed,
In another raid four months later, station VID was very badly damaged when 50 bombs were dropped in the area, though several did not explode, due apparently to the fact that they were old left over armament that had deteriorated.
Then two months later again, Radio station VID received its worst war time damage on August 27 (1942) when it sustained a direct hit, thus destroying or damaging all equipment and much of the structure as well. At this stage, the navy station VHM at Coonawarra took over all of the VID communication services.
However, soon afterwards local staff repaired and rebuilt the station, and in progressive stages VID once again took over its regular communication services.
* Warnings from the North
The Tiwi Islands lie just 50 miles north of Darwin where the Arafura Sea joins the Timor Sea. They comprise two larger islands, Melville Island and Bathurst Island, together with nine smaller uninhabited islands, and they are administered as part of Australia’s Northern Territory.
The largest of the Tiwi Islands is the very irregularly shaped Melville Island which stretches approximately 70 miles by 70 miles. This island is Australia’s second largest island, after Tasmania.
There is a small settlement on the north coast of Melville Island and an unpaved landing strip for small aircraft. The total population, mostly Tiwi Aborigines, numbers around one thousand.
On the western edge of Melville is Bathurst Island, again with a very irregular coastline, and this one is shaped approximately like an equilateral triangle with each side stretching 40 miles. The two islands are separated by a rather narrow winding channel. There are two settlements on this island, again mostly Tiwi Aborigines, with a total population around 1500.
The first European to sight the island was the Dutch explorer, Abel Tasman, who is honored with his name attached to the island state of Tasmania. Bathurst Island was named in honor of an English government official, the same official whose name is memorialized in Canada with another Bathurst Island over there.
Back nearly two centuries ago, there was a failed attempt at establishing a European settlement on Bathurst Island, though it lasted for only five years before the inhabitants were transferred to the nearby Australian mainland.
A Catholic mission was established here a little over a century ago, in 1910. The European priest in charge, Francis Gsell, established a pattern of buying Aboriginal girls who had been betrothed to older men so that they could marry younger men.
On Air Raid Day, Thursday February 19, 1942, observers on both islands, Melville and Bathurst, sent radio warnings to Darwin, but both warnings were somewhat ignored, in the same way that a similar warning was ignored just before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in the Hawaiian Islands.
At 9:15 am, Lt. John Gribble at the small air force base on Melville Island radioed VHM at the Coonawarra navy base near Darwin that a large flight of Japanese planes was passing over the island with the obvious intent of attacking Darwin. In Darwin, this information was not acted upon immediately.
Then 20 minutes later (9:35 am), the Catholic priest John McGrath on nearby Bathurst Island, reported to VID Darwin on the pre-set X Band channel in the 6 MHz band (6840 kHz) that a huge flight of bombers was headed towards Darwin. Two minutes later, VID telephoned this information to the Royal Australian Air Force base 8 miles south of Darwin, but the information was incorrectly interpreted, assuming that the flight was an American formation of planes returning from an aborted flight to Java in the East Indies (Indonesia).
While over Bathurst Island, eight Japanese planes peeled off from the main formation and attacked the Catholic mission station. The radio hut, together with its pedal wireless transmitter 8SE, was damaged, but during the day McGrath repaired the damaged equipment. At 6:00 pm the same day, he radioed another report to VID Darwin in which he gave details of the damage inflicted on Bathurst Island.
We plan to complete this interesting Darwin radio story three weeks from now.
(AWR Wavescan/NWS 343)
Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletins
Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2015 Sep 28 0507 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact www.swpc.noaa.gov/weekly.html
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 21 - 27 September 2015
Solar activity began the week at low levels but reached moderate levels at the end of the period. Region 2420 (N10, L=102, class/area Ekc/290 on 21 Sep) produced a C8/Sn flare at 21/0518 UTC on 21 Sep and several B-class events on 22 Sep. Region 2422 (S20, L=102, class/area Ekc/650 on 27 Sep) produced the majority of the activity for the rest of the week with several C-class flares from 23-27 Sep as well as two M-class flares on 27 Sep. The first M-class flare was an M1/1f at 27/1040 UTC and the second reached M1/1n at 27/2100 UTC.It also produced a C9/1n flare at 27/1958 UTC that was accompanied by a 130 sfu Tenflare.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at normal to moderate levels.
Geomagnetic field activity was at quiet to unsettled levels from 21-22 Sep due to waning coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS) effects. Quiet to unsettled levels were observed on 23 Sep with an isolated active period from 23/1500-1800 UTC due to a prolonged period of negative Bz. Quiet to unsettled levels returned on 24 Sep followed by quiet conditions for the remainder of the period.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 28 September - 24 October 2015
Solar activity is expected to be at low to moderate levels from 28 Sep - 03 Oct due to flare potential from Regions 2420, 2421 (N17, L=120, class/area Dac/110 on 26 Sep), and 2422. Very low to low levels are expected from 04-14 Oct. A chance for moderate levels returns from 15-24 Oct as Region 2420 is anticipated to rotate back onto the visible disk.
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at normal to moderate levels with high levels possible on 03 and 06 Oct, 09-15 Oct and 18-24 Oct following recurrent CH HSS events.
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at mostly quiet to unsettled levels. Active periods are likely on 01-02 Oct, 04-05 Oct,
07-09 Oct, and 16-17 Oct due to recurrent coronal hole high speed streams.
:Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2015 Sep 28 0507 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact www.swpc.noaa.gov/wwire.html
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2015-09-28
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2015 Sep 28 130 7 3
2015 Sep 29 125 7 3
2015 Sep 30 120 7 3
2015 Oct 01 120 15 4
2015 Oct 02 115 10 4
2015 Oct 03 110 7 3
2015 Oct 04 110 15 4
2015 Oct 05 110 12 4
2015 Oct 06 115 8 3
2015 Oct 07 115 12 4
2015 Oct 08 115 18 4
2015 Oct 09 115 10 4
2015 Oct 10 115 8 3
2015 Oct 11 110 8 3
2015 Oct 12 110 8 3
2015 Oct 13 115 8 3
2015 Oct 14 120 8 3
2015 Oct 15 125 8 3
2015 Oct 16 130 10 4
2015 Oct 17 130 12 4
2015 Oct 18 130 8 3
2015 Oct 19 125 8 3
2015 Oct 20 120 8 3
2015 Oct 21 120 8 3
2015 Oct 22 120 8 3
2015 Oct 23 120 8 3
2015 Oct 24 120 8 3
The World’s Most Unusual DX Contest
The time has come, the event you are waiting for has arrived! The new month of October is the official period for our big 2015 Wavescan DX contest. This year, we invite you to participate in “The World’s Most Unusual DX Contest”, and this time you may design your own contest details. Read on for this years requirements.
* The awards for the 2015 AWR “The World’s Most Unusual DX Contest” will be similar to all previous contests, with the addition of several extra awards.
* Every entry will receive a full size copy of two historic American mediumwave QSL cards dating back to the early 1920s.
* Four entries will receive a special numbered QSL card featuring Thomas Kincade art in color showing twin radio towers, the only Kincade painting that depicts a radio station.
* All AWR reception reports will be verified with specially endorsed AWR QSL cards, and two new cards are now available.
* Additional AWR souvenirs, radio curios, Christmas Card, AWR Magazine and small keepsakes.
* One entry from Australia and New Zealand will receive a copy of the new 5th edition of Dr. Bruce Carty’s remarkable and readable book “Australian Radio History”. This large format volume, in full color throughout, presents almost 100 pages of fascinating information about every known medium wave station that ever took to the air in Australia during the past almost 100 years, beginning in 1918.
* Each continental winner will receive a copy of the 2016 edition of the World Radio TV Handbook.
* The World Winner will receive a copy of one of Jerome Berg’s remarkable shortwave radio history books. The winner may choose which of the four thick volumes he would like to receive.
The World’s Most Unusual DX Contest The World’s Most Unusual DX Contest
A. The World’s Most Unusual DX Contest: Description
You are invited to design your own DX contest in any way and in any form you consider is best. Your self-designed DX contest may be based upon any aspect of radio associated in some way with shortwave or mediumwave broadcasting, such as for example: Listening, monitoring, collecting QSLs, programming, script writing, radio history, current radio events, radio in the future, large radio stations, little radio stations, rare stations, distant stations, local stations, silent stations, visiting radio stations, radio magazines, radio receivers, personal radio memories, recording for broadcast, etc, etc.
* Your self-designed DX contest may be in any form you desire, and it may be ambitious and complicated, or it may be simple and quite easy, in whatever way you consider is most appropriate.
* You should then describe in a paragraph or two, the details of your own self-designed QSL contest.
* Not valid for this contest are amateur nor CB radio stations.
B. World’s Most Unusual DX Contest: Fulfillment
* Please demonstrate the way you have fulfilled the requirements for your own self-designed DX contest, in a brief paragraph or two.
C. Your Best QSL Since the 2014 DX Contest
* What is the best QSL that you have received since the 2014 DX contest? Please provide details and a photocopy, in color if possible.
D. AWR Reception Reports
* You are invited to prepare three reception reports for the broadcast on shortwave, mediumwave or FM of any AWR programming in any part of the world. You may choose the international shortwave programing from Adventist World Radio, via KSDA Guam; or any of the shortwave relay stations that carry AWR programming; or any of the 1700 local medium wave or FM stations in any part of the world that are affiliated with Adventist World Radio.
* Please do not send a recording of your reception; we just need your honest reception report on paper. All reception reports will be verified with our two new QSL cards, and a special contest endorsement will be shown on each card.
E. Three Radio Cards
* Where possible, you are invited to include three radio cards for the Indianapolis Heritage Collection with your contest entry. These cards may be old or new, and they may be QSL cards, reception report cards, or picture cards of radio stations, etc. Not valid for this contest are amateur cards nor CB radio cards.
Other Contest Details
* Well, there you have it, the details for our Wavescan 2015 “World’s Most Unusual DX Contest”. This contest will run through the month of October 2015, and all contest entries should be postmarked at your local post office anywhere in the world on any date up to the end of the month of October 2015 and they should be received at the AWR post office address in Indianapolis no later than the end of the month of November 2015.
* Post your entry with all items to Adventist World Radio in Indianapolis, remembering that neatness and preparation, will all feature in the judging procedure. Due consideration will also be given to the area of the world in which the contestant lives.
* Where possible, please enclose return postage in the form of currency notes in any international currency, or mint postage stamps. Please note that IRC coupons are too expensive for you to buy, and they are no longer valid in the United States.
* Please enclose your postal address label also.
* Please remember that it will take a period of many months, well into the new year 2016, to process all of the contest entries and reception reports, but each will in due course be processed.
The only address for the “World’s Most Unusual DX Contest” is:
World’s Most Unusual DX Contest
Adventist World Radio
Box 29235
Indianapolis , Indiana 46229 USA
AWR DX Programs
Ever since Adventist World Radio was inaugurated way back more than 40 years ago, listeners in many countries on all continents have looked forward to participating in the annual DX contest. Our historical records show that the first listener contest was conducted by the fledgling new AWR-Europe way back during the year 1972, just a few months after the official inauguration on October 1, 1971.
The longest series of annual DX contests began under the original Adventist World Radio in Asia, AWR-Asia in Poona India, and these were introduced just a few years later in 1977. The first world winner in the annual contest in association with the original AWR DX program “Radio Monitors International” RMI was Victor Goonetilleke, the well known international radio monitor living in Colombo Sri Lanka. Since then, this well established AWR DX program has transmigrated from Asia to the United States, and the name likewise has evolved into a new name, the now familiar “Wavescan”.
Throughout all of these intervening years, the annual winner’s list contains the names of well known international radio monitors living on all continents. In addition, the long roster of regional winners over the years includes a host of names, international radio monitors living in up to a hundred different countries. Any and all entrants have an equal possibility of winning one of the many awards that are available each year.
In fact, every entry in this year’s very unusual DX contest will be awarded a full size photocopy of two very early mediumwave QSL cards, dating way back to the very beginning of radio broadcasting in the United States. In addition, four entrants will receive a very special QSL card; the QSL text will be attached to the only picture painted by the noted American artist Thomas Kincade that shows a radio antenna. Other awards will include the World Radio TV Handbook for 2016; one of Jerome Berg’s full volumes on the international history of shortwave radio; a copy of Dr. Bruce Carty’s colorful new volume, “Australian Radio History”.
As Adventist World Radio enters into its 44th year of international radio broadcasting, we take pleasure in announcing our annual “Wavescan” DX contest, which comes to you under the title, “The World’s Most Unusual DX Contest”. In short, you are invited to design your own DX contest in whatever way you consider is best.
(Adrian Peterson/23 Sept)
KBS World Radio plans antenna replacement
South Korea
Statement edited for clarity
Important information for those who monitor KBS
programming at 1300-1400 UTC, on 9645
kHz. From 01 October the station will begin replacing the antenna on the
transmitter operating on a given frequency in the direction of Europe. During this
period until December 10, the broadcast will be carried from a neighboring
non-directional transmitter, resulting in signal strength and accordingly, the
quality deteriorates. We apologize and ask your understanding-KBS.
1300-1400 on
9645 KIM 250 kW / 305 deg to EaEu Russian KBS World Radio
(Observer SW Nx)
DRM Receiver to Hit Market in October

According to the disclosed technical specifications, the final version of the AV-DVR-1401 supports DRM in both shortwave and medium-wave bands, analog medium wave as well as analog FM with RDS, and will display images and information on a 3.5-inch TFT color LCD unit.
Additional story at: http://www.radioworld.com/article/drm-receiver-to-hit-market-in-october/277136
Plain Euro Envelopes Now Available
Dear Customer,
European Return European Mailer
(4½ x 6¼) (4¾ x 6½)
115mm x 160mm 120mm x 165mm
These envelopes are perfectly acceptable for mailing to ALL parts of the world, not just to Europe. Their size insures you that 4” x 6” DX QSLs will not come back to you folded which could happen if you used small U.S. sized airmail envelopes. Our European Return fits into the European Mailer without folding. These two envelopes and up to 3 QSL cards weigh less than one ounce. The European Return and 2 QSLs weigh less than 10 grams. All envelopes are sealed in plastic for protection. Envelopes are packed 100 per size per package. The 50/50 Combo comes in one package. SPECIFY!! Plain or Airmail version. Mix and Match by 100’s.
September 2013 100 500 1000
Euro Returns Plain or Airmail $12.00 $50.00 $90.00
Euro Mailers Plain or Airmail $13.00 $55.00 $100.00
PRODUCTS shipped via Priority Mail. Shipping charges: Orders up to $40
add $9.00, orders from $41 to $100 add $15, orders from $101 to $150 add $20,
orders over $150 add 15% of order for shipping. Products shipped to Canada ship
at higher cost. REMEMBER: When ordering supplies AND stamps, use supply total to
figure shipping costs. Stamps “ride free” when you order supplies. (09/15
The plain versions were just delivered.
Below, I've pasted that section of the supplies flyer. So now you can use a
plain mailer and a plain return if you wish.
The 50/50 pack must be all airmail or all plain.
Specify which is airmail and which is plain for the following combo
100/100 European Mailers and European Returns
or constant special of 200/200 Euro. Mailers and Returns
500/500 European Mailers and European Returns.
And when you order all of one size.
Hope I've made it clear enuf.
73 and good dx,
European Envelopes
Airmail & Plain Versions!
20 lb. White Wove, Inside Tinted, Red & Blue Airmail Border
20 lb. White Wove, Inside Tinted, PLAIN: no airmail border or
(4½ x 6¼) (4¾ x 6½)
115mm x 160mm 120mm x 165mm
These envelopes are perfectly acceptable for mailing to ALL parts of the world, not just to Europe. Their size insures you that 4” x 6” DX QSLs will not come back to you folded which could happen if you used small U.S. sized airmail envelopes. Our European Return fits into the European Mailer without folding. These two envelopes and up to 3 QSL cards weigh less than one ounce. The European Return and 2 QSLs weigh less than 10 grams. All envelopes are sealed in plastic for protection. Envelopes are packed 100 per size per package. The 50/50 Combo comes in one package. SPECIFY!! Plain or Airmail version. Mix and Match by 100’s.
September 2013 100 500 1000
Euro Returns Plain or Airmail $12.00 $50.00 $90.00
Euro Mailers Plain or Airmail $13.00 $55.00 $100.00
Save On Special Combo Deals!!!!
50 Mailers/50 Returns - $12 (either all plain or all
100 Mailers/100 Returns - $22 (mix and match)
500 Mailers/500 Returns - $100 (mix and match by 100’s)
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Milcom/Btown/Shortwave Central Radio Audio Libraries
As a new service to our blog readers, the Milcom Monitoring Post Blog, Btown Monitoring Post Blog and the Shortwave Central Blog are now uploading audio clips of selected radio intercepts we have heard. You will be able to see them in selected file list to the right of this post. Here is a sample of a recent longwave intercept made by Gayle W4GVH and posted to her AudioBoom account. You can follow both N5FPW and W4GVH AudioBoom post by clicking on one of the audio files in our library and when on our AudioBoom pages click follow. Good hunting de Chief.
Monday, September 21, 2015
Rural NC track is last shortwave site in US for VOA
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VOA Greenville NC |
RALEIGH, N.C. — Despite broadcast satellites and cell phones, the U.S. government continues to transmit that staple of Cold War spy movies — shortwave radio — from miles of transmission towers tucked away in a corner of rural North Carolina.
The last Voice of America shortwave transmission station in the United States spreads across 2,700 acres eastern North Carolina's flat coastal plain, ready in a crisis to blast news to the world's remote corners.
The taxpayer-funded transmission site near Greenville, named for legendary broadcaster and former director of VOA's parent agency Edward R. Murrow, reserves a domestic option for the government broadcaster that has overwhelmingly gone digital or sends its signals from overseas sites.
Monitoring Indonesia
All times UTC * sign-on sign-off* // parallel frequency
Logs edited for clarity
All times UTC
9525.978v Voice of Indonesia. Very appropriate that I was listening today, the 70th anniversary of RRI, which was founded on Sept 11, 1945. This Friday, again heard "Exotic Indonesia" in English starting at 1259, Joint program of VOI-Jakarta and RRI Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan; 1302
alternating news items from Jakarta and Banjarmasin / Kalimantan (due to heavy smoke in Banjarmasin, people warned to cut down on outdoor activity and stay indoors). "Commentary," "Today in History," RRI anniversary and terrorists destroyed World Trade Center; 1330 UT "Focus"; usual chatting between Jakarta and Banjarmasin. Many program IDs for "Exotic Indonesia."
*4750, RRI Makassar (?)* Was here looking for them on Sept 10, at 1221, and subsequent checking, due to the report on Sept 9, by Atsunori Ishida, of a reactivation of an "Unidentified RRI" station. Was only able to hear a stronger than normal Bangladesh Betar (Home Svc) along with weaker CNR1 (China), so unable to confirm a third station here on this day.
Sept 11, at 1206, tentatively did seem to be three stations mixing together here. Very difficult to be positive, but did at times sound like the Jakarta news. Today CNR1 was stronger than Bangladesh Betar, so conditions here vary a lot on a daily basis. Worth while to monitor here to see what develops. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, DXplorer via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 11)
9525.979 Heard many times with English ID of VoIndonesia Cimanggis between 1300 and 1305, on Sept 21, S=8-9 fair signal in southern Germany, during early autumn propagation path.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 21)
4750 RRI Makassar, 1200 UT on Sept 14. Best reception since their reactivation; Jakarta news till 1228 UT playing patriotic song "Garuda Pancasila"; \\ 3324.88 kHz, RRI Palangkaraya \\ 3905 kHz, RRI Merauke \\ 4869.88 kHz, RRI Wamena; usual interference, but semi-readable. After the news no longer \\ and gave several local IDs. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, DXplorer Sept 16)
3905, RRI Merauke, at 1225 on Aug 28, to finish the Jakarta news, played patriotic song "Dirgahayu Indonesiaku" \\ 3324.88 kHz RRI Palangkaraya \\ 4869.88 kHz RRI Wamena. Very nice to find that Merauke has become a regular broadcaster now and is heard daily. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, DXplorer via dswci Sept 16)
4749.95 RRI Makassar, at 1114-1231 on Sep 12. Heard with much better reception than yesterday, started out very poor, but clearly three stations mixing together;. Some music heard via RRI, by 1159 much clearer with theme music, Jakarta news 1200-1231, ending with what sounded like the patriotic song "Garuda Pancasila." It was a big help that CNR1 was not propagating well today. Hope RRI's reception continues to improve. Certainly is very nice to have them back. Thanks very much to
Mauno Ritola for his additional confirmation today - "RRI Makassar ID heard at 1234 UT via Western Australian web receiver". (Ron Howard-CA-USA, DXplorer via dswci Sept 16)
Also tentatively heard at 2200 on Sept 12, carrier with traces of music. Maybe this is a reactivated RRI Makassar earlier noted on this offset last time heard. China is stronger on 4749.99 kHz and the one coming through with their program. (Nilsson-SWE, DXplorer via dswci Sept 16)
(BCDX-Top Nx 1222-21 Sept)
Logs edited for clarity
All times UTC
9525.978v Voice of Indonesia. Very appropriate that I was listening today, the 70th anniversary of RRI, which was founded on Sept 11, 1945. This Friday, again heard "Exotic Indonesia" in English starting at 1259, Joint program of VOI-Jakarta and RRI Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan; 1302
alternating news items from Jakarta and Banjarmasin / Kalimantan (due to heavy smoke in Banjarmasin, people warned to cut down on outdoor activity and stay indoors). "Commentary," "Today in History," RRI anniversary and terrorists destroyed World Trade Center; 1330 UT "Focus"; usual chatting between Jakarta and Banjarmasin. Many program IDs for "Exotic Indonesia."
*4750, RRI Makassar (?)* Was here looking for them on Sept 10, at 1221, and subsequent checking, due to the report on Sept 9, by Atsunori Ishida, of a reactivation of an "Unidentified RRI" station. Was only able to hear a stronger than normal Bangladesh Betar (Home Svc) along with weaker CNR1 (China), so unable to confirm a third station here on this day.
Sept 11, at 1206, tentatively did seem to be three stations mixing together here. Very difficult to be positive, but did at times sound like the Jakarta news. Today CNR1 was stronger than Bangladesh Betar, so conditions here vary a lot on a daily basis. Worth while to monitor here to see what develops. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, DXplorer via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 11)
9525.979 Heard many times with English ID of VoIndonesia Cimanggis between 1300 and 1305, on Sept 21, S=8-9 fair signal in southern Germany, during early autumn propagation path.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 21)
4750 RRI Makassar, 1200 UT on Sept 14. Best reception since their reactivation; Jakarta news till 1228 UT playing patriotic song "Garuda Pancasila"; \\ 3324.88 kHz, RRI Palangkaraya \\ 3905 kHz, RRI Merauke \\ 4869.88 kHz, RRI Wamena; usual interference, but semi-readable. After the news no longer \\ and gave several local IDs. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, DXplorer Sept 16)
3905, RRI Merauke, at 1225 on Aug 28, to finish the Jakarta news, played patriotic song "Dirgahayu Indonesiaku" \\ 3324.88 kHz RRI Palangkaraya \\ 4869.88 kHz RRI Wamena. Very nice to find that Merauke has become a regular broadcaster now and is heard daily. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, DXplorer via dswci Sept 16)
4749.95 RRI Makassar, at 1114-1231 on Sep 12. Heard with much better reception than yesterday, started out very poor, but clearly three stations mixing together;. Some music heard via RRI, by 1159 much clearer with theme music, Jakarta news 1200-1231, ending with what sounded like the patriotic song "Garuda Pancasila." It was a big help that CNR1 was not propagating well today. Hope RRI's reception continues to improve. Certainly is very nice to have them back. Thanks very much to
Mauno Ritola for his additional confirmation today - "RRI Makassar ID heard at 1234 UT via Western Australian web receiver". (Ron Howard-CA-USA, DXplorer via dswci Sept 16)
Also tentatively heard at 2200 on Sept 12, carrier with traces of music. Maybe this is a reactivated RRI Makassar earlier noted on this offset last time heard. China is stronger on 4749.99 kHz and the one coming through with their program. (Nilsson-SWE, DXplorer via dswci Sept 16)
(BCDX-Top Nx 1222-21 Sept)
QSLing Reach Beyond's Russian service
AUSTRIA [USA/RUSSIA] Russian Program of Reach Beyond (HCJB) "Golos And" (Voice of Andes) is now produced by Radio Studio "Otkrovenie"
("Otkrovenie" means "revelation") in Voronezh, Russia.
Reception reports should be addressed to:
Radio Station "Otkrovenie"
P.O.Box 585
Voronezh 394036, Russia.
They are verified by QSL card written in Russian.
Reception reports to USA address
Reach Beyond
P.O.Box 39800
Colorado Springs
CO 80949-9800, USA
are also transferred to Russia.
A15 schedule Saturdays 1530-1600 UT 13800 kHz via ORS Moosbrunn Austria.
B15 11900 kHz 1530 Russian, 1600-1630 UT Chechen, or alternate 13740 kHz.
(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 20)
(BCDX/Top Nx 1222-21 Sept)
Radio Marconi International schedules
Here is the schedule for the next test broadcasts of Marconi Radio International:
All times UTC
22 September 2015, from approximately 1700 to 1900
24 September 2015, from approximately 1700 t0 1900
25 September 2015, from approximately 1700 to 1900
Our frequency is 11390 kHz and power in the region of 30 watts. Test broadcasts consist of non stop music and station identification announcements in Italian, English, Spanish and Catalan.
MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. Audio clips (mp3-file) of our broadcasts are welcome!
We QSL 100%. Our E-mail address is: marconiradiointernational@gmail.com
The KDKA Story - In the Beginning
![]() |
Right at 8 pm on Friday evening
October 17, 1919, just 2½ weeks after the ban against all
amateur and experimental radio transmissions in the United States was lifted,
Frank Conrad began a two hour program of recorded music over his amateur
station 8XK in Wilkinsburg Pennsylvania.
The low power longwave transmitter was installed on the 2nd
floor above the family garage next to his home on the corner of Penn Avenue and
Peebles Street in Wilkinsburg.
The antenna wires stretched between
two wooden poles, one placed at the edge of the garage and the other at the
back corner of the family property. Also
stretching between these two wooden poles was a set of earth wires acting as a
counterpoise, a dozen feet above the ground.
Thus began a spasmodic series of
entertainment programs, consisting of live and recorded music, together with
announcements and items of information that were heard not only in the
Pittsburgh area, but further afield, wherever there was an amateur radio
operator tuning cross the bands on his untidy home made receiver. Informal reception reports came in by phone,
by mail, and by wireless, and many of them were answered in kind.
A few months later, early in the
following year 1920, Fred Conroy at the Carnegie Institute of Technology in
Pittsburgh took the institute’s experimental radio transmitter 8XC
to the Westinghouse factory at East Pittsburgh, and there he gave a
demonstration of radio transmission and reception to their top officials. At the time, the 8XC license was held by the
Carnegie Institute of Technology, though quite soon afterwards the license
lapsed, and the call was re-issued to an amateur experimenter in Cleveland
Due to the local interest that was
developed by the Conrad 8XK entertainment and information broadcasts, the
Joseph Horne Department Store in Pittsburgh had a local radiotrician build a
few sets which were advertised in the local newspaper for sale in the
store. Westinghouse Vice President Harry
Davis recognized the sales potential, and he called a conference of
Westinghouse officials, including Frank Conrad, to discuss the possibility of
establishing a radio broadcasting station in their factory complex. That was in September 1920, and they soon set
a target date for the launching of the new radio broadcasting station at the
time of the presidential elections scheduled for November 2.
Westinghouse already held a wireless
station license, just recently received, for a communication station under the
callsign KDKA. This license gave
approval for Morse Code communication between the East Pittsburgh factory and
other interstate Westinghouse facilities.
A wooden shack was
constructed on the roof of factory Building K at East Pittsburgh, eight stories
above ground level, and a new 100 watt mediumwave transmitter was built and set
in a corner of the room. The single wire
antenna was stretched between Building K and a nearby chimney stack.
Test broadcasts were
radiated from the new radio transmitter a few days in advance of the inaugural
election day broadcast and these were noted on 550 meters, equivalent to 545
kHz at the low end of the now recognized mediumwave band. The Pittsburgh Gazette Times announced in
their daily newspaper on October 24 that the new Westinghouse radio
broadcasting station would be inaugurated on Election Day, eight days later.
In the meantime, Westinghouse had
submitted a license request to the regional office of the Department of
Commerce in Detroit for approval to broadcast the election returns on November
2. However, because of the close
proximity of time, Westinghouse received an official phone call that gave them
approval to broadcast under the special and temporary amateur callsign
8ZZ. Apparently the paper work did not
follow, and the Department of Commerce (intentionally or inadvertently?)
re-issued the call 8ZZ quite soon to an amateur radio operator in
The inaugural broadcast
from the new radio broadcasting station 8ZZ, began at 6:00 pm on Election Day,
Tuesday November 2, 1920. It was a stormy
almost wintry night, and four men crouched over their equipment in the
hurriedly erected wooden hut on top of the eight storied K Building in the
Westinghouse factory complex at East Pittsburgh, in the American state of
As the progressive news came in by
voice over the phone from a reporter in the newspaper office at the Pittsburgh
Gazette Times, it was written down by R. S. McLelland and John Frazier, and it
was then handed to Leo Rosenburg who read the information into the 8ZZ microphone. Caring for the operation of the technical
equipment was radiotrician Donald Little.
In between the snippets of election
news, two banjo players strummed away to provide an interlude of musical
entertainment. Then too, Announcer
Rosenburg made frequent requests for reception reports on the transmissions
from the new station, and these reports came in from lots of locations within
North America, and even from a ship at sea.
And where was Frank Conrad on the
occasion of the inaugural transmission; he who had designed and built the
equipment? He was at home 5 miles away,
ready to use his own low powered longwave transmitter 8XK in the room above the
garage as a back up unit if the main transmitter on top of the Westinghouse K
Building should malfunction.
However, all went well, and 8ZZ
performed admirably. In fact, it stayed
on the air all that night right up until noon next day with the broadcast of
election news, even though the loser, Governor James Cox, had already conceded
victory to the new President Warren Harding.
One of the Westinghouse executives,
Dr. L. W. Chubb, Manager of the Radio Engineering Department, installed a
receiver with two loud speakers in the main community room at the Edgewood
Club, some 4 miles distant from the transmitter location. The large crowd who had gathered for the
Election Day broadcast included many senior Westinghouse executives and their
wives. It is estimated that the total
audience tuned in to station 8ZZ for their election results numbered anywhere
up to a thousand.
Following the successful
inauguration of the new radio broadcasting station at the Westinghouse factory
at East Pittsburgh, the station adopted a regular daily schedule with
entertainment and information programs each evening, beginning usually around
6:00 pm. The original temporary
mediumwave callsign 8ZZ was quite soon replaced by the more familiar KDKA a day
or two later. And that’s
our story on another occasion here in Wavescan.
(AWR/Wavescan-NWS 342)
Summer schedule updates
Summer schedule updates
All times UTC
Additional transmission of Bible Voice Broadcasting BVB:
0832-0902 on 17535 NAU 125 kW / 145 deg to NEAf Arabic Fri as scheduled
0902-0917 on 17535 NAU 125 kW / 145 deg to NEAf English Fri, additional
United Arab Emirates
TWR Africa will cancel the following broadcasts via Dhabayya
1800-1830 on 6120 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf Tigre Sat from Sept.26
1800-1830 on 6120 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf Kunama Sun from Sept
United States - WINB Red Lion, PA
Effective from 06 September
1230-1500 9265 INB 050 kW / 242 deg to CeAm English Sun
1500-2045 9265 INB 050 kW / 242 deg to CeAm English Sat/Sun
2045-2100 9265 INB 050 kW / 242 deg to CeAm Eng/Spa Mon-Fri
2045-2100 9265 INB 050 kW / 242 deg to CeAm English Sat/Sun
2100-2330 9265 INB 050 kW / 242 deg to CeAm English Daily
2330-2400 9265 INB 050 kW / 242 deg to CeAm Spanish Mon
2330-2400 9265 INB 050 kW / 242 deg to CeAm English Tue-Sun
0000-0300 9265 INB 050 kW / 242 deg to CeAm English Daily
0300-0330 9265 INB 050 kW / 242 deg to CeAm English Tue/Wed/Sat
0330-0400 9265 INB 050 kW / 242 deg to CeAm English Sat/Sun
0400-0430 9265 INB 050 kW / 242 deg to CeAm English Sun
Cancelled 1730-2045 Mon-Fri, including 1800-2000 Brother Stair
United Staes - Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Effective 10 September
1500-1800 15410 LAM 100 kW / 053 deg to EaEu Belarussian
Heard only 9645 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu Belarussian
United States
Additional frequencies of Voice of America
Effective from 18 September
1700-1730 11865 MEY 250 kW / 315 deg to SoAf
1700-1730 15480 ASC 250 kW / 114 deg to SoAf
1700-1730 17700 GR 250 kW / 094 deg to SoAf
United States
WHRI Angel 1
2000-2100 11720 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Sun, ex 15530
WHRI Angel 2
2100-2200 11705 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Sun, ex 15530
(Ivo/Bulgaria DX)
Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletins
Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2015 Sep 21 0538 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact www.swpc.noaa.gov/weekly.html
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 14 - 20 September 2015
Solar activity was low from 14-16 Sep. Activity increased to moderate levels on 17 Sep when Region 2415 (S19, L=233, class/area Eac/240 on 19 Sep) produced an M1/Sf flare at 17/0940 UTC. A long duration C2/Sf flare observed at 18/0631 UTC was accompanied by Type II (850 km/s) and Type IV radio sweeps along with a coronal mass ejection (CME). Low levels were observed on 18-19 Sep but returned to moderate levels on 20 Sep. Region 2420 (N09, L=108, class/area Ekc/270 on 20 Sep) produced an M1 at 20/0503 UTC as it rotated onto the east limb. Region 2415 produced an M2/2n flare at 20/1803 UTC accompanied by a Type II (1358 km/s) radio sweep as well as a 320 sfu Tenflare. An associated CME was observed in SOHO LASCO C2 imagery beginning at 20/1812 UTC and a WSA-Enlil model run is in progress to determine geoeffectiveness.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit, however, an enhancement was observed in conjunction with the M2 flare from 20 Sep with a peak flux of 3 pfu at 20/2045 UTC.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at moderate to high levels from 14-18 Sep due to a combination of effects from a CME and coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS) influence. Normal to moderate levels were observed on 19-20 Sep.
Geomagnetic field activity was at quiet to minor storm levels on 14 Sep due to the onset of a recurrent, positive polarity CH HSS late in the day. Quiet to active levels persisted from 15-17 Sep as HSS influence continued. Quiet to unsettled conditions were observed on 18 Sep as CH HSS effects subsided. Predominately quiet to unsettled levels were observed on 19 Sep with the exception of isolated active and minor storm periods from 19/0300-0600 UTC and 19/0600-0900 UTC, respectively, in response to a solar sector boundary change and a prolonged period of negative Bz. A geomagnetic Sudden Impulse of 27 nT was observed at the Boulder magnetometer on 20 Sep at 0605 UTC indicating the arrival of the 18 Sep CME. Unsettled to severe storm conditions were subsequently observed and then were followed by the onset of a recurrent, positive polarity CH HSS.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 21 September - 17 October 2015
Solar activity is expected to be at low to moderate levels from 21 Sep - 02 Oct as Region 2420 makes its way across the visible disk. Low levels are anticipated from 03-05 Oct. Low to moderate levels are likely to return on 06 Oct when Region 2415 is expected to rotate back into view and remain elevated through the end of the forecast period (17 Oct).
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit although a slight chance exists from 21-22 Sep when Region 2415 rotates off of the west limb and 06-17 Oct when it returns as it now has a history of producing protons.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at moderate to high levels from 21-27 Sep due to influence from various CME and CH HSS activity. Normal to moderate levels are expected from 28 Sep to 01 Oct. Chances for high levels return from 02-11 Oct due to effects from a series of recurrent, positive polarity high speed streams. Predominately normal to moderate levels are expected for the remainder of the period.
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to reach minor storm levels early on 21 Sep due to waning effects of the 18 Sep CME and CH HSS influence. Quiet to unsettled conditions are expected from 22-24 Sep although analysis is ongoing to determine if and when the 20 Sep CME will affect field activity. Unsettled to active levels are expected from 25-26 Sep due to influence from a negative polarity CH HSS.
Quiet to unsettled conditions are expected from 27-30 Sep. A series of recurrent positive polarity high speed streams are expected to increase field activity to a baseline of unsettled to active conditions from 01-09 Oct with minor storm levels likely on 01 Oct and 05-06 Oct and major storm levels likely on 04 and 08 Oct during peak influence as well as co-rotating interaction regions (CIRs) preceding the onset of the individual streams. Quiet to unsettled conditions are expected from 10-16 Oct with isolated active periods possible during periods of sustained negative Bz as HSS influence subsides. Unsettled to active levels are expected with a chance for minor storm periods on 17 Oct due to positive polarity CH HSS influence.
Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2015 Sep 21 0539 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact www.swpc.noaa.gov/wwire.html
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2015-09-21
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2015 Sep 21 110 20 5
2015 Sep 22 110 12 3
2015 Sep 23 110 8 3
2015 Sep 24 105 8 3
2015 Sep 25 100 16 4
2015 Sep 26 95 14 3
2015 Sep 27 95 8 3
2015 Sep 28 95 8 3
2015 Sep 29 100 8 3
2015 Sep 30 100 8 3
2015 Oct 01 100 20 5
2015 Oct 02 95 15 3
2015 Oct 03 95 15 3
2015 Oct 04 95 45 6
2015 Oct 05 95 25 5
2015 Oct 06 100 18 5
2015 Oct 07 100 12 4
2015 Oct 08 105 50 6
2015 Oct 09 105 15 4
2015 Oct 10 105 12 3
2015 Oct 11 105 12 3
2015 Oct 12 100 12 3
2015 Oct 13 95 12 3
2015 Oct 14 95 12 3
2015 Oct 15 95 12 3
2015 Oct 16 90 12 3
2015 Oct 17 90 18 4
Friday, September 18, 2015
Norway will be first country to shut down FM radio.
In 2017, Norway will be first country to shut down FM radio.
The Ministry of Culture has finalized a transition date -- by Lizzie Plaugic
Norway will shut down FM radio in the country beginning in 2017, Radio.no reports. The Norwegian Ministry of Culture finalized a shift date this week, making it the first country to do away with FM radio entirely. The country plans to transition to Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) as a national standard.
A statement released this week by the Ministry of Culture confirms a switch-off date that was proposed by the Norwegian government back in 2011. The government has concluded that the country is capable of meeting all the requirements necessary for a smooth transition to digital.
“Listeners will have access to more diverse and pluralistic radio-content, and enjoy better sound quality and new functionality,” Minister of Culture Thorhild Widvey said in a statement. “Digitization will also greatly improve the emergency preparedness system, facilitate increased competition and offer new opportunities for innovation and development.”…..
The Ministry of Culture has finalized a transition date -- by Lizzie Plaugic
Norway will shut down FM radio in the country beginning in 2017, Radio.no reports. The Norwegian Ministry of Culture finalized a shift date this week, making it the first country to do away with FM radio entirely. The country plans to transition to Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) as a national standard.
A statement released this week by the Ministry of Culture confirms a switch-off date that was proposed by the Norwegian government back in 2011. The government has concluded that the country is capable of meeting all the requirements necessary for a smooth transition to digital.
“Listeners will have access to more diverse and pluralistic radio-content, and enjoy better sound quality and new functionality,” Minister of Culture Thorhild Widvey said in a statement. “Digitization will also greatly improve the emergency preparedness system, facilitate increased competition and offer new opportunities for innovation and development.”…..
Monday, September 14, 2015
Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletins
Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2015 Sep 14 0537 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact www.swpc.noaa.gov/weekly.html
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 07 - 13 September 2015
Solar activity was very low with the exception of 11 September when Region 2414 (S10, L=321, class/area Dai/190 on 13 Sep) produced an isolated C1/Sf flare at 11/2137 UTC. A large filament structure was observed lifting off the NW quadrant in SDO/AIA 171 imagery beginning at 07/0740 UTC. Subsequent analysis indicated a glancing blow on 11 September. By 13 September, old Region 2403 (S15, L=192), which was responsible for multiple M-class flares last rotation, returned to the visible disk as new Region 2418 (S15, L=203, class/area Hsx/120 on 13 Sep). The region appears to have simplified, however due to limb proximity, there might be more associated spots yet to become visible. No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at mostly high levels with moderate levels observed on 08 September. The largest flux value for the period was 11,910 pfu observed at 13/1425 UTC.
Geomagnetic field activity was at quiet to severe storm (G3-Strong) levels during the period. The period began under the influence of a positive polarity coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS) coupledwith a coronal mass ejection (CME) that was the result of a filament eruption on 04 September. Solar wind speed increased to over 600 km/s just after 07/1400 UTC followed by an increase in total field to 20 nT by 08/0700 UTC. The Bz component rotated southward by 08/2323 UTC to a maximum of -9 nT on 09 September. The geomagnetic field responded with periods of major storm levels (G2-Moderate)from 07-09 September. By 10 September, total field had decreased to 5 nT with solar wind speeds around 410 km/s. The geomagnetic field was at quiet to active levels on 10 September. By early on 11 September, total field increased again to 16 nT while the Bz component reached a maximum southward deflection of -16 nT at 11/0730 UTC. Solar wind speed increased to near 660 km/s by 11/1140 UTC as a positive polarity coronal hole high speed stream became geoeffective, possibly in combination with the glancing blow from the 07 September CME. The geomagnetic field responded with unsettled to severe storm levels (G3-Strong) on 11 September. Throughout the rest of the period, solar wind parameters slowly diminished to near nominal levels. Quiet to active levels were observed on 12 September with quiet to unsettled levels on 13 September.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 14 September - 10 October 2015
Solar activity is expected to be at very low to low levels with a slight chance for M-class flares from 14-26 September as Regions 2414 and 2418 rotate across the visible disk.
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at normal to moderate levels with high levels expected on 14-18, 21-22, 26-27 September and from 02-06, 09-10 October due to influence from multiple recurrent CH HSSs.
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at unsettled to active levels on 14-16, 20, 24-25 September, and from 30 September through 10 October with minor storm (G1-Minor) periods likely on 15 September, 01 October, 05-06 October, 08 October, and major storm periods possible on 04 October due to recurrent CH HSS activity.
Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2015 Sep 14 0538 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact www.swpc.noaa.gov/wwire.html
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2015-09-14
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2015 Sep 14 105 12 4
2015 Sep 15 105 20 5
2015 Sep 16 100 12 4
2015 Sep 17 95 8 3
2015 Sep 18 90 8 3
2015 Sep 19 90 8 3
2015 Sep 20 90 12 4
2015 Sep 21 90 8 3
2015 Sep 22 90 5 2
2015 Sep 23 90 5 2
2015 Sep 24 90 15 4
2015 Sep 25 90 10 3
2015 Sep 26 90 5 2
2015 Sep 27 85 5 2
2015 Sep 28 80 5 2
2015 Sep 29 85 5 2
2015 Sep 30 90 8 3
2015 Oct 01 95 18 5
2015 Oct 02 90 12 4
2015 Oct 03 85 12 4
2015 Oct 04 85 25 6
2015 Oct 05 85 20 5
2015 Oct 06 85 18 5
2015 Oct 07 90 12 4
2015 Oct 08 95 18 5
2015 Oct 09 100 15 4
2015 Oct 10 100 10 3
Friday, September 11, 2015
VOA Radiogram Schedule
Hello friends,
This weekend's VOA Radiogram will include nearly nine minutes of Olivia 32-2000. The Olivia 32-2000 mode is about 50 words per minute and is useful when reception is difficult. If reception is good this weekend, you can perhaps create difficult reception by using an inexpensive radio.
The Fldigi RxID should be on (green) and will probably detect the Olivia 32-2000 mode from the RSID. If it does not: Op Mode > Olivia > Custom > Bandwidth=2000, Tones=32.
The non-Latin alphabet of the week is Chinese. If you use Fldigi, make sure that Configure > Colors & Fonts > Rx/TX Character set is set to UTF-8. The Chinese should also display correctly with the AndFlmsg Android app version 1.2, which now has UTF-8 support.
Any photos of decoding using an inexpensive radio next to an Android phone or tablet (or next to a Windows/iOS laptop) would be helpful.
If it is convenient, I would also appreciate mp3 recordings of the Olivia 32-2000 in difficult reception conditions.
After the closing announcements will be two images, one immediately following the other. Fldigi automatically saves decoded MFSK images as png files in the folder \fldigi.files\images\. (Other operating systems may have different folder names.) You can attach those png files to your reception report. In Android, the MFSK images are stored in the folder NBEMS.files/NBEMS-Images.
Here is the lineup for VOA Radiogram, program 128, 12-13 September 2015, all in MFSK32 except where noted:
1:36 Program preview
2:50 Most distant galaxy seen from earth (orbit)*
7:41 Boeing opens spaceship plant in Florida*
14:55 Olivia 32-2000: China to far side of moon
18:27 Olivia 32-2000: Chinese text from VOA Chinese
23:41 MFSK32: Closing announcements*
28:21 Olivia 64-2000: Transmission schedule
* with image
Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.
VOA Radiogram transmission schedule
(all days and times UTC):
Sat 0930-1000 5745 kHz
Sat 1600-1630 17870 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz
All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.
The Mighty KBC will transmit a minute of MFSK64 Sunday at 0230 UTC (Saturday 10:30 pm EDT) on 7375 kHz, via Germany. This is part of the KBC transmission to North America Sundays at 0000-0300 UTC on 7375 kHz. Reports for this KBC transmission to Eric: themightykbc@gmail.com
Thank you for your reception reports and recordings from last weekend's VOA Radiogram. I'm now putting together a gallery of the MFSK 16, 32, 63, and SSTV images from program 122, so I still have some catching up to do.
I hope you can tune in and write in this weekend.
Kim Andrew Elliott
Producer and Presenter
VOA Radiogram
This weekend's VOA Radiogram will include nearly nine minutes of Olivia 32-2000. The Olivia 32-2000 mode is about 50 words per minute and is useful when reception is difficult. If reception is good this weekend, you can perhaps create difficult reception by using an inexpensive radio.
The Fldigi RxID should be on (green) and will probably detect the Olivia 32-2000 mode from the RSID. If it does not: Op Mode > Olivia > Custom > Bandwidth=2000, Tones=32.
The non-Latin alphabet of the week is Chinese. If you use Fldigi, make sure that Configure > Colors & Fonts > Rx/TX Character set is set to UTF-8. The Chinese should also display correctly with the AndFlmsg Android app version 1.2, which now has UTF-8 support.
Any photos of decoding using an inexpensive radio next to an Android phone or tablet (or next to a Windows/iOS laptop) would be helpful.
If it is convenient, I would also appreciate mp3 recordings of the Olivia 32-2000 in difficult reception conditions.
After the closing announcements will be two images, one immediately following the other. Fldigi automatically saves decoded MFSK images as png files in the folder \fldigi.files\images\. (Other operating systems may have different folder names.) You can attach those png files to your reception report. In Android, the MFSK images are stored in the folder NBEMS.files/NBEMS-Images.
Here is the lineup for VOA Radiogram, program 128, 12-13 September 2015, all in MFSK32 except where noted:
1:36 Program preview
2:50 Most distant galaxy seen from earth (orbit)*
7:41 Boeing opens spaceship plant in Florida*
14:55 Olivia 32-2000: China to far side of moon
18:27 Olivia 32-2000: Chinese text from VOA Chinese
23:41 MFSK32: Closing announcements*
28:21 Olivia 64-2000: Transmission schedule
* with image
Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.
VOA Radiogram transmission schedule
(all days and times UTC):
Sat 0930-1000 5745 kHz
Sat 1600-1630 17870 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz
All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.
The Mighty KBC will transmit a minute of MFSK64 Sunday at 0230 UTC (Saturday 10:30 pm EDT) on 7375 kHz, via Germany. This is part of the KBC transmission to North America Sundays at 0000-0300 UTC on 7375 kHz. Reports for this KBC transmission to Eric: themightykbc@gmail.com
Thank you for your reception reports and recordings from last weekend's VOA Radiogram. I'm now putting together a gallery of the MFSK 16, 32, 63, and SSTV images from program 122, so I still have some catching up to do.
I hope you can tune in and write in this weekend.
Kim Andrew Elliott
Producer and Presenter
VOA Radiogram
Shortwave Relay Schedules

All times UTC
Updated SW schedule of RTÉ Sunday Sport:
1300-1700 on 9470*MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to SoAf English
1300-1700 on 17540*MEY 250 kW / 007 deg to SoAf English
Hurling finals on Sept.6 and Football finals on Sept.13
* both freqs regitered in HFCC Database on September 10
Saturday HLR:
06.00 to 08.00 on 7265 KHz
08.00 to 11.00 on 6190 KHz
11.00 to 15.00 on 7265 KHz
Sunday Relays:
Radio Gloria - 07.00 to 08.00 on 6190 KHz
MVBR - 08.00 to 09.00 on 6190 KHz
Sunday HLR:
11.00 to 15.00 on 9485 kHz
E-mail: redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de
Thank you!
HLR FM-DAB+ Program via the Internet : www.hamburger-lokalradio.net Daily 24 hours
EMR Transmission:
Saturday September 19 via IRRS on 7290 KHz between 18.00 to 19.45
(Tom Taylor)
Channel 292 Relays
Saturday September 12
19:00 Hobart Radio International - The Buzz
Sunday September 13
8:00 SuperClan Radio
9:00 DARC (Via Moosbrunn, Austria)
10:00 Chelmsford Calling World Service
Monday September 14
15:00 DARC
18:00 DARC
Channel 292 will be off air on the 19/09 and 20/09 for maintenance.
Further info from: http://www.channel292.de/schedule-for-bookings/
Kind regards,
Rob Wise.
Hobart Radio International - The Voice of Tasmania
North Hobart, 7002 Tasmania, AUSTRALIA
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