The plain versions were just delivered.
Below, I've pasted that section of the supplies flyer. So now you can use a
plain mailer and a plain return if you wish.
The 50/50 pack must be all airmail or all plain.
Specify which is airmail and which is plain for the following combo
100/100 European Mailers and European Returns
or constant special of 200/200 Euro. Mailers and Returns
500/500 European Mailers and European Returns.
And when you order all of one size.
Hope I've made it clear enuf.
73 and good dx,
European Envelopes
Airmail & Plain Versions!
20 lb. White Wove, Inside Tinted, Red & Blue Airmail Border
20 lb. White Wove, Inside Tinted, PLAIN: no airmail border or
(4½ x 6¼) (4¾ x 6½)
115mm x 160mm 120mm x 165mm
These envelopes are perfectly acceptable for mailing to ALL parts of the world, not just to Europe. Their size insures you that 4” x 6” DX QSLs will not come back to you folded which could happen if you used small U.S. sized airmail envelopes. Our European Return fits into the European Mailer without folding. These two envelopes and up to 3 QSL cards weigh less than one ounce. The European Return and 2 QSLs weigh less than 10 grams. All envelopes are sealed in plastic for protection. Envelopes are packed 100 per size per package. The 50/50 Combo comes in one package. SPECIFY!! Plain or Airmail version. Mix and Match by 100’s.
September 2013 100 500 1000
Euro Returns Plain or Airmail $12.00 $50.00 $90.00
Euro Mailers Plain or Airmail $13.00 $55.00 $100.00
Save On Special Combo Deals!!!!
50 Mailers/50 Returns - $12 (either all plain or all
100 Mailers/100 Returns - $22 (mix and match)
500 Mailers/500 Returns - $100 (mix and match by 100’s)