ARGENTINA / PIRATE:6188.96 Radio Bosques, 2142 - 2244, Mar 27, Spanish, Musical Program, relayed AM 1640 La Voz de Arturo Zein, give e-mail address "radiobosques@yahoo.com.ar", 34443, (Eramo, Argentina)
CHILE:6089.9 Radio Esperanza, Temuco, 0125 - 0133, April 01, Spanish, religious program, female preacher, tc and ID "en Radio Esperanza, las 21 horas con 30 minutos" "Radio Esperanza......por Esperanza FM 106.9", 33232, (Eramo, Argentina)
CHINA 6050 CNR Tibet 2002 with prog schedule in CC and music prg on 2005 with light music [Kleyderman type ] S9 Liangas March 31 Greece
CUBA:6180 Radio Nacional de Venezuela, 1028 - 1029, Mar 27, Spanish, Musical program, female announcer, ID "Esta escuchando la voz de la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela", 23332, (Eramo, Argentina)
CUBA :(NON)6100 Radio Republica, 0233 - 0236, Mar 27, Spanish, Political talks by female and man announcer, ID " ...para Radio Republica", 34333 (Eramo, Argentina)
INDIA:4880 AIR Lucknow (p), Uttar Pradesh, 0053 - 0113, April 01, Hindi, musical program and comments by female announcer, 24322, (Eramo, Argentina)
INDIA 4910 and 4920 AIR 2114 with a sports program followed by discussions in Hindi. A mention of Akashvani 'chel auto match' with self advert , at 21336 with soem news and signoff at 2140. This is for 30.3.7 .Also 5015 on 31.3 with news in English with spswcial analysis in Bangladesh at 1818 with S7 then with advert and posisbly news in HIndi . Off at 1840 leaving 4920 to continue. At 1946 on 4800 S9//4810 S5 with again heavy refence to Bangladesh Liangas March 30+31 THS Greece
5010 AIR Thiruvananthapuram (p), Kerala, 0114 - 0119, April 01, Hindi, musical program and comments by man announcer, 24232, (Eramo, Argentina)
5040 AIR Jeypore (p), Orissa, 0043 - 0052, April 01, Vernacular, musical program, comments by man and female announcer, 23332, (Eramo, Argentina)
5010 AIR Thiruvananthapuram (p), Kerala, 0114 - 0119, April 01, Hindi, musical program and comments by man announcer, 24232, (Eramo, Argentina)
5040 AIR Jeypore (p), Orissa, 0043 - 0052, April 01, Vernacular, musical program, comments by man and female announcer, 23332, (Eramo, Argentina)
PERU:4775 Radio Tarma, Tarma, Junin, 0215 - 0225, Mar 27, Spanish, comments by man and female announcer, Music, "en esta bonita ciudad de Tarma", ads, Id "Radio Tarma...." 24332, (Eramo, Argentina)
SUDAN 7200 Omdurman 1545 talks by OM and YL with religious tone in Arabic , followed by nearly quranic verses. Again short talk by woman followed by guitar strings and short talks by man. Tribal song at 1555 ID at 155945 "Omdurman idaatu Jumhuriya ke sudan' followed by news and religious program on 1605 Signal S9 325x3 on AM- narrow Liangas March 31 Greece.
(Source: Cumbre DX)