Today's shortwave Blog Logs, represent those recently cut from my SWBC Logs column in Monitoring Times due to space constraints. Contributions are always welcome for the magazine or blog, and may be directed to my above email address. Thanks very much to all of the contributors for your kind words and support.
Frequencies in kHz, all times UTC. Logs English unless otherwise stated // parallel frequencies. * sign-on - sign-off *
Ascension Island
BBC relay. 21470, 1640-1645. African Sports World program, followed by feature on yacht racing and the Americas Cup. Good signal. (J Wood, TN)
RTBF. 9970, 0435. French text via two female announcers including commentary format to pop music. Fair signal quality. (J Wood, TN)
Radio Austria International relay. Discussion on museum in Vienna to more chat on adult oriented literature from the 18th century. (J Wood, TN)
Radio Canada International. 15235, 1851-1900. Program Blink featuring news about the Canadian wine industry, and mentions of recent sale of a half-bottle of Canadian Ice for $30,000. Interval signal to English/French identifications. French service commencing at 1900. (J Wood, TN)
Shiokaze Two. 9485, 1315-1321. Transmission targeted to North Korea including text via lady announcer. SINPO 22432 noted with signal jamming. (A Slaen, ARG)
Voice of the People. 12035, 1856-1859.* Commentary concerning Zimbabwe, closing with indigenous music. Presume this is a relay site. SIO 353. Hi/low tones continued to 1900. (H Frodge, MI)
La Voz del Guaviare (tentative). 6035, 0914-0935. Spanish. Have followed this one for awhile, and at 0000 sign-on. Always hear announcer‛s music presentation but never an ID due to heavy Radio Marti splatter. (S Barbour, NH)
Radio Cairo. 9989, 2220-2230. Health news segment to talk on computer networks in Egypt. Arabic music at bottom-of-the-hour. (J Wood, TN)
Radio Taiwan International relay. 15690, 1702-1709. Weather update for Taiwan and the South China Sea, followed by Accidental Tourist segment. (J Wood, TN)
Voice of Croatia relay. 9925, 0443. Presumed Croatian. Pop and cabaret music with flamenco style guitar tunes. Poor signal quality. (J Wood, TN)
American Forces Network/AFRTS. 5765, 1240-1250. Public service announcements and brief one minute topics of interest. Good signal. (J Wilkins, CO)
Radio Verdad. 4052, 0525-0547. Male announcer‛s "Radio Truth" promo into inspirational music and old standards. (J Wood, TN)
RRI-Cimanggis. 9680, 1017-1102. Indonesian. Announcer‛s chat to listeners‛ phone calls between pop and ballad music selections. Talk over anthem-like music at 1100, but no ID noted. (S Barbour, NH)
RRI-Voice of Indonesia. 9525, 1101-1119. Mandarin/English program mix. Ballads via lady announcer‛s intros and English ID including station‛s website URL at 1117. Fair signal. (S Barbour, NH)
RRI-Manokwari. 3987.05, 1145-1225. Indonesian. Lite pop vocals to 1158. Male announcers program notes and distinctive tune Song-of-the-Coconut-Islands interval signal at 1200. Good signal // 4789.98; 2995.04; 4604.94 and I think 4869.93. Back to local programming of two men chatting at 1216. (J Wiljins, CO0
All India Radio. 17845, 0410-0420. Farsi text to 0416 Indian music. Poor signal, but readable. SINPO 24222. (J Evans, TN).
Radio Japan. 17825, 2154. Segment on the folk industry in Japan. SIO 444. Sports event commentary into Japanese service at 2156. (S MacKenzie, CA).
Radio Kuwait. 15495, 0217-0222. Arabic. Qu‛ran recitations. Good signal with SINPO 34333, // 6055 noted under Spain with weak signal. (J Evans, TN)
La Voz de la Republica Islamica de Iran (IRIB) via Sikunai, Lithuania. 6255, 2117-2128. Spanish. Religious talk to featured segment, followed by clear identification. SINPO 24332. (A Slaen, ARG)
Radio Farda. 9865, 0445-0450. Vernaculars. Announcer duo with several IDs and pop music tunes. (J Woods, TN)
Netherlands Antilles
Radio Netherlands Bonaire relay. 17735, 1942-2000. The State We‛re In program featuring item on a conviction and exonerated 19 years later, // 15315 // 17660. (J Wood, TN)
North Korea
K.C.B.S. 3959.73, 1115-1133. Korean text to 1125, followed by patriotic choral music. // 2850.03 and 4450.05. All freqs of fair signal quality. (J Wilkins, CO)
Pyongyang BC Station. 6398, 1110-1114. Korean news and chat from male/female announcers. SINPO 25333. (A Slaen, ARG)
Radio Nigeria. 4770, 0508-0518. News Nation program with focus on power outages and political commentary. Station ID as "Radio Nigeria Kaduna." Poor signal quality. (J Wood, TN)
Radio Melodia. 3939.30, 1045-1052. Spanish. Text about the Apuriman River and ongoing ecological projects. Station identification for SINPO 24422. Best reception noted in LSB mode. (A Slaen, ARG)
Radio Veritas Asia. 15450, 1146-1157. Vernacular. Announcer‛s talk to music tunes by Ricky Martin. Station identification and interval signal to sign-off. (S Barbour, NH)
Radio Romania International. 11940, 2210-2220. News on closing the current school term in Romania. Station ID and item about ethnic Romanians in Moldova. Good signal on //9790. (J Wood, TN)
Voice of Russia. 12070, 1904-1910.+ Newscast to 1908 followed by feature on Russian holidays. "Voice of Russia World Service" identification. SIO 353. (H Frodge, MI)
BBC relay. 15420, 0346-0356. Discussions on the economics of world food demand and supply during poor signal quality. (J Wood, TN)
Sri Lanka
Deutsche Welle relay. 15595, 0205-0210. Russian. New script from female announcer. SINPO 34333. (J Evans, TN)
Radio Taiwan International. 15245, 0235-0240. Chinese text amid very poor signal - just above the noise level. (J Evans, TN)
Radio Ukraine International. 7440, 0010-0018. Ukraine Today to news and commentary. Station ID at 0011. SIO 434. Best to monitor on USB. (H Frodge, MI)
WBOH. 5920, 1658. Station identifications and freqs for WBOH/WTJC. News ans network ID as "USA Network News." Continued news updates for good signal. (J Wood, TN)
Vatican State
Voice of Russia relay. 9860, 0451-0500.* Discussion on Gaelic influences in Russia. Mentions of Scottish foods available and those wearing the kilt in Russia. Good signal. (J Woods, TN)
Voice of Russia relay. 9860, 0405. SIO 333 with comments and text. (S. Mackenzie, CA).
Photo - flyover Ascension Island via World QSL Book