
4910.00, ABC, 0839-0841, Tuned in while news was being presented. "ABC News ..." announced by a female. This was followedwith more news. Signal dropped off the air at 0841 exactly. I guess theyhad forgotten to turn off the transmitter earlier when they're scheduled tocease transmission at 0830? Signal was good while active. (Chuck Bolland,April 14, 2009)
6035, BBS, Sangaygang, 0008, Apr 05. Slow monk music, fair/good. (Bernardini). Also noted at 1342-1425, Apr 05, in scheduled Dzongkha (p) with live phone calls; played some pop songs; gave out phone number to call in to the show; after 1400 adjacent QRM; into what seemed to be English; 10 minute talk before the start of the news with the usual BBS musical bridges between items; back to phone calls and pop songs in English. Today had just the one male announcer doing all the calls and reading the news. Best reception before 1400. (Ron Howard/DX Window 374 )
4409.83, Radio Eco, Reyes, 0000-0030, Apr 04 and 05; 0130 pulsating signal here, makes Spanish talk difficult to copy. This pulsation noted for last year; of local origin-Utility also present ?. (Wilkner). Also heard 0150-0200, Apr 12, Spanish talk, weak, but no pulsation signal, 15221. (Petersen/DX WIndow # 374)
4716.70, Radio Yura, Yura, 2305-0204v*, Apr 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 and 07, Bolivian music, Spanish ann and talks, at 0201 Ave Maria, short Andean music, carrier off at 0210, 25332. Also *1000-1030 with varied sign on times. (Bernardini, Bolland, Mille, Petersen and Wilkner/DX Window # 374)
6134.79, Radio Santa Cruz, 0948-1000, At tune in, notice a female inSpanish language conversing with a male. Santa Cruz's signal is very weak atthis time. There's definitely a propagation problem lately between Santa Cruz andmy receiver? I haven't been able to really receive a good signal from them inmore than a month. This station began to fade to nil during the period, thenreturn just for a few moments. (Chuck Bolland, April 14, 2009)
6155.27, Radio Fides, 0955-1000, Noted a fair signal here with amale in steady Spanish language comments. He mentions "Santa Cruz" acouple of times during his comments. In my opinion, this station was theweaker station on the band previously, but today they are better thanthe others from Bolivia. This guy must have a "Deadline to meet", becausehis talking at a mile a minute. At 0958 canned ADs noted. Signalwas poor. (Chuck Bolland, April 14, 2009)
6134.76, Radio Santa Cruz, 1037-1045, Checked this earlier at1000, but conditions there were poor and heard only the carrier. At 1037the signal is at a fair level and audio is a little better than before. At tune in,noted a series of canned ADs. At about 1042 a male in long comments whilethe signal begins to disappear somewhat from a fair to threshold. (ChuckBolland, April 11, 2009)
6155.21, Radio Fides, 1044-1055, At tune in, noted a male in Spanish comments. At 1045 music presented with a male singing whileaccompanied by an acoustic guitar. At 1048, canned ADs or promos.The signal all of the sudden, has dropped from a fair to a threshod.(Chuck Bolland, April 11, 2009)
9818.90 Radio Nove de Julho, São Paulo, SP, 2009, Apr 02, 1953-2010, Apr 02, Portuguese religious program with sermon in the church, also choral singing, 32432, QRM VOA 9815. (Beryozkin and Timofeyev). Also heard at *0859-0919, Apr 05, opening ann, ID: "Radio Nove de Julho, São Paulo, Brasil, bon día", religious talk, 24322. (Méndez/DX Window # 374)
6069.98, CFRX, Toronto, 0335-0403, Apr 03, English, many reports on various subjects (Canadian soldiers, Ontario and Toronto news, Taliban, etc.) with mention of CFRB at 0358, 0400 news, strong signal, but fair only, due to DW on 6075, best in LSB. (Timofeyev in DXplorer/DX Window # 374)
9625, CBC Northern Québec Service, Sackville, NB, 1900-1920, Apr 02, English ann, then news in Inuktitut language after short musical pause including conversation and song in English at 1907, good with slight splashes from 9620 (CRI), 45433. (Beryozkin and Timofeyev/DXWindow # 374)
6010, CNR-11 (Tibetan Service), 1430-1500, Apr 08, "Holy Tibet" English program; starts with the usual canned ID: "ChinaNational Radio", "China National Radio", "Welcome to our English program from Tibet"; several IDs for the "Holy Tibet" program; segment "Eyes On Tibet"; interesting coverage of the March 28, 2009 celebration to mark Tibet's first Serfs Emancipation Day; CCTV 9 coverage at http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-03/28/content_11088017.htm . DX Window # 374)
6065, China Business Radio, Beijing, 1345-1400, Apr 08, "English Evening" program; very interesting segment of "StudioClassroom Worldwide" about the explorer Mike Horn and his adventures in his "Pangaea" sailboat; // 6155, 7245 (best reception), 7265, 7335, 7375 and 9820. They have complied with the new regulations and have abandoned 7130, 7140 and 7150; "English Evening" ID by Timothy before pips at 1400. (Howard/DX Window # 374)
5030.00, China National Radio One, (pres) 1050-1100,Noted a male and female in Chinese language comments which soundedlike news. Each person comments briefly, then the other person commentsabout the same length of time. At 1058, music and promo together.Signal was fair to poor with lots of clutter underneath China's signal.Time ticks on the hour followed with ID. Sorry don't understandChinese enough to copy details. (Chuck Bolland, April 14, 2009
5910.07, Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, 2212-0202 and 0530-0705, Mar 31, Apr 01, 02, 03, 04 and 08, Colombian, Argentine and Spanish songs, Spanish ID: "Marfil Estereo", time ann, religious talks like on "La Voz de tu Conciencia", 33343 with splashes from both sides, best in USB. (Bernardini, Beryozkin, Méndez and Timofeyev/DX Window # 374)
6009.8, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, Puerto Lleras, 2350-0057, Apr 01, 02 and 03, Spanish religious talk, 2358 ann with ID, then orchestral and guitar music, good-fair with one or two stations on the same channel, also heterodyne. (Bernardini and Timofeyev/DX Window # 374)
3279.9, La Voz del Napo, Tena, 0218-0238, Apr 03, Spanish talks, orchestral music, fair, QRM from Russian pirates near 3280 and CW on 3282. (Timofeyev). Also heard at 0956-1016, Apr 06, rustic Latin vocals with ann in Spanish, 1000 ID accompanied by flute music, more Latin vocals and an over-modulated spiritual talk with light instrumental music in the background. Poor to fair. (Rich D'Angelo/DX Window # 374)
4815, Radio Buen Pastor, 1010-1040, At tune in, noted steadylocal type popular music. Did not hear any comments until 1015 with acanned ID by a female and a male in Spanish, then back to music. Againat 1032, a male comments in Spanish which was live. This is followed bycanned ADS or promos using the echo effect most of the time. Back to music at 1035. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, April, 11, 2009)
3815 USB, KNR, Tasiilaq, 2041-2111*, Apr 02 and 06, Greenlandic talks and pop songs, 2100 news in Danish, e.g. "... et hundrede kilometer nord for...", 2109 KNR news jingle and closed with a Greenlandic pop song. Strong signal one hour earlier (in UTC) due to Greenlandic Summertime, 33333 QRM whisteling tone. (Beryozkin, Petersen and Timofeyev/DX Window # 374)
4850, AIR Kohima (presumed), 1428-1433* and 1456-1518, Apr 05. Surprised to hear this one, as this transmitter is usually only used for special occasions. Playing pop songs in English ("Shadow Dreams", etc.) and off. Re-checked later to hear program in assume Hindi with dedications (reading list of names) for subcontinent songs; "Bridge Over Troubled Water" instrumental till switched over to the network news in scheduled Hindi at 1515. (Ron Howard/DX Window # 374)
5995 MALI RTV du Mali Apr 15 0618-0645. Tuned-in to fabulous tribal music featuring great vocal gymnastics and lots of drums. The next songs featured guitars and drums that swept past BoH until 0639 when a high-energy anncr came on, introducing more vocals. Signal was decent and was audible over local lightning crashes. Music continued until tune-out at 0645. (Bruce Barker-PA)
4845 Radio Mauritanie Apr. 15 0730-0745 Stringed instruments playing pleasant African music until 0740 when an OM comes on with talk in AA until tune out at 0745. Fair signal with lousy local weather. (Bruce Barker-PA)
5985.0, Myanma R, Nay Pyi Taw, 1320-1340, Apr 02, songs in Burmese and English, pop- and rap-type music, ann, news in English 1530-1535, 44444, QRM CRI 5990. (Beryozkin). Also heard at 1530-1545, Apr 10, in English, full ID, news (Prime Minister General Thein Sein and other top generals of the State Peace and Development Council left today for Pattaya, in Thailand, to attend the ASEAN [Association of Southeast Asian Nations] summit, etc.). Back in 1968, while I was stationed at U-Tapao/Sattahip, I had the good fortune to visit nearby Pattaya and enjoy the magnificent beach there. Weather, followed by music program. (Howard). The generals and other international top leaders later had to be evacuated by helicopter due to riots at the ASEAN Conference in Pattaya! (Ed) (DX Window # 374)
6019.30, Radio Victoria, 0838-0850, Noted a male in Spanish languagepresenting news it seemed. Victoria's signal was good, but it was being knockedaround by Radio Marti's signal on 6030 kHz with splatter. At 0844 cannedpromos. (Chuck Bolland, April 15, 2009)
4790.00, Radio Vision, 0920-0938, Sine on time for today. Noted acanned ID as "...Radio Vision... trenta Kilohertz ... Peru." by a male which included Huaynos music then the stations indicative data such as frequencyand schedule. At 0922, regular music is presented. Signal was fair to good.Don't know where the "trenta" came from in the above ID? (Chuck Bolland, April 14, 2009)
4824.50, La Voz de La Selva, 1020-1035, Nice signal here with Huaynos andPopular music presented. Between tunes, a male comments in Spanish. Also, ancanned AD and ID between tunes. At 1026 a series of canned promos and ADs.Signal was fair to good. (Chuck Bolland, April 14, 2009)
5039.15, Radio Libertad, 1043-1050 Noted a male inSpanish language comments before the music. Generally,Huaynos music was presented. Noted the male and femalecheering on the musicans who are playing the music ... "vamos", "Arriva"with words like those. At 1048 canned comments, which soundedlike promo. More music and comments. From all the yelling andcheering, it seems like this station is having a party this morning.At 1050 a "real" live person comments. Signal is poor by now.(Chuck Bolland, April 14, 2009)
6019.30, Radio Victoria, 0845-0859, Had a clear signal here withno QRM until 0859. Initially noted two males in Religious Spanish commentspreaching off each other's comments. At 0852, a female comments andbegins crying over the air while she is comforted by another male. Finally,about 0854 a male gives TC and other information, mentioning Peru,but I didn't hear Victoria mentioned. At 0859, Radio Australia comes onthe air blocking Victoria's fair signal. (Chuck Bolland, April 11, 2009)
5940.00, Radio Rossii, Magadan, 0848-0905, Noted a male in commentarytype talk in the Russian language. Lots of splatter here created by WWCR'sgibberish on 5935 KHz. At 0854, a female joins in briefly with a couple ofcomments. At 0857 she continues until the hour. Just before the hour,a canned ID by a male in Russian. I didn't catch it exactly, but it sound like "... Radio "Ya-key"..." On the hour time ticks followed by news andmore ID's like the above. Signal was fair. I looked for some possibleword in the WRTH that might correspond to the above sound, but did notrecognize any. (Chuck Bolland, April 14, 2009)
7145.03, R Hargeisa, Somaliland, 1630-1900v*, Mar 31, Apr 01, 02, 03, 04, 08 and 09, Somali talk, reports and songs with string instrument, hymn at 1659, ID as Hargeisha and Somalia at 1700, Horn of Africa music, news with several mentions of Hargesia and Somalia, National Anthem at close, QRM from radio amateurs, 44534 deterioating to 22222. (Bernardini, Liangas, Mille, Petersen, Rajeesh, Robic and Romero). But no trace of R Hargeisa at s/on at listed 0330. (Kuhl in DXplorer/DX Window # 374)
4750, Dunamis Broadcasting, Mukono (tent.), 1745-1810, Apr 02, mostly pop songs, 1806 ann in unidentified language, weak, blocked by some utility station in USB in Balkan-like language at 1758-1802, 15221. (Beryozkin and Timofeyev/DX Window # 374)