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Tuesday, January 07, 2014
Amateur Radio Special Events: January 2014
Special expeditions and events are open to amateur radio operators, and shortwave listeners can also benefit from these special broadcast. QSLing information are included in these postings.
January-July 2014
Spain-EA, (via 60m News). Javier, EA7OP, is reporting that SETSI is allowing EA stations to operate on 60m band between January-July 2014 on a channel basis. Allowed channels [kHz]: 5268, 5295, 5313, 5382, 5430 and 5439. The bandwidth to be used is 3 kHz. Power output 100W. Modes CW/SSB.
January 7-28
Kenya-5Z, "DX-World.net" reports that Scott, WA5A,will be active as 5Z4/WA5A from Ruaka until about January 28. Activity will be holiday style on the HF bands. QSL via his home callsign.
January 7-30
Chile-CE, Bob, YV5IAL, will be active as CE2/homecall from Valparaiso between January 7-30. Activity will be on 40-10 meters using PSK-31 with some SSB. QSL via his home callsign, by the Bureau or direct.
January 7-31
Senegal-6W, Just a reminder that Francis, F6BLP, will once again be active as 6W7SK from Saly Portudal, 80 kms south of Dakar on the coast, to January 31. Activity will be holiday style using the same station as last time (IC-7000 into G5RV antenna) operating mainly CW on 80-10 meters. If possible, he also hopes to be active on 160m with an Inverted L. QSL via F6BLP, direct or by the Bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL. For more details, logs and pictures of his last operation, visit: http://www.f6blp.org
January 7- 31
Bahamas C6, John, 9H5G, will once again be active as 9H5G/C6A from Stocking Island, Great Bahama Bank (NA-001), to January 31, Activity is usually on 160-10 meters, using SSB and the Digital modes (PSK/RTTY/JT65/JT9). He announced on QRZ.com, "I intend to travel throughout the Bahamas during the winter and spring of 2014 activating the following groups: NA-001 Great Bahama Bank group, NA-113 36.6% South Bahamas group, NA-054 Berry Islands and NA-048 Bimini Islands. Some of these are rarer than others, but since I will be traveling by boat, I am required to validate NA-054 and NA-048 through the IOTA Committee. I also hope to activate some islands that are not on the list, even although they seem to qualify (Hogsty Reef, Melita Cay). I hope to have more information on this soon." Watch QRZ.com for updates. QSL via LoTW, eQSL or direct to Buzz, NI5DX.
January 11
1400-2000 UTC, W4FFC, Port Saint Joe, FL. Gulf Amateur Radio Society. 28.375 21.375 14.275 7.177. QSL. Norm Bixler, K4NEB, 2003 Cypress Ave, Port Saint Joe, FL 32456. Please send a SASE #10 (large white envelope that a QSL card will fit into) with date, time (GMT/Zulu), freq or band on your personal QSL card. gulfars.net
January 11-15/January 16-22
The Gambia-C5, Pedro, ON7WP/C5WP, announced on QRZ.com that he and Andre, ON7YK/C5YK, are or will be the only two permanent licensed hams in The Gambia for 2014 (as of now). Pedro will be active between January 11-15, from the village Buntu (where he does charity care), and has set up his permanent base station (Kenwood TRC-80 Bush Radio and a brand new 5 band Spiderbeam). He also states [edited], "Additionally, I will put up some traveling wave V-beam antennas to USA and EU. We will also try some low band activity, but due to poor soil conductivity I expect not too much apart from extremely low noise levels (closest electricity wall outlet is 80 km away). Between January 16-22nd, we will move to the Kololi area where we will try some serious Low Band stuff based on a sea mounted vertical, together with dipoles and the V-beam for the high bands." See QRZ.com for QSL info.
January 13
Mozambique C9, (Update). Karel, ZS6ALB, informs OPDX that he is now permanently based in Mozambique and is active as C91KHN (C91C during contest) from Matola, Mozambiue (Grid locater KG64fa). He has been busy upgrading his station, changing the current Hygain tri-bander for a Mosley 67B 6-bander. However, Karel informed OPDX on Christmas Eve that he "will be away for the festive season and will be back in C9 country on 13 January 2014." After the upgrades, he states that he will be active on the following bands and modes: Band Operations: 6m - 5 element Yagi 40/20/17/15/12/10m - Mosley 67B Modes: SSB and Digitals modes PSK31, RTTY and JT65A (using Rigblaster Advantage) QSL via his home callsign direct (preferred). Log will be uploaded to LoTW and ClubLog.
January 17-20
Virginia Lee-Jackson Day
1700-2359 UTC, W4V, Front Royal, VA. Shenandoah Valley Amateur Radio Club. 14.035. QSL. W4V via W4RKC, PO Box 139, Winchester, VA 22604. shenvalarc.org
January 18
Activation the Thomas Edison House - Louisville KY
1400-2100 UTC, KY4KY, Louisville, KY. Bullitt Amateur Radio Society. 28.355 21.355 14.255 7.255. Certificate & QSL. Bullitt ARS c/o KC4WQ, 1229 Zoneton Rd, Shepherdsville, KY 40165. The Bullitt ARS is planning to 'activate' the Edison House in Louisville on January 18, 2014. The house, now museum, was a boarding house in the late 19th/early 20th century and housed a young Thomas Edison during his tenure as a telegraph operator for Western Union. Edison did many of his early experiments with electricity here and the club will be operating from the room in which Edison slept and ate. Hours of operation will be from 9AM to 4PM EST. There may be some RTTY and CW operations, frequencies via band plans QSL info via QRZ.com. QSL SASE only please. QSL and certificate SAE and $2. www.ky4ky.com
January 25
20th Santa Cruz Valley Car Nuts Collector Car Show
1600-2200 UTC, WE7GV, Tubac, AZ. Green Valley Amateur Radio Club. 14.246 14.244 14.242. Certificate & QSL. Green Valley Amateur Radio Club, 601 N La Canada Dr (SAV), Green Valley, AZ 85614. gvarc.us
January 25
Kansas Day
1500-2000 UTC, KS0KS, Olathe, KS. Santa Fe Trail Amateur Radio Club. 21.320 14.250 10.115 7.250. QSL. KS0KS, SFTARC, PO Box 3144, Olathe, KS 66063. eQSL & LOTW to KS0KS www.sftarc.org
January 25
Special Olympics of Madison County Polar Plunge
1400-2100 UTC, WA4TRS, Blannahassett Island, Marshall, NC. The Road Show Amateur Radio Club Inc. 14.270 7.245. QSL. The Road Show Amateur Radio Club, Inc, 57 Echo Lake Dr, Fairview, NC 28730. The Special Olymipic Madison County Polar Plunge is sponsored by Madison County Parks and Rec. The Event will bring attention to Service provided to Handicapped Persons of Madison County, NC. The Polar Plunge will take place in the middle of the French Broad River (3rd Oldest River in the World) come rain, snow, shine, wind, or what ever! Check Web site for further details. Lat.35.7962626, Long -82.687043 theroadshowarc.com
January 25-February 2
England-GB1, (Special Event). Look for special event station GB1RNLI to be active between January 25-26th and possibly some limited operations on the evenings of Tuesday, Jan. 28-Thursday, Jan. 30. This special event callsign will be used by Worksop Amateur Radio Society to promote "SOS Radio Week" (Jan. 25-Feb. 2) which is held each year to support the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution). This year the club will be operating on HF (40-10m) and VHF 6m, 2m and 70cm using CW, SSB and Data modes. The WAB Square is SK57. QSL via eQSL or by the Bureau. Full details about the RNLI are available at: http://www.rnli.org
January 26-February 5
Benin-TY, (Update). Wim, ON6DX (ex-ON4CIT), has announced the dates for his TY1TT operation fro Grand Popo. Activity will be from January 26 and February 5. He plans to operate on the highest possible bands. For updates, visit: www.dxpedition.be/Benin.html
(OP 1143/1144)
IOTA Events / Islands on the Air
Solving the IOTA QSL Problems - Rick, K6VVA, (The Locust), has put together another interesting video (a little over 18 minutes long). Give it a view at: http://youtu.be/nM5X3ooDyPw
January 7-12
Vittorio-F-032. Vittorio, I2GPT, will be active as 5H1VC from Zanzibar Island (WLOTA 1080, WWFF 5HFF-003) between January 4-12th, 2014. Activity will be on 40-10 meters using CW and RTTY (20m only) for the first time (please have patience). QSL via RW6HS, direct (see QRZ.com) or by the Bureau.
January 7 - March 31
Luzon Island-OC-042. Mike, W6QT, will be active as DU3/W6QT from Luzon Island until March 2014. Activity has been 40/20/15/10 meters, but he actually likes working the lower bands. QSL via his home callsign.
January 12-19
Martinique-TO3/FM, (Update). Operators Tatsuo/JA3ARJ and Kunio/JA1CJA will be active as TO3JA from Martinique (NA-107) between January 12-19th. QSL via JA3AVO, direct, by the Bureau or LoTW. There will be an OQRS on ClubLog. Look for more details to be forthcoming.
January 18-23
Cayman Island-ZF, Operators Jim/N4BFR and Newton/N4EWT will once again be active as ZF2JS and ZS2KO, respectively, from the Grand Cayman Islands (NA-016) between January 18-23. Activity will be holiday style on the HF bands using CW, SSB, PSK31 and JT. QSL via their home callsigns or LoTW.
January 25-30
Palau, T8, Masa, JN3MXT, will be active as T88MX from "VIP Guest Hotel" (Free Radio Room) on Koro Island (OC-009) between January 25-30. Activity will be on the HF bands using mainly SSB and RTTY. QSL via his home callsign.
January 27-February 7
Dominica-J7, John, AD8J, will be active as J79JG between January 29-February 7. Operation will be mostly CW, holiday style when not scuba diving. QSL to his home callsign or LoTW.
IRC Redemption, Ect - QSL Manager Phil, G3SWH, reports: "Hi gang -- Just a cautionary note for those of you who still use IRCs. With effect from January 1, 2014 and in common with most other UK based QSL managers, I will *NOT* be accepting IRCs for payment for return postage. They are just too much hassle. OQRS and US dollars are much preferred and easier to handle. Please take a look at http: postage.html www.g3swh.org.uk which has been in place for about six months. In that time, I have received probably less than 10 of the new, 2017 expiry IRCs.....
73 and Happy New Year to you all"
(OP 1143/1144)