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Monday, May 18, 2015
Solomon Island Monitoring and Observations
Solomon Islands
All times UTC
5020.0 SIBC - The Voice of the Nation, May 12 back to their normal frequency; ex anomaly 9545 kHz; at 0922 UT with the "Derek Prince Legacy Radio" religious program in English; ID - SIBC, the Voice of the Nation; 1015 UT info about a tropical low causing rain, but "possibility of a cyclone is low"; poor with Cuban interference from 5025 kHz.
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 12)
5019.999 SLM SIBC Honiara, in English, S=9+15dB -58dBm, heard Daily Police Report at 0843 UT. Splatter from adjacent 5025.0 CUB Exciting Cuban music heard on Radio Rebelde program,
via Quivican Bejucal old USSR relay site, S=9+10dB or -62dBm strength.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 13)
5020 SIBC Honiara on May 12. Heard this morning from 1132 to 1204* UT with rather good signals (improving due to dawn enhancement). Noted with news at 1132 UT, followed with a variety program, with one selection by Amy Cross (C&W Ballad) .TC at 1155 UT, then Religious Sermon by preacher with rather dubious "Hell and Brimstone" scriptures. Closing announcements, nice ID for SIBC and then National Anthem played to 1204* UT. Best heard on the 31/60 meter Trap-sloper.
(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN VE6EFK, DXplorer May 12)
(WWDXC-Top News 1208)