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Monday, June 06, 2016
Blog Logs
// parallel frequency - *sign-on sign-off*
logs edited for clarity
All times UTC
11765 KNLS, Anchor Point, at 1435-1446. English religious comments, SINPO 24322. (Manuel Mendez-ESP, via Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci DXW/Top Nx 1254) (Manuel Mendez-ESP, via Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci DXW
4949.729 Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, at 1850-2005. Portuguese comments, African songs, identification: "Radio Nacional de Angola, onda curta, frecuencia de 4950 kHz, onda media,
frecuencia..., frecuencia modulada,...", at 1859 "Desde Luanda, capital da Republica de Angola, transmite Radio Nacional de Angola", time signals, news. SINPO 24322. Also heard at 1905-1940 with Portuguese news and comments. SINPO 14321. (Manuel Mendez-Lugo, Spain/HCDX/BCDX-Top Nx 1255-04 June).
4750.01 Bangladesh Betar, Shavar, Dhaka, at 1655-1705.* Folk music, Bengali news, abrupt s/off, SINPO 35333. Also heard at 1920-2330, extraordinary All Night service in Bengali due to
an severe cyclone, with folksongs, ID's "Bangladesh Betar" every quarter, news, weather, sports and talks, 45434. Not heard 24 hours later. (Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci DXW/Top Nx 1254)
6080, Voice of America - Moepeng Hill, 0312-0400.* Daybreak Africa program with promos, IDs and features. Editorial at 0357 UT just before closedown. Instrumental music and carrier cut. Fair to good. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer/BCDX-Top Nx 1255-04 June).
5910 Alcaravan Radio, Puerto Lleras, at 0500-0550. Latin American songs, identification, female: "5910 kHz Alcaravan Radio y 6010 kHz La Voz de tu Conciencia, desde Colombia para el mundo", male: "Alcaravan Radio, 1060 AM". SINPO 24322. (Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP/HCDX/BCDX-Top Nx 1255-04 June).
Congo Dem. Republic
5066.4 Radio Tele Candip, Bunia, at 1845-2015.* Heard in vernaculars and French comments and songs, SINPO 14321. (Giovanni Carboni-ITA, Thomas Nilsson-SWE; and Manuel Mendez-ESP, via Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci DXW/Top Nx 1254)
Horn of Africa music heard at 2000-2100, probably Radio Amhara from Addis Ababa-Gedja. Maybe Ramadan or weekend special, music program also at 2025 UT. S=9+20dB or -56dBm signal.
(wb, wwdxc-BCDX-Top Nx 1255-04 June).
Equatorial Guinea
5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, at 1903. On the air with clear signal, Spanish ID as "Radio Nacional", African songs. SINPO 14321. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo Spain/HCDX//BCDX-Top Nx 1255-04 June).
5910 NHK/Radio Japan relay via TDF Issoudun, France. heard at 0440-0500.* Male/female announcing team speaking in the Japanese language with brief instrumental music segments. Musical fanfare prior to news at 0455. NHK ID and announcements at 0458, with three time pips before the carrier was terminated. Good signal. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer/Top Nx 1254)
7289.93 RRI Nabire, 0736-0812.* Began with JBA music, after 0800 announcer to abrupt ly off, by which time the signal had improved a lot. Sign-off time conforms to Atsunori Ishida's info. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, DXplorer/BCDX-Top Nx 1255-04 June).
7285 Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Zahedan) 2324-0025.* Conversation by two men in Arabic. Station ID at 0000, followed by announcer hosting recitations and later woman hosting
other features. Carrier terminated while another man was talking. Fair to good. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer/BCDX-Top Nx 1255-04 June).
7255 Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, 0605-0625. Hausa comments, SINPO 24322. Also heard at 1800-1828 with English news and comments about Nigeria. SINPO 24322. (Manuel Mendez-Lugo, Spain/HCDX/BCDX-Top Nx 1255-04 June).
Papua New Guinea
7324.95-non log Wantok Radio Light has not been heard for a while now. Latest check on June 3 at 0905 UT, with clear frequency. Heard 6020 NBC Bougainville, at 0634-0642.* on June 3 with pop American hits and Pacific Island pop songs. Suddenly off for poor signal. (Ron Howard, CA/DXplorer/BCDX-Top Nx 1255-04 June).
9585 TWR Africa (Manzini Mpangela Ranch) at *1454-1508+. Loud w/ internval signal to station ID, and opening with sermon in Malagasy (lots of French crossover words). CRI (Xian) starts the same time in Japanese, but never gets above a distant second place. (Dan Sheedy-CA-USA, via Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, DXplorer/Top Nx 1254)
9680 Voice of Hope Africa, (via Makeni Ranch in Lusaka Zambia, at 0504. English; time given as "7 0 4," which is their local Central Africa Time. "Breakfast Table" program with preaching and songs, after 0530 UT same segment repeated twice. Good signal number of IDs, almost fair with QRN (static). (Ron Howard-CA-USA, DXplorer via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 3)