Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Scandinavian Weekend Radio, July 6

Scandinavian Weekend Radio, July 6
Virrat, Finland

All times UTC


Active on mediumwave 1602 / 24hours
0000-0100  6170  11690
0100-0200  6170  11690
0200-0300  6170  11690
0300-0400  6170  11690
0400-0500  6170  11690
0500-0600  6170  11690
0600-0700  6170  11690
0700-0800  6170  11690
0800-0900  6170  11690
0900-1000  6170  11690
1000-1100  6170  11690
1100-1200  6170  11690
1200-1300  6170  11690
1300-1400  6170  11690
1400-1500  6170  11690
1500-1600  6170  11690
1600-1700  6170  11690
1700-1800  6170  11690
1800-1900  6170  11720
1900-2000 6170   11720
2000-2100  6170  11720
2100-2200  6170  11690
2200-2300  6170  11690
2300-0000  6170  11690

Station website for additional information:

Texas Radio Shortwave to broadcast this weekend


Join us for our show featuring Texas musicians singing about Texas cities and towns. We’ll broadcast Saturday at 1900 UTC on 3995 kHz and Sunday at 1200 UTC on 9670 kHz.

North American listeners can use a European remote receiver, or SDR, to tune the show, which isn’t usually heard outside Europe.  

A favorite SDR is this one in the Netherlands:

We verify correct, detailed reception reports sent to  This month’s QSL shows a Texas Horned Lizard.
(Terry Colgan/NASWA)

AI Is Saving Money for Transmitter Users


Houzé: Optimized power consumption generates multiple benefits


A current Radio World ebook explores the use of artificial intelligence in radio broadcasting. This is an excerpt.

In 2018 WorldCast Systems released its first technology with artificial intelligence for FM transmitters, SmartFM, to optimize RF power based on the audio content, in real time. The company says benefits include lower power costs, reduced cooling, less maintenance, longer transmitter life and a smaller carbon footprint.

David Houzé is a product manager for WorldCast.

David Houzé
Radio World: What’s the most important recent or current trend in how artificial intelligence is being used in radio and audio?

David Houzé: We are still at the beginning of artificial intelligence in radio broadcasting but the trendiest use of AI is mainly in the studio and concerns the script generation for shows, news or weather reports. 

Additional story and interview at Radio World

Focus on clandestine radio - Voice of Fano


Uploaded June 30th to YouTube by SWL, Andre from South Africa, 29 minutes 32:

Clandestine radio stations operate underground for various reasons. They often target countries with high degrees of censorship, are used by political movements or during times of conflict by opposing sides. But how do these stations operate, and why are they founded? You can find answers to these questions in this video, in my interview with a presenter and producer from Voice of Fano.

There are a number of clandestine or underground stations targeting Ethiopia, because of the ongoing conflict situation between various ethnic groups there. I caught Voice of Fano on 15215 kHz some time ago. It is a rare station, only transmits twice a week. You can watch my first video here (Introduction and recording of station May 1st, 6 minutes 46) 

I had the opportunity to interview one of the presenters and producers, who told me the story of the station, how it operates, how programming is produced, who listens to them and more. He also provided context about the current situation in Ethiopia and the conflict against the Amhara people. There is a genocide going on in Ethiopia and very few people pay any attention. This is a rare look behind the scenes of a clandestine radio station during this time of conflict.

Voice of Fano can be heard on Wednesdays and Saturdays, from 17:00 to 18:15 UTC, on 15215 kHz. It transmits from Issoudun. This station is not listed anywhere, except in the World Radio and TV Handbook. But the time in the WRTH is incorrect, the station now transmits for 75 minutes, not 30 minutes as listed in the WRTH. 
(Mike Barraclough/BDXC) 

AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act to Receive Minor Technical Update


There will be no substantive changes to the legislation


A bill in the House of Representatives that would mandate AM capability in new vehicles is about to be revised, according to a person familiar with the developments. 

New information indicates that one of the original co-sponsors of the bill, Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.), plans to introduce an amendment to the bill (H.R. 8449). Changes would only include minor technical updates. 

The planned amendment to the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act comes on the heels of last week’s last-minute cancellation of a planned vote by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which could have advanced the legislation to the full House for a vote. 

Pallone’s amendment will include “no substantive” changes to the legislation, according to the insider, and will be introduced at the next full committee markup. The amendment will clarify that the bill applies to new vehicles manufactured and sold in the United States, as well to vehicles manufactured abroad and sold in the U.S.; however, vehicles built in the U.S. but sold overseas would not be required to include AM capability. 

Additional story from Radio World:

Tiny URL

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

RNZ Pacific schedule update


New Zealand  
RNZ Pacific has updated its shortwave schedule with an extended use of 9700 kHz replacing 13690 and 11725 in the morning period from 0700-1300 UTC:

All times UTC

0000-0458 17675 Daily 0459-0658 13690 Daily
0659-1258 9700 Daily 1259-1650 7440 Daily
1651-1758 7425 DRM Sun-Fri 1651-1758 9700 Sat
1759-1858 9655 DRM Sun-Fri 1759-1958 11725 Sat
1859-2058 13840 DRM Sun-Fri 1959-2358 15720 Sat
2059-2358 15720 Sun – Fri (RNZ web site 30 June)
RNZ Pacific has started testing its new 100 kW Amplion transmitter. It was reported on 13 June with short tests on 17900 kHz.
(BDXC/July 2024)

Radio Taiwan adjusts frequency for Russian service

Radio Taiwan International QSL


The Russian service of Taiwan International Radio announced adjusting the broadcast frequency to the European part of Russia. 

"Dear listeners, Due to increased solar activity, audibility on 5900 kHz from 17:00 to 17:30 UTC has deteriorated in recent months.

Our partners from the SpaceLine radio station (Kostinbrod, Bulgaria) suggested that we switch to the frequency 9790 kHz at the same time from July 1 until the end of the summer broadcast season.

Therefore, starting on July 1, a half-hour program of the Russian MRI Service will be broadcast on a frequency of 9790 kHz from 17:00 to 17:30 UTC. We are waiting for your reports on audibility at the new frequency!"
(via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1296 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 30)

Monday, July 01, 2024

Radio Taiwan slated for upcoming German test broadcast


Radio Taiwan International will conduct a German test broadcast. The test will be from the Tamsui transmitter in northern Taiwan.

The broadcast will be ten minutes on Saturday, July 6, 2024. RTI welcomes your monitoring and you may report your observations to RTI

Two frequencies will be selected for the direct broadcast half an hour on one frequency from 1700-1730; and half an hour on the second frequency from 1730-1800.

All times UTC
Saturday, July 6, 2024
1700-1710  11995
1730-1740  9545
1745-1755  7250

Following the testing, RTI broadcast as:
July 12-14
July 19-21
July 26-28
August 2-4

QSLing Radio Vanuatu


Manuel Méndez of Lugo, Spain, recently reported hearing Radio Vanuatu on 9660 kHz. He has reported receiving a QSL in three days! Reception report sent to:

Update on LRA 36 Antarctica


Whatsapp from Adrian Korol, RAE Director:

Google translation from Spanish:

LRA 36 will carry out a special test transmission this week.
It will be on Friday, July 5 between 0100 and 0400 UTC at 15476 usb.

Likewise, on Thursday, July 4, between 1800 and 2000 UTC, the usual transmission will take place.

Any report of reception and registration of the aforementioned transmissions is especially appreciated, as well as the dissemination of this information among radio amateurs, DXers and radio listeners.

"LRA 36 realizará esta semana una transmisión especial de prueba.
Será el viernes 5 de julio entrel as 0100 y las 0400 UTC en 15476 usb.

Asímismo el jueves 4 de julio, entre las 1800 y las 2000 UTC se realizará la emisión habitual.

Se agradece especialmente todo reporte de recepción y registro de las transmisiones mencionadas, así como la difisuión de esta información entre radioaficionados, diexistas y radioescuchas."
(Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain/BDXC/NASWA)

Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletins


Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletins

Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2024 Jul 01 0220 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact
#                Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 24 - 30 June 2024

Solar activity reached moderate levels on 24-25 Jun. The largest flare was an M1.8 flare from Region 3712 (S26 L=170, class/area=Eao/220) at 24/0417 UTC. Other M1 flares were observed from Regions 3713 (S14 L=153, class/area=Ekc/360), 3720 (S06 L=54,
class/area=Dai/150), and 3723 (S19 L=08, class/area=Fai/210). Solar activity was at low levels for 26-30 Jun, with only C-class flares observed. Other notable activity included an approximately 35 degree filament erupted late on 24 Jun, centered near S19W58. 

No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at normal to moderate levels. 

Geomagnetic field activity was reached G4 (Severe) storm levels on 28 Jun due to the arrival of a CME that lifted off the Sun on 24 Jun. Total field strengeth reached 30 nT and the Bz component reached -22 nT. Solar wind speeds increased steadily from near 300
km/s to approximately 490 km/s. Active levels were reached early on 29 Jun due to continued CME influences. Quiet to unsettled levels were observed on 24-27 Jun, and 30 Jun. 

Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 01 July - 27 July 2024

Solar activity is expected to be low levels, with occasional M-class flares for the duration of the period. 

No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at moderate levels from 01-27 Jul. 

Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at unsettled to active levels on 01-03 Jul due to possible glancing influences from multiple CMEs. Unsettled to active levels are expected on 14-16 Jul due to influence from a recurrent, positive polarity coronal hole
high speed stream (CH HSS). Quiet to unsettled levels are expected on 05-13 Jul and 17-27 Jul. 

Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2024 Jul 01 0220 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact
#      27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
#                Issued 2024-07-01
#   UTC      Radio Flux   Planetary   Largest
#  Date       10.7 cm      A Index    Kp Index
2024 Jul 01     180          15          5
2024 Jul 02     180          12          4
2024 Jul 03     175          12          4
2024 Jul 04     170          10          3
2024 Jul 05     170           5          2
2024 Jul 06     170           5          2
2024 Jul 07     170           5          2
2024 Jul 08     170           5          2
2024 Jul 09     170           5          2
2024 Jul 10     170           5          2
2024 Jul 11     170           5          2
2024 Jul 12     170           5          2
2024 Jul 13     170           5          2
2024 Jul 14     180          10          3
2024 Jul 15     175          10          3
2024 Jul 16     175           8          3
2024 Jul 17     175           5          2
2024 Jul 18     180           5          2
2024 Jul 19     180           5          2
2024 Jul 20     180          10          3
2024 Jul 21     180           8          3
2024 Jul 22     185           5          2
2024 Jul 23     180           5          2
2024 Jul 24     180           5          2
2024 Jul 25     180           5          2
2024 Jul 26     180           5          2
2024 Jul 27     180           5          2