Thursday, November 14, 2024

China National Radio on DRM


China National Radio DRM test frequency (updated on November 8, 2024, default time is UTC+8)

Currently, six frequencies are used to test DRM signals, and the publicly available parameters are as follows:

(kHz) Time
(UTC+8) Transmitter Power
(kW) Beam ID Notes
9655 0600-0900 URU 30 98 3FC
9655 1600-2000 URU 30 98 3FC
13825 0900-1700 BEI 30 175 0
15180 0900-1200 KUN 30 32 3EB
15180 1600-1900 KUN 30 32 3EB
17770 0900-1700 DOF 30 16 27FA
17800 1200-1600 KUN 30 32
17830 0900-1600 URU 30 98 3FC
There are no frequencies mentioned in the official frequency table, but they have been coordinated with HFCC and are not actually transmitted.

(kHz) Time
(UTC+8) Transmitter Power
(kW) Beam Notes
6030 0425-0205 BEI 30 0 Tu.1400-1700 off
11695 0900-1700 DOF 30 41
11990 1200-1700 QI 30 225
13710 1700-2000 QI 30 203
13850 0800-1200 QI 30 225
The official frequency list no longer contains information on the DRM broadcast frequencies emitted by Qiqihar, and it seems that the transmitter has been turned to testing or interference purposes.

According to feedback, the 21530kHz dynamic test frequency is still being transmitted in the B24 season.

(kHz) Time
(UTC+8) Transmitter Power
(kW) Beam ID Notes
6180 1800-0000 BEI 30 0 3EA
15760 0500-0100 QI 30 225 1
21530 0600-0100 DOF 30 341 3E8
Transmitting frequency of each transmitter:
BEI (Beijing)
0900-1700 13825kHz

DOF (Hainan Dongfang)
0900-1700 17770kHz

KUN (Kunming)
0900-1200 15180kHz
1200-1600 17800kHz
1600-1900 15180kHz

QIQ (Qiqihar)

URU (Urumqi)
0600-0900 9655kHz
0900-1600 17830kHz
1600-2000 9655kHz