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Monday, July 10, 2006
Add Kalingrad to your totals
Kaliningrad, formerly German Koenigsberg, is the extreme western oblast (province) of Russia,and is considered a separate broadcast country by the NASWA radio country counting rules. World Radio TV Handbook list the transmitters Kaliningradsky ORTPC as located at Bolshakovo consisting of 9x80 kW shortwave transmitters, used by Voice of Russia and Radio Rossii for their broadcast to Europe. Radio Netherlands used the Kaliningrad as a relay station last season for their Dutch service to western Europe. Most of the Kalinigrad transmitters are used as pairs at 160 kW.
Mediumwave from Kalinigrad, transmits on 549 kHz (50 kW), 1143 kHz (150 kW), 1386 kHz (1200 kW). The most powerful 1200 kW transmitter, operates on 1386 kHz, used also for international relay transmissions. This frequency will close by November 2007. The registered frequencies for broadcasts from Kaliningrad in A06 seasonal frequency schedule are: 5925 1800- 2100, 7300 1345-1900, 7330 0900-1000 and 1500-1900, 11830 1400-1700.
Verification and QSL Cards can be obtained for transmissions via Kaliningrad. Don't forget to request the transmitter location be noted on the card. Reports on Voice of Russia transmissions may be mailed to: GRK-Golos Rossii ul. Pyatnitskaya 25 115326 Moscow, Russia or email your reception report to letter@vor.ru
Radio Rossii verifies reception reports, and should be addressed to: Radio Rossii, Yamskogo Polya 5-YA ul, 19/21, 125040 Moscow, Russia or email your reception report to: mail @ radiorus.ru.
(WWDX-Top News)