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Sunday, July 23, 2006
Will Slovakia return to shortwave ?
Now that Radio Slovakia International has left the shortwave world, comes word they "could" return to shortwave. No mention of time was released, but considering there is far more to this than just a simple resumption of service, bets are off it would be anytime soon. Our news comes from Radio Netherlands, and will likely set the hobbyists with a bevy of opinions.
Radio Slovakia International (RSI) reports that Culture Minister Marek Madaric, speaking at a news conference in Bratislava on Thursday after meeting President Ivan Gasparovic, has given notice of a return to state contributions for the public media. “This could be done via a contract between the public media and parliament,” he said. According to Madaric, the contract would define the state media’s role, programme orientation and funding. He also spoke about restoring RSI to shortwave although no timescale was mentioned.
(Source: R. Netherlands Media Network Weblog)