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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Tuning in on South Korea
With the continued focus on North Korea, one of my South Carolina contributors emailed a suggestion to run a summer schedule for South Korea. Great idea Frank, and thanks for the multilingual schedule!
If you've a mind to QSL this station, you'll find KBS very accomodating. Colorful postcards, stickers and brochures are sent within a reasonable time. Send uour reports to:
P.O. Box 150-790
Seoul, Republic of Korea
To learn more about KBS, refer to their station at: http://world.kbs.co.kr
KBS World Radio, South Korea
English 0200-0300 9560 11810 15575
0800-0900 9570 9640
1200-1300 9650
1300-1400 9570 9770
1600-1700 5975
1900-2000 5975 7275
2100-2130 3955
Spanish 0100-0200 11810
0600-0630 6045
0700-0800 13670
1000-1100 9580
1100-1200 11795
2000-2100 9515
Arabic 1900-2000 15365
2000-2100 7150
Chinese 1130-1230 6065 9770
1300-1400 1170 5975 6135 7275
2000-2100 5975
2300-2400 5975 7275 9805
French 0800-0900 15210
1600-1700 7150
1800-1900 15575
1900-2000 6145
German 0700-0800 15210
2000-2100 3955
Indonesian 1200-1300 9570
1400-1500 9570
2200-2300 9805
0000-0100 9805
Japanese 0000-0100 11810
0800-0900 5975 7275
1100-1200 7275
1200-1300 1170 5975 6135
1400-1500 5975 7275
Korean 0100-0200 15575
0300-0400 11810
0700-0800 9535
0900-1000 15210
0900-1100 9570 9640
1000-1100 1170
1200-1300 7275
1400-1500 9650
1600-1800 7275 15575
1700-1900 5975 7150 7275 9515
2100-2300 5975
Russian 1100-1200 1170 5975 6135
1600-1700 9515
1800-1900 15360
1900-2000 7150 9515
2000-2100 7275
Vietnamese 1500-1530 9640
1230-1300 9770
(DX Mix News, Bulgaria/F. Hillton, SC)