Strong Quake Hits SW China
BEIJING, May 12 (Xinhua) -- A major earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale jolted Wenchuan County in southwest China's Sichuan Province at 2:28 p.m. Monday, the State Seismological Bureau (SSB) said.
The epicenter of the quake was located at 31.0 degrees north latitude and 103.4 degrees east longitude, the bureau said.
Update from China View: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/
Thousands Dead After Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake Rocks Central China
CHONGQING, China — A massive earthquake struck central China on Monday and state media reported that as many as 7,600 people were killed in a single county while nearly 900 students were trapped under the rubble of their school.
More from Fox News at: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,355036,00.html
'Hundreds buried' by China quake
Almost 900 students are buried after an earthquake measuring 7.8 caused a building to collapse in south-western China, state media reports. President Hu Jintao urged "all-out" efforts to rescue victims of the quake, which hit 92km (57 miles) from Chengdu, Sichuan's provincial capital. Additional news from BBC News:
'Thousands dead' in Chinese quake
At least 7,000 people are killed by a strong earthquake in the south-western Chinese province of Sichuan, according to state media.
BBC News update: http://news.bbc.co.uk/
Devasting quake in China
The earthquake that hit China's southwestern Sichuan killed more than 8,000 people in that province alone, state media said. Continued story from
BEIJING, May 12 (Xinhua) -- A major earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale jolted Wenchuan County in southwest China's Sichuan Province at 2:28 p.m. Monday, the State Seismological Bureau (SSB) said.
The epicenter of the quake was located at 31.0 degrees north latitude and 103.4 degrees east longitude, the bureau said.
Update from China View: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/
Thousands Dead After Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake Rocks Central China
CHONGQING, China — A massive earthquake struck central China on Monday and state media reported that as many as 7,600 people were killed in a single county while nearly 900 students were trapped under the rubble of their school.
More from Fox News at: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,355036,00.html
'Hundreds buried' by China quake
Almost 900 students are buried after an earthquake measuring 7.8 caused a building to collapse in south-western China, state media reports. President Hu Jintao urged "all-out" efforts to rescue victims of the quake, which hit 92km (57 miles) from Chengdu, Sichuan's provincial capital. Additional news from BBC News:
'Thousands dead' in Chinese quake
At least 7,000 people are killed by a strong earthquake in the south-western Chinese province of Sichuan, according to state media.
BBC News update: http://news.bbc.co.uk/
Devasting quake in China
The earthquake that hit China's southwestern Sichuan killed more than 8,000 people in that province alone, state media said. Continued story from
Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/
Global Bloggers on China Quake from Global Voices:
VOA News coverage:
Sky News coverage with text and video:
China Radio International - A08 English service
Effective: 30 March - 26 October 2008
All times UTC
Target areas: af (Africa) am (Americas) as (Asia) ca (Central America) eu (Europe) me (Middle East) na (North America) pa (Pacific)
0000-0057 6020na 6075as 6180as 7130eu 9570na 11885as 13750as 15125as
0030-0100 11730as
0100-0127 11730as
0100-0157 6020na 6175as 9470eu 9535as 9570na 9580na 9790na 11870as
0200-0257 11770as 13640as
0230-0257 15435me
0300-0357 9690na 9790na 15110as 11770as 13750as 15120as 15785as
0400-0457 6020na 6080na 13750as 15120as 15785as 17730as 17855as
0500-0557 6020na 6190na 11880as 15350as 15465as 17505me 17730as 17855as
0600-0657 11710af 11870me 11880as 13660as 15140me 15350as 15465as 17505af/me 17540as 17710as
0700-0757 11880as 13660as 13710eu 15350as 15465as 17490eu 17540as 17710as
0800-0857 11620as 11880as 13710eu 15350as 15465as 17490eu 17540as
0900-0957 11620as 15210pa 15270eu 15350as 17490eu 17570eu 17690pa 17750as
1000-1057 6040na 11610as 11635as 13590as 13620as 13720as 15190as 15210pa 15350as 15390as 17490eu 17690pa
1100-1157 5955as 6040na 11650as 11660as 11750na 11795as 13590as 13620as 13650eu 13720as 13645as 17490eu
1200-1257 5955as 9460as 9600as 9645as 9730as 9760pa 11650as 11660as 11690as 11760pa 11980as 13645as 13650eu 13790eu 17490eu
1300-1357 5955as 9570na 9650na 9730as 9760pa 9765as 9870as 11660as 11760pa 11980as
13610eu 13755as 13790eu 15260na 15440aca
1400-1457 5955as 9765as 9870as 11675as 11765as 13685af 13710eu 13740na 13790eu 17630af
1500-1557 5955as 6100af 7160as 7325as 9800as 9870as 11965eu 13640eu 13685af 13740na 17630af
1600-1657 6100af 6180me 9570af 9760me 11900af 11940eu 11965eu 13760eu
1700-1757 6100af 6145eu 7130as 7265me 7315me 7335eu 9570af 9595eu 11900af 11940eu
1800-1857 7120eu 9600eu 13760eu
1900-1957 7295af/me 9435af/me
2000-2030 7160eu
2000-2057 5960eu 5985af 7190eu 7285eu 7295af/me 9440af/me 9600eu
2100-2127 11640af 13630af
2100-2157 5960eu 6135eu 7190eu 7285eu 7325af 9600eu
2200-2257 7175eu
2200-2300 9590as
2300-0000 5915as 5990am 6145na 7180as 910as 11690as 11970ca
DRM services/English
2300-0000 9800ca 11640af 13630af
(Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager/Monitoring Times-SW Guide)
China - Xinjiang XJBS - summer schedule from May 4
All times UTC
Global Bloggers on China Quake from Global Voices:
VOA News coverage:
Sky News coverage with text and video:
China Radio International - A08 English service
Effective: 30 March - 26 October 2008
All times UTC
Target areas: af (Africa) am (Americas) as (Asia) ca (Central America) eu (Europe) me (Middle East) na (North America) pa (Pacific)
0000-0057 6020na 6075as 6180as 7130eu 9570na 11885as 13750as 15125as
0030-0100 11730as
0100-0127 11730as
0100-0157 6020na 6175as 9470eu 9535as 9570na 9580na 9790na 11870as
0200-0257 11770as 13640as
0230-0257 15435me
0300-0357 9690na 9790na 15110as 11770as 13750as 15120as 15785as
0400-0457 6020na 6080na 13750as 15120as 15785as 17730as 17855as
0500-0557 6020na 6190na 11880as 15350as 15465as 17505me 17730as 17855as
0600-0657 11710af 11870me 11880as 13660as 15140me 15350as 15465as 17505af/me 17540as 17710as
0700-0757 11880as 13660as 13710eu 15350as 15465as 17490eu 17540as 17710as
0800-0857 11620as 11880as 13710eu 15350as 15465as 17490eu 17540as
0900-0957 11620as 15210pa 15270eu 15350as 17490eu 17570eu 17690pa 17750as
1000-1057 6040na 11610as 11635as 13590as 13620as 13720as 15190as 15210pa 15350as 15390as 17490eu 17690pa
1100-1157 5955as 6040na 11650as 11660as 11750na 11795as 13590as 13620as 13650eu 13720as 13645as 17490eu
1200-1257 5955as 9460as 9600as 9645as 9730as 9760pa 11650as 11660as 11690as 11760pa 11980as 13645as 13650eu 13790eu 17490eu
1300-1357 5955as 9570na 9650na 9730as 9760pa 9765as 9870as 11660as 11760pa 11980as
13610eu 13755as 13790eu 15260na 15440aca
1400-1457 5955as 9765as 9870as 11675as 11765as 13685af 13710eu 13740na 13790eu 17630af
1500-1557 5955as 6100af 7160as 7325as 9800as 9870as 11965eu 13640eu 13685af 13740na 17630af
1600-1657 6100af 6180me 9570af 9760me 11900af 11940eu 11965eu 13760eu
1700-1757 6100af 6145eu 7130as 7265me 7315me 7335eu 9570af 9595eu 11900af 11940eu
1800-1857 7120eu 9600eu 13760eu
1900-1957 7295af/me 9435af/me
2000-2030 7160eu
2000-2057 5960eu 5985af 7190eu 7285eu 7295af/me 9440af/me 9600eu
2100-2127 11640af 13630af
2100-2157 5960eu 6135eu 7190eu 7285eu 7325af 9600eu
2200-2257 7175eu
2200-2300 9590as
2300-0000 5915as 5990am 6145na 7180as 910as 11690as 11970ca
DRM services/English
2300-0000 9800ca 11640af 13630af
(Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager/Monitoring Times-SW Guide)
China - Xinjiang XJBS - summer schedule from May 4
All times UTC
2300-1800 Uighur: (not Tu. 0800-1100)
13670 2300-1800
11885 2300-1800
9560 0300-1200, 6120 2300-0300, 1200-1800
7275 2300-1800
2300-1800 Chinese: (not Tu.0800-1100)
11770 2300-1800
9600 0300-1400, 7310 2300-0300, 1400-1800
7155 2300-1800
5960 2300-1800
2330-1800 Kazakh: (not Tu.Th.0800-1100)
9470 0300-1150, 6015 2330-0300, 1151-1800
7340 2330-1800
2330-0330?0530-1030(Tu.Th.0800)?1230-1800 Mongolian:
6190 2330-0330, 1230-1800, 9510 0530-1030
7230 2330-0030?0530-1030?1230-1800
0330-0530?1030(Tu.Th.1100)-1230 Kyrgys:
9705 0330-0530, 1030-1230
11975 0330-0530, 1030-1230
(de Hiroshi; Sei-ichi Hasegawa-JPN, NDXC HQ May 2/ WWDXC Top News-BC-DX #859 via wb, Germany)
Blog Logs via China
CNR1-CPBS Geermu 4800, 2234-2245. Mandarin chat seguence from male/female announcers. Presumed ad string at 2245. Signal poor-fair under CODAR. Better on // 4460-Beijing. (S Barbour, NH)
Voice of Pujiang (presumed) 3280, 1146-1202. Vernacular programming with announcer's unidentified language. Signal weak under band noise with occasional music bits at 1155. Signal pips at 1200, followed by announcer. Possibly // 4950; weak at imagination level. Poor signal. (S Barbour, NH).
9880, China Radio International, 1045-1058, Noted a male and female in Mandarin Language comments here.Can hear a second signal under CRI consisting of just music which could possibly be someone's station interval signal. It goes off at 1048 while CRI continuesin comments. At 1056 the station stops for their usual4 minutes of silence before they go into the next hour. Signal was fair. Nothing came of the earlier music under CRI. (Chuck Bolland, FL May 12, 2008)
11635, China Radio International, 1030-1056, At 1030, hoping to hearTaiwan on this freq, instead there was CRI broadcasting in English. I suppose their (CRI's) intention is to block Taiwan? Anyway, noted news, and comments along with imitation Western Style music.Although CRI was dominating the freq, at about 1047, I could hear Taiwan fading in under CRI's signal. At 1055 full ID and schedule before signing off. CRI signal noted as fair. (Chuck Bolland, FL May 8, 2008)
13670 2300-1800
11885 2300-1800
9560 0300-1200, 6120 2300-0300, 1200-1800
7275 2300-1800
2300-1800 Chinese: (not Tu.0800-1100)
11770 2300-1800
9600 0300-1400, 7310 2300-0300, 1400-1800
7155 2300-1800
5960 2300-1800
2330-1800 Kazakh: (not Tu.Th.0800-1100)
9470 0300-1150, 6015 2330-0300, 1151-1800
7340 2330-1800
2330-0330?0530-1030(Tu.Th.0800)?1230-1800 Mongolian:
6190 2330-0330, 1230-1800, 9510 0530-1030
7230 2330-0030?0530-1030?1230-1800
0330-0530?1030(Tu.Th.1100)-1230 Kyrgys:
9705 0330-0530, 1030-1230
11975 0330-0530, 1030-1230
(de Hiroshi; Sei-ichi Hasegawa-JPN, NDXC HQ May 2/ WWDXC Top News-BC-DX #859 via wb, Germany)
Blog Logs via China
CNR1-CPBS Geermu 4800, 2234-2245. Mandarin chat seguence from male/female announcers. Presumed ad string at 2245. Signal poor-fair under CODAR. Better on // 4460-Beijing. (S Barbour, NH)
Voice of Pujiang (presumed) 3280, 1146-1202. Vernacular programming with announcer's unidentified language. Signal weak under band noise with occasional music bits at 1155. Signal pips at 1200, followed by announcer. Possibly // 4950; weak at imagination level. Poor signal. (S Barbour, NH).
9880, China Radio International, 1045-1058, Noted a male and female in Mandarin Language comments here.Can hear a second signal under CRI consisting of just music which could possibly be someone's station interval signal. It goes off at 1048 while CRI continuesin comments. At 1056 the station stops for their usual4 minutes of silence before they go into the next hour. Signal was fair. Nothing came of the earlier music under CRI. (Chuck Bolland, FL May 12, 2008)
11635, China Radio International, 1030-1056, At 1030, hoping to hearTaiwan on this freq, instead there was CRI broadcasting in English. I suppose their (CRI's) intention is to block Taiwan? Anyway, noted news, and comments along with imitation Western Style music.Although CRI was dominating the freq, at about 1047, I could hear Taiwan fading in under CRI's signal. At 1055 full ID and schedule before signing off. CRI signal noted as fair. (Chuck Bolland, FL May 8, 2008)