CBC Radio One 6160, 2335-2359 Noted a program of political commentary and news to music. At about 2355 a two or three minute political commentary, followed by "the preceeding political messages were prepared by the Marajuana Party of ..." Missed the rest. ID followed as "This is CBC Radio One ...North East ...Labrador" Signal fair-poor with QRM. On the hour splatter drowned out CBC. (Chuck Bolland, FL September 26, 2008)
RNT 4904.94, 0502-0532, Sept 28. French, on-air phone conversations, brief African hilife music between calls. Signal better than fair. Have noted some good African receptions in the last few days (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)
CNR-1 4460, Beijing, 1252-1259, Sept 28. National news conference about the Shenzhou VII space mission, in Chinese with English translations, presented by the State Council Information Office, I caught the end of the question and answer segment, talking about improvements made in their manned space program and " On behalf of the The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation." Thanking everyone associated with this successful mission, also wished everyone a happy holiday for the week long National Day Holiday that starts tomorrow (Sept 29 through Oct 5), celebrating the 59th anniversary of the founding of the PRC.
CNR-2/CBR 6065, 1323-1335, Sept 28, English Evening special live weekend program, presented by John and a Chinese woman. Mentions of National Day Holiday starting tomorrow, Advanced Studio Classroom program, good reception, // 6155, 7130, 7140, 7150, 7245, all mostly fair. Usually their weekend programs consists of recorded highlights of programs from the previous week (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)
Ginbot 7 Dimts Radio (via Samara, Russia/TDF brokered) on 17655 and 21555 kHz is heavily jammed today 1700-1730 UT by the Ethiopian government with same like BUZZ signal of DWL Amharic once on 15 MHz, i.e. white noise hissing. Weak Ginbot 7 Dimts Radio program is hardly read underneath here in Germany, but I'm outside here the main lobe signal. On 21555 only noise hash noted.(wb, Germany/RS-DX #182)
Ginbot 7 Dimts Radio in Amharic, new opposition station from Sept 11:
1700-1730 on 17655 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaEa Tue/Thu/Sat
21555 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaEa Tue/Thu/Sat
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 16/RS-DX #182)
Ginbot 7 Dimts Radio 21555, 1715-1726, September 27, Amharic, new opposition station from Russia (Samara transmitters), talk by male, instrumental songs, SINPO 24332. (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
Marfil Estereo 5910, (presumed) 2345-0010, Noted steady Popular Colombian ballads until the 0000. Possible station ID at 0001, with other details, "...5430, Onda Media ... Puerto ... Meta..." Af ter that, about ten minutes of promos, then back to music. Too many crashes for these old ears to separate out the ID. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, September 27, 2008)
Equatorial Guinea
Radio Africa 15190, 2150-2220, Sept 27, Four Square Gospel Tidings religious program, address in Saskatchewan, Tony Alamo program at 2200, with religious commentary, reading of listeners letters and playing songs, good reception, almost 100% readable. So he is not off the air (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)
Radio Nacional 6250, Malabo, 0529-0610, Sept 28. Instrumental music to contemporary Christian music. Local religious choral music. Spanish talk. Mentions of Malabo. Irregular. Signal poor in noisy conditions. Bata 5005 not heard at this time. (Brian Alexander, PA)
Radio Nacional 6250, Malabo, 1955-2005*, Sept 28, Spanish talk. Local hilife music. Abrupt sign off. Weak but readable. (Brian Alexander, PA)
Euro Pirate
Ireland, 6295, Reflections Europe, 2115-2205+,Sept 28, US produced English religious programming. Some gospel music. Fair to good level but audio muffled and some adjacent channel splatter from Egypt 6290. Also some occasional utility QRM. An overall poor quality signal. Heard // 12255 - very weak. 3910 not heard. Sundays only. (Brian Alexander, PA)
RRI-Pontianak 3976.04, 1341-1404, Sept 28, in Bahasa Indonesian, 1341-1344 was // 3325 (both fair), 1344 into on-air phone conversations and music. Program feature series of "R.R.I. Pontianak" IDs, into news (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)
Lao National Radio 4412.60v, 1210-1231*, Sept 28. Mostly man and woman talking in Laotian (news and commentary?), // 6130 (fair with light QRM), at 1225 distinctive musical fanfare that matched up on both frequencies, weak with CODAR QRM (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)
Radio PMR 7370, 1557-1559. Escuchada el 24 de septiembre en frances a locutora con comentarios, ID, fin de emision, SINPO 45444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Spain/RS-DX #182)
Radio PMR 7370, 1559-1602, escuchada el 24 de septiembre en aleman a locutor con presentacion, ID, boletin de noticias, sin senal en 12135,SINPO 45444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Spain/RS-DX #182)
Voice of Russia (Petropavlovsk) 13635, 0230 English 333 Sept 21 Lady announcer with the Music Tales program to announcer's comments at 0233. // 9860 [333]Via Vatican State, 9800 [333]via Irkutsk and 5900 [333] via Armavir. (Stewart Mackenzie, CA/RS-DX #182).
Voice of Russia 15510, 1300-1400 Noted a program of news, features and music. The comments were in Pashto for this hour. The music was sometimes Russian and sometimes Pashto. The WRTH says this is being transmitted via a site in Moscow, while AOKI says this program is being transmitted from Samara, Russia. The Passport agrees with AOKI. The fact that the signal is still audible at 1355 UTC here in Clewiston, Florida, USA, seems to favor Moscow as the transmitter site.(Chuck Bolland, September 29, 2008)
Radio Rossii 5940, 1000-1015. Noted a male in Russian language comments probably news at 1000. Reports from the field or street interspersed in the program. This poor signal was parallel with Radio Rossii on 7200 KHz which was at a good level. According to the Passport, this is relayed via Magadan. (Chuck Bolland, FL September 21, 2008/HCDX/RS-DX #182)
Radio Rossii, 7200, 1000-1030 Noted a male in Russian language comments probably news at 1000. Reports from the field or street interspersed in the program. This good signal was parallel with Radio Rossii on 5940 KHz and 5920 KHz which were both at a poor level. We already established that this is relayed via Yakutsk. (Chuck Bolland, FL September 21, 2008/HCDX/RS-DX #182)
Radio Rossii, 5920, Noted a male in Russian language comments probably news at 1000. Reports from the field or street interspersed in the program. Later a female comments in length. This poor signal was parallel with Radio Rossii on 7200 kHz which was at a good level. Also, Radio Rossii on this frequency was under WBOH's stronger Spanish language broadcast. Passport says this is relayed via Petropavlovsk. (Chuck Bolland, FL September 21, 2008/HCDX/RS-DX #182)
Vatican State
Vatican Radio 5915, 0147-0159 Noted a male in religious discourse talking about the "Word of God" all in English. At about 0152, programming continues with news about financial condx of the world economy. At 0158, Italian National Anthem until 0159 and then off the air. Signal was fair. Iheard this last Sunday evening also. Don't know about weekdays? (Chuck Bolland, September 29, 2008)