Radio St. Helena Day 2008 will be broadcast on
11092.5 KHz in USB on Saturday, 15. November 2008 as follows:
UTC time & target areas
20:00 - 21:00 Japan
21:00 - 22:30 Europe
22:30 - 23:30 North America
Because of the very long "Revival" and "Double- Anniversary" transmissions in 2006 and 2007 and the especially heavy workload at Radio St. Helena during the entire second half of 2008, it was decided that RSD 2008 would be reduced to the above schedule. It is hoped that
the times have been chosen so that reception in all areas will be acceptable.
The QSL procedure is the same as in 2006 and 2007, and the QSL address is :
Radio St. Helena
P.O. Box 93
St. Helena
STHL 1ZZ, South Atlantic Ocean
Wishing everyone excellent listening conditions,
Laura Lawrence
Station Manager
Radio St. Helena
Robert Kipp
(via Mark Nicholls)
(via ARDXC- Australian DX News - September 2008 Newsletter/ Alokesh Gupta, India)