6070 CFRX is back on the air! Came across them today (Sept 4) at 2115 UT with call-in show hosted by woman; lots of promos and IDs for CFRB and NewsTalk 1010. This will make any further loggings of ELWA just about impossible from ECNA, but it's still good to hear CFRX back again. They may just be testing at this point. (Bob Hill-MA-USA, DXplorer Sept 4)
6069.86 CFRX, Toronto; at 2303-2315 UT on 5 Sept, and 1124-1201 UT on 6 Sept. Essentially uncopyable due to het and RVC-Chile on 6070. Better upon checking the next local morning, with "...I'm Terri Hart..." Their web site shows "The John Donabie Show" this hour, an entertainment show, but if so there's some long local breaks. "Newstalk 1010 UT, CFRB ... it's 7:41 ... sports ..." into sound byte highlights of the Rays v. Blue Jays game from last night, another ID, commercials for local businesses, "Newstalk 1010, CFRB, Toronto" at 1146, more commercials, time check by man into weather by female who said "Good morning, Tom" then back to presumed Tom, who read lotto numbers.
Interview with a lady regarding some outdoor event and mention of a street closing as a result, mention of getting there via Third Street, 160th anniversary of something, commercials from 1156 UT, mention of 1-800-561- CFRB, female with temperature and news from 1200 UT. Fair, but LSB and some notching needed to copy. (Terry L Krueger-FL-USA, DXplorer Sept 7)
(Source: WWDXC Top News/BC-DX #877 via wb, Germany)