All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*
Dead Cat Radio
6925USB *1449-1530 8/23/08 SIO 242. On and off several times during the times listed. Beatles' Polythene Pam and other rock music. Changed briefly to CW mode at 1520, followed by a meowing cat. Clear ID at close. No address announced. (Zeller-OH)
Hello One
8/15-16, *2358-0027*, 6925.4/USB. SIO232. Combination of novelty music and clicking percussion noises. Station ID at 0017 as Hello One, but this was not much of an ID as it was mixed into test counts. Some rap mx and semi-African music. One rap song was about Brazil. No address announceand even the ID was slightly tentative. (Zeller, OH)
Radio Appalachia
8/17, 0015-0103, 6924.8v/AM. Signal fair-weak with weak modulation. Signal was nottrue AM, but USB plus a carrier. Tinny audio like mic in front of speaekr. Many gospel tunes by Johnny Cash and family some I'd never heard before. Noted broadcasting from high above Moundsville, Virginia. Frequency drifted up from 6924.7 to 6924.87, off suddenly in mid song. (Hassig-IL)
Radio For the Common Man
6924.5 8/24/8 01:52 SIO 232. Fanfare tune to an ID, but I couldn't make it out, I Get Knocked Down, noted someone on 6925 made a comment, but it was too far off frequency to understand.Sixties tune, Your Feet's Too Big. Now up to SIO 434. Big signal, theme and ID at 02:02 (Fansome, PA)
Sycko Radio syckoradio@yahoo.com 8/16, 0243-0250, 6925/USB. Station ID heard as “sycko Radio 69-25". Tune Old McDonald Had a Farm. Not much else readable. Poor signal qualtiy (Wood, TN).
The Wave
6925USB. 8/24/8 02:15 SIO 232. Some difficulties, now Anchors Aweigh. Statio ID at 02:19, Belfast malidrop drop, I Wanna Marry a Lighthouse Keeper song, SIo 434. Rock the Boat with morse code on 6926 interfering, Give Me the Beat Boys, station off with Anchors weigh. (Fansome, PA) 8/24/08, 0223, 6925USB. Rock the Boat, another water themed Motown song, ID. Anchors Aweigh tune. Station off at 0229. Noted back at 0245, and off shortly thereafter. Fair (Taylor-WI).
Wasabi Pea Man Radio
Dead Cat Radio
6925USB *1449-1530 8/23/08 SIO 242. On and off several times during the times listed. Beatles' Polythene Pam and other rock music. Changed briefly to CW mode at 1520, followed by a meowing cat. Clear ID at close. No address announced. (Zeller-OH)
Hello One
8/15-16, *2358-0027*, 6925.4/USB. SIO232. Combination of novelty music and clicking percussion noises. Station ID at 0017 as Hello One, but this was not much of an ID as it was mixed into test counts. Some rap mx and semi-African music. One rap song was about Brazil. No address announceand even the ID was slightly tentative. (Zeller, OH)
Radio Appalachia
8/17, 0015-0103, 6924.8v/AM. Signal fair-weak with weak modulation. Signal was nottrue AM, but USB plus a carrier. Tinny audio like mic in front of speaekr. Many gospel tunes by Johnny Cash and family some I'd never heard before. Noted broadcasting from high above Moundsville, Virginia. Frequency drifted up from 6924.7 to 6924.87, off suddenly in mid song. (Hassig-IL)
Radio For the Common Man
6924.5 8/24/8 01:52 SIO 232. Fanfare tune to an ID, but I couldn't make it out, I Get Knocked Down, noted someone on 6925 made a comment, but it was too far off frequency to understand.Sixties tune, Your Feet's Too Big. Now up to SIO 434. Big signal, theme and ID at 02:02 (Fansome, PA)
Sycko Radio syckoradio@yahoo.com 8/16, 0243-0250, 6925/USB. Station ID heard as “sycko Radio 69-25". Tune Old McDonald Had a Farm. Not much else readable. Poor signal qualtiy (Wood, TN).
The Wave
6925USB. 8/24/8 02:15 SIO 232. Some difficulties, now Anchors Aweigh. Statio ID at 02:19, Belfast malidrop drop, I Wanna Marry a Lighthouse Keeper song, SIo 434. Rock the Boat with morse code on 6926 interfering, Give Me the Beat Boys, station off with Anchors weigh. (Fansome, PA) 8/24/08, 0223, 6925USB. Rock the Boat, another water themed Motown song, ID. Anchors Aweigh tune. Station off at 0229. Noted back at 0245, and off shortly thereafter. Fair (Taylor-WI).
Wasabi Pea Man Radio
6925.1a 8/23/8 02:49. SIO 131. Lots of talking, but too faint to make out until the end, when I caught the "Wasabi Pea Man Radio." Station ID. (Al Fansome, PA)
Wind-Up Radio
8/19, 0200, 6925/AM. Signal noted in-out of the static, music that sounds like a sea shanty. Faded back in at 0204 with mellow music. Wind Up Radio ID at 0206, We're all wound down, and off. SIO 222 at best. (Will-MD)
Wolverine Radio
8/17, *0228-0315*, 6925/U; SIO 242+. Sign-on with Help Me 1,2,3; riff interval signal. Two blues tunes then oldies rock including Donovan's Sunshine Superman and Steppenwolf tunes. No address announced. (Zeller-OH)
(Source: FRW # 654 via Harold Frodge & FRW # 655 via Edward Kusalik)
Wind-Up Radio
8/19, 0200, 6925/AM. Signal noted in-out of the static, music that sounds like a sea shanty. Faded back in at 0204 with mellow music. Wind Up Radio ID at 0206, We're all wound down, and off. SIO 222 at best. (Will-MD)
Wolverine Radio
8/17, *0228-0315*, 6925/U; SIO 242+. Sign-on with Help Me 1,2,3; riff interval signal. Two blues tunes then oldies rock including Donovan's Sunshine Superman and Steppenwolf tunes. No address announced. (Zeller-OH)
(Source: FRW # 654 via Harold Frodge & FRW # 655 via Edward Kusalik)