Radio Romania International
Effective: 28 October 2012 - 30 March 2013
All times UTC
Target Areas: af (Africa) as (Asia) eu (Europe) na (North America)
0100-0200 6145na 7340na
0400-0500 6130na 7305na 15220as 17870as
0630-0700 DRM 9600eu
0630-0700 7310eu 17780pa 21600pa
1200-1300 15460eu 17530eu 17765af 21570af
1800-1830 DRM 5895eu
1800-1900 DRM 9780eu
1800-1900 11955eu
2130-2200 DRM 6030eu
2130-2200 7310na 7380eu 9435na
2300-0000 6015eu 7220eu 9530as 11810as
Welcome to Teak Publishing's Shortwave Central blog. This blog covers shortwave frequency updates, loggings, free radio, international mediumwave, DX tips, clandestine radio, and late-breaking radio news. Visit my YouTube and Twitter links. Content on Shortwave Central is copyright © 2006-2026 by Teak Publishing, which is solely responsible for the content. All rights reserved. Redistribution of these pages in any format without permission is strictly prohibited.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Voice of Russia, English winter schedule
Effective: 28 October 2012 - 30 October 2013
All times UTC
Target Areas: af (Africa) am (Central & South America) as (Asia) eu (Europe) me (Middle East) na (North America)pa (Pacific-Australia & New Zealand) va (Various Areas)
0000-0100 7250na 7290na
0100-0200 7250na 7290na
0200-0300 15630na 17665na 17690na
0300-0400 15630na 17665na 17690na
0400-0500 9830na 15630na
0500-0600 9830na 15630na
0600-0700 21800pa 21820pa
0600-0700 DRM 11635eu
0700-0800 15745as 218000va 21820va
0700-0800 DRM 11635eu
0800-0900 15745as 21800va 21820va
0800-0900 DRM 9625eu 11635eu
0900-1000 7205as 15745as 21800va 21820va
0900-1000 DRM 9625eu
1000-1100 7205as 7260as 11680as 15745as
1000-1100 DRM 9625eu
1100-1200 11680as 15740as
1100-1200 DRM 9625eu 11640as
1200-1300 5885as 9560as 12075as
1200-1300 DRM 9625eu
1300-1400 7205as 7260as 9560as 12075as
1300-1400 DRM 9625eu
1400-1500 4780va 7260as 12075as 13790me
1500-1600 4780va 9735me 9880as 11985me
1600-1700 4780va 5885as 5995as 9880as
1700-1800 4780va 7240as 7330eu 9735va 9880as
1800-1900 4780me 7330eu 9735va 11985va
1900-2000 7330eu
2000-2100 7330eu
2100-2200 5940eu
2200-2300 7250am 11830na
2300-0000 7250am 7290am
(VOR via Elena Osipova/reformatted by Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager-Monitoring Times)
North Korean Shortwave Getting Stronger
The North Korean authorities are in the process of replacing their existing
shortwave radio transmitters, Daily NK has learned. The measure appears designed
to both allow better broadcasts targeting South Korea and stop outside shortwave
broadcasts entering.
According to the Northeast Asian Broadcasting Institute (NABI), the authorities made their first move in March this year, replacing the shortwave transmission equipment at Kanggye Transmission Station in Jagang Province with modern equipment made by Beijing BBEF Electronics Group Co. Kanggye Transmission Station is one of three high output shortwave transmission facilities in North Korea, with the other two being at Pyongyang and in Gujang County, North Pyongan Province.
(Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India) Additional story at:
According to the Northeast Asian Broadcasting Institute (NABI), the authorities made their first move in March this year, replacing the shortwave transmission equipment at Kanggye Transmission Station in Jagang Province with modern equipment made by Beijing BBEF Electronics Group Co. Kanggye Transmission Station is one of three high output shortwave transmission facilities in North Korea, with the other two being at Pyongyang and in Gujang County, North Pyongan Province.
(Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India) Additional story at:
North Korean winter schedules
North Korea
All times UTC
Target Areas: af (Africa) as (Asia) eu (Europe) ca (Central America) na (North America) sa (South America) va (Various Areas)
Voice of Korea
1500-1557 9990me 11545af
1700-1757 9900me 11545af
0300-0357 13650as 15100as
0500-0557 7220as 9345as 9730as
0600-0657 13650as 15100as
0800-0857 7220as 9345as
1100-1157 7220as 9345as
1300-1357 6170as 9850as
2100-2157 7235as 9345as 9975as 11535as
2200-2257 7235as 9345as 9975as 11535as
0400-0457 7220as 9345as 9730as 11735ca 13760sa 15180sa
0500-0557 13650as 15100as
0600-0657 7220as 9345as 9730as
1000-1057 6170va 9335sa 9850as
1300-1357 7570eu 9335na 11710na 12015eu
1500-1557 7570eu 9335na 11710na 12015eu
1600-1657 9990va 11545va
1800-1857 7570eu 12015eu
1900-1957 7219af 9975va 11535va 11910af
2100-2157 7570eu 12015eu
0400-0457 13650as 15100as
0600-0657 11735ca 13760sa 15180sa
1100-1157 6170va 9335sa 9850as
1400-1457 7570eu 9335na 11710na 12915eu
1600-1657 7570eu 9335na 11710na 12015eu
1800-1857 7210af 9975va 11535va 11910af
2000-2057 7570eu 12015eu
1600-1657 6170eu 9325eu
1800-1857 6170eu 9325eu
1900-1957 6170eu 9325eu
0700-0757 3250as 7580as 9650as
0800-0857 3250as 7580as 9650as
0900-0957 3250as 7580as 9650as
1000-1057 3250as 6070as 7580as 9650as
1100-1157 3250as 6070as 7580as 9650as
1200-1257 3250as 6070as 7580as 9650as
2100-2157 3250as 7580as 9650as
2200-2257 3250as 7580as 9650as
2300-2357 3250as 7580as 9650as
0700-0757 9975eu 11735eu 13760eu 15245eu
0800-0857 9975eu 11735eu 13760eu 15245eu
1400-1457 6170eu 9325eu
1500-1557 6170eu 9325eu
1700-1757 6170eu 9325eu
0300-0357 11735ca 15180sa
0500-0557 11735ca 15180sa
1900-1957 7570eu 12015eu
2200-2257 7570eu 12015eu
PBS - Pyongyang Broadcasting Station (Pyongyang Pangsong)
0300-0357 7220as 9345as 9730as
0700-0757 7220as 9345as
0900-0957 9975eu 11735eu 13760eu 15245eu
1000-1057 7220as 9345as
1200-1257 7220as 9345as
1300-1357 6170eu 9325eu
KCBS - Korean Central Broadcasting Station (Choson Jungang)
0900-0957 7220as 9345as
1200-1257 6170va 9335sa 9850as
1400-1457 6170as 9850as
1700-1757 7570eu 9335na 11710na 12015eu
2000-2057 6170eu 7210af 9325eu 9975va 11910af 11535va
2300-2357 7235as 7570eu 9345as 9975as 11535as 12015eu
(Arnulf Piontek, Berlin, Germany/reformatted by Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager-Monitoring Times)
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Voice of Turkey winter schedule
Voice of Turkey
Effective: 28 October 2012 - 30 March 2013
All times UTC
Target Areas: as (Asia) eu (Europe) va (Various)
1000-1100 11955af
1500-1600 9665va 15200va
0800-0900 11835va
1630-1700 5965as
1700-1730 5965as
1200-1230 7245eu
1200-1300 11805as
1600-1700 11680va
1700-1730 11680
0400-0500 7240as 9655va
1330-1400 12035eu
1400-1430 12035eu
1730-1800 11730va
1800-1830 11730va
1930-2000 6050eu
2000-2030 6050eu
2130-2200 9610va
2200-2230 9610va
2300-0000 5960va
2030-2100 5970eu 6050va
2100-2130 5970eu 6050va
1100-1200 9840as
1230-1300 17755eu
1300-1330 17755eu
1830-1900 7205eu
1900-1930 7205eu
1500-1530 6185eu
1430-1500 9785va
0930-1000 11795va
1000-1100 11795va
1600-1700 9530va
1400-1500 9410va
0200-0300 9410va 9650va
1730-1800 9495va
1800-1830 9495va
1100-1130 15360va
0100-0200 6000as
0200-0300 6000as
0500-0600 9700va 9820as
0600-0700 9700va 9820as
0700-0800 11925va 15350va 15480as
0800-0900 11925va 15350va 15480as
0900-1000 11925va 15350va 15480as
1000-1100 15350va 15480as
1100-1200 15350va 15480as
1200-1300 15350va 15480as
1300-1400 15350va
1300-1330 11965va
1400-1500 11815va
1500-1600 11815va
1600-1700 11815va
1700-1800 5980eu 6120va
1800-1900 5980eu 6120va
1900-2000 5980eu 6120va
2000-2100 5980eu 6120va
2100-2200 5980eu 6120va
1300-1400 11985va
0300-0400 9460va
1330-1400 13685va
1400-1430 13685va
1130-1200 13625va
(TRT/BC-DX Top News 21 Oct/W. Bueschel)
Monday, October 29, 2012
KTWR Guam winter schedule
Guam, KTWR - B12
Effective: 28 October 2012 - 30 March 2013
All times UTC Target Areas: as(Asia) pa (Pacific)
1315-1345 smtwhf 15265as
0930-0945 Sun 15200as
0930-1000 Sat 15200as
1200-1245 mtwh 15390as
1200-1300 fas 15390as
1330-1400 mtwhf 11675as
0850-0900 mtwhf 15200as
0900-0930 mtwhf 15200as
1000-1018 mtwhf 11840pa
1000-1030 Sat 11840pa
1400-1425 mthf 15225as
1400-1435 swa 15225as
1330-1400 Sat/Sun 11675as
1000-1030 smtwhf 15200as
1000-1030 Sat 15200as
1230-1300 mtwhf 15240as
1245-1300 Sun 15240as
1345-1400 mtwhfa 11580as
1400-1430 Sun 11580as
1400-1445 Sat 11580as
1400-1500 mtwhf 11580as
0930-1000 mtwhf 15200as
0945-1000 mtwhfa 15235as
1000-1100 mtwhfa 15235as
1045-1100 mtwhfa 11580as
1100-1200 mtwhfa 11580as
1100-1145 13765as
1100-1200 9910as
1215-1245 mtwhf 9975as
1330-1400 mtwhf 9975as
1400-1430 mtwhf 9975as
1430-1500 9975as
1330-1345 Sun 15240as
1230-1245 Sat/Sun 15240as
Nosu Yi
1200-1215 11580as
1300-1315 15240as
1315-1330 Sun 15240as
Sgaw Karen
1300-1330 15390as
1030-1100 15200as
1245-1300 15550as
1300-1330 smtwhf 15550as
1300-1345 Sat 15550as
Trans World Radio-Guam
P.O. Box 8780
Agat, Guam 96928 USA
(Alokesh Gupta/India-reformatted by Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager-Monitoring Times)
Denge Kurdistan East winter schedule
Denge Kurdistan (Voice of Kurdistan) targeted to Iraq. Voice of Kurdistan broadcasts from studios located in Belgium (operational since 1 September 2012. This service either replaces Denge Mezopotmaya/Voice of Mezopotamya or has been renamed from it)
Transmitter Site: Simferopol, Ukraine - 300 kW.
(BDX Club/Middle East on SW Sept 2012)
Denge Kurdistan East
Effective: 28 October 2012 - 30 March 2013
All times UTC
0400-0500 11510
0500-0600 11510
0600-0700 11510
0700-0800 11510
0800-0900 11510
0900-1000 11510
1000-1100 11510
1100-1200 11510
1200-1300 11510
1300-1400 11510
1400-1500 11510
1500-1600 11510
1600-1700 11510
1700-1800 11510
1800-1900 11510
1900-2000 11510
(BRB/Alokesh Gupta-reformatted by Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager-Monitoring Times)
Denge Kurdistan (Voice of Kurdistan) targeted to Iraq. Voice of Kurdistan broadcasts from studios located in Belgium (operational since 1 September 2012. This service either replaces Denge Mezopotmaya/Voice of Mezopotamya or has been renamed from it)
Transmitter Site: Simferopol, Ukraine - 300 kW.
(BDX Club/Middle East on SW Sept 2012)
Denge Kurdistan East
Effective: 28 October 2012 - 30 March 2013
All times UTC
0400-0500 11510
0500-0600 11510
0600-0700 11510
0700-0800 11510
0800-0900 11510
0900-1000 11510
1000-1100 11510
1100-1200 11510
1200-1300 11510
1300-1400 11510
1400-1500 11510
1500-1600 11510
1600-1700 11510
1700-1800 11510
1800-1900 11510
1900-2000 11510
(BRB/Alokesh Gupta-reformatted by Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager-Monitoring Times)
Radio Veritas Asia Winter Schedule
Effective: 27 October 2012 - 30 March 2013
All times UTC
Radio Veritas Asia, is a Catholic station, on the air since April 11, 1969,
No English broadcast, and all daily programming are targeted to Asia
0030-0057 15265
1400-1427 11870
0130-0157 15255
1430-1500 11870
1500-1553 15320 (transmitter CVA - Vatican - Santa Maria di Galeria)
2300-2327 9720
0030-0057 15280
1330-1400 11870
1200-1227 11935
1230-1257 15225
2330-2357 9645
0000-0027 11935
1200-1230 15225
1000-1030 11850
1000-1100 11945
1100-1157 11945
2100-2200 6115
2200-2257 6115
1130-1157 15450
2330-2357 9720
0000-0027 11855 15460
1330-1400 9520
0030-0057 11935
1400-1427 9520
0100-0127 15530
1430-1500 11750
0100-0127 15280 17860
1430-1457 15330 (transmitter CVA - Vatican - Santa Maria di Galeria)
0130-0200 15530
0200-0230 15530
1030-1100 11850
1100-1127 11850
1300-1327 11850
2330-2357 9670
(RVA Technical Dept. via Ashik Eqbal Tokon, Rajshahi, Bangladesh/HCDX 12 Oct 2012)
Friday, October 26, 2012
New Zealand Winter Schedule
Radio New Zealand International
Effective: 28 October - 30 March 2012
All times UTC
All programming targetd to Pacific regions
English - AM
0000-0100 15720
0100-0200 15720
0200-0300 15720
0300-0400 15720
0400-0458 15720
0459-0500 11725
0500-0600 11725
0600-0700 11725
0700-0758 11725
0759-0800 9765
0800-0900 9765
0900-1000 9765
1000-1058 9765
1059-1100 17675
1100-1200 17675
1200-1258 17675
1300-1400 5950
1400-1500 5950
1500-1550 5950
1551-1600 9765
1600-1700 9765
1700-1750 9765
1751-1800 11725
1800-1900 11725
1900-1950 11725
1951-2000 17675
2000-2100 17675
2100-2150 17675
2151-2200 15720
2200-2300 15720
2300-0000 15720
English - DRM
0000-0100 17675
0100-0200 17675
0200-0300 17675
0300-0400 17675
0400-0458 17675
0459-0500 13730
0500-0600 13730
0600-0650 13730
0651-0700 11675
0700-0758 11675
0759-0800 9870
0800-0900 9870
0900-1000 9870
1000-1100 9870
1100-1158 9870
1200-1550 No DRM service
1551-1600 7440
1600-1650 7440
1651-1700 9890
1700-1750 9890
1751-1800 11675
1800-1850 11675
1851-1900 15720
1900-2000 15720
2000-2100 15720
2100-2150 15720
2151-2200 17675
2200-2300 17675
2300-0000 17675
(Adrian Sainsbury/R NZ Intl)
Deutsche Welle Winter Schedule
Effective: 28 October 2012 - 30 March 2013
All times UTC
Transmitters via Ascension Island, Rwanda, Singapore, South Africa, United Arab Emirates,
and United Kingdom
Language/Time/Frequency/Transmitter Site
Amharic to Ethiopia
1600-1657 9800 kHz KIGALI
1600-1657 12070 kHz KIGALI
1600-1657 15275 kHz KIGALI
Chinest to China
1300-1330 9610 kHz KRANJI
1300-1330 11600 kHz KRANJI
1300-1330 13700 kHz DHABAYYA
1330-1400 11600 kHz KRANJI
1330-1400 13700 kHz DHABAYYA
Dari to Asia
0830-0900 15640 kHz DHABAYYA
0830-0900 17710 kHz KIGALI
1330-1400 15640 kHz KRANJI
1330-1400 17860 kHz DHABAYYA
0400-0457 7285 kHz KIGALI Africa (west)
0400-0457 9420 kHz KIGALI Africa (east)
0400-0457 9470 kHz KIGALI Africa (west)
0400-0500 5905 kHz KIGALI Africa (east)
0500-0527 5905 kHz KIGALI Africa (east)
0500-0530 9420 kHz KIGALI Africa (ce, ea, so)
0500-0530 9800 kHz KIGALI Africa (ce, ea, so)
0500-0530 11800 kHz KIGALI Africa (west)
0530-0557 9420 kHz KIGALI Africa (ce, ea, so)
0530-0557 11800 kHz KIGALI Africa (west)
0600-0630 12045 kHz KIGALI Africa (west)
0600-0630 13780 kHz KIGALI Africa (west)
0600-0630 17800 kHz KIGALI Africa (west)
0630-0700 13780 kHz KIGALI Africa (west)
0630-0700 17800 kHz KIGALI Africa (west)
1900-1930 11800 kHz KIGALI Africa (south)
1900-1930 12070 kHz KIGALI Africa
1900-1930 15275 kHz KIGALI Africa
1930-1957 12070 kHz KIGALI Africa
1930-1957 15275 kHz KIGALI Africa
2000-2057 9655 kHz KIGALI Africa (central)
2000-2100 11800 kHz KIGALI Africa
2000-2100 12070 kHz KIGALI Africa (south)
2100-2200 9655 kHz KIGALI Africa
2100-2200 11800 kHz KIGALI Africa (ce, east)
2100-2200 12070 kHz KIGALI Africa
French to Africa
1200-1257 9800 kHz KIGALI
1200-1257 15275 kHz KIGALI
1200-1257 15440 kHz KIGALI
1200-1300 15700 kHz WOOFFERTON
1200-1300 17800 kHz WOOFFERTON
1200-1300 21780 kHz KIGALI
1700-1757 9795 kHz KIGALI
1700-1800 12070 kHz KIGALI
1700-1800 15275 kHz KIGALI
1700-1800 15700 kHz WOOFFERTON
Hausa to Africa
0630-0700 12045 kHz KIGALI
0630-0700 15275 kHz KIGALI
0630-0700 21780 kHz DHABAYYA
1300-1400 15275 kHz KIGALI
1300-1400 17800 kHz KIGALI
1300-1400 21780 kHz KIGALI
1800-1857 12070 kHz KIGALI
1800-1857 15275 kHz KIGALI
1800-1857 17800 kHz KIGALI
Pashto to Asia
0800-0830 15640 kHz DHABAYYA
0800-0830 17710 kHz KIGALI
1400-1430 15640 kHz KRANJI
1400-1430 17860 kHz DHABAYYA
Portuguese to Africa
0530-0557 9800 kHz KIGALI
0530-0600 12045 kHz KIGALI
0530-0600 17800 kHz DHABAYYA
1930-1957 11800 kHz KIGALI
1930-2000 11865 kHz KIGALI
1930-2000 12045 kHz MEYERTON
Swahili to Africa
0300-0357 5925 kHz KIGALI
0300-0357 7265 kHz KIGALI
0300-0400 5905 kHz KIGALI
0300-0400 12070 kHz ASCENSION
1000-1100 9800 kHz KIGALI
1000-1100 12070 kHz KIGALI
1000-1100 15275 kHz KIGALI
1000-1100 15700 kHz KIGALI
1500-1557 7300 kHz KIGALI
1500-1557 9800 kHz KIGALI
1500-1557 12055 kHz KIGALI
1500-1557 12070 kHz KIGALI
Urdu to Pakistan & India
1430-1457 15275 kHz KIGALI
1430-1500 15640 kHz KRANJI
1430-1500 17860 kHz DHABAYYA
(DWL, Oct 15)
Issued 15 October 2012
(WWDXC/Top News 1087 at
HCJB Global Australia Winter Schedule
Australia, HCJB Global Australia - B12
Effective: 28 October 3012 - 30 March 2013
Target Areas: as (Asia) pa (Pacific)
All times UTC
Bahasa Indonesian
0000-0030 mtwhfa 15400as
1145-1200 15340as
1200-1230 mtwhfa 15340as
2345-0000 15400as
0130-0145 m 15400as
1430-1445 m 15340as
0100-0115 Sun 15400as
1315-1330 m 15340as
0115-0130 Sun 15400as
0245-0300 Sat 15400as
1430-1445 ma 15340as
1300-1315 f 15340as
0730-0800 11750pa
0800-0830 11750pa
1445-1500 15340as
1500-1530 15340as
1030-1100 mtwhf 15400as
2300-2230 mtwhf 15525as
0230-0245 f 15400as
1430-1445 f 15340as
0130-0145 t 15400as
1345-1400 15340as
0215-0230 f 15400as
1315-1330 f 15340as
2230-2300 Sat/Sun 15525as
0200-0215 w 15400as
1430-1445 w 15340as
0145-0200 w 15400as
Malay Bahasa
0000-0030 m 15400as
1200-1230 Sun 15340as
0200-0215 h 15400as
1315-1330 h 15340as
1100-1130 15400as
2230-2300 mtwhf 15525as
1315-1330 w 15340as
0145-0200 t 15400as
1430-1445 t 15340as
1300-1315 mtwh 15340as
1300-1315 Sat 15340as
1300-1315 Sun 15340as
0030-0100 15400as
1230-1300 15340as
0115-0130 m 15400as
1315-1330 mt 15340as
0215-0230 h 15400as
1430-1445 h 15340as
0230-0245 Sat 15400as
1315-1330 Sat 15340as
1400-1430 15340as
(Derek Kickbush/HCJB Global Australia)
Adventist World Radio winter schedules
Adventist World Radio stations - B12 Winter Schedule
Effective: 28 October 2012 - 30 March 2013
Target Areas: af/Africa as/Asia eu/Europe va/Various Areas
All times UTC
Austria, AWR Europe (MOS - Moosbrunn, Austria)
1430-1500 17605af
1830-1900 11860af
1000-1100 Sun 11955as 15260as
2000-2030 9770af
2100-2130 9830af
0330-0400 6145as
0400-0430 6145as
1630-1700 11645as
1700-1730 11645as
0430-0500 6045af
1930-2000 11690af
2030-2100 9805af
1900-1930 11690af
1000-1100 mtwhfa 11955as 15260as
0230-0300 5970as
1500-1530 11955as
0200-0230 5970as
1400-1430 15440as
1600-1630 15250as
Germany, AWR Europe (NAU - Nauen, Germany)
0330-0400 9610af
0700-0800 11975af
1900-2000 9535af
0400-0430 5975eu
0800-0830 15145af
2000-2030 9805af
1000-1100 Sun 9610eu
0300-0330 9610af
1730-1800 11795af
0830-0900 15145af
0300-0330 7315af
Germany, AWR Europe (WER - Wertchtal, Germany)
1900-1930 11760af
1600-1630 6100eu
0800-0830 15125af
1730-1800 11860af
1630-1700 17575af
1930-2000 11760af
1900-1930 11860af
Guam, AWR Asia/Pacific (SDA - Agat, Guam)
Asho Chin
1400-1430 17590as
1330-1400 sw 15660as
1300-1330 15215as
0000-0030 17700as
1430-1500 15660as
2100-2200 Sun 9565as 9720as
1600-1630 15215as 15660as
1630-1700 15660as
2230-2300 15320as
2330-0000 tw 17700as
1530-1600 15605as
1330-1400 hf 15660as
1030-1100 sf 17540as
1100-1130 15495as
2200-2230 15320as
1130-1200 mwf 15495as
2200-2230 sth 15260as
1300-1330 17605as
1530-1600 11690as
0030-0100 17700as
1430-1500 17590as
1500-1530 15660as
1200-1300 9880as
2100-2200 9890as
1300-1330 17680as
1330-1400 Sun 17680as
1330-1400 ha 17605as
1330-1400 mta 15660as
1530-1600 15640as
0000-0100 12035as 17880as
0100-0200 12035as 17700as 17800as
1100-1200 11730as 11825as 12035as
1200-1230 11825as 11855as 15420as
1230-1300 11825as 11855as 15420as
1300-1400 11935as
1400-1500 11935as 15495as
2100-2200 mtwhfa 9565as 9720as
2200-2300 11685as 15370as
2300-0000 11700as 15370as
1530-1600 15330as
Min Nan Chinese
1200-1230 Sat/Sun 11825as 11855as 15420as
1500-1530 15605as
0300-0330 17635eu
1330-1400 9650eu
1630-1700 stha 15660as
1400-1430 15255as
1130-1200 stha 15495as
2200-2230 mwfa 15260as
1030-1100 wh 17540as
1030-1100 mta 17540as
1500-1530 11685as
1500-1530 15495as
1330-1400 mtwf 17605as
1600-1630 15605as
2300-0000 smhfa 17700as
2300-2330 tw 17700as
Madgascar, AWR Africa (MDC - Madagascar)
0230-0300 3215af
0300-0330 3215af
1430-1500 6155af
1500-1530 6155af
1300-1400 17670as
Taiwan, AWR Asia (TAI - Taipei, Taiwan)
0100-0200 Sat 15445as
South Africa, AWR Africa (MEY - Meyerton, South Africa)
0400-0500 15480va
0500-0600 15480va
1900-2000 15480va
2000-2100 15480va
1830-1900 11830af
2000-2030 11755af
1900-1930 15240af
1930-2000 11750af
1700-1730 11925af
1730-1800 11925af
2030-2100 11755af
Sri Lanka, AWR Asia (TRM - Trincomalee, Sri Lanka)
1230-1300 mtha 11670as
1530-1600 smtwa 15255as
1530-1600 15270as
1300-1330 mtwhfa 15480as
1330-1400 15480as
1400-1500 15480as
1230-1300 swf 11670as
1200-1230 11670as
1500-1530 15255as
1500-1530 15270as
1530-1600 hf 15255as
1300-1330 Sat/Sun 15480as
(Claudius Dedio/AWR)
Weekend European program schedules
HH Lokalradio
and Radio Gloria / Radio City / FRSH this
All times UTC
Saturday 27th October
05.00 to 17.00 -
HLR on 7265 KHz via MVBR
program will be repeated twice on Saturday October 27: at 08.00 - 09.00 on
9510 kHz and
at 18.00 - 19.00 UTC on
1368 kHz from Padova ,
and on 7290
Best regards
to 11.00 – Radio Gloria on
6005 KHz via Radio.700
to 11.00 -- Radio Gloria on 9480 KHz via MVBR
12.00 to 13.00 -- Radio Gloria on 7265 KHz via MVBR
Sunday October 28th
FRS-Holland will be on air
Between 08:52- 14:30 09:52-
15:30 CET.
Remember next Sunday winter time
comes into force!!
The broadcast is on 5800//7600 kHz.
Program line-up includes all FRS presenters (except Paul Graham) and consists of
FRS Magazine, the German Service, FRS Goes DX ,
Radio Waves and the FRS Golden Show.
Ingredients....great music, DX News,
Letters, the day calendar and a
number of radio related items.
Radio entertainment on a Sunday.
And...FRS has become 32 years.
FRS-Holland brings true free radio
into your receiver! Tune in....
Internet Stream
That same day between 14:52- 20:30
/15:52- 21.30 CET will see a full repeat on the Internet.
Check on your computer
Alternatively you can use :].
For mobile devices there is a 24 kbps
Good Listening
Tom Taylor
Last broadcast for Bonaire scheduled for Saturday
Radio Netherlands Worldwide and NHK Radio Japan leave Bonaire
Radio Netherlands World's last shortwave program via Bonaire was this morning from 0930 UTC on 6020 in Dutch. The station also closed the Spanish news program "La Matinal," which lasted for 23 years.
The Radio Netherlands shortwave broadcast in Spanish will be using World Harvest Radio (WHRI) transmitter in Cypress Creek, South Carolina.
The new program called "El Toque" ("The Touch") will be featured from October 29 on 9895 kHz, Monday to Friday from 0000-0030 UTC. Hopefully they were received by the listeners in Venezuela and the Caribbean, as emissions were practically inaudible in the morning, except Cuba, as indicated by a Venezuelan DXer.
The last broadcast for NHK/Radio Japan will be Saturday Ocobert 27, in Spanish, from 0400 to 0430 UTC, on 6195 and 6080 kHz from 0930 to 1000 UTC.
(various sources in FB and CE3BBC, Hugo López C., Santiago de Chile via Nigro, Uruguay, Oct 26)
Horacio Nigro/playdx)
Radio Netherlands World's last shortwave program via Bonaire was this morning from 0930 UTC on 6020 in Dutch. The station also closed the Spanish news program "La Matinal," which lasted for 23 years.
The Radio Netherlands shortwave broadcast in Spanish will be using World Harvest Radio (WHRI) transmitter in Cypress Creek, South Carolina.
The new program called "El Toque" ("The Touch") will be featured from October 29 on 9895 kHz, Monday to Friday from 0000-0030 UTC. Hopefully they were received by the listeners in Venezuela and the Caribbean, as emissions were practically inaudible in the morning, except Cuba, as indicated by a Venezuelan DXer.
The last broadcast for NHK/Radio Japan will be Saturday Ocobert 27, in Spanish, from 0400 to 0430 UTC, on 6195 and 6080 kHz from 0930 to 1000 UTC.
(various sources in FB and CE3BBC, Hugo López C., Santiago de Chile via Nigro, Uruguay, Oct 26)
Horacio Nigro/playdx)
Iran winter shortwave schedule
Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran - B12 Winter Schedule
Effective: 28 October 2012 - 30 March 2013
All times UTC
(tentative schedule)
0630-0727 13810kam 15500sir
1830-1927 6040sir 9605kam
2030-2127 6165sir 9605kam
0230-0527 7350kam 9740kam 9895zah "Al-Quds TV"
0530-0827 13690kam
0530-1027 17820sir
0530-1427 17650zah
0830-1027 15400sir
0830-1427 13750kam
1030-1127 11925ahw 13725kam
1030-1627 17550kam
1430-1727 9515kam
1630-0227 6060zah
1730-2027 7285kam
0300-0327 5915sir 7300sir
0930-0957 11820sir 15220sir
1630-1727 6090kam 7230sir
0330-0527 7335sir
1430-1657 12015zah
1430-1527 7320kam 9630kam 11805kam
1630-1700 7335kam 9785kam
0530-0627 15500kam 17560sir
[Se-Cr] 1730-1827 6080sir 9850kam
2130-2227 5950sir 9710kam
1200-1257 15150kam 15360sir 15525kam 17560sir
2330-0027 5915sir 6110sir 7325kam
0300-0627 9570kam 11860ahw
0830-1157 15170kam
0830-1427 15300ahw
1200-1457 12085kam
0330-0427 9710kam 11770sir "Voice of Justice"
1030-1127 21575kam 21610kam
1530-1627 13785sir 15525kam
1930-2027 6040kam 7345sir 13670sir 15450kam
0630-0727 17560kam 17865kam
1830-1927 6085kam 7380sir 13650kam
0730-0827 17690kam 21500sir
1730-1827 6205sir 7420kam
0600-0657 17810sir
1830-1927 9570kam 13730sir
0430-0457 9755kam 11870sir
1200-1227 13740sir 15515kam
0200-0257 9510sir 11820sir
1430-1527 11700kam 13750sir
0630-0727 15085kam 17600sir
1930-1957 6085kam 7385sir
1330-1427 9540kam 9785sir
2100-2157 6145sir 7395sir
0130-0227 6040sir 7205sir
1530-1627 7380kam 9850sir
0430-0527 7370kam 9610sir Sorrani dialect
1330-1627 5920kam Kirmanji dialect
1230-1327 15450kam 17715sir
2230-2327 9775kam 11800sir
0230-0327 5950sir 6095kam
{0730-0827 13720 15440 deleted in B-12, acc hfcc file}
1230-1327 7435sir 9725zah
1430-1527 5965-m Mashhad progr via Sirjan site.
1630-1727 6005sir 7345ahw
0300-0327 9510sir 11925kam
0500-0527 12025kam 13680sir 17680sir 21600sir
1430-1527 7285kam 9685kam 11860sir
1700-1757 3965kam 5920ahw
1800-1857 6140kam 7350sir
1930-2027 4005kam 7205sir
0030-0227 6010kam 7420kam
0230-0327 6010kam
0530-0627 15330sir 15550kam
2030-2127 6080kam 9630sir
0400-0457 13680sir 15260sir
0830-0927 21510kam 21640sir
1730-1827 9665kam 11830sir
0100-0227 5950sir 7435kam
1600-1727 5995sir 7435kam
0430-0557 6085kam 7270kam
1600-1727 6175kam 7315kam
0130-0227 3965zah 6100kam 6185ahw
1300-1427 9715sir 11685kam 11720kam
1530-1727 5940-m Mashhad program via Sirjan site.
0230-0257 6175kam 7300sir
1500-1557 5995kam 7395sir
Saut Falestin
"Voice of Islamic Palestinian Revolution"
0330-0427 7295kam 9500sir
IRIB German service site shows the summer schedule
IRIB Russian, I note the present B-12 winter time schedule
((IRIB via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 26)
(Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany/direct email 26 Oct 2012)
BBC announces drastic cuts
Short wave broadcasts of World Service Arabic will end by next April, while the Cyprus short wave relay station will close.World Service English short wave transmissions will be reduced to six hours a day, with 1.5m listeners likely to be lost as a result. Currently, there are between seven and 19 hours of short wave depending on region.
The distribution changes - which include cuts to medium wave transmissions - are designed to save £4.8m in 2013/14. It's a large chunk of the £12m savings the World Service is targetting in its third phase of cuts as a result of a 16% reduction to its grant-in-aid.
An estimated 3% of the Arabic audience is likely to be lost when the eight hours a day of Arabic short wave in the Middle East is halted. A short wave service will continue in troubled Sudan where there's a 'strong need' for humanitarian information and access to other platforms is limited.
Many Middle East viewers will be able to receive Arabic tv direct from satellite.
Medium wave
Another 1% of the audience will go when Middle East medium wave transmissions are reduced outside peak hours.
The Arabic medium wave service to Syria and Lebanon will be cut from 18 hours a day to eight, while the service to Egypt will drop to six hours from 17.5.
English medium wave to Israel, Lebanon and Jordan will also be slashed from 16-18 hours daily to four.
Cyprus station
The closure of the Cyprus short wave relay station will see the loss of 26 jobs.
These are Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Babcock employees who are funded by the World Service.
Peter Horrocks said that the changes reflected listening trends, as audiences increasingly embrace tv, mobiles and the internet over short wave radio.
'The changes are in line with our overall strategic aim of ensuring that we are able to respond to changing audience needs and invest in the way audiences consume news,' he said.
'Short wave audiences are declining as radio audiences come to rely increasingly on medium wave and FM, and there has been a rapid growth of television and digital media.'
The government's 2010 Comprehensive Spending Review set the World Service the target of saving £42m by April 2014. It has already achieved nearly £30m with the loss of five language services and around 480 jobs.
(DX Bulgaria)
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Monitoring Somaliland
All times UTC * sign-on / sign-off*
Log edited for clarity
7120 kHz, Radio Hargaysa, 1310-1400* and *1501, Oct 25. Am now able to definitely confirm they have an English program, probably started in English at 1320, but I was unable to confirm English until 1328 with female announcer. After 1330, male announcer remains in English, 1336 announcement for the end of the program. Filler pop music played (not as Horn of Africa style) until 1340. English segment with an interval signal type music that I have heard before on their English audio streaming at their website. At 1340 clearly switched over to what sounded like Somali language with local news (many mentions of “Somaliland”) and international news (several mentions of President “Obama”) to 1350, followed by Horn of Africa music. Station identification at 1359 for “Radio Hargaysa” (so no name change yet!). Signal began out poorly with intermittent interference from strong over-the-horizon radar and improved to almost fair by sign off. Another sign on noted at 1501 with Horn of Africa music. Signal weak. At 1504 a big boost to the audio output with reciting from the Qur’an (qira’ut). With better conditions it might be possible to actually hear some specific details of their English program.
Was interested to hear from Dave Valko from the east coast. He was also able to hear them today. His reception began at 1301, which tends to indicate they broadcast from 1300 to 1400 and again beginning at about 1500
(Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, USA, Alinco DX-R8T and Par Electronics EF-SWL antenna)
Monday, October 22, 2012
Ancient DX Report 1900
During the year 1900, which many people
would identify as the first year in the new century, multitudes of
wireless signals in Morse Code were noted in many countries on five wide spread
continents. Long distance coverage for
wireless transmissions began to increase quite rapidly; and in addition,
wireless equipment was installed into a large numbers of ships, mainly naval
vessels, though some cargo & passenger ships as well.
England for example, Marconi reported that his manufacturing company had
supplied transmitting & receiving equipment for 26 ships and six coastal
stations. In addition Captain Jackson of
the Royal Navy at Devonport on the south coast of England provided an
additional 19 sets for navy usage during this same time period.
In October, Marconi commenced work
on the construction of two major coastal wireless stations, a larger one at
Poldhu and a smaller one at the Lizard, both on the Cornwall coast. The large
Poldhu station was designed for international communication, and the smaller
Lizard station was designed as a fill in for Poldhu as needed, and also to
check on the actual performance of Poldhu.
Germany opened its first permanent
wireless station as a maritime coastal station on Borkum Island on February
19. Then, half-a year later, two more
wireless stations were opened in Germany for mutual communication, one at
Kugalbake at the mouth of the River Elbe, and the other 30 miles distant on the
island of Heligoland.
also opened its first maritime wireless stations during the year 1900, one at
Hogland Island and the other 25 miles distant at Kymi on the coast of
Finland. The Finnish station operated in
Morse Code on 1155 kHz.
in the Americas, there were three successful attempts at wireless communication
by voice. In the Spring of the year
1900, the Canadian born Reginald Fessenden established a wireless station for
the Weather Bureau on Cobb Island in the Potomac River some 50 miles south of
Washington DC. On December 23, he
successfully transmitted the human voice over a distance of one mile from one
end of the island to the other with the use of two wireless masts 50 feet
tall. Due to the fact that this
transmission was via spark wireless, the voice comprehension was almost
is also claimed that Archie Collins successfully transmitted the human voice
over a distance of one mile across the Delaware River in the United States
during the year 1900. For this event, he
used the spark transmitter that he had developed during the previous year.
in South America the Catholic priest Padre Landell de Moura made several
successful voice transmissions on the edge of Sao Paulo in Brazil. He conducted his experiments in the vicinity
of the hill Santana; and on June 3, he made a successful transmission to the
down town area, Avenida Paulista, a distance of 5 miles, and this was reported
in the city newspaper.
Moura had invented three different though related systems of transmission &
reception and an examination of his circuitry reveals that he was at that time
actually a little ahead of his fellow inventors in Europe and the United
Moura gave technical names to his inventions, which in English could be
described as follows:-
Anematophone A wireless telephone
Teletition A wireless
Wavemeter A wave transmitter
in Australia, successful wireless experiments were independently conducted in
three different states. Mr. Henry W.
Jenvey, Post Office Engineer for the state of Victoria, sent a telegram to a
fellow experimenter on November 17, in which he mentions the success of some of
his own wireless experiments.
in the year 1900, Mr. W. P Hallam of Hobart, the capital city of the island
state of Tasmania, conducted successful wireless transmissions between ship and
shore; and up in Queensland, the navy conducted successful transmissions
between the gunboat HMQS “Gayundah” and the shore based navy depot at Kangaroo
Point, in suburban Brisbane, the state capital.
in Europe, the Belgian passenger ship, “Princesse Clementine”, was fitted with
Marconi wireless equipment which was called into action for several wireless
experiments over progressively increasing distances, at 50 miles & 60 miles
and then 90 miles. The German luxury
liner, “Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse” was the first passenger ship in the world to
be fitted with wireless, on February 28, 1900, and their new equipment achieved
a distance of 60 miles.
Russian navy vessel “General-Admiral Apraksin” carried personnel for the
installation of the wireless station on the island of Hogland but it became
stranded in the frozen waters of the Gulf of Bothnia at the end of April. A rescue ship was summoned by wireless, the
icebreaker “Yermak”, which came and freed the ice bound “Apraksin”.
the east coast of Africa, wireless equipment was installed into 5 vessels of
the British navy. This equipment was a
blending of wireless equipment from English Marconi & German Siemens which
had been imported into South Africa during the Boer War. The 5 navy vessels established a new distance
record for wireless, covering a distance of 250 miles from Delgoa Bay in
Mozambique to Johannesburg in South Africa.
It should be mentioned though, that this accomplishment was made in a
cascade relay, from one ship to another.
month, you will hear another bulletin of Ancient DX News, and this time it will
cover the year 1901.
(AWR Wavescan/NWS 191 via Adrian Peterson)
Pitcairn on the Air !
Back three years ago, we presented a series
of topics here in Wavescan on the story of wireless and radio on lonely
Pitcairn Island, way out there in the wide areas of the South Pacific. That series of topics covered the entire
spectrum of wireless and radio events on the island, beginning with the first
attempt at the usage of wireless in 1921, and ending with the dismantling of
the government wireless station in 1994.
seven years later, that is during the year 2005, the government made an assessment
study of the needs on Pitcairn and they recommended that a radio station should
be installed on the island. And that is
exactly what has happened. In fact,
these days, the small population of residents on Pitcairn, numbering around fifty,
can tune in to three broadcasting stations, two radio & one TV.
one year after the government recommended that a radio station should be
installed on the island, the first new radio broadcasting station was
inaugurated. In August 2006, this new,
and we should say, very small radio broadcasting station was launched, with
just a ½ watt power output on 100.4 MHz FM.
for the new Pitcairn Radio consisted mainly of Country & Western,
recorded music, with Christian music during the hours of Saturday. The station was on the air full time, 24
hours a day.
However, on Pitcairn, they quickly
realized that many of their FM receivers automatically defaulted and retuned to
87.5 MHz when the power went off.
Consequently, the transmission frequency of their new radio station was
adjusted accordingly to 87.5 MHz, so that when power came on again, the radio
receivers would already be adjusted to that FM channel.
power of the transmitter has been increased to 2½ watts, and the station is now
on the air only when the island power generator is running, that is for about
10 hours daily. This neat little radio
station is operated by local resident, Paul Warren.
years after the first little FM station was inaugurated, two more broadcasting
stations were installed; one TV and another FM.
August 1 last year, Pitcairn TV took to the air, with 3½ watts on the UHF
channel 29. Programming for this
broadcast outlet is provided via satellite from the Hope TV building, which is
adjacent to the world headquarters of the Adventist church on the edge of
suburban Washington DC. The TV signal
from the Hope Channel is provided by the satellite NSS9, and the downlink relay
in English via Pitcairn TV is on the air daily from 8:30 am till 10:00 pm.
programming source, Hope TV from Silver Spring Maryland is on the air worldwide
with a dozen different program channels in many European & Asian languages.
the same time as the new TV station was inaugurated last year, an additional FM
station was launched also. This new
relay station carries the programming from Life Talk Radio in California and it
is down linked from the same satellite that delivers the TV programming. Life Talk Radio on Pitcairn is found at 107.0
MHz FM, and the transmitter power is just 1 watt.
Talk Radio, from its studios in Simi Valley California, is on the air via more
than 100 downlink relay stations throughout the United States and the
Caribbean, as well as in several countries of the Pacific & in
England. Life Talk programming is made
up of educational & health topics, as well as easy listening Christian
music and Gospel messages.
as far as QSLs from the new radio & TV stations on Pitcairn are concerned,
we would suggest that you would need to hear the stations first. Now, the only place you would be able to hear
the stations is either on the island itself, or else on a ship that is passing
nearby. If you have a few thousand
dollars of spare money, that would help to get you into the area!
it would be so nice if the programming from one or all of these 3 stations was
relayed on shortwave as a special event by one of the already established
amateur stations on the island. Way back
half a century ago, that really did happen when amateur station VR6AC ran a few
programs on shortwave. That took place
way back in 1966, but these days it would be necessary to obtain a special
license for a special event radio broadcasting station on Pitcairn.
(AWR Wavescan /NWS 191 via Adrian Peterson)
Propagation forecast bulletins
Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2012 Oct 22 0609 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 15 - 21 October 2012
Solar activity ranged from low to high levels. Activity was low during 15 - 19 October due to mostly low-level C-class flares. The largest flare of this interval was a C7 at 17/0802 UTC from Region
1596 (N07, L=150, class/area Eho/460 on 21 October) which displayed a beta-gamma magnetic configuration during most of its transit. Activity increased to high levels on 20 October due to an impulsive M9 x-ray flare at 20/1814 UTC from Region 1598 (S12, L=113, class/area Dhi/270 on 21 October) as it crossed the east limb. The M9 flare was associated with a Type II radio sweep (estimated shock speed 516 km/s) and a non-Earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME). Activity decreased to moderate levels on 21 October due to an M1/Sf flare at 21/2003 UTC from Region 1598, which was also associated with a non-Earth-directed CME.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at high levels during most of the period.
Geomagnetic field activity was at unsettled levels early on 15 October, then decreased to quiet levels for the rest of the period.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 22 October - 17 November 2012
Solar activity is expected to be at low to moderate levels during 22 October - 02 November with M-class flare activity likely from Region 1598. Activity is expected to decrease to low levels during 03 - 17 November. However, there will be a chance for M-class flare activity beginning 15 November as (old) Region 1598 returns to the visible disk.
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at mostly high levels during 22 - 24 October. A decrease to normal to moderate flux levels is expected during 25 October - 04 November. An increase to mostly high flux levels is expected during 05 - 17 November.
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at quiet to unsettled levels during 22 - 23 October with a slight chance for active levels due to a coronal hole high-speed stream (CH HSS). Quiet levels are
expected during 24 October - 07 November. An increase to unsettled levels is expected on 08 November due to a solar sector boundary passage followed by a co-rotating interaction region in advance of a CH HSS. A further increase to active to minor storm levels is expected on 09 November due to the onset of a CH HSS. Activity is expected to decrease to quiet to active levels on 10 November as CH HSS effects subside. A further decrease to quiet levels is expected during 11 - 17 November.
Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2012 Oct 22 0609 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC WEB contact
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2012-10-22
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2012 Oct 22 145 10 3
2012 Oct 23 140 10 3
2012 Oct 24 140 5 2
2012 Oct 25 135 5 2
2012 Oct 26 130 5 2
2012 Oct 27 130 5 2
2012 Oct 28 125 5 2
2012 Oct 29 120 5 2
2012 Oct 30 110 5 2
2012 Oct 31 110 5 2
2012 Nov 01 110 5 2
2012 Nov 02 100 5 2
2012 Nov 03 100 5 2
2012 Nov 04 105 5 2
2012 Nov 05 110 5 2
2012 Nov 06 115 5 2
2012 Nov 07 115 5 2
2012 Nov 08 120 10 3
2012 Nov 09 120 20 5
2012 Nov 10 120 15 4
2012 Nov 11 120 5 2
2012 Nov 12 125 5 2
2012 Nov 13 125 5 2
2012 Nov 14 130 5 2
2012 Nov 15 135 5 2
2012 Nov 16 135 5 2
2012 Nov 17 135 5 2
:Issued: 2012 Oct 22 0609 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 15 - 21 October 2012
Solar activity ranged from low to high levels. Activity was low during 15 - 19 October due to mostly low-level C-class flares. The largest flare of this interval was a C7 at 17/0802 UTC from Region
1596 (N07, L=150, class/area Eho/460 on 21 October) which displayed a beta-gamma magnetic configuration during most of its transit. Activity increased to high levels on 20 October due to an impulsive M9 x-ray flare at 20/1814 UTC from Region 1598 (S12, L=113, class/area Dhi/270 on 21 October) as it crossed the east limb. The M9 flare was associated with a Type II radio sweep (estimated shock speed 516 km/s) and a non-Earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME). Activity decreased to moderate levels on 21 October due to an M1/Sf flare at 21/2003 UTC from Region 1598, which was also associated with a non-Earth-directed CME.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at high levels during most of the period.
Geomagnetic field activity was at unsettled levels early on 15 October, then decreased to quiet levels for the rest of the period.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 22 October - 17 November 2012
Solar activity is expected to be at low to moderate levels during 22 October - 02 November with M-class flare activity likely from Region 1598. Activity is expected to decrease to low levels during 03 - 17 November. However, there will be a chance for M-class flare activity beginning 15 November as (old) Region 1598 returns to the visible disk.
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at mostly high levels during 22 - 24 October. A decrease to normal to moderate flux levels is expected during 25 October - 04 November. An increase to mostly high flux levels is expected during 05 - 17 November.
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at quiet to unsettled levels during 22 - 23 October with a slight chance for active levels due to a coronal hole high-speed stream (CH HSS). Quiet levels are
expected during 24 October - 07 November. An increase to unsettled levels is expected on 08 November due to a solar sector boundary passage followed by a co-rotating interaction region in advance of a CH HSS. A further increase to active to minor storm levels is expected on 09 November due to the onset of a CH HSS. Activity is expected to decrease to quiet to active levels on 10 November as CH HSS effects subside. A further decrease to quiet levels is expected during 11 - 17 November.
Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2012 Oct 22 0609 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC WEB contact
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2012-10-22
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2012 Oct 22 145 10 3
2012 Oct 23 140 10 3
2012 Oct 24 140 5 2
2012 Oct 25 135 5 2
2012 Oct 26 130 5 2
2012 Oct 27 130 5 2
2012 Oct 28 125 5 2
2012 Oct 29 120 5 2
2012 Oct 30 110 5 2
2012 Oct 31 110 5 2
2012 Nov 01 110 5 2
2012 Nov 02 100 5 2
2012 Nov 03 100 5 2
2012 Nov 04 105 5 2
2012 Nov 05 110 5 2
2012 Nov 06 115 5 2
2012 Nov 07 115 5 2
2012 Nov 08 120 10 3
2012 Nov 09 120 20 5
2012 Nov 10 120 15 4
2012 Nov 11 120 5 2
2012 Nov 12 125 5 2
2012 Nov 13 125 5 2
2012 Nov 14 130 5 2
2012 Nov 15 135 5 2
2012 Nov 16 135 5 2
2012 Nov 17 135 5 2
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