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Vintage QSL card from Voice of Russia |
broadcasting its programs in the shortwave (SW) band "due to the decrease in funding."
Voice of Russia Moscow, Aug_21 - Digit_ru. State radio "Voice of Russia" with the January 1, 2014 will stop broadcasting its programs in the shortwave (HF) range, according to a letter from the Deputy Chairman of the "Voice of Russia" Natalia Zhmay to the head of the company "Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network" (RTRS) Andrew Romanchenko.
In a letter to "Voice of Russia" on 15 August indicated that broadcasting in the HF band stops "due to the decrease in funding."
Read also: "State shortwave radio needs resuscitation".
At present, the "Voice of Russia" uses RTRS transmitters for broadcasting to foreign countries in the medium (DM) and short waves. After the cessation of work on short wave broadcasting "Voice Rosii" to foreign countries from the Russian territory will be carried out, according to a source Digit.ru in the industry, with only three low-power medium-wave transmitters located in Transnistria, in Sakhalin and Kaliningrad.
The bulk of broadcast will focus on the FM-band transmitters located in foreign countries. Thus, broadcasting "Voice of Russia" from the territory of Russia is almost completely stopped.
"Voice of Russia" also notified RTRS that it would continue to relay transmitters in the NE and SW bands transmission of foreign radio stations on the basis of contracts with them. Digit.ru source said that among them, such as the "Voice of America", "Vatican Radio" and others.
Previously, since the beginning of 2013 "Voice of Russia" has reduced the total amount of broadcasting short wave up to about 26 hours a day, compared to more than 50 hours in 2012. Thus payment services RTRS "Voice of Russia" in 2013 due to the reduction of broadcasting decreased to 220 million rubles, compared with 550 million rubles in 2012.
Voice of Russia Radio Stops Shortwave Service
The Russian government's international radio broadcasting service Golos Rossii (Voice of Russia) will stop its shortwave broadcasts from January 1 next year, the Digit.ru online journal reported Wednesday.
The shortwave service is closing "due to funding cuts," Voice of Russia deputy director Natalya Zhmai said in a letter dated August 15 to Andrei Romanchenko, head of the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network (RTRBN), the journal said.
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(RIA_Novosti.ru, via Alokesh Gupta-IND, bclnews.it Aug 21
also in German blog
http://www.dxaktuell.de/2013/08/aus-fuer-kurzwelle-stimme-russlands-konzentriert-sich-auf-lokale-partnersender/ (dxaktuell Aug 21)
(WWDXC/Top Nx 1129)