Monday, September 30, 2024

International Music Day is October 1


International Music Day is celebrated annually around the world on October 1.

The holiday was established in 1973 at the 15th General Assembly in Lausanne on the initiative of the International Music Council (IMC) at UNESCO. The initiator of the celebration was the famous American violinist and conductor Yehudi Menuzhin. The goals of International Music Day are to popularize musical art among social strata, to realize the ideals of peace and friendship between peoples, to develop cultures, to exchange experiences and to recognize each other's aesthetic values.

In Russia, International Music Day has been celebrated since 1996, when the 90th anniversary of the birth of composer Dmitry Shostakovich, one of the initiators of the holiday, was celebrated.

The collage shows an advertising poster from the 1890s.
Clement Ader's system for stereophonic transmission via telephone. It was first introduced in Paris in 1881. Commercial production of the Theatrephone continued until 1936, with the offer of transmitting church services and the latest news. Thus, the Theatrephone became the technical predecessor of radio broadcasts. Other entrepreneurs renamed the technical and market models of the Theatrephone. Thus, this system became known in Great Britain and 1895 under the name Electrophone, which was distributed mainly in the 1910s and was successful.
(Ruslan Slavutskiy, Moskovskaya oblast, Russia).
The collage can be seen here -

To celebrate this special day .... go to Alan Roe's Music of Shortwave!

An updated version (v4) of my "Music Programmes on Shortwave" PDF file for current A-24 broadcast season is now available to download from the permanent links below.

The programme schedules for Voice of America on their website programme are both incomplete and outdated. I have therefore now produced my own "at-a-glance" schedule of VOA English programmes on shortwave.

These are both available at the permanent link at:
or for short:

You will also find shortwave programme grids for BBC WS in English and CGTN Radio in English.
I hope that you find these of interest.
As always, I appreciate any updates or corrections.
(BDXC/Alan Roe, Teddington, UK)