Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Keep Longwave Update


Dear all,
Thank you for your support of the Campaign to Keep Longwave and for signing up on the website to stay in touch with the campaign. This email is intended as an update of where we are at present. We are still primarily continuing with our 'Plan A', with 3801 signatures so far on the petition for the BBC to keep Radio 4 Longwave.

Meanwhile, Plan B - to keep longwave broadcasts even without the BBC - continues to develop as a backup option in the event that the BBC decides to pull the plug. There are some in the local council that would like to see the Droitwich masts listed, which would save them from demolition. This month, we expect the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) to discuss proposals for them to support longwave broadcasts with their expertise and help. We are also trying to contact Arqiva to get them on-board for a plan that could see amateur broadcasts made using Droitwich, but responses from them are not yet forthcoming. I'll try to keep you updated on this. Please let me know if you have any advice or contacts that might help with this.

This Friday 6th September is the 90th Anniversary of the Droitwich transmitter, so look out for a new article celebrating the anniversary on the website in the coming days. It's also a good opportunity to spread the word about the campaign. And do of course tune into Droitwich if you can! The BBC has made this very small acknowledgment of the occasion on its website:
Many thanks again for you support - and happy listening!
Dr Tobias Thornes
Campaign to Keep Longwave
(Mike Terry, UK/BDXC)