Moosbrunn Austria |
AUSTRIA On Sunday, December 29, 2024, RADIO DARC will have the honor of finally burying the station with a 2-hour farewell broadcast. It could be the last Radio DARC broadcast from the facility.
The plan is to blow it up as soon as it is shut down, as the ORF management has made clear.
Radio DARC is asking whether you are interested in contributing content to the farewell broadcast. A comment, a statement or an audio contribution...
The Moosbrunn farewell from SMR Dessau is planned for New Year's Eve from 12-13 UTC on 6070 KHz. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to find out whether there will be another broadcast from there after that.
(RTI Hoererklubecke November 2024 by Bernd Seiser-D, TopNews Nov 3/WWDXC Top Nx0Bc-DX 1597/12 Nov 2024)
(photo wikimedia)