Gayle VH
All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*
Andaman & Nicobar Island
4760, All India Radio, Port Blair, 1449-1501, Sept 27. English, coverage (live?) of the speech made by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at the UN General Assembly today, covering a wide range of topics, "The United Nations is a living symbol of pluralism", weak. Parallel with 4880 (AIR Lucknow), 5010 (AIR Thiruv., best in LSB to get away from Madagascar also on same frequency), 9425 (AIR Bengaluru/Bangalore, signed-off at end of speech - 1501*, while the others continued) (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)
3303 (USB), Zhoushan Maritime Meteorological Radio,*1401-1411*, Sept 30. On with easy-listening Kenny G instrumental music ("Foreverin Love"), woman in Chinese with assume the maritime weather conditions. Signal poor to fair. Sept 29 noted 1412 sign-off. Believe this might be a new time for them. Dan Sheedy had been monitoring them in early Sept. around the 1100-1112 time period. Website: (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)
Equatorial Guinea
15190, Radio Africa, 2200-2209, Sept 29. Usually the pastor Tony Alamo program starts exactly at 2200, but today it was already in progress, usual religious programming, read letter from a convict who wanted more bibles to hand out, reception not as good asthe last few days, moderate QRM today (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)
4970, AIR Shillong, 1430-1456, Sept 30, in English. "This is the North Eastern Service of All India Radio broadcasting from Shillong on 60.36 meters on shortwave, corresponding to 4,970 kHz.", "Good evening. Hello listeners in the North East", gives phone number to call inbubbly woman DJ, on-air phone calls for music dedications, played songs by John Denver, Celine Dion, etc. Very enjoyable program! (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)
4925 RRI-Jambi, 1326-1341, in Bahasa Indonesian. Islamic singing/chanting, weak. Usually I only hear a carrier here below threshold level, so is rare for me to actually catch any audio, but with the improving reception conditions we should be seeing more reports of this.
3976.04 RRI-Pontianak, 1340-1355, Sept 30. Good reception, // 3325 (weak), after 1355 not // (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)
5985.0, Myanma Radio., 1529-1600*, Sept 27. English, before 1530 indigenous music and singing, sounded like: "This is… [she gives her name]. This is Myanma Radio. You are tuned to our English transmission. 5985 kHz., 50.13 meters, 576 kHz., 520 meters, 5.. kHz., 585 meters. First of all you can hear the news", activities of a Lieutenant General from the Ministry of Defense, etc., "This news comes to you from Myanma Radio. Now I will present you with the weather news", followed by slogans, news of other Asian countries (about beaches in Brunei), EZL songs ("Rose Marie", etc.), Anthem at sign-off, by far the best reception to date (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)
Andaman & Nicobar Island
4760, All India Radio, Port Blair, 1449-1501, Sept 27. English, coverage (live?) of the speech made by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at the UN General Assembly today, covering a wide range of topics, "The United Nations is a living symbol of pluralism", weak. Parallel with 4880 (AIR Lucknow), 5010 (AIR Thiruv., best in LSB to get away from Madagascar also on same frequency), 9425 (AIR Bengaluru/Bangalore, signed-off at end of speech - 1501*, while the others continued) (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)
3303 (USB), Zhoushan Maritime Meteorological Radio,*1401-1411*, Sept 30. On with easy-listening Kenny G instrumental music ("Foreverin Love"), woman in Chinese with assume the maritime weather conditions. Signal poor to fair. Sept 29 noted 1412 sign-off. Believe this might be a new time for them. Dan Sheedy had been monitoring them in early Sept. around the 1100-1112 time period. Website: (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)
Equatorial Guinea
15190, Radio Africa, 2200-2209, Sept 29. Usually the pastor Tony Alamo program starts exactly at 2200, but today it was already in progress, usual religious programming, read letter from a convict who wanted more bibles to hand out, reception not as good asthe last few days, moderate QRM today (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)
4970, AIR Shillong, 1430-1456, Sept 30, in English. "This is the North Eastern Service of All India Radio broadcasting from Shillong on 60.36 meters on shortwave, corresponding to 4,970 kHz.", "Good evening. Hello listeners in the North East", gives phone number to call inbubbly woman DJ, on-air phone calls for music dedications, played songs by John Denver, Celine Dion, etc. Very enjoyable program! (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)
4925 RRI-Jambi, 1326-1341, in Bahasa Indonesian. Islamic singing/chanting, weak. Usually I only hear a carrier here below threshold level, so is rare for me to actually catch any audio, but with the improving reception conditions we should be seeing more reports of this.
3976.04 RRI-Pontianak, 1340-1355, Sept 30. Good reception, // 3325 (weak), after 1355 not // (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)
5985.0, Myanma Radio., 1529-1600*, Sept 27. English, before 1530 indigenous music and singing, sounded like: "This is… [she gives her name]. This is Myanma Radio. You are tuned to our English transmission. 5985 kHz., 50.13 meters, 576 kHz., 520 meters, 5.. kHz., 585 meters. First of all you can hear the news", activities of a Lieutenant General from the Ministry of Defense, etc., "This news comes to you from Myanma Radio. Now I will present you with the weather news", followed by slogans, news of other Asian countries (about beaches in Brunei), EZL songs ("Rose Marie", etc.), Anthem at sign-off, by far the best reception to date (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)