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Thursday, October 31, 2013
Voice of Turkey Winter Schedule
Voice of Turkey
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
All times UTC
kHz UTC tx kW deg language target
6000 0100-0300 EMR 500 72 TURKISH AS
9410 0200-0300 EMR 500 252 SPANISH AMs/SoEUR
9650 0200-0300 EMR 500 290 SPANISH NoWeAF/AMs/SoEUR
9460 0300-0400 EMR 500 72 UYGHUR AS
7240 0400-0500 EMR 500 138 ENGLISH AS
9655 0400-0500 EMR 500 335 ENGLISH AMs/EUR
9700 0500-0700 EMR 500 310 TURKISH EUR/AM
9820 0500-0700 EMR 250 138 TURKISH AS
11925 0700-1000 EMR 500 97 TURKISH AS
15480 0700-1300 EMR 500 120 TURKISH AF/AS
15350 0700-1400 EMR 500 310 TURKISH EUR/AM
11835 0800-0900 EMR 250 72 AZERBAIJAN AS
11795 0930-1100 EMR 500 105 PERSIAN AS
11955 1000-1100 EMR 500 210 ARABIC AF/AS
15360 1100-1130 EMR 500 32 TATAR AS
9840 1100-1200 EMR 250 72 GEORGIAN AS
13625 1130-1200 EMR 500 72 UZBEK AS
7245 1200-1230 EMR 250 290 BULGARIAN EUR
11805 1200-1300 EMR 500 72 CHINESE AS
17755 1230-1330 EMR 500 310 GERMAN EUR
11965 1300-1330 EMR 250 72 TURKMEN AS
11985 1300-1400 EMR 500 92 URDU AS
12035 1330-1430 EMR 500 310 ENGLISH EUR/AM
13685 1330-1430 EMR 500 72 UYGHUR AS
9410 1400-1500 EMR 250 20 RUSSIAN AS/EUR
11815 1400-1700 EMR 250 300 TURKISH EUR/AM
9785 1430-1500 EMR 500 62 KAZAKH AS
6185 1500-1530 EMR 500 290 ITALIAN EUR
9665 1500-1600 EMR 250 150 ARABIC AF/AS
15200 1500-1600 EMR 500 252 ARABIC AF/SoEUR
9530 1600-1700 EMR 500 105 PERSIAN AS
11680 1600-1730 EMR 250 92 DARI-PASHTO AS
5965 1630-1730 EMR 500 90 AZERBAIJAN AS
5980 1700-2200 EMR 250 310 TURKISH EUR
6120 1700-2200 EMR 500 150 TURKISH AF/AS
11730 1730-1830 EMR 500 105 ENGLISH AS/AUS/NZL
9495 1730-1830 EMR 250 270 SPANISH AF/EUR
9620 1830-1930 EMR 500 180 FRENCH AF
7205 1830-1930 EMR 250 310 GERMAN EUR
6050 1930-2030 EMR 250 290 ENGLISH AMs/EUR
5970 2030-2130 EMR 500 290 FRENCH EUR
6050 2030-2130 EMR 500 247 FRENCH NoAF/CeAF/WeAF
9610 2130-2230 EMR 500 105 ENGLISH AS/AUS/NZL
5960 2300-2400 EMR 500 310 ENGLISH EUR
(HFCC transformed to time sorted form file by wb.
wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 23)
(WWDXC/Top Nx 1135)
Voice of Russia - English Winter Schedule
Russia, Voice of Russia - English B13 Winter Schedule
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
Broadcast daily unless otherwise indicated
All times UTC
18.00-19.00 - 11985
01.00-02.00 - 801
07.00-08.00 - 21840, 21820, 21800, 12015
08.00-09.00 - 21840, 21820, 21800, 15745, 12015
09.00-10.00 - 21820, 21800, 15745, 6075, 648
10.00-11.00 - 15745, 12035*, 6075
11.00-12.00 - 12035*, 9560, 6075
12.00-13.00 - 12075, 9560, 5885
13.00-14.00 - 12075, 9560
14.00-15.00 - 12075, 9560, 6115, 4960, 648
15.00-16.00 - 5900, 4960
16.00-17.00 - 6180, 5955, 5900, 5885, 4960, 801
17.00-18.00 - 6180, 5955, 5900, 4960, 801
Australia and New Zealand
06.00-10.00 - 21820, 21800
Middle East
01.00-02.00 - 927, 801, 648
02.00-03.00 - 972, 927, 648
03.00-04.00 - 1314, 972, 927, 648
04.00-05.00 - 1314
12.00-13.00 - 972
13.00-14.00 - 927
14.00-15.00 - 6235, 4960, 648
15.00-16.00 - 11985, 4960, 927
16.00-17.00 - 4960, 801
17.00-18.00 - 4960, 801, 648
18.00-19.00 - 11985, 4960, 927, 801, 648
06.00-08.00 - 11635*
08.00-10.00 - 11635*, 9625*
10.00-14.00 - 9625*
Latin America
22.00-00.00 - 9395
This schedule is subject to change without prior notice
Read more http//voiceofrussia.com/radio_broadcast/frequencies/
(WWDXC/Top Nx 1135)
Voice of Russia's Russian Winter Schedule
Voice of Russia - B13 Winter Schedule
27 October 2013 - 31 December 2013
All times UTC
for the Middle East
0000-0300, 1400-2300 - 1503 kHz (Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 500 kW)
0100-0500, 1400-0000 - 1395 kHz (Gavar, Armenia 500 kW)
1600-1900 - 6110 kHz (Oyash, Novosibirsk region, 250 kW)
1600-2200 - 1170 kHz (Tbilisi, Krasnodar region, 1200 kW)
for Belarus
1600-1900, 2100-2300 - 999 kHz (Grigoriopol, Moldova, 500 kW)
the Caucasus region
0100-0000 - 1395 kHz (Gavar, Armenia 500 kW)
0400-0500, 1300-2000 - 171 kHz (Tbilisi, Krasnodar region, 1200 kW)
0600-1200, 1300-0500 - 657 kHz (Grozny, Chechnya, 50 kW)
for the CIS countries in Central Asia
0000-2300 - 1503 kHz (Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 500 kW)
0200-0400 - 9790 kHz (Moscow, 250 kW)
1200-1600 - 12055 kHz (Moscow, 250 kW)
1300-1900 - 1026 kHz (Oyash, Novosibirsk region, 500 kW)
1600-1900 - 6110 kHz (Oyash, Novosibirsk region, 250 kW)
1700-1900 - 9790 kHz (Moscow, 250 kW)
for the Baltic States
1600-1700, 1800-2100 - 1143 kHz (Bolshakovo, Kaliningrad region, 150 kW)
1800-2200 - 1215 kHz (Bolshakovo, Kaliningrad region, 1200 kW)
for Europe
0400-0600 - 1548 kHz (Grigoriopol, Moldova, 500 kW)
0600-0900, 1900-2100 - 693 kHz (Oranienburg, Germany, 125 kW)
0800-0900, 1200-1400 - 9625 kHz DRM MDI second channel
(Bolshakovo, Kaliningrad region, 15 kW)
1600-1700, 1800-2100 - 1143 kHz (Bolshakovo, Kaliningrad region, 150 kW)
1600-1900, 2100-2300 - 999 kHz (Grigoriopol, Moldova, 500 kW)
1800-2000 - 1413 kHz (Grigoriopol, Moldova, 500 kW)
for Ukraine and Moldova
0400-0800 - 1548 kHz (Grigoriopol, Moldova , 500 kW)
0500-1900, 2100-2300 - 999 kHz (Grigoriopol, Moldova, 500 kW)
1800-2000 - 1413 kHz (Grigoriopol, Moldova, 500 kW)
Source "Radiopanorama" ("The World Radio Network") for 26 Oct 2013.
Location of transmitters and power added by me.
(Alexander Dyadischev-UKR, "deneb-radio-dx" & "open_dx, RUSdx Oct 27)
(WWDXC/Top Nx 1135)
Voice of Russia - B13 Winter Schedule
27 October 2013 - 31 December 2013
All times UTC
for the Middle East
0000-0300, 1400-2300 - 1503 kHz (Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 500 kW)
0100-0500, 1400-0000 - 1395 kHz (Gavar, Armenia 500 kW)
1600-1900 - 6110 kHz (Oyash, Novosibirsk region, 250 kW)
1600-2200 - 1170 kHz (Tbilisi, Krasnodar region, 1200 kW)
for Belarus
1600-1900, 2100-2300 - 999 kHz (Grigoriopol, Moldova, 500 kW)
the Caucasus region
0100-0000 - 1395 kHz (Gavar, Armenia 500 kW)
0400-0500, 1300-2000 - 171 kHz (Tbilisi, Krasnodar region, 1200 kW)
0600-1200, 1300-0500 - 657 kHz (Grozny, Chechnya, 50 kW)
for the CIS countries in Central Asia
0000-2300 - 1503 kHz (Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 500 kW)
0200-0400 - 9790 kHz (Moscow, 250 kW)
1200-1600 - 12055 kHz (Moscow, 250 kW)
1300-1900 - 1026 kHz (Oyash, Novosibirsk region, 500 kW)
1600-1900 - 6110 kHz (Oyash, Novosibirsk region, 250 kW)
1700-1900 - 9790 kHz (Moscow, 250 kW)
for the Baltic States
1600-1700, 1800-2100 - 1143 kHz (Bolshakovo, Kaliningrad region, 150 kW)
1800-2200 - 1215 kHz (Bolshakovo, Kaliningrad region, 1200 kW)
for Europe
0400-0600 - 1548 kHz (Grigoriopol, Moldova, 500 kW)
0600-0900, 1900-2100 - 693 kHz (Oranienburg, Germany, 125 kW)
0800-0900, 1200-1400 - 9625 kHz DRM MDI second channel
(Bolshakovo, Kaliningrad region, 15 kW)
1600-1700, 1800-2100 - 1143 kHz (Bolshakovo, Kaliningrad region, 150 kW)
1600-1900, 2100-2300 - 999 kHz (Grigoriopol, Moldova, 500 kW)
1800-2000 - 1413 kHz (Grigoriopol, Moldova, 500 kW)
for Ukraine and Moldova
0400-0800 - 1548 kHz (Grigoriopol, Moldova , 500 kW)
0500-1900, 2100-2300 - 999 kHz (Grigoriopol, Moldova, 500 kW)
1800-2000 - 1413 kHz (Grigoriopol, Moldova, 500 kW)
Source "Radiopanorama" ("The World Radio Network") for 26 Oct 2013.
Location of transmitters and power added by me.
(Alexander Dyadischev-UKR, "deneb-radio-dx" & "open_dx, RUSdx Oct 27)
(WWDXC/Top Nx 1135)
QSL Report - Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea - QSL from Radio Sandaun
Radio Sandaun (Radio West Sepik, Vanimo, Papua New Guinea on 3205 kHz)verified my reception report ($2 enclosed) dated April 19, 2011 after 2.5 years by kind letter. Verification signer was Mr. Richard Ali, Director Provincial Radio.
According to the letter, the station broadcasts on 3205 kHz (10 kW) at 1700-2400 local time (0700-1400 UT) in Tok Pisin and English to 180,000 population in West Sepik.
He also informed me of the names of radio presenters of the program I received, and all 12 radio staffs at present.
Address: P.O.Box 37, Vanimo 551, Papua New Guinea.
Telephone: +675 857 1149/1144/1112
FAX: +675 857 1305
E-mail: alirichard18 @ yahoo.com
(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 29)
(WWDXC/Top Nx 1135)
(graphic: GVH)
Austrian winter broadcast list
Schedule portions via Austria for AWR, BBC, Bible Voice Broadcasting, ORS/ORF, The Overcomer Ministries, TWR, and Voice of Vietnam
OE1 International / ORF Vienna, as well as ORS Moosbrunn
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
All times UTC
kHz UTC zones kW deg SMTWTFS lang bc prov.
5910 0644-0659 28 100 030 .23456. Polish TWR TWR
5940 0100-0130 40E,41NW300 095 1234567 Pashtu BBC BAB
5940 0130-0200 40E,41NW300 095 1234567 Dari BBC BAB
5955 1800-1830 27N 100 300 1234567 English VOV BAB
5955 1830-1930 27 100 300 1234567 Vietn. VOV BAB
5955 1930-2000 27SE 100 300 1234567 French VOV BAB
5970 0200-0230 40E,41NW300 090 1234567 Urdu AWR AWR
5970 0230-0300 40E,41NW300 090 1234567 Panjabi AWR AWR
6045 0430-0500 37,38W 300 220 1234567 French AWR AWR
6145 0330-0430 40 300 100 1234567 Farsi AWR AWR
6155 0600-0715 18,27-39300 n-dir1234567 German ORF ORS
7300 0644-0659 28 100 300 .23456. Polish TWR TWR
7325 0300-0315 39S 250 120 1234567 Arabic MBR MBR BVB R Dardasha
7355 0700-0900 27/2837N100 300 1234567 English BBC BAB DRM Mix
7400 0800-0850 27 100 300 1234567 English TWR TWR
9460 1400-1600 18,27,28100 285 1.....7 English TOM MBR
9470 1900-1915 39,40 300 n-dir......7 English MBR MBR BVB
9470 1915-1930 39,40 300 n-dir1...... English MBR MBR BVB
9630 0500-0530 46SE,47W300 190 1234567 Hausa AWR AWR
9690 1900-1930 46SE,47W300 190 1234567 Hausa AWR AWR
9715 1800-1815 39 100 115 .....6. Mul MBR MBR BVB ?En/He/Ar?
9715 1800-1830 39 100 115 ....5.. Mul MBR MBR BVB ?En/He/Ar?
9715 1800-2000 39 100 115 1.....7 Mul MBR MBR BVB ?En/He/Ar?
9770 2000-2030 46 300 210 1234567 Dyula AWR AWR
9830 1630-1730 40 300 100 1234567 Farsi AWR AWR
9830 2030-2100 46 300 210 1234567 French AWR AWR
9830 2100-2130 46 300 210 1234567 English AWR AWR
9850 1500-1530 28-30 100 055 1234567 BEL/RUS TWR TWR
11690 1700-1800 37,38,46300 175 1234567 English TOM MBR
11860 1830-1900 38 300 190 1234567 Arabis AWR AWR
11910 1600-1630 40E,41NW300 090 1234567 Urdu AWR AWR
11955 1500-1530 2939-40 300 120 1234567 Turkish AWR AWR
13740 1530-1559 40,41 100 095 .....6. Mul MBR MBR BVB ?Punj/Urdu?
15215 1630-1645 41S 125 095 .....6. Mul MBR MBR BVB ?En
15215 1630-1645 41S 125 115 1...... Mul MBR MBR BVB Tamil
15240 1930-2000 4748-53 300 170 1234567 French AWR AWR
15290 1530-1600 40E,41NW300 090 1234567 Panjabi AWR AWR
15440 1400-1430 40E,41NW300 090 1234567 Urdu AWR AWR
17605 1430-1500 48 300 145 1234567 Afar AWR AWR
(HFCC registration, transformed by wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 23)
(WWDXC/Top Nx 1135)
(Reformatted by Gayle Van Horn/ISWBG)
Schedule portions via Austria for AWR, BBC, Bible Voice Broadcasting, ORS/ORF, The Overcomer Ministries, TWR, and Voice of Vietnam
OE1 International / ORF Vienna, as well as ORS Moosbrunn
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
All times UTC
kHz UTC zones kW deg SMTWTFS lang bc prov.
5910 0644-0659 28 100 030 .23456. Polish TWR TWR
5940 0100-0130 40E,41NW300 095 1234567 Pashtu BBC BAB
5940 0130-0200 40E,41NW300 095 1234567 Dari BBC BAB
5955 1800-1830 27N 100 300 1234567 English VOV BAB
5955 1830-1930 27 100 300 1234567 Vietn. VOV BAB
5955 1930-2000 27SE 100 300 1234567 French VOV BAB
5970 0200-0230 40E,41NW300 090 1234567 Urdu AWR AWR
5970 0230-0300 40E,41NW300 090 1234567 Panjabi AWR AWR
6045 0430-0500 37,38W 300 220 1234567 French AWR AWR
6145 0330-0430 40 300 100 1234567 Farsi AWR AWR
6155 0600-0715 18,27-39300 n-dir1234567 German ORF ORS
7300 0644-0659 28 100 300 .23456. Polish TWR TWR
7325 0300-0315 39S 250 120 1234567 Arabic MBR MBR BVB R Dardasha
7355 0700-0900 27/2837N100 300 1234567 English BBC BAB DRM Mix
7400 0800-0850 27 100 300 1234567 English TWR TWR
9460 1400-1600 18,27,28100 285 1.....7 English TOM MBR
9470 1900-1915 39,40 300 n-dir......7 English MBR MBR BVB
9470 1915-1930 39,40 300 n-dir1...... English MBR MBR BVB
9630 0500-0530 46SE,47W300 190 1234567 Hausa AWR AWR
9690 1900-1930 46SE,47W300 190 1234567 Hausa AWR AWR
9715 1800-1815 39 100 115 .....6. Mul MBR MBR BVB ?En/He/Ar?
9715 1800-1830 39 100 115 ....5.. Mul MBR MBR BVB ?En/He/Ar?
9715 1800-2000 39 100 115 1.....7 Mul MBR MBR BVB ?En/He/Ar?
9770 2000-2030 46 300 210 1234567 Dyula AWR AWR
9830 1630-1730 40 300 100 1234567 Farsi AWR AWR
9830 2030-2100 46 300 210 1234567 French AWR AWR
9830 2100-2130 46 300 210 1234567 English AWR AWR
9850 1500-1530 28-30 100 055 1234567 BEL/RUS TWR TWR
11690 1700-1800 37,38,46300 175 1234567 English TOM MBR
11860 1830-1900 38 300 190 1234567 Arabis AWR AWR
11910 1600-1630 40E,41NW300 090 1234567 Urdu AWR AWR
11955 1500-1530 2939-40 300 120 1234567 Turkish AWR AWR
13740 1530-1559 40,41 100 095 .....6. Mul MBR MBR BVB ?Punj/Urdu?
15215 1630-1645 41S 125 095 .....6. Mul MBR MBR BVB ?En
15215 1630-1645 41S 125 115 1...... Mul MBR MBR BVB Tamil
15240 1930-2000 4748-53 300 170 1234567 French AWR AWR
15290 1530-1600 40E,41NW300 090 1234567 Panjabi AWR AWR
15440 1400-1430 40E,41NW300 090 1234567 Urdu AWR AWR
17605 1430-1500 48 300 145 1234567 Afar AWR AWR
(HFCC registration, transformed by wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 23)
(WWDXC/Top Nx 1135)
(Reformatted by Gayle Van Horn/ISWBG)
FEBA Radio - Winter Schedule
FEBA Radio
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
Schedule for transmitters located in Armenia, Ascension Island, Rwanda, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, and United Kingdom
Day 1 = Sunday (ITU Convention)
All times UTC
Time Days Languages kHz Site
Targeted to: North India, Nepal, Tibet
0000-0030 smtwtfs Bangla (rural) 9390 TAC
1200-1230 smtwtfs Tibetan 15215 DHA
1430-1445 smtwtfs Urdu 9500 TAC
1445-1500 ...wtfs Kashmiri 9500 TAC
1445-1500 smt.... Mixed Languages 9500 TAC
1445-1500 smtwtfs Hindi 9500 TAC
1500-1530 smtwtfs Bangla (rural) 9390 TAC
Targeted to: Afghanistan and Pakistan
0200-0230 s...... Urdu 9750 DHA
0200-0215 .mtwtfs Urdu 9750 DHA
0215-0230 .mtwtfs Mixed Languages 9750 DHA
0230-0300 smtwtfs Dari 9790 DHA
0300-0315 smtwtfs Mixed Languages 9790 DHA
1400-1430 smtwtfs Urdu 11880 DHA
1430-1445 smtwtfs Mixed Languages 11880 DHA
1500-1530 smtwtfs Dari 11755 ERV
1530-1600 smtwtfs Pashto 11755 ERV
Targeted to: Middle East
0800-0830 smtwtfs Arabic 15260 WOF (IBRA)
1800-1927 smtwtfs Arabic 9550 KIG
Targeted to: Africa - Ethiopia and Sudan
1600-1630 s...tfs Amharic 12125 ERV
1600-1630 .mtw... Guragena 12125 ERV
1630-1700 smtwtfs Amharic 12125 ERV
1600-1627 smtwtfs Ethiopian 11655 KIG
1630-1700 smtw... Tigrinya 9820 DHA
1630-1700 ....tfs Amharic 9820 DHA
1700-1729 smtwtfs Orominya 9630 KIG
1729-1757 smtwtfs Tigrinya 9630 KIG
1700-1730 smtwtfs Somali 6180 DHA
1730-1800 smtwtfs Ethiopian 7475 ERV
1830-1845 smtwtfs French Ce+WeAF 15250 ASC
2145-2215 smt.tfs Hassinya/Pulaar (WeAF) 11985 ASC (HJB)
Transmitter Site Codes:
ASC Ascension Island
DHA Al Dhabayya UAE
ERV Yerevan Gavar Armenia
KIG Kigali Rwanda
TAC Tashkent Uzbekistan.
WOF Woofferton, United Kingdom
Day 1 = Sunday (ITU Convention)
(acc hfcc registrations, former B-12 schedule updated by wb, Oct 23)
(WWDXC Top Nx 1135)
(Reformatted by Gayle Van Horn/ISWBG)
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
Schedule for transmitters located in Armenia, Ascension Island, Rwanda, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, and United Kingdom
Day 1 = Sunday (ITU Convention)
All times UTC
Time Days Languages kHz Site
Targeted to: North India, Nepal, Tibet
0000-0030 smtwtfs Bangla (rural) 9390 TAC
1200-1230 smtwtfs Tibetan 15215 DHA
1430-1445 smtwtfs Urdu 9500 TAC
1445-1500 ...wtfs Kashmiri 9500 TAC
1445-1500 smt.... Mixed Languages 9500 TAC
1445-1500 smtwtfs Hindi 9500 TAC
1500-1530 smtwtfs Bangla (rural) 9390 TAC
Targeted to: Afghanistan and Pakistan
0200-0230 s...... Urdu 9750 DHA
0200-0215 .mtwtfs Urdu 9750 DHA
0215-0230 .mtwtfs Mixed Languages 9750 DHA
0230-0300 smtwtfs Dari 9790 DHA
0300-0315 smtwtfs Mixed Languages 9790 DHA
1400-1430 smtwtfs Urdu 11880 DHA
1430-1445 smtwtfs Mixed Languages 11880 DHA
1500-1530 smtwtfs Dari 11755 ERV
1530-1600 smtwtfs Pashto 11755 ERV
Targeted to: Middle East
0800-0830 smtwtfs Arabic 15260 WOF (IBRA)
1800-1927 smtwtfs Arabic 9550 KIG
Targeted to: Africa - Ethiopia and Sudan
1600-1630 s...tfs Amharic 12125 ERV
1600-1630 .mtw... Guragena 12125 ERV
1630-1700 smtwtfs Amharic 12125 ERV
1600-1627 smtwtfs Ethiopian 11655 KIG
1630-1700 smtw... Tigrinya 9820 DHA
1630-1700 ....tfs Amharic 9820 DHA
1700-1729 smtwtfs Orominya 9630 KIG
1729-1757 smtwtfs Tigrinya 9630 KIG
1700-1730 smtwtfs Somali 6180 DHA
1730-1800 smtwtfs Ethiopian 7475 ERV
1830-1845 smtwtfs French Ce+WeAF 15250 ASC
2145-2215 smt.tfs Hassinya/Pulaar (WeAF) 11985 ASC (HJB)
Transmitter Site Codes:
ASC Ascension Island
DHA Al Dhabayya UAE
ERV Yerevan Gavar Armenia
KIG Kigali Rwanda
TAC Tashkent Uzbekistan.
WOF Woofferton, United Kingdom
Day 1 = Sunday (ITU Convention)
(acc hfcc registrations, former B-12 schedule updated by wb, Oct 23)
(WWDXC Top Nx 1135)
(Reformatted by Gayle Van Horn/ISWBG)
Trans World Radio Europe Winter Schedules
Trans World Radio - Europe B13 Winter Schedule
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 march 2014
All times UTC
TWR Europe via Moosbrunn, Austria
Time Days Language - Freq Pwr Azi Zones
0644-0659 12345.. Polish 5910 100 30 28
0644-0659 12345.. Polish 7300 100 300 28
0800-0820 .....67 English 7400 100 300 27
0800-0850 12345.. English 7400 100 300 27
1500-1528 .234567 Russian 9850 100 55 28/29/30
1500-1528 1...... Belorussian 9850 100 55 28/29/30
TWR Europe via Nauen, Germany
0800-0820 .....67 English 6105 100 285 27
0800-0850 12345.. English 6105 100 285 27
0930-1000 1234567 Hungarian 6105 100 135 28
1500-1528 .234567 Russian 7300 100 65 28/29/30
1500-1528 1...... Belorussian 7300 100 65 28/29/30
Day 1 = Mon ... 7 = Sun
TWR Europe - Medium Wave
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
TWR Europe via Roumoules, RMC France
Time Days Language - Freq Pwr Azi Zones
2045-2115 123.56. Kabyle 1467 1000 216 37,38
2045-2130 ...4..7 Kabyle 1467 1000 216 37,38
2115-2130 .....6. Tachawit 1467 1000 216 37,38
2115-2130 ....5.. Sous/Tachelhit 1467 1000 216 37,38
2115-2130 ..3.... Tamazight 1467 1000 216 37,38
2115-2130 .2..... Tarifit 1467 1000 216 37,38
2115-2130 1...... Arabic 1467 1000 216 37,38
2130-2145 .....6. Arabic/Jordanian 1467 1000 216 37,38
2130-2215 ......7 Arabic 1467 1000 216 37,38
2130-2230 12345.. Arabic 1467 1000 216 37,38
2145-2200 .....6. Arabic/Moroccan 1467 1000 216 37,38
2200-2245 .....6. Arabic 1467 1000 216 37,38
2215-2230 ......7 Arabic/Lebanese 1467 1000 216 37,38
2230-2245 ......7 Arabic/Lebanese 1467 1000 216 37,38
2230-2245 ...45.. Arabic/Moroccan 1467 1000 216 37,38
2230-2245 123.... English 1467 1000 325 27
TWR Europe - Medium Wave
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
TWR Europe via Tartu, Estonia
Time Days Language - Freq Pwr Azi Zones
0200-0400 1234567 Russian 1035 100 non-dir28,29
1600-1700 1.3.5.. Russian 1035 100 non-dir28,29
1800-2000 1234567 Russian 1035 100 non-dir28,29
TWR Europe - Medium Wave
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
TWR Europe via Flake, Albania
Time Days Language - Freq Pwr Azi Zones
1925-2000 1234567 Hungarian 1395 500 330 28
2000-2015 .....6. Polish 1395 500 330 28
2000-2030 12345.7 Polish 1395 500 330 28
2015-2130 .....6. Croatian 1395 500 330 28
2030-2045 ......7 Croatian 1395 500 330 28
2030-2100 12345.. Croatian 1395 500 330 28
2045-2130 ......7 Bosnian 1395 500 330 28
2100-2130 12345.. Serbian 1395 500 330 28
TWR Europe - Medium Wave
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
TWR Europe via Cape Greco, Greece
Time Days Language - Freq Pwr Azi Zones
0300-0330 12345.. Arabic 1233 600 205 38,39,40
2025-2040 123.... Arabic 1233 600 205 38,39,40
2025-2126 .....67 Arabic 1233 600 205 38,39,40
2025-2156 ...45.. Arabic 1233 600 205 38,39,40
2040-2055 ..3.... Arabic/Egyptian 1233 600 205 38,39,40
2040-2055 .2..... Arabic/Jordanian 1233 600 205 38,39,40
2040-2055 1...... Arabic/Lebanese 1233 600 205 38,39,40
2055-2156 123.... Arabic 1233 600 205 38,39,40
2126-2156 .....67 Arabic/Egyptian 1233 600 205 38,39,40
TWR Europe - Medium Wave
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
TWR Europe - Grigoriopol, Moldova
Time Days Language - Freq Pwr Azi Zones
1900-1930 12....7 Ukrainian 999 500 non-dir29
1900-1945 .....6. Ukrainian 999 500 non-dir29
1900-2000 ..345.. Ukrainian 999 500 non-dir29
1930-2000 1...... Russian 999 500 non-dir29
1930-2030 .2....7 Russian 999 500 non-dir29
1945-2015 .....6. Russian 999 500 non-dir29
2000-2030 ..345.. Russian 999 500 non-dir29
2000-2030 1...... Belorussian 999 500 non-dir29
2015-2030 .....6. Ukrainian 999 500 non-dir29
1800-1830 1234567 Bulgarian 1548 1000 245 28
1830-1845 1234567 Romani/Balkan 1548 1000 245 28
1845-1915 12345.. Romanian 1548 1000 245 28
1845-1945 .....67 Romanian 1548 1000 245 28
1915-1945 12345.. Romani/Vlax 1548 1000 245 28
1945-2000 ......7 Montenegrian 1548 1000 245 28
1945-2000 123456. Serbian 1548 1000 245 28
Day 1 = Mon ... 7 = Sun
TWR - EUROPE, Vienna Office
Frequency Coordination
Trans World Radio
Postfach 141
A-1235 Vienna, Austria
Telephone: 2236-31248820 Fax: 2236-31248892
Visit our website at:http://www.twr.org
(TWR, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 23, 2013)
(WWDXC Top Nx 1135-31 Oct 2013)
(reformatted by Gayle Van Horn/ISWBG)
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 march 2014
All times UTC
TWR Europe via Moosbrunn, Austria
Time Days Language - Freq Pwr Azi Zones
0644-0659 12345.. Polish 5910 100 30 28
0644-0659 12345.. Polish 7300 100 300 28
0800-0820 .....67 English 7400 100 300 27
0800-0850 12345.. English 7400 100 300 27
1500-1528 .234567 Russian 9850 100 55 28/29/30
1500-1528 1...... Belorussian 9850 100 55 28/29/30
TWR Europe via Nauen, Germany
0800-0820 .....67 English 6105 100 285 27
0800-0850 12345.. English 6105 100 285 27
0930-1000 1234567 Hungarian 6105 100 135 28
1500-1528 .234567 Russian 7300 100 65 28/29/30
1500-1528 1...... Belorussian 7300 100 65 28/29/30
Day 1 = Mon ... 7 = Sun
TWR Europe - Medium Wave
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
TWR Europe via Roumoules, RMC France
Time Days Language - Freq Pwr Azi Zones
2045-2115 123.56. Kabyle 1467 1000 216 37,38
2045-2130 ...4..7 Kabyle 1467 1000 216 37,38
2115-2130 .....6. Tachawit 1467 1000 216 37,38
2115-2130 ....5.. Sous/Tachelhit 1467 1000 216 37,38
2115-2130 ..3.... Tamazight 1467 1000 216 37,38
2115-2130 .2..... Tarifit 1467 1000 216 37,38
2115-2130 1...... Arabic 1467 1000 216 37,38
2130-2145 .....6. Arabic/Jordanian 1467 1000 216 37,38
2130-2215 ......7 Arabic 1467 1000 216 37,38
2130-2230 12345.. Arabic 1467 1000 216 37,38
2145-2200 .....6. Arabic/Moroccan 1467 1000 216 37,38
2200-2245 .....6. Arabic 1467 1000 216 37,38
2215-2230 ......7 Arabic/Lebanese 1467 1000 216 37,38
2230-2245 ......7 Arabic/Lebanese 1467 1000 216 37,38
2230-2245 ...45.. Arabic/Moroccan 1467 1000 216 37,38
2230-2245 123.... English 1467 1000 325 27
TWR Europe - Medium Wave
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
TWR Europe via Tartu, Estonia
Time Days Language - Freq Pwr Azi Zones
0200-0400 1234567 Russian 1035 100 non-dir28,29
1600-1700 1.3.5.. Russian 1035 100 non-dir28,29
1800-2000 1234567 Russian 1035 100 non-dir28,29
TWR Europe - Medium Wave
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
TWR Europe via Flake, Albania
Time Days Language - Freq Pwr Azi Zones
1925-2000 1234567 Hungarian 1395 500 330 28
2000-2015 .....6. Polish 1395 500 330 28
2000-2030 12345.7 Polish 1395 500 330 28
2015-2130 .....6. Croatian 1395 500 330 28
2030-2045 ......7 Croatian 1395 500 330 28
2030-2100 12345.. Croatian 1395 500 330 28
2045-2130 ......7 Bosnian 1395 500 330 28
2100-2130 12345.. Serbian 1395 500 330 28
TWR Europe - Medium Wave
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
TWR Europe via Cape Greco, Greece
Time Days Language - Freq Pwr Azi Zones
0300-0330 12345.. Arabic 1233 600 205 38,39,40
2025-2040 123.... Arabic 1233 600 205 38,39,40
2025-2126 .....67 Arabic 1233 600 205 38,39,40
2025-2156 ...45.. Arabic 1233 600 205 38,39,40
2040-2055 ..3.... Arabic/Egyptian 1233 600 205 38,39,40
2040-2055 .2..... Arabic/Jordanian 1233 600 205 38,39,40
2040-2055 1...... Arabic/Lebanese 1233 600 205 38,39,40
2055-2156 123.... Arabic 1233 600 205 38,39,40
2126-2156 .....67 Arabic/Egyptian 1233 600 205 38,39,40
TWR Europe - Medium Wave
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
TWR Europe - Grigoriopol, Moldova
Time Days Language - Freq Pwr Azi Zones
1900-1930 12....7 Ukrainian 999 500 non-dir29
1900-1945 .....6. Ukrainian 999 500 non-dir29
1900-2000 ..345.. Ukrainian 999 500 non-dir29
1930-2000 1...... Russian 999 500 non-dir29
1930-2030 .2....7 Russian 999 500 non-dir29
1945-2015 .....6. Russian 999 500 non-dir29
2000-2030 ..345.. Russian 999 500 non-dir29
2000-2030 1...... Belorussian 999 500 non-dir29
2015-2030 .....6. Ukrainian 999 500 non-dir29
1800-1830 1234567 Bulgarian 1548 1000 245 28
1830-1845 1234567 Romani/Balkan 1548 1000 245 28
1845-1915 12345.. Romanian 1548 1000 245 28
1845-1945 .....67 Romanian 1548 1000 245 28
1915-1945 12345.. Romani/Vlax 1548 1000 245 28
1945-2000 ......7 Montenegrian 1548 1000 245 28
1945-2000 123456. Serbian 1548 1000 245 28
Day 1 = Mon ... 7 = Sun
TWR - EUROPE, Vienna Office
Frequency Coordination
Trans World Radio
Postfach 141
A-1235 Vienna, Austria
Telephone: 2236-31248820 Fax: 2236-31248892
Visit our website at:http://www.twr.org
(TWR, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 23, 2013)
(WWDXC Top Nx 1135-31 Oct 2013)
(reformatted by Gayle Van Horn/ISWBG)
Radio Tirana - B13 Winter Schedule
Radio Tirana
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
Schedule includes transmissions for Shijak and Fllake relay sites. Broadcast are daily unless otherwise indicated
All times UTC
0730-1000 7390 SHI 100 kW TX2 S-01 antenna non-dir to EUR
0901-1000 1395 FLA 500 kW TX2 F-01 antenna at 033 deg to Ce-East-EUR
1500-1630 1458 FLA 500 kW TX2 F-05 antenna non-dir to EUR
0000-0100 7465 SHI 100 kW TX1 S-10 antenna at 310 deg to NoAM
2100-2130 Mon-Sat 7465 SHI 100 kW TX1 S-10 antenna at 310 deg to UK & NoAM
0230-0300 (Tues-Sun 7425 SHI 100 kW TX1 S-10 antenna at 310 deg to WeEUR & NoAM
1830-1900 Mon-Sat 7465 SHI 100 kW TX1 S-10 antenna at 310 deg to WeEUR-France
2031-2100 Mon-Sat 7465 SHI 100 kW TX1 S-10 antenna at 310 deg to We-CeEUR-Germany
1645-1700 Mon-Sat 1458 FLA 500 kW TX2 F-05 antenna non-dir to Greece
1800-1830 Mon-Sat 6040 SHI 100 kW TX2 S-01 antenna non-dir to EUR-Italy (most likely temporarily on transmitter #1 on 7490 kHz via S-10 ant at 310 degr. due to failure of transmitter #2)
2115-2130 Mon-Sat 1458 FLA 500 kW TX2 F-04 antenna at 004 deg to CeEUR-Serbia
1930-2000 Mon-Sat 1458 FLA 500 kW TX2 F-05 ant non-dir to Turkey-Greece
(Radio Tirana via Drita Cico-ALB, Oct 22, 2013; wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews)
(WWDXC/Top Nx 1135)
Trans World Radio - Fllake, Albania relay
Hour kHz Days kW degr ciraf zone
1922-1925 1234567 TWR ID signal 1395 500 330 28
1925-2000 1234567 Hungarian 1395 500 330 28
2000-2015 .....6. Polish 1395 500 330 28
2000-2030 12345.7 Polish 1395 500 330 28
2015-2030 .....6. Arabic 1395 500 330 28 new language
2030-2130 .....6. Croatian 1395 500 330 28
2030-2045 ......7 Croatian 1395 500 330 28
2030-2100 12345.. Croatian 1395 500 330 28
2045-2130 ......7 Bosnian 1395 500 330 28
2100-2130 12345.. Serbian 1395 500 330 28
CRI Beijing MW Fllake, Albania relay, 500 kW
0700-0857 English 1215 kHz TX1 F-03 antenna, non-dir
1600-1657 Albanian 1215 kHz TX1 F-03 antenna, non-dir
1700-1757 Bulgarian 1458 kHz TX2 F-05 antenna, non-dir
1700-1757 Esperanto 1215 kHz TX1 F-03 antenna, non-dir
1800-1857 Italian 1458 kHz TX2 F-05 antenna, non-dir
1800-1857 Romanian 1215 kHz TX1 F-03 antenna, non-dir
2001-2059 Hungarian 1458 kHz TX2 F-05 antenna, non-dir
2130-2227 Polish 1458 kHz TX2 F-04 004 degrees
2201-2301 Serbian 1215 kHz TX1 F-03 antenna, non-dir
2230-2330 Czech 1458 kHz TX2 F-04 338 degrees
Fllake, Albania location
G.C. 41 21 52.04 N 19 30 35.46 E
(TWR via Mrs. Drita Cico-ALB, Oct 22, 2013; wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews)
(WWDXC Top Nx 1135)
Radio Tirana
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
Schedule includes transmissions for Shijak and Fllake relay sites. Broadcast are daily unless otherwise indicated
All times UTC
0730-1000 7390 SHI 100 kW TX2 S-01 antenna non-dir to EUR
0901-1000 1395 FLA 500 kW TX2 F-01 antenna at 033 deg to Ce-East-EUR
1500-1630 1458 FLA 500 kW TX2 F-05 antenna non-dir to EUR
0000-0100 7465 SHI 100 kW TX1 S-10 antenna at 310 deg to NoAM
2100-2130 Mon-Sat 7465 SHI 100 kW TX1 S-10 antenna at 310 deg to UK & NoAM
0230-0300 (Tues-Sun 7425 SHI 100 kW TX1 S-10 antenna at 310 deg to WeEUR & NoAM
1830-1900 Mon-Sat 7465 SHI 100 kW TX1 S-10 antenna at 310 deg to WeEUR-France
2031-2100 Mon-Sat 7465 SHI 100 kW TX1 S-10 antenna at 310 deg to We-CeEUR-Germany
1645-1700 Mon-Sat 1458 FLA 500 kW TX2 F-05 antenna non-dir to Greece
1800-1830 Mon-Sat 6040 SHI 100 kW TX2 S-01 antenna non-dir to EUR-Italy (most likely temporarily on transmitter #1 on 7490 kHz via S-10 ant at 310 degr. due to failure of transmitter #2)
2115-2130 Mon-Sat 1458 FLA 500 kW TX2 F-04 antenna at 004 deg to CeEUR-Serbia
1930-2000 Mon-Sat 1458 FLA 500 kW TX2 F-05 ant non-dir to Turkey-Greece
(Radio Tirana via Drita Cico-ALB, Oct 22, 2013; wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews)
(WWDXC/Top Nx 1135)
Trans World Radio - Fllake, Albania relay
Hour kHz Days kW degr ciraf zone
1922-1925 1234567 TWR ID signal 1395 500 330 28
1925-2000 1234567 Hungarian 1395 500 330 28
2000-2015 .....6. Polish 1395 500 330 28
2000-2030 12345.7 Polish 1395 500 330 28
2015-2030 .....6. Arabic 1395 500 330 28 new language
2030-2130 .....6. Croatian 1395 500 330 28
2030-2045 ......7 Croatian 1395 500 330 28
2030-2100 12345.. Croatian 1395 500 330 28
2045-2130 ......7 Bosnian 1395 500 330 28
2100-2130 12345.. Serbian 1395 500 330 28
CRI Beijing MW Fllake, Albania relay, 500 kW
0700-0857 English 1215 kHz TX1 F-03 antenna, non-dir
1600-1657 Albanian 1215 kHz TX1 F-03 antenna, non-dir
1700-1757 Bulgarian 1458 kHz TX2 F-05 antenna, non-dir
1700-1757 Esperanto 1215 kHz TX1 F-03 antenna, non-dir
1800-1857 Italian 1458 kHz TX2 F-05 antenna, non-dir
1800-1857 Romanian 1215 kHz TX1 F-03 antenna, non-dir
2001-2059 Hungarian 1458 kHz TX2 F-05 antenna, non-dir
2130-2227 Polish 1458 kHz TX2 F-04 004 degrees
2201-2301 Serbian 1215 kHz TX1 F-03 antenna, non-dir
2230-2330 Czech 1458 kHz TX2 F-04 338 degrees
Fllake, Albania location
G.C. 41 21 52.04 N 19 30 35.46 E
(TWR via Mrs. Drita Cico-ALB, Oct 22, 2013; wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews)
(WWDXC Top Nx 1135)
KVOH ready for return to shortwave
KVOH - Los Angeles
will be starting on Friday 1st (November) and Saturday the 2nd (Sat and Sun UTC) at 0100-0400
UTC, on 9975 kHz. Then, after the United States, has returned to Standard Time, we will be on from
0200-0500 UTC, 9975 kHz, nightly from the evening of Sunday, November 3.
The first two hours
each night will be in Spanish, the last hour will be in English. And, a good
proportion of the programming will be live. We aim to expand the schedule over
the coming months, as airtime sales allow.
Ray Robinson
Operations Manager
KVOH, Los Angeles
(Dino Bloise)
Direct link to grid schedule:
Monday, October 28, 2013
Radio Romania International - B13 Winter Schedule
Radio Romania International - B13
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
Broadcast daily unless otherwise indicated
All times UTC
0730-0756 11660G 15200G 15330T 17810T
1500-1556 9655G 11620G 15300T 17530T
1530-1556 6040S
1730-1756 6090S
1930-1956 5940S
0500-0526 15220T 17870T-DRM
1400-1426 9725T 11825T
1200-1300 EU 15460 17530
1200-1300 seAf 17765 21570
1800-1900 EU 5940 (DRM) 9780
2130-2200 EU 6030 (DRM) 7380
2130-2200 eNAM 7310 9435
2300-0000 EU 6015 7220
2300-0000 Japan 7395 9620
0100-0200 eNAM 6145 7325
0400-0500 wNAM 6020 7305
0400-0500 India 11710 13730
0630-0700 EU 7345 9600 (DRM)
0630-0700 AU 17780 21600
(RRI website via Alan Roe-UK, BrDXC-UK Oct 20)
0200-0256 5975G 7395G
0600-0626 7360G 9650G-DRM 11790T 13740T
1000-1056 15260G 17870G Suns only
1100-1156 15150T 15255G 17820G 17870T
1700-1756 7400T 9690T
1800-1856 7350G
2000-2056 7430G
2100-2126 6030G 7370G-DRM
0700-0726 7345T 9450T-DRM
1300-1356 7335T 9810T
1900-1956 6010T 7405T-DRM
1500-1526 6040S
1700-1726 5955S
1900-1926 5940S-DRM
0100-0156 5910T 7340T
0200-0256 5910T 7340T
0500-0556 6145G 7220G
0800-0856 15370T 15430G Suns only "Curierul romanesc" 17850G 17860T
0900-0956 15380G 15430T Suns only "Curierul romanesc" 17745T 17775T
1000-1056 17780T 21500T Suns only "Curierul romanesc"
1300-1356 9880S Saftica transmission opens earlier
1300-1456 15170G 17840G
1600-1656 9655G 11870G
1700-1756 5995G 7370G
1800-1856 5990G
1900-1956 5990G 7430G
2000-2056 5990G
0530-0556 6120T-DRM 7210T
1430-1456 11795T 15735T
1600-1656 5930T-DRM 9715T
1630-1656 5955S
1830-1856 6180S
2030-2056 6030S
0000-0056 7315G 9525G 13590T 15110T
0300-0356 7345G 9650G 9870T 11800T
2000-2056 6010T 7235T
2200-2256 9790T 11870T
1600-1626 5955S
1800-1826 6090S
2000-2026 6030S
G=Galbeni 2x300 kW, S=Saftica 1x100 kW, T=Tiganesti 3x300 kW.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 21)
(WWDXC/Top Nx 1134)
(reformatted by Gayle Van Horn/ISWBG)
Radio Romania International - B13
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
Broadcast daily unless otherwise indicated
All times UTC
0730-0756 11660G 15200G 15330T 17810T
1500-1556 9655G 11620G 15300T 17530T
1530-1556 6040S
1730-1756 6090S
1930-1956 5940S
0500-0526 15220T 17870T-DRM
1400-1426 9725T 11825T
1200-1300 EU 15460 17530
1200-1300 seAf 17765 21570
1800-1900 EU 5940 (DRM) 9780
2130-2200 EU 6030 (DRM) 7380
2130-2200 eNAM 7310 9435
2300-0000 EU 6015 7220
2300-0000 Japan 7395 9620
0100-0200 eNAM 6145 7325
0400-0500 wNAM 6020 7305
0400-0500 India 11710 13730
0630-0700 EU 7345 9600 (DRM)
0630-0700 AU 17780 21600
(RRI website via Alan Roe-UK, BrDXC-UK Oct 20)
0200-0256 5975G 7395G
0600-0626 7360G 9650G-DRM 11790T 13740T
1000-1056 15260G 17870G Suns only
1100-1156 15150T 15255G 17820G 17870T
1700-1756 7400T 9690T
1800-1856 7350G
2000-2056 7430G
2100-2126 6030G 7370G-DRM
0700-0726 7345T 9450T-DRM
1300-1356 7335T 9810T
1900-1956 6010T 7405T-DRM
1500-1526 6040S
1700-1726 5955S
1900-1926 5940S-DRM
0100-0156 5910T 7340T
0200-0256 5910T 7340T
0500-0556 6145G 7220G
0800-0856 15370T 15430G Suns only "Curierul romanesc" 17850G 17860T
0900-0956 15380G 15430T Suns only "Curierul romanesc" 17745T 17775T
1000-1056 17780T 21500T Suns only "Curierul romanesc"
1300-1356 9880S Saftica transmission opens earlier
1300-1456 15170G 17840G
1600-1656 9655G 11870G
1700-1756 5995G 7370G
1800-1856 5990G
1900-1956 5990G 7430G
2000-2056 5990G
0530-0556 6120T-DRM 7210T
1430-1456 11795T 15735T
1600-1656 5930T-DRM 9715T
1630-1656 5955S
1830-1856 6180S
2030-2056 6030S
0000-0056 7315G 9525G 13590T 15110T
0300-0356 7345G 9650G 9870T 11800T
2000-2056 6010T 7235T
2200-2256 9790T 11870T
1600-1626 5955S
1800-1826 6090S
2000-2026 6030S
G=Galbeni 2x300 kW, S=Saftica 1x100 kW, T=Tiganesti 3x300 kW.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 21)
(WWDXC/Top Nx 1134)
(reformatted by Gayle Van Horn/ISWBG)
Adventist World Radio Stations - B13 Winter Schedules
Adventist World Radio
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
Transmitters via: Austria, France, Germany, Agat Guam; Madagascar, South Africa
Sri Lanka, Taiwan
B-13 AWR Europe; AWR Africa; AWR Asia/Pacific
ISS = Issoudun MDC = Madagascar MEY = Meyerton-AFS
MOS = Moosbrunn NAU = Nauen SDA = Agat Guam
TAI = Taipei-TWN TRM = Trincomalee-CLN
All times UTC
0000-0100 9810 TRM 125 kW 045 deg to SoEaAS Burmese/Karen AWR As/Pac
0000-0200 17520 SDA 100 kW 330 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
0000-0200 17880 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
0100-0200 15445 TAI 100 kW 250 deg to SoEaAS Vietnamese Sat AWR As/Pac
0100-0200 17700 SDA 100 kW 300 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
0200-0300 5970 MOS 300 kW 090 deg to WeAS Urdu/Punjabi AWR EUR/AF
0230-0330 3215 MDC 50 kW 020 deg to MDC Malagasy AWR EUR/AF
0300-0400 15500 TRM 125 kW 270 deg to EaAF Oromo/Amharic AWR EUR/Af
0300-0330 7315 ISS 250 kW 125 deg to EaAF Tigrigna AWR EUR/AF
0300-0330 17655 SDA 100 kW 345 deg to FarEaRUS Russian AWR As/Pac
0330-0400 6145 MOS 300 kW 100 deg to WeAS Farsi AWR EUR/AF
0400-0600 15480 MEY 250 kW 019 deg to CeEaAF Arabic AWR EUR/AF
0400-0430 5975 ISS 100 kW 095 deg to EaEUR Bulgarian AWR EUR/AF
0430-0500 6045 MOS 300 kW 220 deg to NoAF French AWR EUR/AF
0500-0530 9630 MOS 300 kW 190 deg to WeAF Hausa AWR EUR/AF
0700-0800 11975 NAU 100 kW 210 deg to NoAF Arabic AWR EUR/AF
0800-0830 15160 NAU 250 kW 210 deg to NoAF Kabyle AWR EUR/AF
0800-0900 15145 NAU 100 kW 205 deg to NoAF French/Tachelhit AWR EUR/AF
1000-1100 9610 NAU 100 kW 180 deg to SoEUR Italian Sun AWR EUR/AF
1000-1100 11995 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Chinese Mon-Sat
1000-1100 11995 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Cantonese Sun AWR As/Pac
1000-1100 17520 SDA 100 kW 300 deg to EaAS Chinese Mon-Sat
1000-1100 17520 SDA 100 kW 300 deg to EaAS Cantonese Sun AWR As/Pac
1030-1100 17540 SDA 100 kW 270 deg to SoEaAS Tagalog/Ilocano AWR As/Pac
1100-1130 15495 SDA 100 kW 255 deg to SoEaAS Indonesian AWR As/Pac
1100-1200 11730 SDA 100 kW 330 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
1100-1200 11825 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
1100-1200 15190 SDA 100 kW 300 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
1130-1200 15495 SDA 100 kW 255 deg to SoEaAS Sundanese/Javanese AWR As/Pac
1130-1200 15605 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoEaAS Shan AWR As/Pac
1200-1230 15430 TRM 125 kW 045 deg to SoAS Mon MMR/SoAS/BGD
1200-1300 9880 SDA 100 kW 330 deg to EaAS Korean AWR As/Pac
1200-1300 11825 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Ch/Min Nan//Cantonese As/Pac
1200-1300 11855 SDA 100 kW 330 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
1200-1300 15190 SDA 100 kW 300 deg to EaAS Chinese/Cantonese As/Pac
1230-1300 15430 TRM 125 kW 045 deg to SoAS Meitei Sun/Wed/Fri MMR/SoAS
1230-1300 15430 TRM 125 kW 045 deg to SoAS Bangla Mon/Tue/Thu/Sat BGD
1300-1330 15215 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoAS Bengali AWR As/Pac
1300-1330 15480 NAU 250 kW 070 deg to CeAS Chinese Mon-Fri AWR As/Pac
1300-1330 15480 NAU 250 kW 070 deg to CeAS Uighur Sat/Sun AWR As/Pac
1300-1400 11935 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
1300-1330 15670 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoEaAS Kachin AWR As/Pac
1300-1400 17670 MDC 250 kW 060 deg to SoEaAS Vietnamese AWR As/Pac
1300-1400 15150 SDA 100 kW 270 deg to SoEaAS Khmer AWR As/Pac
1330-1400 9650 SDA 100 kW 345 deg to FarEaRUS Russian AWR As/Pac
1330-1400 15660 SDA 100 kW 255 deg to SoEaAS Malay Mo/Mi/Sat
1330-1400 15660 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoEaAS HmongTh/Fri Assamese We/Su
1330-1500 15480 NAU 250 kW 070 deg to CeAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
1330-1400 15770 SDA 100 kW 270 deg to SoEaAS Lao/Thai AWR As/Pac
1400-1430 15255 SDA 100 kW 270 deg to SoAS Sinhalese AWR As/Pac
1400-1430 15440 MOS 300 kW 090 deg to WeAS Urdu AWR EUR/AF
1400-1430 15770 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoEaAS Asho Chin MMR As/Pac
1400-1500 11935 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
1400-1500 11730 SDA 100 kW 300 deg to SoCHN Chinese AWR As/Pac
1430-1500 17605 MOS 300 kW 145 deg to EaAF Afar AWR EUR/AF
1430-1530 6155 MDC 50 kW 020 deg to MDC Malagasy AWR EUR/AF
1430-1500 15660 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoEaAS Burmese/Karen AWR As/Pac
1500-1530 11955 MOS 300 kW 120 deg to NE/ME Turkish AWR EUR/AF
1500-1530 12035 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoEaAS Burmese/Karen MMR As/Pac
1500-1530 15495 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoAS Telugu AWR As/Pac
1500-1530 15665 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoAS Tamil AWR As/Pac
1500-1530 15735 TRM 125 kW 015 deg to SoAS Nepali AWR As/Pac
1500-1600 15605 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoAS Mizo/Hindi IND As/Pac
1500-1600 13655 NAU 250 kW 090 deg to SoAS Punjabi/Hindi AWR As/Pac
1530-1600 15665 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoAS Kannada AWR As/Pac
1530-1600 11750 NAU 250 kW 075 deg to SoAS English Sat-Wed AWR As/Pac
1530-1600 11750 NAU 250 kW 075 deg to SoAS Tibetan Thu/Fri AWR As/Pac
1530-1600 15290 MOS 300 kW 090 deg to WeAS Punjabi AWR EUR/AF
1530-1600 12035 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoAS Marathi AWR As/Pac
1530-1600 15640 SDA 100 kW 270 deg to SoAS Malayalam AWR As/Pac
1600-1630 6100 NAU 100 kW 133 deg to EaEUR Bulgarian AWR EUR/AF
1600-1630 15660 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoAS English AWR As/Pac
1600-1630 11910 MOS 300 kW 090 deg to WeAS Urdu AWR EUR/AF
1600-1630 11805 TRM 125 kW 345 deg to WeAS Urdu AWR As/Pac
1600-1630 15660 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoAS English AWR As/Pac
1630-1700 9830 MOS 300 kW 100 deg to WeAS Farsi AWR EUR/AF
1630-1700 11805 SDA 100 kW 300 deg to WeAS Sindhi Tu/Th/Sa/Sun As/Pac
1630-1700 11805 SDA 100 kW 300 deg to WeAS English Mo/We/Fri As/Pac
1630-1700 17575 ISS 250 kW 125 deg to EaAF Somali AWR EUR/AF
1700-1800 11770 MEY 250 kW 019 deg to CeEaAF Swahili/Masai AWR EUR/AF
1730-1800 15155 NAU 250 kW 140 deg to EaAF Oromo AWR EUR/AF
1730-1800 11860 WER 100 kW 210 deg to NoAF Kabyle AWR EUR/AF
1830-1900 11830 MEY 250 kW 019 deg to CeEaAF English AWR EUR/AF
1830-1900 11860 MOS 300 kW 190 deg to WeAF Arabic AWR EUR/AF
1900-1930 9690 MOS 300 kW 190 deg to WeAF Hausa AWR EUR/AF
1900-1930 11860 ISS 250 kW 200 deg to NoAF Wolof AWR EUR/AF
1900-2000 6195 NAU 100 kW 210 deg to NoAF Arabic/Tachelhit AWR EUR/AF
1900-2100 15480 MEY 250 kW 019 deg to CeEaAF Arabic AWR EUR/AF
1930-2000 11750 MEY 250 kW 328 deg to WeAF Ibo AWR EUR/AF
1930-2000 15240 MOS 300 kW 170 deg to CeAF French AWR EUR/AF
1930-2000 15260 MEY 250 kW 315 deg to WeAF Fulfulde AWR AWR EUR/AF
2000-2030 6195 NAU 100 kW 210 deg to NoAF French AWR EUR/AF
2000-2030 9770 MOS 300 kW 210 deg to WeAF Dyula AWR EUR/AF
2000-2100 11755 MEY 250 kW 328 deg to WeAF French/Yoruba AWR EUR/AF
2030-2100 9830 MOS 300 kW 210 deg to WeAF French AWR EUR/AF
2100-2130 9830 MOS 300 kW 210 deg to WeAF English AWR EUR/AF
2100-2200 9565 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Chinese Mon-Sat
2100-2200 9565 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Cantonese Sun AWR As/Pac
2100-2200 9720 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Chinese Mon-Sat
2100-2200 9720 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Cantonese Sun AWR As/Pac
2100-2200 9890 SDA 100 kW 330 deg to EaAS Korean AWR As/Pac
2200-2230 15260 SDA 100 kW 255 deg to SoEaAS Sundanese/Javanese AWR As/Pac
2200-2300 11685 SDA 100 kW 330 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
2200-2300 15320 SDA 100 kW 255 deg to SoEaAS Indonesian/English AWR As/Pac
2200-2300 15370 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
2300-2400 15150 SDA 100 kW 270 deg to SoEaAS Khmer As/Pac
2300-2400 15320 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
2300-2400 17520 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
2300-2330 17700 SDA 100 kW 270 deg to SoEaAS Vietnamese As/Pac
2330-2400 17700 SDA 100 kW 270 deg to SoEaAS Vietn-Mo-Fr/English Sa/Su
2300-2400 15150 SDA 100 kW 270 deg to SoEaAS Khmer-Su/Lao-ThSa/Thai Asc
via Andreas Volk-D at ADDX club Munich Germany;
extracted & reformatted by wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 22, 2013)
(WWDXC/Top Nx 1134-21 Oct)
(reformatted by Gayle Van Horn/ISWBG)
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
Transmitters via: Austria, France, Germany, Agat Guam; Madagascar, South Africa
Sri Lanka, Taiwan
B-13 AWR Europe; AWR Africa; AWR Asia/Pacific
ISS = Issoudun MDC = Madagascar MEY = Meyerton-AFS
MOS = Moosbrunn NAU = Nauen SDA = Agat Guam
TAI = Taipei-TWN TRM = Trincomalee-CLN
All times UTC
0000-0100 9810 TRM 125 kW 045 deg to SoEaAS Burmese/Karen AWR As/Pac
0000-0200 17520 SDA 100 kW 330 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
0000-0200 17880 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
0100-0200 15445 TAI 100 kW 250 deg to SoEaAS Vietnamese Sat AWR As/Pac
0100-0200 17700 SDA 100 kW 300 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
0200-0300 5970 MOS 300 kW 090 deg to WeAS Urdu/Punjabi AWR EUR/AF
0230-0330 3215 MDC 50 kW 020 deg to MDC Malagasy AWR EUR/AF
0300-0400 15500 TRM 125 kW 270 deg to EaAF Oromo/Amharic AWR EUR/Af
0300-0330 7315 ISS 250 kW 125 deg to EaAF Tigrigna AWR EUR/AF
0300-0330 17655 SDA 100 kW 345 deg to FarEaRUS Russian AWR As/Pac
0330-0400 6145 MOS 300 kW 100 deg to WeAS Farsi AWR EUR/AF
0400-0600 15480 MEY 250 kW 019 deg to CeEaAF Arabic AWR EUR/AF
0400-0430 5975 ISS 100 kW 095 deg to EaEUR Bulgarian AWR EUR/AF
0430-0500 6045 MOS 300 kW 220 deg to NoAF French AWR EUR/AF
0500-0530 9630 MOS 300 kW 190 deg to WeAF Hausa AWR EUR/AF
0700-0800 11975 NAU 100 kW 210 deg to NoAF Arabic AWR EUR/AF
0800-0830 15160 NAU 250 kW 210 deg to NoAF Kabyle AWR EUR/AF
0800-0900 15145 NAU 100 kW 205 deg to NoAF French/Tachelhit AWR EUR/AF
1000-1100 9610 NAU 100 kW 180 deg to SoEUR Italian Sun AWR EUR/AF
1000-1100 11995 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Chinese Mon-Sat
1000-1100 11995 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Cantonese Sun AWR As/Pac
1000-1100 17520 SDA 100 kW 300 deg to EaAS Chinese Mon-Sat
1000-1100 17520 SDA 100 kW 300 deg to EaAS Cantonese Sun AWR As/Pac
1030-1100 17540 SDA 100 kW 270 deg to SoEaAS Tagalog/Ilocano AWR As/Pac
1100-1130 15495 SDA 100 kW 255 deg to SoEaAS Indonesian AWR As/Pac
1100-1200 11730 SDA 100 kW 330 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
1100-1200 11825 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
1100-1200 15190 SDA 100 kW 300 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
1130-1200 15495 SDA 100 kW 255 deg to SoEaAS Sundanese/Javanese AWR As/Pac
1130-1200 15605 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoEaAS Shan AWR As/Pac
1200-1230 15430 TRM 125 kW 045 deg to SoAS Mon MMR/SoAS/BGD
1200-1300 9880 SDA 100 kW 330 deg to EaAS Korean AWR As/Pac
1200-1300 11825 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Ch/Min Nan//Cantonese As/Pac
1200-1300 11855 SDA 100 kW 330 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
1200-1300 15190 SDA 100 kW 300 deg to EaAS Chinese/Cantonese As/Pac
1230-1300 15430 TRM 125 kW 045 deg to SoAS Meitei Sun/Wed/Fri MMR/SoAS
1230-1300 15430 TRM 125 kW 045 deg to SoAS Bangla Mon/Tue/Thu/Sat BGD
1300-1330 15215 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoAS Bengali AWR As/Pac
1300-1330 15480 NAU 250 kW 070 deg to CeAS Chinese Mon-Fri AWR As/Pac
1300-1330 15480 NAU 250 kW 070 deg to CeAS Uighur Sat/Sun AWR As/Pac
1300-1400 11935 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
1300-1330 15670 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoEaAS Kachin AWR As/Pac
1300-1400 17670 MDC 250 kW 060 deg to SoEaAS Vietnamese AWR As/Pac
1300-1400 15150 SDA 100 kW 270 deg to SoEaAS Khmer AWR As/Pac
1330-1400 9650 SDA 100 kW 345 deg to FarEaRUS Russian AWR As/Pac
1330-1400 15660 SDA 100 kW 255 deg to SoEaAS Malay Mo/Mi/Sat
1330-1400 15660 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoEaAS HmongTh/Fri Assamese We/Su
1330-1500 15480 NAU 250 kW 070 deg to CeAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
1330-1400 15770 SDA 100 kW 270 deg to SoEaAS Lao/Thai AWR As/Pac
1400-1430 15255 SDA 100 kW 270 deg to SoAS Sinhalese AWR As/Pac
1400-1430 15440 MOS 300 kW 090 deg to WeAS Urdu AWR EUR/AF
1400-1430 15770 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoEaAS Asho Chin MMR As/Pac
1400-1500 11935 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
1400-1500 11730 SDA 100 kW 300 deg to SoCHN Chinese AWR As/Pac
1430-1500 17605 MOS 300 kW 145 deg to EaAF Afar AWR EUR/AF
1430-1530 6155 MDC 50 kW 020 deg to MDC Malagasy AWR EUR/AF
1430-1500 15660 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoEaAS Burmese/Karen AWR As/Pac
1500-1530 11955 MOS 300 kW 120 deg to NE/ME Turkish AWR EUR/AF
1500-1530 12035 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoEaAS Burmese/Karen MMR As/Pac
1500-1530 15495 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoAS Telugu AWR As/Pac
1500-1530 15665 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoAS Tamil AWR As/Pac
1500-1530 15735 TRM 125 kW 015 deg to SoAS Nepali AWR As/Pac
1500-1600 15605 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoAS Mizo/Hindi IND As/Pac
1500-1600 13655 NAU 250 kW 090 deg to SoAS Punjabi/Hindi AWR As/Pac
1530-1600 15665 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoAS Kannada AWR As/Pac
1530-1600 11750 NAU 250 kW 075 deg to SoAS English Sat-Wed AWR As/Pac
1530-1600 11750 NAU 250 kW 075 deg to SoAS Tibetan Thu/Fri AWR As/Pac
1530-1600 15290 MOS 300 kW 090 deg to WeAS Punjabi AWR EUR/AF
1530-1600 12035 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoAS Marathi AWR As/Pac
1530-1600 15640 SDA 100 kW 270 deg to SoAS Malayalam AWR As/Pac
1600-1630 6100 NAU 100 kW 133 deg to EaEUR Bulgarian AWR EUR/AF
1600-1630 15660 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoAS English AWR As/Pac
1600-1630 11910 MOS 300 kW 090 deg to WeAS Urdu AWR EUR/AF
1600-1630 11805 TRM 125 kW 345 deg to WeAS Urdu AWR As/Pac
1600-1630 15660 SDA 100 kW 285 deg to SoAS English AWR As/Pac
1630-1700 9830 MOS 300 kW 100 deg to WeAS Farsi AWR EUR/AF
1630-1700 11805 SDA 100 kW 300 deg to WeAS Sindhi Tu/Th/Sa/Sun As/Pac
1630-1700 11805 SDA 100 kW 300 deg to WeAS English Mo/We/Fri As/Pac
1630-1700 17575 ISS 250 kW 125 deg to EaAF Somali AWR EUR/AF
1700-1800 11770 MEY 250 kW 019 deg to CeEaAF Swahili/Masai AWR EUR/AF
1730-1800 15155 NAU 250 kW 140 deg to EaAF Oromo AWR EUR/AF
1730-1800 11860 WER 100 kW 210 deg to NoAF Kabyle AWR EUR/AF
1830-1900 11830 MEY 250 kW 019 deg to CeEaAF English AWR EUR/AF
1830-1900 11860 MOS 300 kW 190 deg to WeAF Arabic AWR EUR/AF
1900-1930 9690 MOS 300 kW 190 deg to WeAF Hausa AWR EUR/AF
1900-1930 11860 ISS 250 kW 200 deg to NoAF Wolof AWR EUR/AF
1900-2000 6195 NAU 100 kW 210 deg to NoAF Arabic/Tachelhit AWR EUR/AF
1900-2100 15480 MEY 250 kW 019 deg to CeEaAF Arabic AWR EUR/AF
1930-2000 11750 MEY 250 kW 328 deg to WeAF Ibo AWR EUR/AF
1930-2000 15240 MOS 300 kW 170 deg to CeAF French AWR EUR/AF
1930-2000 15260 MEY 250 kW 315 deg to WeAF Fulfulde AWR AWR EUR/AF
2000-2030 6195 NAU 100 kW 210 deg to NoAF French AWR EUR/AF
2000-2030 9770 MOS 300 kW 210 deg to WeAF Dyula AWR EUR/AF
2000-2100 11755 MEY 250 kW 328 deg to WeAF French/Yoruba AWR EUR/AF
2030-2100 9830 MOS 300 kW 210 deg to WeAF French AWR EUR/AF
2100-2130 9830 MOS 300 kW 210 deg to WeAF English AWR EUR/AF
2100-2200 9565 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Chinese Mon-Sat
2100-2200 9565 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Cantonese Sun AWR As/Pac
2100-2200 9720 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Chinese Mon-Sat
2100-2200 9720 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Cantonese Sun AWR As/Pac
2100-2200 9890 SDA 100 kW 330 deg to EaAS Korean AWR As/Pac
2200-2230 15260 SDA 100 kW 255 deg to SoEaAS Sundanese/Javanese AWR As/Pac
2200-2300 11685 SDA 100 kW 330 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
2200-2300 15320 SDA 100 kW 255 deg to SoEaAS Indonesian/English AWR As/Pac
2200-2300 15370 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
2300-2400 15150 SDA 100 kW 270 deg to SoEaAS Khmer As/Pac
2300-2400 15320 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
2300-2400 17520 SDA 100 kW 315 deg to EaAS Chinese AWR As/Pac
2300-2330 17700 SDA 100 kW 270 deg to SoEaAS Vietnamese As/Pac
2330-2400 17700 SDA 100 kW 270 deg to SoEaAS Vietn-Mo-Fr/English Sa/Su
2300-2400 15150 SDA 100 kW 270 deg to SoEaAS Khmer-Su/Lao-ThSa/Thai Asc
via Andreas Volk-D at ADDX club Munich Germany;
extracted & reformatted by wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 22, 2013)
(WWDXC/Top Nx 1134-21 Oct)
(reformatted by Gayle Van Horn/ISWBG)
Radio Exterior Espana - B13 Winter Schedule
Radio Exterior Espana - B13
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
Target Areas: af (Africa) ca (Central America) eu (Europe) me (Middle East) na (North America) sa (South America)
Broadcast days as indicated
All times UTC
1700-1800 21610me
1800-1900 21610me
1900-2000 mtwhf 7265af
2000-2100 7265af
2100-2200 Sat/Sun 7265af
0000-0100 6055na
1900-2000 mtwhf 9605af 9665eu
2200-2300 Sat/Sun 6125eu
1800-1900 mtwhf 9665e
1900-2000 Sat 9590af
1900-2000 Sun 12030me
2000-2100 mtwhf 9570af 9605me
2300-0000 6055na
2300-0000 Sat/Sun 5970eu
1900-2000 mtwhf 15385af
2100-2200 mtwhf 11680sa
1700-1730 mtwhf 11755eu
0415-0445 t 9690na
1425-1455 m 15385me
0000-0100 6055ca 9535ca 9620sa
0100-0200 6055ca 9535ca 9620sa
0200-0300 6055ca 9535ca 9620sa
0300-0400 6055ca 9535ca 9620sa
0400-0500 9535ca 9620sa
0500-0600 6055ca 9535ca 9780eu
0600-0700 9780eu
0700-0800 9780eu
0800-0900 9780eu
0900-1000 DRM 15585eu
1000-1100 DRM 15585eu
1100-1200 DRM 13720eu
1100-1200 21540af 21610me
1200-1300 DRM 13720eu
1200-1300 11910as 17595ca 21540af 21610me
1300-1400 11910as 17595sa 21540af 21610me 21630ca
1400-1500 17595ca 21540af 21610me 21630ca
1500-1600 21630na
1500-1600 DRM/s 15585eu
1500-1600 mtwhfa 15385af
1500-1600 Sat/Sun 17595ca
1500-1600 Sun 17755af
1600-1700 Sat 15585eu
1600-1700 Sun 17755af
1600-1700 Sat/Sun 17595sa 21630ca/me
1600-1700 mtwhfa 15385af
1600-1700 21610me
1700-1800 17755af
1700-1800 Sat/Sun 7275eu 17715sa 17850ca
1800-1900 17755af
1800-1900 Sat/Sun 7275eu 17715sa 17850ca
1900-2000 mtwhf 17850ca
1900-2000 Sat/Sun 7275eu 1194ca 17755af 17850ca
2000-2100 mtwhf 17850ca
2000-2100 Sat/Sun 7275eu 11940ca 17755af 17850ca
2100-2200 mtwhf 17850ca
2100-2200 Sat/Sun 7275eu 11940ca 17755af 17850ca
2200-2300 7265af
2200-2300 Sat/Sun 7275eu 9620sa 11625af 11940ca 17850ca
2300-0000 6055sa 9535ca 11940ca
(reformatted by Gayle Van Horn/ISWBG)
China Radio International - B13 English Winter Schedule
China Radio International
Effective: 27 October - 29 March 2013
Target Areas: af (Africa) eu (Europe) na (North America/Caribbean) pa (Pacific)
Broadcast daily unless otherwise indicated
All times UTC
0000-0100 6020na 7350eu 9570na
0100-0200 6020na 7350eu 9410eu 9570na 9580na
0300-0400 9690na 9790na
0500-0600 7220af 17505af
0600-0700 11750af
0700-0800 11785eu 17490eu 17670af
0800-0900 17670af
0900-1000 15210pa 17490eu 17650eu 17690pa
1000-1100 15210pa 17490eu 17690pa
1100-1200 13665eu 17490eu
1200-1300 13665eu 13790eu 17490eu
1300-1400 9570na 11760pa 11900pa 13670eu 13790eu
1400-1500 9795eu 13625eu 13740na 17630af
1500-1600 6095af 9435eu 9525eu 9720af 13740na 17630af
1600-1700 7255eu 7435af 9435eu 9875eu
1700-1800 6100eu 7205eu 7255eu 7420af 7435af
1800-1900 6100eu 7405eu
1900-2000 7295af
2000-2100 5960eu 5985af 7285eu 7295af 7415eu 9440af 9600eu 11640af 13630af
2100-2130 11640af 13630af
2100-2200 7205af 7405af
2300-0000 5990na 7350eu
reformatted by Gayle Van Horn/ISWBG)
(graphic: GVH)
Radio New Zealand - B13 Winter Schedule
Radio New Zealand - B13 Winter Schedule
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
Programming targeted to Pacific regions
All times UTC
0000-0100 15720
0100-0200 15720
0200-0300 15720
0300-0400 15720
0400-0458 15720
0459-0500 11725
0500-0600 11725
0600-0700 11725
0700-0758 11725
0759-0800 9765
0800-0900 9765
0900-1000 9765
1000-1058 9765
1059-1100 15720
1100-1200 15720
1200-1258 15720
1300-1400 5950
1400-1500 5950
1500-1550 5950
1551-1600 9765
1600-1700 9765
1700-1800 9765
1800-1850 9765
1851-1900 11725
1858-1900 Sat 11725
1900-2000 11725
2000-2100 11725
2100-2150 11725
2151-2200 15720
2158-2200 Sat 15720
2200-2300 15720
2300-0000 15720
0000-0100 17675
0100-0200 17675
0200-0300 17675
0300-0400 17675
0400-0458 17675
0459-0500 13730
0500-0600 13730
0600-0650 13730
1200-1500 No DRM Service
1551-1600 7285
1600-1650 7285
1651-1700 9630
1700-1750 9630
1751-1800 11675
1800-1850 11675
1851-1900 15720
1858-1900 Sat 15720
1900-1950 15720
2051-2100 17675
2058-2100 Sat 17675
2100-2150 17675
2151-2200 17675
2158-2200 Sat 17675
2200-2300 17675
2300-0000 17675
(Adrian Sainsbury/R New Zealand Intl 28 Oct 2013)
(reformatted by Gayle Van Horn/ISWBG)
Radio Free Asia - B13 Winter Schedule
Radio Free Asia - B13 Winter Schedule
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2013
Programming targeted to Asia
All times
0030-0130 12115 15700 17835
1230-1400 11795 12105 13735
1400-1430 11795 12105
1630-1730 9940
1400-1500 13690
2200-2300 9780
1230-1330 17735
2230-2330 11850
1500-1700 648 5855 7210 11585
1700-1900 648 5855 9720
2100-2200 648 7460 9385 11995
0000-0100 15690
1100-1200 9325 15120
0300-0600 11980 15665 17690 21700
0600-0700 11980 15150 15665 17690 21700
1500-1600 6020 9495 9790 11945
1600-1700 7415 9455 9915 11945
1700-1800 6020 7415 9355 9455
1800-1900 5865 7415 9355 9455
1900-2000 1098 5865 6020 6095 9355 9455
2000-2100 1098 5865 6020 6095 7495 9355 9455
2100-2200 1098 6095 7495 9355 9455
2300-2400 9585 9825 11775
0100-0200 9670 11695 13620 15610 17730
0200-0300 9670 9700 11695 15520 17730
0600-0700 17515 17675 21610 21680
1000-1100 9690 15140 17810
1100-1200 7470 9350 11545 15375
1200-1400 7470 9350 11590 12050 15375
1500-1600 5825 9955 11640 11865
2200-2300 6005 7470 9835
2300-2400 6010 7470 7550 9875
0100-0200 7480 9480 9645 9690 17805
1600-1700 5830 7310 9725 12015
0000-0030 9920 11805 15170
1400-1430 1503 12130 13735 15310
1430-1500 12130 13735 15310
2300-2330 1503
2330-2400 1503 11605 11805 15170
(A.J. Janitschek)
(reformatted by Gayle Van Horn/ISWBG)
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2013
Programming targeted to Asia
All times
0030-0130 12115 15700 17835
1230-1400 11795 12105 13735
1400-1430 11795 12105
1630-1730 9940
1400-1500 13690
2200-2300 9780
1230-1330 17735
2230-2330 11850
1500-1700 648 5855 7210 11585
1700-1900 648 5855 9720
2100-2200 648 7460 9385 11995
0000-0100 15690
1100-1200 9325 15120
0300-0600 11980 15665 17690 21700
0600-0700 11980 15150 15665 17690 21700
1500-1600 6020 9495 9790 11945
1600-1700 7415 9455 9915 11945
1700-1800 6020 7415 9355 9455
1800-1900 5865 7415 9355 9455
1900-2000 1098 5865 6020 6095 9355 9455
2000-2100 1098 5865 6020 6095 7495 9355 9455
2100-2200 1098 6095 7495 9355 9455
2300-2400 9585 9825 11775
0100-0200 9670 11695 13620 15610 17730
0200-0300 9670 9700 11695 15520 17730
0600-0700 17515 17675 21610 21680
1000-1100 9690 15140 17810
1100-1200 7470 9350 11545 15375
1200-1400 7470 9350 11590 12050 15375
1500-1600 5825 9955 11640 11865
2200-2300 6005 7470 9835
2300-2400 6010 7470 7550 9875
0100-0200 7480 9480 9645 9690 17805
1600-1700 5830 7310 9725 12015
0000-0030 9920 11805 15170
1400-1430 1503 12130 13735 15310
1430-1500 12130 13735 15310
2300-2330 1503
2330-2400 1503 11605 11805 15170
(A.J. Janitschek)
(reformatted by Gayle Van Horn/ISWBG)
UPDATED VERSION - North Korean B13 Winter Schedules
North Korea - B13 Updated Version - from previous post on 24 October 2013
On Sunday, 27 October 2013, 03:00 UTC, Voice of Korea, the official external broadcasting service of the DPR Korea (North) from Pyongyang, introduced the B13 winter schedule.
I have monitored additional changes to my previously published schedules The most outstanding change is that Pyongyang Pangsong (Pyongyang Broadcasting Station - PBS) is no longer available via Voice of Korea's shortwave transmitters since the station has started its own website www.gnu.rep.kp
Another change is that on 3250 kHz only Pyongyang Pangsong and the Japanese broadcasts of Voice of Korea are on the air. No other foreign language program scan be heard anymore.
Voice of Korea is anxious to get reception reports and letters from their listeners. Please send them to:
Voice of Korea
DPR Korea (North)
email: VOK@star-co.net.kp
website: www.vok.rep.kp/CBC/english.php
Arnulf Piontek
Updated B-13 transmission schedule for Voice of Korea, Pyongyang, DPR Korea valid from Sunday, 27 October Juche 102 (2013), 0300 UTC. Last modified: 27 October Juche 102 (2013), Version: 2
All times UTC
1500 9890 11645 Near & Middle East, North Africa
1700 9890 11645 Near & Middle East, North Africa
0300 13650 15105 Southeast Asia
0500 7220 9445 9730 Northeast China
0600 13650 15105 Southeast Asia
0800 7220 9445 Northeast China
1100 7220 9445 China
1300 6185 9850 Southeast Asia
2100 7235 9445 Northeast China
2100 9875 11635 China
2200 7235 9445 Northeast China
2200 9875 11635 China
1600 6170 9425 Europe
1800 6170 9425 Europe
1900 6170 9425 Europe
0400 7220 9445 9730 Northeast Asia
0400 11735 13760 15180 Central & South America
0500 13650 15105 Southeast Asia
0600 7220 9445 9730 Northeast Asia
1000 6170 9435 Central & South America
1000 6185 9850 Southeast Asia
1300 7570 12015 Western Europe
1300 9435 11710 North America
1500 7570 12015 Western Europe
1500 9435 11710 North America
1600 9890 11645 Near & Middle East, North Africa
1800 7570 12015 Western Europe
1900 7210 11910 Southern Africa
1900 9875 11635 Near & Middle East, North Africa
2100 7570 12015 Western Europe
0400 13650 15105 Southeast Asia
0600 11735 13760 15180 Central & South America
1100 6170 9435 Central & South America
1100 6185 9850 Southeast Asia
1400 7570 12015 Western Europe
1400 9435 11710 North America
1600 7570 12015 Western Europe
1600 9435 11710 North America
1800 7210 11910 Southern Africa
1800 9875 11635 Near & Middle East, North Africa
2000 7570 12015 Western Europe
0700 621 3250 7580 9650 Japan
0800 621 3250 7580 9650 Japan
0900 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 Japan
1000 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 Japan
1100 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 Japan
1200 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 Japan
2100 621 3250 7580 9650 Japan
2200 621 3250 7580 9650 Japan
2300 621 3250 7580 9650 Japan
0300 (PBS)* *7220 *9445 *9730 Northeast China*
0700 (PBS)* *7220 *9445 Northeast China*
0900 (KCBS) 7220 9445 Northeast China
0900 (PBS)* *13760 *15245 Europe*
0900 (PBS)* *9875 *11735 Far Eastern Russia*
1000 (PBS)* *7220 *9445 Northeast China*
1200 (KCBS) 6170 9435 Central & South America
1200 (KCBS) 6185 9850 Southeast Asia
1200 (PBS)* *7220 *9445 Northeast China*
1300 (PBS)* *6170 *9425 Europe*
1400 (KCBS) 6185 9850 Southeast Asia
1700 (KCBS) 7570 12015 Western Europe
1700 (KCBS) 9435 11710 North America
2000 (KCBS) 7210 11910 Southern Africa
2000 (KCBS) 6170 9425 Europe
2000 (KCBS) 9875 11635 Near & Middle East, North Africa
2300 (KCBS) 7235 9445 Northeast China
2300 (KCBS) 7570 12015 Western Europe
2300 (KCBS) 9875 11635 China
0700 13760 15245 Europe
0700 9875 11735 Far Eastern Russia
0800 13760 15245 Europe
0800 9875 11735 Far Eastern Russia
1400 6170 9425 Europe
1500 6170 9425 Europe
1700 6170 9425 Europe
0300 11735 13760 15180 Central & South America
0500 11735 13760 15180 Central & South America
1900 7570 12015 Western Europe
2200 7570 12015 Western Europe
Data based on announcements and schedules of the Voice of Korea and own monitoring.
Changes to the same broadcasting period last year are highlighted in red.
KCBS = Korean Central Broadcasting Station (Choson Jungang Pangsong)
PBS* = Pyongyang Broadcasting Station (Pyongyang Pangsong) inactive
(Compiled by Arnulf Piontek, Berlin, Germany)
Broadcast Belgium - B13 Winter Schedules
Broadcast Belgium
All times UTC
AM/DRM Days (mtwtfss) Language Target Area
All times UTC
Radio Miraya 0300-0600 9940 AM mtwtfss Arab/Engl Africa
Denge Kurdistan 0400-2000 11510 AM mtwtfss Kurdish Middle East
Suab Xaa Moo Zoo 1130-1200 11570 AM mtwtfss Hmong Asia
Que Me 1200-1230 9930 AM ----f— Vietnamese Asia
The Khmer Post Radio 1200-1300 9960 AM mtwtfss Khmer Asia
The Disco Palace 1530-1630 12115 DRM mtwtfss English Asia/Middle East
Radio Xoriyo 1600-1630 17870 AM m---f— Somali Africa
Radio Inyabutatu 1700-1800 17870 AM -----s- Kinyarwanda Africa
Radio Assenna 1700-1800 15245 AM mtwtfss Tigrinya Africa
ESAT Radio 1700-1800 15370 AM mtwtfss Amharic Africa
Suab Xaa Moo Zoo 2230-2300 7530 AM mtwtfss Hmong Asia
(Alokesh Gupta, India/27 Oct 2013)
Formerly TDP, Broadcast Belgium is an international consultation company that provides services and broker air times for radio stations with religious, political and commercial background.
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