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A Japan coastguard handout photo taken on November 2, 2013 shows a Chinese coast guard ship cruising near the disputed islets in the East China Sea |
Blog Editor's Note: This is potentially a very serious international situation in the East China Sea. This directly threatens Japan and South Korea. Keep an eye on @QSLRptMT and @MilcomMP twitter feeds for updates and frequency reports as we get them. Current English broadcast schedules are listed below for China Radio International, NHK/Radio Japan and KBC South Korea.
The French AFP news service is reporting that Beijing on Saturday announced it was setting up an "air defense identification zone" over an area that includes islands controlled by Japan but claimed by China, in a move that could inflame the bitter territorial row.
Along with the creation of the zone in the East China Sea, the Chinese defense ministry released a set of aircraft identification rules that must be followed by all planes entering the area, under penalty of intervention by the military.
Aircraft are expected to provide their flight plan, clearly mark their nationality, and maintain two-way radio communication allowing them to "respond in a timely and accurate manner to the identification inquiries" from Chinese authorities.
The outline of the new zone covers a wide area of the East China Sea between South Korea and Taiwan that includes the Tokyo-controlled islands known as the Senkakus to Japan and Diaoyous to China.
The Kyodo news service reports that the Japanese government branded the new escalation in the East China Sea as “very dangerous.”
In Tokyo, Junichi Ihara, head of the Foreign Ministry’s Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau, lodged a protest by phone with Han Zhiqiang, a minister at the Chinese Embassy, according to a statement issued by the ministry.
Ihara was quoted as telling Han that Japan can “never accept the zone set up by China,” as it includes the Senkakus. He further said the new zone will “escalate” already fraught bilateral ties over the uninhabited but potentially resource-rich islet chain, branding China’s move “very dangerous,” the statement said.
Later Saturday, China scrambled air force jets, including fighter planes, to patrol the new zone.
"China's armed forces will adopt defensive emergency measures to respond to aircraft that do not cooperate in the identification or refuse to follow the instructions," according to the Chinese Defense ministry.
The zone became operational as of 10:00 am Saturday (0200 GMT).
China Radio International - English Service
All times UTC
0000 0057 6005na 6180na 7425na 9425na 11790na
0000 0100 6020na 7350na 9570na 11885na 15145va
0100 0157 6075na 6175na 7350na 9420na 9580na 11885na 15145va
0100 0200 6020na 7350eu 9410eu 9570na 9580na
0200 0257 9610va
0200 0300 11785va
0300 0357 9690va 9790na 11785va 13800va
0300 0400 9690na 9790na 13590as 13620as 15120va
0400 0457 13590af 15120af
0400 0500 13620af 17725af 17855af
0500 0557 17855af
0500 0600 7220af 15350af 15430af 15465af 17505af 17725af
0600 0657 15145va 17505af
0600 0700 11750af 11770af 11880af 13645af 15350af 15430af 15465af 17710af
0700 0757 13645as 17710va
0700 0800 11785eu 11880af 15185af 15250af 15465af 17490af 17670af
0800 0857 11880af 15185af 15465af
0800 0900 9415af 11785af 15350af 17490af 17670af
0900 0957 9415af 15185af 17570af
0900 1000 15210as 15350as 17490as 17650as 17690af
1000 1057 5955as 7215as 11640as 15190as 15350as
1000 1100 13590as 13720as 17490as 17690af
1100 1157 9570as 11795va 13590as 13645as 13720as
1100 1200 5955as 11650as 17490as 13665as
1200 1257 7250as 9460as 9600as 9645as 9730as 9760as 12015as 17490as
1200 1300 5955as 11760as 11980as 13665as 13790as
1300 1357 7300as 9570va 9655va 9730as 11760as
1300 1400 5955as 9765as 9870as
1400 1457 7300as 9460as 9765as 9795as 11665as 13625as
1400 1500 5955as 17630af 9870as 13685me 13740as
1500 1557 5955as 6095me 7325as 7405as 9435me 9525as 9720as 9785eu 9870eu 13685eu
1500 1600 9650as 13740as 17630as
1600 1657 6060as 6100as 7235af 7420af 9435eu 9600eu 9875eu
1600 1700 6155as 7255as 7435as 9460as 9570as
1700 1757 6090as 6140as 6165me 7205as 7255af 7410as 7420as 7435as 9570eu
1700 1800 6100as 6155as 9460me
1800 1857 7405as
1800 1900 6100eu
1900 1957 9440eu
1900 2000 7295va
2000 2057 5960eu 5985af 7295eu 9440af
2000 2100 7285eu 7415af 9600af 11640af 13630af
2100 2130 11640eu 13630eu
2100 2157 5960eu 7205af 7285eu 7405af 9600eu
2100 2200 7415af
2200 2257 5915as
2300 2357 5915as 6145ca 7415eu 9535eu
2300 0000 5990as 7350as 11790va
(International Shortwave Broadcast Guide, published by Teak Publishing and available in December by Amazon)
NHK/Radio Japan
0500-0530 SoAF 9770iss
0500-0530 AF/EU 13640uae
1000-1030 OC/Hawaii 9625
1100-1130 EUR 9760wof, Fri/DRM
1200-1230 seAS 11740sng
1400-1430 AS 11695uzb
1400-1430 seAS 11925pal
1800-1830 CeAF/SoEU 11800mey
(Relay Sites)
asc Ascension Island
iss Issoudun, France
mey Meyerton AFS
sng Singpore
uae Al Dhabbaya, UAE
uzb Tashkent, Uzbekistan
wof Woofferton UK
(International Shortwave Broadcast Guide, published by Teak Publishing and available in December by Amazon)
KBS Korea
0200 0300 9580sa 9690na
0800 0900 9570as
1100 1200 DRM/Sat 9760eu
1230 1300 6095as
1300 1400 9570as 15575as
1400 1500 9640as
1600 1700 9515eu 9640eu
1800 1900 7275eu
2200 2300 11810as
2200 2230 3955eu
(International Shortwave Broadcast Guide, published by Teak Publishing and available in December by Amazon)