Welcome to Teak Publishing's Shortwave Central blog. This blog covers shortwave frequency updates, loggings, free radio, international mediumwave, DX tips, clandestine radio, and late-breaking radio news. Visit my YouTube and Twitter links. Content on Shortwave Central is copyright © 2006-2026 by Teak Publishing, which is solely responsible for the content. All rights reserved. Redistribution of these pages in any format without permission is strictly prohibited.
Monday, July 30, 2018
HAARP slated for experimental broadcast
HAARP station WSPR in Alaska, will conduct experimental transmissions on July 30, 31 and on August 1, 2018.
The transmissions will be on 3592.6 AM at 2300-0000 UTC.
(R Pearson)
Saturday, July 28, 2018
From the Isle of Music & Uncle Bill's Melting Pot schedules
From the Isle of Music, July 29-August 4, 2018:
No interviews this week, just some excellent Cuban music from the 1970s and 1980s for your listening and dancing pleasure.
Four options to listen to the transmission:
1. For Eastern Europe but audible well beyond the target area in most of the Eastern Hemisphere (including parts of East Asia and Oceania) with 100Kw, Sunday 1500-1600 UTC on SpaceLine, 9400 kHz, from Kostinbrod, Bulgaria (1800-1900 MSK)
2. For the Americas and parts of Europe, Tuesday 0000-0100 UTC on WBCQ, 7490 kHz from Monticello, ME, USA (Monday 8-9PM EST in the US). This has been audible in parts of NW, Central and Southern Europe with an excellent skip to Italy recently.
3 & 4. For Europe and sometimes beyond, Tuesday 1900-2000 UTC and Saturday 1200-1300 UTC on Channel 292, 6070 kHz from Rohrbach, Germany.
Uncle Bill's Melting Pot, Sun, July 29 & Tues, July 31, 2018
Episode 73 is a little different - a new Colombian friend, César Rodríguez, will be our special guest to present some of the new music of Colombia. Part of the episode, a conversation en español, was recorded in our favorite Colombian restaurant in Chicago, Sabor a Cafe.
The broadcasts take place:
1. Sundays 2200-2230 UTC (6:00PM -6:30PM Eastern US) on
WBCQ The Planet 7490 KHz from the US to the Americas and parts of Europe
2. Tuesdays 2000-2030 UTC on Channel 292, 6070 KHz from Rohrbach, Germany for Europe. If current propagation conditions hold, the broadcast should reach from Iceland to Western Russia,
William "Bill" Tilford, Owner/Producer
Tilford Productions, LLC
Friday, July 27, 2018
Blog Logs - Monitoring the Middle East
As tensions rise in the Middle East, staying on issues will keep you informed. Station monitoring results are recent SDR logging's from our secluded DX Cabin in the mountains
All times UTC / frequency in kHz (kilohertz) // parallel
5930, VOIRI/Pranars Today, 1840-1900. Albanian text from 1840
tune-in // 7250 kHz. Minimal fading on both frequencies. Numerous mentions of
Iran, station ID’s and program features. Albanian service extends to 1920. VOIRI
on 7425 in Arabic, 2105-2155. Recitations to 2145, with additional Arabic
service on frequency. Announcer’s script to 2155 tune-out. (SDR Izghawa, Qatar)
VOIRI on 9810 kHz |
9810, VOIRI/Pars Today, 1920-2020. English service for
announcer’s text on religious wars and recent war of words with the U.S.
Station ID, promo, website and frequency for English service. English
easy-listening vocals to additional identification. Arabic style music to
announcer’s chat with station correspondent on U.S. political banter. English
to 2020. http://www.irib.ir
(SDR Izghawa, Qatar)
1287 MW, Voice of Hope-Middle East, 2316-2335. Weak signal
for Arabic religious text with background music. Presumed a sermon text.
Minimal fades, though audible. Station information at 2325 including P.O. Box,
web address, and station info. Barely audible Arabic vocals by 2329, tune-out
by 2335. http://www.voiceofhope.com
(SDR Izghawa, Qatar)
15140, Radio Sultanate of Oman, 1935-1950. Arabic service
with fair-poor signal. Announcer’s briefs between music vocals. Also heard with
fair signal, BBC’s Oman relay on 1413 MW in English. http://part.gov.om (SDR Izghawa, Qatar)
675 AM, Qatar RTC, Al Arish, 1310-1345. As you would expect
from the Qatar SDR, station has a flame-thrower signal. All Arabic programming
with news, Arabic music and text. (SDR Izghawa, Qatar)
Saudi Arabia
12015, SBC Radio Saudi-General Prgrm 1, 2203-2230. Poor signal
for Arabic service intro’s (SIO 212) // 9870 considerably improved with 434
SIO. Arabic feature sounds like a radio drama. (SDR Izghawa, Qatar)
11915, SBC Radio Saudi-Holy Qur’an, 2105-2120. Arabic Qu’ran
in progress with SIO 322, // 11930 not heard or 11820. (SDR Izghawa, Qatar)
SBC Radio Saudi-Holy Quran on SDR |
882 MW, SBC Radio Saudi-Holy Qur’an, 2232-2315. Arabic
Qur’an at tune-in. Station is 100 kW, and dominates this frequency. Saudi’s
Radio Jeddah active in Arabic on 1206 MW (10 kW). Saudi’s Radio Jeddah heard in
Arabic 1206 MW (SIO 322) Radio Riyadh in Arabic on 1449, monitored from
2350-0000. Fanfare intros, station ID and Arabic newscast at 0000. Great signal
for 200 kW powerhouse. (SDR Izghawa, Qatar)
5960, Voice of Turkey, 2005-2030. Turkish programming on
features on Turkey. Muddled audio for // 9460. Station of late has been on various
non-scheduled frequencies in several language services. http://www.trt.net.tr (SDR Izghawa, Qatar)
United Arab Emirates
1269 MW, Radio Asia 2220-2240. Malayalam text between Arabic
vocals. Station’s good quality signal was mixing with Radio Kuwait on MW and possibly
Iran. Radio Asia operates on a 24-hour schedule. http://radioasiauae.com SINPO 44344. (SDR Izghawa, Qatar)
Blog Logs,
Middle East,
Saudi Arabia,
United Arab Emirates
Shortwave Radiogram weekend schedule
Hello friends,
“Slow Scan Radio” is a new broadcast providing text and images via
analog shortwave broadcasting. It is produced by John Piek, PA0ETE. As the name
implies, the show features images in various SSTV modes. The SSTV images can be
decoded using software such as MMSSTV from http://hamsoft.ca/pages/mmsstv.php
and the receive-only RXSSTV from http://users.belgacom.net/hamradio/rxsstv.htm
. Slow Scan Radio also has text in various modes. Several MFSK and PSK modes
were included on the first broadcast on 25 July.
The schedule is Wednesdays at 1830-1900 UTC on 6070 kHz from
Channel 292 in Germany. The website of Slow Scan Radio is http://www.slowscanradio.com
and reception reports can be sent to John at x@xdv.me.
Last week’s Shortwave Radiogram produced good results despite some
difficult reception conditions. You can see examples of decoded images and text
at @SWRadiogram or https://twitter.com/swradiogram.
Videos of last weekend’s show (program 57) were provided by Ralf in Germany,
with a second version,
from Saturday at 1600 UTC, and by Scott in Ontario from Sunday at 2330-2400 UTC. Mark in
the UK maintains the audio archive, and Roger in Germany provides analysis.
This weekend we will try another experiment with an 8PSK mode. Roger in
Germany reminded us that PSK modes involve phase shift keying, and that the
problems with the phase modulation can occur if the the upper and lower
sidebands are not identical. Our hypothesis therefore would be that the decode
of 8PSK received in a single sideband mode will be better than the decode
received in AM. We will decode 8PSK125F first in AM, then in either USB or LSB
(if your radio can receive SSB). Thirty
seconds will be provided to switch your receiver from SSB to AM and vice versa.
(The receiver mode changes; Shortwave
Radiogram is always transmitted in standard AM.)
Here is the lineup for Shortwave Radiogram, program 58, 27-30
July 2018, in modes as noted:
1:37 MFSK32: Program preview
2:57 Slow Scan Radio* and SSTV from the ISS
9:34 8PSK125F: VOA story about water under Mars**
11:26 8PSK125F: DW story
about water under Mars***
14:05 MFSK64: Cooling
devices and global warming*
21:22 Images of the week*
28:39 MFSK32: Closing
* with image(s)
** Use AM mode
*** Use USB or LSB mode (if available on your radio)
Please send reception reports to radiogram@verizon.net
And visit http://swradiogram.net
Twitter: @SWRadiogram or https://twitter.com/swradiogram
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/567099476753304
Shortwave Radiogram
Program 58
(27-30 July 2018)
2030-2100 UTC
7780 kHz
5950 kHz
WRMI Florida
1600-1630 UTC
9400 kHz
Space Line, Bulgaria
2330-2400 UTC
7780 kHz
WRMI Florida
0800-0830 UTC
7730 kHz
5850 kHz
WRMI Florida
Slow Scan Radio transmits
SSTV images and text modes Wednesdays at 1830-1900 UTC on 6070 kHz via Channel
292 in Germany. The website is http://www.slowscanradio.com. Reception reports to x@xdv.me.
The Mighty KBC transmits to Europe Saturdays at
1500-1600 UTC on 9400 kHz (via Bulgaria), with the minute of MFSK at about 1530
UTC (if you are outside of Europe, listen via websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/
). And to North America Sundays at 0000-0200 UTC (Saturday 8-10 pm EDT)
on 9925 kHz, via Germany. The minute of MFSK is at about 0130 UTC.
Reports to Eric: themightykbc@gmail.com
. See also http://www.kbcradio.eu/
and https://www.facebook.com/TheMightyKbc/.
Italian Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) Five
minutes of MFSK32 is at the end of the 30-minute English-language “Shortwave
Panorama. For the complete IBC transmission schedule visit http://ibcradio.webs.com/
Spectrum Radio is transmitted by WRMI Florida Mondays at 0700-0800 UTC on 5850
and 7730 kHz. MFSK32 is broadcast during the second half hour of the show.
Reports to broadspectrumradio@gmail.com.
Thanks for your reception reports!
Kim Andrew Elliott, KD9XB
Producer and Presenter
Reporting on international broadcasting at https://twitter.com/kaedotcom
Thursday, July 26, 2018
DXers Unlimited, midweek edition, July 24
Radio Havana Cuba
Dxers Unlimited's mid week edition, July 24 2018
Arnie Coro, CO2KK
Hola amigos radioaficionados all around the world that are now watching a very long period of very low solar activity that according to the opinion of several experts is probably signaling the end of solar cycle 24.... one of the weakest solar cycles ever seen since the days when mankind started to use radio signals to communicate and broadcast.
By the way scientists are now pretty sure that sunspots that belong to the upcoming solar cycle 25 have already been seen at locations and with magnetic polarity that gives no doubt to them belonging to solar cycle 25.
Si amigos, long time listeners of Dxers Unlimited keep me up to date about many interesting radio hobby related events, and they also send opinions about our programs that help us to improve them...
I am now going to read a recently received e'mail that came from Fort Pierce , Florida USA.
Hola Amigo Arnie,
De nada, 5040 works great here! That sounds great that you may add another 60 or even the 90 meter band broadcast. 6000 has been great here, too during the summer. Then comes a comment about our science show , Breakthrough that featured the installation in Cuba of solar powered deep wells pumps.
Amigo Richard, the author of the messages adds:
It’s amazing that the submersible pumps do not use batteries! Wow! Interesting to hear these are used to provide water for cattle farms. I wish we had submersible pumps in my neighborhood. I came home late one night from a work trip and the house had no running water.
Not a drop. The houses in the neighborhood have wells and use electronic pumps to extract the water. I went into the garage and felt the pump and it felt hot. Turns out it was a capacitor in the pump and the next day the 15 year old pump was back in action.
The friendly exchange then moves to amateur radio, a hobby that amigo Richard is enjoying in many different ways, He adds Last weekend was the CQ Amateur Radio Magazine sponsored Worldwide VHF contest. He adds, I made some contacts on 6 meters SSB. Not as many as the ARRL VHF or Field Day contacts on 6 meters but still had lots of fun.
I had sent amigo Richard an e- mail that I am reading to you now...
Hola amigo Ricardo:
Muchas gracias, thanks a lot for your nice report of our lonely 60 meters band 5040 kHz frequency. We may add later into the end of the solar cycle another 60 meters band frequency or maybe a 90 meters band outlet around 3365 khZ for evening broadcasts.
The Breakthrough show about the solar powered deep wells pumps was very interesting topic to learn about and then write the script. The submersible pumps are fed directly from the solar panels... no batteries are used... Cuba is installing hundreds of those solar powered water pumps to extract ground water, especially for providing enough water for cattle farms.
73 and DX
This is the middle of the week edition of Dxers Unlimited and now our next topic. It has to do about what can be done to continue to provide a high quality short wave broadcast within the region of the first hop via the F layer night time propagation when solar activity is at rock bottom levels...
The service area of a short wave transmitter operating on the 90 and 60 meters bands is quite useful while running power output levels from as low as 10 kiloWatts and simple low cost omnidirectional antennas... As a matter of fact, during the tail end of solar cycle 22, Radio Rebelde , a Cuban national radio network ran an old three kiloWatts transmitter on 3365 kilohertz, a frequency inside the 90 meters Tropical Band, and every evening that low power transmitter was clearly heard within an area of around fifteen hundred miles around Cuba.
Looking at the reports received during the time when the old Federal Radio Corporation World War Two original five kiloWatts transmitter was on the air from the former CUBARADIO site, I found out that by next year, and probably as early as September of this year, it would be a very good idea to run one of the veteran SNIEG 50 kiloWatts transmitter on 3365 kilohertz or a nearby clear channel to provide additional coverage to our Spanish, English, French and Kreyol languages transmissions that may then be heard with better signals within a radius of about fifteen hundred to two thousand miles around Cuba....
If you are able to tune the 90 meters Tropical Band, listen to it searching for active stations from South America that can be heard in North and Central America, as well as all over the Caribbean starting about three to four hours after local sunset and until very near local sunrise.
Si amigos, this is the middle of the week edition of Dxers Unlimited reaching you when the Sun is at a standstill, a very small short duration sunspot active region interrupted 24 days of zero sunspots, then it vanished, and once again Monday July 23 we are looking at a blank solar disc, while the daily solar flux continues to be at levels typical of the end of a solar cycle.
During extended periods of very low solar activity we see more sporadic E layer band openings on the VHF region of the radio spectrum.... For example, Monday July 23, I picked up two FM Broadcast stations from the USA, that came riding on a high intensity sporadic E layer opening.
The signals showed the typical severe fading, and what makes this report more interesting is that the two DX FM broadcast band station were heard on our kitchen AM/FM and cassette tape set that is placed on top of the refrigerator... No external antenna .... just the telescopic whip was used, telling clearly that the sporadic E signals were very strong. By the way FM broadcast band dxing is one of the more than 93 ways that you and I can enjoy this wonderful hobby amigos !
And now one more email from Florida, a report by amigo Richard of our Sunday July 22 English language programs...
Hola Dear RHC,
Just a quick note to say I enjoyed tonight’s show on 5040 kHz. Weekly Review, DXers Unlimited with Arnie reminding us about the Lighthouse special event, From Habana with Buena Vista Social Club + the whole show was great and reception solid.
Also enjoyed last night’s show with Breakthrough and solar pumps and The Jazz Place with Yosvany Terry Part III. Great show!
muchas gracias,
Ricardo, Fort Pierce, FL, USA
Also received several comments about the vanishing of the JT65 digital communications mode signals from the 20 meters amateur band. It is quite clear now that the much faster mode, known as FT8 has captured the attention of many operators that found out about the much faster turnaround time for the FT8 digital mode contact.
Anyway, let me add that both JT65 and FT8 digital modes are totally automatic, the machines, the computers do all the job, and the operator just sits watching what happens.... And that is why I refuse to use both JT65 and FT8 digital modes. A two way contact with someone listening at the other end of the communications link is in my opinion a much better way of enjoying this wonderful hobby .
Your valuable opinions about the ongoing controversy between the use of FT8 and other digital automatic modes versus single side band voice, CW Morse Code radiotelegraphy or keyboard to keyboard modes like Olivia, PSK31, PSK63 and PSK125, will be most appreciated, send them to inforhc@enet.cu, or via Air Mail to Arnie Coro, Radio Havana Cuba, and don't forget to listen to our weekend edition of Dxers Unlimited next Sunday and part of Monday UTC days just after the top of hour newscast.
(Arnie Coro)
China National Radio testing domestic DRM transmission

According to the Chinese broadcasting information site at http://cahcn.github.io
China National Radio began domestic shortwave test broadcasting on July 24. They transmit "Voice of China" (domestic 5th program) on 6030 kHz at 2025-1805 UT until the end of 2018. The transmission will be stopped at 0600-0900 UT on Tuesdays for transmitter maintenance.
The main target area is North China, but expected to be audible in all over China. The transmitter of 6030 kHz has originally 100 kW of power, but the power is reduced to 30 kW in DRM transmission mode. There will be temporarily stop of the transmission.
The reception report should be addressed to drmrtprc@163.com
(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 26)
Probably via Shuangqiao #491 site
(W Bueschel/HCDX)
Monday, July 23, 2018
Following Iran on shortwave, after threats to U.S. for the 'mother of all wars'
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President Hannan Rouhani |
Iran, VOIRI - A18 Summer schedule to 31 October 2018
All times UTC
5930 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1820-1920 1234567 Albanian
7235 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1820-1920 1234567 Albanian
1224 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0000-2400 1234567 Arabic
7410 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0130-0230 1234567 Arabic
13780 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0530-0830 1234567 Arabic
13610 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0530-1430 1234567 Arabic
13780 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0830-1130 1234567 Arabic
13785 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1130-1430 1234567 Arabic
9650 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1430-1730 1234567 Arabic
9790 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1430-1730 1234567 Arabic
1080 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1620-0220 1234567 Arabic
7425 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1730-0230 1234567 Arabic
7410 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0230-0530 1234567 Arabic "Al-Quds TV"
9800 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0230-0530 1234567 Arabic "Al-Quds TV"
12025 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0320-0420 1234567 Arabic "Voice of Palestine"
5995 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1620-1720 1234567 Armenian
7230 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1620-1720 1234567 Armenian
936 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0000-2400 1234567 Azeri
11825 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1420-1520 1234567 Bengali
7425 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1620-1650 1234567 Bengali
7350 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1720-1820 1234567 Bosnian
17870 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1150-1250 1234567 Chinese
21520 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1150-1250 1234567 Chinese
7360 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 2320-0020 1234567 Chinese
9580 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 2320-0020 1234567 Chinese
13740 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0550-0820 1234567 Dari
13740 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0920-1150 1234567 Dari
9540 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1520-1620 1234567 English
9800 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1920-2020 1234567 English
9810 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1920-2020 1234567 English
7305 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1820-1920 1234567 French
7300 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1720-1820 1234567 German
9850 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1720-1820 1234567 German
15625 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0550-0650 1234567 Hausa
9860 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1820-1920 1234567 Hausa
12030 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0420-0450 1234567 Hebrew
13770 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0420-0450 1234567 Hebrew
13685 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1150-1220 1234567 Hebrew
9810 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1420-1520 1234567 Hindi
12060 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1420-1520 1234567 Hindi
17670 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1220-1320 1234567 Indonesian
21470 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1220-1320 1234567 Indonesian
5935 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 2220-2320 1234567 Indonesian
7360 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 2220-2320 1234567 Indonesian
5945 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1920-1950 1234567 Italian
7235 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1920-1950 1234567 Italian
17630 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1050-1150 1234567 Japanese
7355 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 2050-2150 1234567 Japanese
9765 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 2050-2150 1234567 Japanese
15715 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0920-1020 1234567 Kazakh
17635 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0920-1020 1234567 Kazakh
7410 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1320-1420 1234567 Kurdish
9560 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1320-1420 1234567 Kurdish
6175 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0220-0320 1234567 Pashto
7320 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0220-0320 1234567 Pashto
9510 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1220-1320 1234567 Pashto
5925 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1620-1720 1234567 Pashto
13730 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1320-1420 1234567 Russian
702 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1920-2020 1234567 Russian
1449 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1920-2020 1234567 Russian
9550 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0020-0320 1234567 Spanish
17530 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0720-0820 1234567 Spanish
17815 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0720-0820 1234567 Spanish
9810 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 2020-2120 1234567 Spanish
13750 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0450-0550 1234567 Swahili
15630 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0450-0550 1234567 Swahili
5950 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0050-0220 1234567 Tajik
7280 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0050-0220 1234567 Tajik
13710 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0420-0550 1234567 Turkish
9850 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1550-1720 1234567 Turkish
13795 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1250-1420 1234567 Urdu
7300 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1520-1620 1234567 Urdu
6090 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1450-1550 1234567 Uzbek
9465 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 1450-1550 1234567 Uzbek
'Good Morning, Vietnam!': Remembering the late radio DJ Adrian Cronauer's Air Force days
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Adrian Cronauer |
CBC Radio · July 20
Adrian Cronauer, the former United States Air Force radio DJ stationed in Vietnam, died on Wednesday. He was 79.
The broadcaster was the loose inspiration for Robin Williams' Academy Award nominated performance in the 1987 film Good Morning, Vietnam!
Cronauer volunteered to go to Vietnam just before war efforts in the country escalated. In 1987, he told then-As It Happens host Michael Enright that Vietnam wasn't "much of a dangerous place" when he first signed up.
Then, when it was too late to change assignments, the Vietcong blew up the radio station in Saigon.
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Robin Williams as Adrian Cronauer, began each broadcast with 'Good Morning Vietnam' |
(CBC Radio/Kim A Elliott/Twitter)
(Adrian Cronauer photo/American Spectator)
Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletins
Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2018 Jul 23 0031 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/weekly.html
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 16 - 22 July 2018
Solar activity was very low throughout the period. Region 2716 (N16, L=199, class/area=Axx/10 on 21 Jul) was briefly the sole active region with sunspots, but was largely unproductive. No
Earth-directed CMEs were observed this period.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit reached moderate levels on 22 Jul with normal levels observed through the rest of the period.
Geomagnetic field activity was quiet to unsettled on 16-17, 20-21 Jul with generally quiet conditions observed throughout the remainder of the period. The activity on 20-21 Jul was associated with the weak influence of a positive polarity coronal hole high speed stream.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 23 July - 18 August 2018
Solar activity is expected to be very low throughout the outlook period.
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to reach high levels on 23-31 Jul and moderate levels are expected on 01-11, and 18 Aug. Normal levels are expected throughout the remainder of the outlook period.
Geomagnetic field activity is likely to reach G1 (Minor) geomagnetic storm levels on 24 Jul due to the influence of a negative polarity coronal hole high speed stream. Active conditions are expected on
23, 25 Jul and 17 Aug due to the influence of multiple, recurrent coronal hole high speed streams. Quiet and quiet to unsettled conditions are expected throughout the remainder of the outlook
Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2018 Jul 23 0031 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/wwire.html
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2018-07-23
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2018 Jul 23 70 10 4
2018 Jul 24 70 25 5
2018 Jul 25 70 15 4
2018 Jul 26 70 10 3
2018 Jul 27 70 10 3
2018 Jul 28 70 8 3
2018 Jul 29 68 8 3
2018 Jul 30 68 5 2
2018 Jul 31 68 5 2
2018 Aug 01 68 5 2
2018 Aug 02 68 5 2
2018 Aug 03 68 5 2
2018 Aug 04 68 5 2
2018 Aug 05 68 5 2
2018 Aug 06 68 5 2
2018 Aug 07 68 5 2
2018 Aug 08 68 5 2
2018 Aug 09 68 5 2
2018 Aug 10 68 5 2
2018 Aug 11 70 5 2
2018 Aug 12 70 8 3
2018 Aug 13 70 8 3
2018 Aug 14 70 5 2
2018 Aug 15 70 5 2
2018 Aug 16 70 7 3
2018 Aug 17 70 12 4
2018 Aug 18 70 5 2
Saturday, July 21, 2018
How will spending cuts affect Radio France Internationale ?
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President Emmanuel Macron |
The bulk of the cuts -- 160 million euros -- will be made at its various television operations, with the France O channel covering the country's overseas territories going off the air by 2020.
The government has already announced plans to pull the plug on France 4, an entertainment channel. Last month it launched a revamp of the public audiovisual sector, which includes broadcasters like Arte and the France 24 news channel as well as a host of radio stations, including Radio France Internationale.
Additional story at: http://en.rfi.fr/culture/20180720-france-seek-190-mn-public-broadcasting-cuts
(RFI/The world and All It's Voices)
Hobbyists need a QSL Corner
Every radio hobbyist, whether a die-hard DXer, or a casual program listener, needs a QSL Corner. A place to organize cards and letters from your global listening. A special place can be a corner of the listening-post, your desktop, book shelve, book case or a converted space in a closet.
A QSL Corner should hold your collection and radio
memorabilia. Large D-ring notebook binders, using top-loading document protectors
(acid-free) are an excellent option for card or letter storage. Doing so
protects the collection from direct sunlight, which will age your collection
prematurely. Stay away from adhesive photo albums – that’s the death knell for
your collection, as well as tacking your cards or pennants on the wall. Initially, it looks great – however, sunlight
and dust will be your undoing. A cork bulletin is an option if you prefer to display,
especially for duplicate stickers or cards.
Consider too, there are stations that reply via postal mail.
A stock of airmail envelopes is a must. A selection of postcards of interest
from your area make great enclosures within your reception report. If enclosing
mint postage to the country to use on their reply to you, get the latest price
list of world mint postage stamps, as well as DX-related supplies from Bill
Plum at plumdx@msn.com
Make your own QSL Corner – the possibilities of organization
are endless. Shortwave, utility, AM, FM or amateur radio - we all need a space. Do you have a special place to share with our global followers?
Send your ideas or photos to the email address in the masthead.
Free Radio Service-Holland, summer program schedules
Free Radio Service Holland, as in past years, will be on air in the summer period with evening broadcasts. For this year we have decided to broadcast two broadcasts.
The first one is scheduled
for Sunday July 22, starting at 16:52 UTC/ 18:52 CEST. Close-down will
be at 20:50 UTC/ 22:50 CEST.
Frequencies will be 7700 kHz in the 48 meter band. For this broadcast, we will not air on 9300 kHz. .
FRS-HOLLAND Programming for Sunday July 22
UTC Time
Station-opening: ID's & Theme tune
FRS Golden Show – Roger Davis.
Roger focuses on 60s/70s tracks. |
Musical Express- Bert van Leer
Bert mainly plays 70s/80s tracks. |
Radiowaves- Dave Scott
Excellent classic rock to be heard nowhere else on SW |
German Show- Jan van Dijk
A nice choice of up-to-date music and a few interesting items |
FRS Magazine -
Peter Verbruggen.
Includes a tunes item plus…Summer sounds. |
Close down
Choosing for ‘the best of both worlds’ FRSH goes for broadcasting on short wave in good old AM and digital high-quality web streaming. That means you can make their choice out of two possibilities: [http://laut.fm/jukebox] and [http://nednl.net:8000/frsh.m3u]. Details will follow as soon as possible.
Choosing for ‘the best of both worlds’ FRSH goes for broadcasting on short wave in good old AM and digital high-quality web streaming. That means you can make their choice out of two possibilities: [http://laut.fm/jukebox] and [http://nednl.net:8000/frsh.m3u]. Details will follow as soon as possible.
Correct reception reports include: date + time of reception, QTH, frequency, your receiver/antenna and most important: adequate program details (artists/records etc.). In case you are forwarding an MP3 file (which is much appreciated!) please make sure you include: date, time, frequency QTH within the file name! Thanks in advance! E-mails including correct reception reports to < frs@frsholland.nl > will be consequently replied by our E-QSL. If you prefer a good looking high quality color QSL (hard copy) and large color sticker (plus personal letter), you must write to our Herten maildrop!! Please enclose 3 US dollars or three Euro. Please do not send any IRCs.
Correct reception reports include: date + time of reception, QTH, frequency, your receiver/antenna and most important: adequate program details (artists/records etc.). In case you are forwarding an MP3 file (which is much appreciated!) please make sure you include: date, time, frequency QTH within the file name! Thanks in advance! E-mails including correct reception reports to < frs@frsholland.nl > will be consequently replied by our E-QSL. If you prefer a good looking high quality color QSL (hard copy) and large color sticker (plus personal letter), you must write to our Herten maildrop!! Please enclose 3 US dollars or three Euro. Please do not send any IRCs.
FRS on
air on Sunday August 26
On August 26, FRS will go on air with programming including presenters; Jan van Dijk (German), Bert van Leer, Dave Scott & Peter Verbruggen. It will be the in-official celebration of our 38th anniversary. All shows will be thematic. In the past years various interesting themes were presented: Made in Holland, progressive rock from Dutch bands, Music & Radio Stories, music related to the 'Sea' topic. FRS will surprise you with new themes upcoming August!
On August 26, FRS will go on air with programming including presenters; Jan van Dijk (German), Bert van Leer, Dave Scott & Peter Verbruggen. It will be the in-official celebration of our 38th anniversary. All shows will be thematic. In the past years various interesting themes were presented: Made in Holland, progressive rock from Dutch bands, Music & Radio Stories, music related to the 'Sea' topic. FRS will surprise you with new themes upcoming August!
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