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Thursday, January 03, 2013
Blog Logs - South America
// parallel frequency *sign-on / sign-off*
logs edited for clarity
All times UTC
4699.95, Radio San Miguel, 1042-1105. News noted as "informa sobre la central campesina." Station ID and local time. Also heard 2205-2220. (Mendez/CNR/DXW 469)
5952.44, Radio Pio Doce, Siglo Veinte. Special New Year’s extended schedule. Noted at various times between 0219 and 0417, well past their normal 0230.* Mostly poor signal. (Ron Howard, Cumbre DX)
6134, Radio Santa Cruz, 2351-0020. Modern music, heard best in LSB. Station ID noted as; "Radio Santa Cruz su insuperable compania," program "Santa Cruz en la noche con musica y noticias hasta las nueva de la noche." SINPO 44444. (Arrunategui/DXW 469)
6154.94, Radio Fides, *0945. Carrier switched on/off and then abruptly into canned musical station ID. Frequencies included for AM, FM and shortwave for both the 49 and 31 meter band. Station ID, then into morning show. Signal improved over the first few minutes as the transmitter settles in. (Perry/DXW469).
3355, Radio Educadora 6 de Agosto, 1025-1051. Portuguese ads for SINPO 22222. Signal noted as very weak and deteriorating. (Arrunategui/DXW469)
4815, Radio Difusora, 2128-2140. Portuguese comments and ID as "Radio Difusora, programa da Igreja Pentacostal.: SINPO 24322. (Mendez/CNR/DXW469)
4824.95, Radio Cancao Nova, 0248-0326. Portuguese talks into music vocals. Station ID at 0300, canned ID and announced frequency. Signal fair with minima; CODAR interference. (Rich D'Angelo, PA/DXW469)
4845.24 Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais, 0015-0020. Portuguese programming with talk and IDs. SINPO 23232 with adjacent channel interference (Anker Petersen/DXW469)
4915 Radio Difusora Macapa 0731-0740. Portuguese comments, SINPO 34433. (Mendez/CNR) and heard at 2145-2147 (Mille/DXW469).
6010 Radio Inconfidencia 0715-0740. Brazilian music to comments and ID as "Inconfidencia, Trem Caipira." SINPO 33333 (Mendez) Also heard 2200-2205 with co-channel China's CNR-11. (Mille,DXW469)
6059.80 Super Radio Deus e Amor 0724-0736. Religious songs, comments // 6070, 6120, 9565 and 11765. (Mendez/CNR) Also heard at 0850 with accordian music for a fair signal quality on // 6120.03 (weak) // 9565.06 (good signal) (Perry/DXW469)
6180 Radio Nacional da Amazonia 0655-0752. Portuguese comments to Brazilian music. Station ID at 0700 as "Radio Nacional da Amazonia, levando alegria o radio brasiliero, Bpn dia Brasil." SINPO 34433 (Mendez/DXW469).
11735 Radio Transmundial 2130-2145. Religious programming, SINPO 24322 (Mendez/CNR) Also heard at 0858-0902 in Portuguese with talk about Brazil (Mille/DXW469)
11925.2 Radio Banderiantes 0916-0925. Portuguese programming, SINPO 13221 (Mendez/CNR) Also heard at 2050-2052 with SINPO 25332, noted on // 9645.3 (SINPO 35333) (Mille/DXW469).
5909.92 Alcaravan Radio 0713-0755. "Alcaravan Radio, musica con acordeon." Latin American songs SINPO 24322 (Mendesz/CNR) 2320-2345 with religious programming and ID "enAlcavaran radio 1530." Music and ID with local time check. (Arrunategui/DXW469)
4781.70, Radio Oriental. Noted 1112 with big booming signal, recorded anouncement greetings to listeners, “ . . . de esta emisora Radio Oriental . . . el dia de Ecuador . . . Feliz Navidad!” Then local live anouncer 's comments. Horridly low modulation. We need to send a traveling engineer around
to visit these stations and goose their microphone channel connections, hi. Not sure when they are signing on nowadays, used to be *1100, then *1130, so now are they splitting the difference at
*1115? (Perry, Illinois/Cumbre DX)
4774.96 Radio Tarma 0000-0010. Spanish announcements and Peruvian huaynos. SINPO 25122. (Anker Petersen/DXW469)
4810 Radio Logos 1110-1145. Hymns with religious temas, program in local dialect to station ID as "por Radio Logos, 4810 kilohertz." (Arrunategui/DXW469)
4939.98 Radio San ANtonio 2314-0003. Religious programming about problems within the Catholic church. U.S. music of romantic ballds and tropical rhythms. SINPO 44444 (Arrunategui/Perry/DXW469)
4989.98, Radio Apintie. Stunningly big signal at 2330 on 12/23 after tip from buddy Dave Valko. Playing Xmas carols and still fine at 2359 recheck. Typical deep fades as noted before on stations
from far northeastern South America (Guyana, Surinam, etc.) Wonder what causes this? (Perry, Illinois, Cumbre DX)
1290 MW Radio Puerto Cabello 0712-0735. "Radio Puerto Cabello, siempre da la hora, dos con 48," Venezuela song to station ID. SINPO 24322 (Mendez/CNR/DXW469)