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QSL from St Brandon DXpedition |
S0, Western Sahara (Update). Naama, S01A, has delayed his activity until early May because he did not receive the new equipment and antennas in time. Operators S01A, S01WS (club station "Amateur Radio Union Sahrawi") and S01AH are expected to receive their equipment at the end of April. Having overcome the technical and installation of multiple antennas problems, the maximum expected operating bands will be on 80-6 meters. They will be using three bazooka antennas, one for 60 meters. Naama apologizes for the short activity on March 9. An equipment failure prevented him from continuing his activity. It is important to note that this DXpedition from the "Radio Club Amateur Radio Union of Sahrawi" (URS) is to help the Sahrawi operators develop their hobby on minimum technical conditions. Operators Naama/S01A, Man/S01AH and the URS/S01WS will operate on 60 meters, on 5366.5, 5371.5, 5380.5, 5398.5 and 5403.5 kHz USB. Naama and Man have a license to operate CW on this band on 5.368, 5.373, 5.382 and
5.405 kHz. It is suggested to watch the following for updates and news:
GM, Scotland (Islands Op). Alex, G0DHZ, informs OPDX that he will fly to Glasgow on May 3, and team up with Andre, GM3VLB, to spend three weeks activating Scottish Islands (their list consists of approx. 27 seperate islands). Alex states that there is so much to arrange, he feels they will not be able to access all of the 27. Operations will be on SSB and CW -- 14257 kHz is a regular spot for SSB, but band conditions rules, and CW will be around the + 20 kHz on a frequency where allowed. Islands mentioned are: Bass Rock, Incholm, Davaar, Pladda, Holy Is., Arran, Horse, Burnt, Gigalum, Gigha, Texa, Orsay, Danna, Iona, Kerrera, Lismore, Calve, Carna, Oronsay, Lady Isle, Staffa, and Little Colonsay. QSLs for GM3VLB is direct. GM0DHZ will be via eQSL, to GM0DHZ or direct to G0DHZ or by the Bureau.
May 1
Z3, Macedonia. The "60m News" reports that Macedonia has granted at lease 16 stations permission to start operating on 60 meters. The RSM (Radio Society of Macedonia) requested permission for a group of 16 dedicated radio amateurs with good experience, although the permission is given to RSM as an organization - not to individuals. The RSM is given discretion to modify the list so this list may be extended. The following are currently listed: Z31CZ, Z31MM, Z32ID, Z32M, Z33A, Z33F, Z34M, Z35B, Z35F, Z35G, Z35T, Z35W, Z36W, Z39A, Z39Z, and Z30A.
May 1-3
5Z, Kenya. Toru, JH0CJH, has once again returned to Nairobi, Kenya, and will be active as 5Z4/JH0CJH. Activity will be mainly 40-10 meters CW. QSL via his home call sign, direct or by the Bureau.
May 1-4
TK1, Corsica. An Italian group calling themselves "NOLOGO Independent DXers" will be on a "Springbreak Expedition" operating as TK1R from Corsica. Operators mentioned are Tony/IZ2ESV, Andrea/IZ2LSC, Ivano/I2RFJ, Bruno/IW3HXR, Claudio/IK3HAR and Alberto/IV3BSY. Activity will have an emphasis on the Digital modes and the 30/17/12m bands. The group also plans to be an entry in the ARI International DX Contest (May 3-4th). QSL via IK2DUW. Look for more details and updates on the QRZ.com page.
May 1-15
EA6, Baleric Islands. Francois, ON4LO, should be active as EA6/ON4LO/P from Mallorca Island (EU-005). Activity will be on 40-10 meters using SSB. He also plans to activate different lighthouses on the island. QSL via his home callsign, by the Bureau or direct.
May 1-15
HI, Dominican Republic (NA-096). Juergen, DL4SDW, will be active as homecall/HI3 from the Villa Gonzales. His activity on the HF bands will be mostly CW using 100 watts into wire antennas. QSL via his home callsign, by the Bureau (preferred) or direct.
May 1-30
8J, Japan (Special Event). The QRP day special event station 8J2VLP (It stands for "very low power.") will be active with five watts between May 1-June 30th. The QSLs will be sent automatically via the JARL Bureau. Three other stations, 8J4VLP, 8J6VLP, and 8J9VLP will also be on the air.
May 2-4
3 Days on 3 New Islands for US Islands Awards Program, 1200-2200 UTC, W4YBV, Pepperfish Keys, FL. W4YBV and N4SEC. 28.450 21.350 14.260 7.250. Certificate & QSL. W4YBV, PO Box 881, Steinhatchee, FL 32359. Work all three islands for a certificate. www.usislands.org
Thunder Base 2014 Boy Scouts of America Simon Kenton Council Camporee, 1300-0400 UTC, K2BSA/8, Bloomingburg, OH. BSA Simon Kenton Council. 3.940, 7.190 14.290, 18.140 21.360,
24.960 28.390, 50.160. QSL. Clyde Morrow Sr, KE8DQ, 19317 Shirk Rd, Marysville, OH 43040.
Thunder Base 2014 Boy Scouts of America Simon Kenton Council Camporee will be operating K2BSA/8 on HF, CW, Digital and satellite from Ross County Fairgrounds, Chillicothe, Ohio. QSL via LOTW or send SASE to; Clyde Morrow Sr. KE8DQ 19317 Shirk Rd. Marysville, Ohio 43040. Also, follow us on Facebook for hourly frequency updates at K2BSA.scouting or on Twitter at K2BSA_scouting.
May 3
Third Annual 2010 Nashville Flood Commemorative Special Event Station, 0500-2200 UTC, W4F, Hendersonville, TN. Sumner ARES, Sumner County Tennessee. 3.880 7.180. QSL. SumnerARES, 107 Cedar Springs Trail, Hendersonville, TN 37075. This event is to remember and honor the amateur radio operators that assisted in the assisting with relief efforts during the devastating flood of 2010 in Nashville, TN and surrounding counties. www.SumnerARES.org
May 3
Oklahoma Gas and Steam Engine Show, 1300-2200 UTC, K5SRC, Stillwater, OK. Stillwater Amateur Radio Club . 14.270 7.260 3.885. QSL.William Pendleton, KE5OEX, 501 E Broadway Ave, Yale, OK 74085. www.stillwaterarc.org
May 3
Titan Missile Museum Special Event, 1600-2100 UTC. WE7GV, Sahuarita, AZ. Green Valley Amateur Radio Club. 14.246 14.244 14.242. Certificate and QSL. Green Valley Amateur Radio Club, 601 N La Canada Dr (SAV), Green Valley, AZ 85614. On the air from the Collins Discage antenna at the Titan Missile Museum. gvarc.us
May 3
Toad Suck Daze Special Event Station, 1300-1700 UTC, W5AUU, Conway, AR. Faulkner County Amateur Radio Club. 14.260 7.260. Certificate and QSL. Faulkner County Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 324, Conway, AR 72033. w5auu.org
May 3-4
72 Rag Chew 10th Anniversary, 1300-2100 UTC, K1R, Northfield, MA. 72 Rag Chew Group. 7.272. QSL. Robert Lobenstein, 1958 East 36 St, Brooklyn, NY 11234. www.72chew.net
May 4-10
60th Anniversary of the Order of Boiled Owls of New York, 0000-2359 UTC, W2OWL/60, Lindenhurst, NY. Order of Boiled Owls of New York. SSB CW RTTY 160-10 meters. Certificate. Philip Lewis, N2MUN, 22 W Belle Terre Ave, Lindenhurst, NY 11757. www.obony.org
May 8-10
1869 Transcontinental Railroad Golden Spike Commemoration 1500-2300 UTC, W7G, Corinne, UT. Ogden Amateur Radio Club. 21.285 14.255 14.040 7.235. QSL. Ogden Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 3353, Ogden, UT 84409. Times are daily. Lucky SSB contacts may hear actual whistles from the "Jupiter" and "119" replica locomotives. www.w7g.org
May 10
Bangor Train Day, 1300-2200 UTC, W8T, Bangor, MI. Black River Amateur Radio Club. 28.330 21.330 14.240 7.230. Certificate and QSL. Ed Alderman, 56500 48th Ave, Lawrence, MI 49064. edaldedrman@ymail.com
May 10
Commemorating Daniel Boone's Pathway to Kentucky, 1400-2100 UTC, KE4YVD, Richmond, KY. Central Kentucky Amateur Radio Society. 14.245 14.235 7.235 7.245. QSL. KE4YVD c/o Terry Holman, 156 Norton Dr, Richmond, KY 40475. ke4isw@arrl.net
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USS Midway, photo by Steve Hadley |
MARS and Amateur Radio Crossband Test, 1600-2300 UTC, NI6IW, San Diego, CA. USS Midway (CV-41) Museum. 14.320 7.250; PSK 14.070; D-Star REF001C. QSL. USS Midway Museum Radio Room, 910 N Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92101.
May 10-31
HI, Dominican Republic. Ronny, OT4R, will be active as HI7/OT4R from Punta Cana. Activity will be on 20 and 10 meters SSB. QSL via LoTW or eQSL only. No paper QSL cards.
May 14-17
V6, Micronesia. Shu, JA1FMN, will be active as V63PSK from Weno Island (in the Chuuk State; also known as Moen Island; IOTA OC-011). Activity will be holiday style on 20-10 meters using PSK
and JT65A. QSL via JA1FMN, by the Bureau, direct or eQSL.
May 16-18
A2, Botswana. Gerard (Gert), ZS6AYU, will once again be active as A25GF. Activity will be holiday style on 40-10 meters using CW only. He will also try 6 meters. Gert will use a AVQ640 vertical running 400 watts. QSL via ZS6AYU, direct or by the Bureau.
May 16-19
T8, Palau (update). Operators Fujio/JA1SVP and Takeo/JR1GSE will be active as T88FA and T88TH, respectively, from VIP Guest Hotel (Free Radio Room) on Koror Island (OC-009). Activity will be on 160-6 meters, including 30/17/12m, using CW, SSB and RTTY. T88TH (JR1GSE) will operate mainly SSB and some CW. While T88FA (JA1SVP) will operate mainly CW and RTTY. Main rig is an IC-756 with a TL-933 (possibly other rigs). Antennas are a 160m sloper, 80/75/40/30m Inverted-V and 20-6m Yagi. QSL T88FA via JA1SVP, and T88TH via JR1GSE. Both either direct or by the Bureau. For more details about the VIP Guest Hotel (Free Radio Room), see: http://www.palau-radio.com/index.php?page=rr2014
May 17
Kansas Armed Forces Day, 1400-2000 UTC, WX0EK, Elk Falls, KS. Elk County, KS The Amateur Radio Society. 14.250. QSL. Elk County, KS Amateur Radio Society, PO Box 70, Elk Falls, KS 67345. We will be celebrating Armed Forces Day with multiple stations operating from different location within the state. We will be operating on 80m,40m, 20m,15m. www.facebook.com/ElkCountyKsAmateurRadioSocietyWx0ek?ref=hl
May 17-18
The American Airpower Museum, 1522-1522 UTC, W2GSB, West Babylon, NY. Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club. 14.300 7.200. QSL. Charles Egan, PO Box 1356, West Babylon, NY 11704. www.gsbarc.org
May 18-23
Saltram Shutter Telegraph -- Over 200 years, 0900-2000 UTC, GB1ST, Plymouth, ENGLAND. RSGB. 14.250. QSL. RSGB Bureau, or direct to John Wakefield, 'OAKHURST', Lower Common Rd,
West Wellow, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 6BT, England www.qrz.com/db/gb1st
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Indy 500 |
Indy 500 Special Event, 2200-2200 UTC, W9IMS, Indianapolis, IN. W9IMS. 21.350 14.245 7.240 3.840. Certificate and QSL. Indianapolis Motor Speedway ARC, PO Box 30954, Indianapolis, IN 46230. See website for full details on times, frequencies, and how to apply for Certificate and custom QSL card. www.qrz.com/db/W9IMS
May 20
Charles Lindbergh Crosses the Atlantic, 1152-2000 UTC, K2CAM, Garden City, NY. Cradle of Aviation Museum/Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club. 28.540 21.340 14.240 7.240. QSL. LIMARC, PO Box 392, Levittown, NY 11756. Will try PSK31 on 20 meters. Please QSL self addressed stamped envelope QSL size. www.cradleofaviation.org
May 20-28
T8, Palau. Operators Kenji/JH1BGH and 7K1HLJ will be active as T88WI and T88WH, respectively, from VIP Guest Hotel (Free Radio Room) on Koror Island (OC-009). Specific bands and modes were not provided (probably the same as the above operation). QSL T88WI via JH1BGH and T88WH via 7K1HLJ.
May 22-31
E5, South Cook Islands. Four members of the Yamato Amateur Radio Club will be active from Rarotonga, South Cook Islands, with their own individual callsigns. Operators mentioned are Kuni/JA8VE (E51AVE), Sasi/JA1KJW (E51KJW), Mat/JA1JQY (JA1JQY) and Kaoru/JA3MCA (E51MCA). Activity will be on all HF bands from 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via each operator's home call sign, SASE or by the Bureau.
EUROPE TRIP. Dave, WJ2O, plans to active from the following locations:
F/WJ2O/m - France; July 4-7
GJ/WJ2O/m - Jersey; July 8-11
GU/WJ2O/m - Jersey; July 12-15, to include SOAB LP IARU Contest
F/WJ2O/m - France; July 16-17
QSL via N2ZN and LoTW.
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The Five Sullivan Brothers |
Honoring Veterans for Memorial Day, 1500-2200, W0FSB, Waterloo, IA. The Five Sullivan Brothers Amateur Radio Club. 21.240 14.240 7.240. Certificate and QSL. Five Sullivan Brothers ARC, 3186 Brandon Diagonal Blvd, Brandon, IA 52210. For QSL card: Send card and #10 SASE; For Certificate and stamp. QSL: Send QSL, address label and three Forever stamps; For eQSL and stamp. Certificate: Send eQSL, then an email, requesting a .jpg file of the certificate that you can print yourself. www.qrz.com/db/w0fsb
May 24-26
Memorial Day At Veteran's Memorial Center Merritt Island Florida, 1621-1621 UTC, KC2UFO, Merritt Island, FL. Skywatchers and Communicators Amateur Radio Club . 14.265. Certificate. Dave Slawson, 545 Captains Row, Merritt Island, FL 32953. Operating from the Veteran's Memorial Center, Merritt Island,FL. Asking for Veterans and Family Members to share their military experiences on the air. Contacts may send a #10 envelope or larger and receive certificate and Commemorative coin. www.qsl.net/kc2ufo
May 27-31
Texas Star Party, 1800-0000 UTC, W5TSP, Ft Davis, TX. Texas Star Party. 28.457 21.357 14.257. QSL. Texas Star Party W5TSP, PO Box 559, Greenwood, TX 76246-05. Annual gathering of astronomers texasstarparty.org
May 28-June 3
A3, Tonga. Masa, JA0RQV, will once again be active from Tonga. This time he will activate Niuatoputapu Island (OC-191) at the very small northern end of Tongan territory, and will signing as A35JP/P. Operations will be on 80-6 meters using CW and SSB. His equipment is an IC-7000 (w/100W) into a vertical antenna. Activity will be limited and much is depending on the availability of electric power since there is no commercial electric power at all. He must find a generator or car battery. In case his flight is cancelled, Masa will be active from Vava'u Island (OC-064) or Tongatapu Island (OC-049) instead. QSL via his home callsign, by the Bureau, direct (SASE w/1 IRC) or LoTW. For more details and updates, visit his Blog page at: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/rqv
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QSL Card from Desecheo Island |
May 1-10
AS-143. Paracel Islands. A group of Chinese hams will be active from the rare Yongxing Island, Paracel Islands. The actual operation period depends on the schedule of the ship. Only one radio is allowed to be on the air 24 hours around the clock due to the limit of operators by the local authority. The assigned callsign will be B7CRA. Operators mentioned are Terry/BA7NQ, Che/BA7CK, De/BA7JA, Dick/BD7YC, in/BI7IOB and Vange/BA7IO. Equipment listed: 2xICOM 756PRO3 with 2x1KFA, 2xSB and 1 GP. QSL via BA4EG.
May 1-31
Norh/South American & Grey Nomad DX Vacation. To celebrate 31 years of DXing, Mal, VK6LC, will start a Northern American tour for 34 days through the W6, W7, W9 and W4 areas. signing area/VK6LC on an Amtrak Railway on 146.520 MHz FM. He will then join up with Pedro, HK3JJH, in what they are calling a "Grey Nomad DX Vacation" to celebrate their 20 year reunion of DXing for the month of June. Mal will be in South America for 42 days. These two well known retired Island DXpeditioners will then travel and activate the Amazon as HK9 and the San Andres, HK0.
Mal's tentative schedule is as follows:
June 5-9 - HK9/VK6LC, the Amazon Jungle, Colombia.
June 13-17 - HK0/VK6LC, San Andres, Colombia.
June 18-24 - HK3/VK6LC, Bogota, Colombia.
June 26-29 and July 9-12 - CE3/VK6LC, Santiago, Chile.
July 1-7 - PT7/VK6LC, Fortaleza, Brazil.
May 3-10
EU-032. Didier, F4ELJ, will be active as F4ELJ/P from Oleron Island (DIFM AT-025). Activity will be on the HF bands. QSL via his home call sign, direct, by the Bureau or LoTW.
May 6-11
NH0, Mariana Islands. Operators Yutaka/JQ2GYU/WS2Y and his wife Miho/ JJ2VLY/WS2M will be active as NH0J from Tinian Island (OC-086), Northern Mariana Islands, the special commemorative Tinian station of the "J-Tinian Radio Space Club. Activity will be on 80-10 meters including the 30/17/12 meter bands, using CW, SSB and RTTY. Miho will focus on RTTY. QSL via JJ2VLY, direct (SAE + 2 USDs) or by the JARL Bureau. Please don't send your QSL request to Tinian Island. For more details and broadcast updates, see: http://jq2gyu.blogspot.jp
May 10-20
OC-122/ Tambelan Islands. A team of four to five operators led by John/YB5NOF and Anton/ OC-109. YB5QZ are planning to activate Tambelan Islands as YE5T starting around May 10 for ten days. Some of the team may also activate Natuna Selatan Islands (OC-109) during this time. QSL via W2FB, direct or by the Bureau.
May 21-28
PJ4, Bonaire. Operators Redd/AI2N, Ken/N2ZN and Dave/WJ2O will be active as PJ4J from Bonaire (SA-006) between May 21-28th. Activity will include the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 24-25th) as a Multi-Op/One-TX/All-Band entry.
May 24-25
P4, Aruba. John, W2GD, will be active as P44W from Aruba (SA-036) during the CQWW WPX CW Contest, as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. He will be there between May 22-28. Operations outside of the contest are usually on 160/80m and 30/17/12 meters as time permits. Watch 160m on the hour and 80m on the half hour. QSL via LoTW or direct to N2MM, Bureau cards are no longer accepted as of 12/31/2013. Logs will be loaded on LoTW upon his return to the USA.
(ARRL/OPDX 1158, 1159, 1160)