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Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Blog Logs
Have you noticed how radio conditions have improved ? The high summer static has resided and the DX season is upon us. Take some time to enjoy the sounds of shortwave radio...and let Shortwave Central know whta you're hearing.
Gayle Van Horn
// parallel frequency *sign-on/ sign-off*
Logs edited for clarity
All times UTC
9655, KNLS, Anchor Point, 1502. Male/female duro with english program line-up to Circle in the Sand pop tune. SINPO 43443. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada)
2368.5, Radio Symban, (presumed) 1158-1211.* Greek program announcements, into Greek music. Poor signal with local noise interference (Ron Howard, CA)
15105 Nothing heard around 1259-1300, but instead then an BGD interval signal at 1314, and two ID's of Bangladesh in Hindi at 1316 UT. Flute and string music at 1317. Today much better audio
quality of the station on air. Powerhouse S=9+30dB in Germany at 1328 (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews/HCDX)
4699.96, Radio San Miguel, 0930-1010. Local music to Spanish promos, station ID, and sound effects. Week signal (Chuck Bolland, FL) Also heard at 2250-2305. SINPO 25222 (Anker Petersen, Denmark/DX WIndow 463(
5580.27, Radio San Jose 2320-2330. Spanish talk (SINPO 14211). Noted occasional utility interference. (Petersen).
4885, Radio Clube do Para, 0510. Male/female announcer duo chatting in Portuguese. World news report to ID, jingles and station frequency quote. SINPO 34433 (Bell/DX Window 463)
4985, Radio Brasil Central 2321-2342. Portuguese program promos to Brazilian pop music program, IDs and commercials. Poor signal // 11815 with good signal. Also heard at 0545-0611. (Mendez/DX Window 463)
6000, Radio Guaiba 0025. Male's Portuguese phono conversation. Local time checks, music clips and commercials. SINPO 25332 (Bell/DX Window 463).
Heard two Voice of Tibet outlets from Yangi Yul on air in //, on 15487 and 15562 kHz at 1309-1311 tune in. Hit both by heavy China mainland Firedrake music jamming on 15485 and 15560 kHz.
15795 Heavy CNR talk jamming against All India Radio's Chinese service at 1304-1306 tune-in S=9+10dB jammer signal, like similar strength level Firedrake
against Voice of Tibet on 15485 and 15560 too. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews/HCDX)
3931, Voice of Iranian Kurdistan via Salah Al-Din, Iraq, *0224 and *0226 noted on parallel 3960. Anthem from 0229 on 4865 and same anthem/ID from 0231 on 3960 kHz. (Pankov/DX Window 463)
7330, Voice of People via Talata-Volonondry, 1800-1900. English/Shona/Ndebele targeted to Zimbabwe. SINPO 53543 (Bancov/Ivanov/DX Window 463).
7515, Voice of the Martyrs (Freedom) via Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 1600-1730. Korean programming targeted to North Korea. SINPO 54454 (Bancov/Ivanov/DX Window 463)
12115, Zimbabwe Community Radio via Talata-Volonodry, Madagascar, 1600-1700. English/Shona/Ndebele targeted to Zimbabwe. SINPO 52553 (Bancov/Ivanov/DX WIndow 463).
5910, Radio Alcaravan 0548-0615. Latin American popular style music to Spanish station ID as, "Alcaravan Radio" plus frequency quote. SINPO 45343 (Mendez/Seller/DX WIndow 463).
Equatorial Guinea
15190, Radio Africa 0550-0605. Religious program comments for SINPO 34333 (Mendez). ALso noted at 1921-1942 with English preachings and offer for Bible study correspondence course. SINPO 24322. (Rich D'Angelo/Mendez/DX Window 463).
7265, Hamburger Lokalradio 1135-1145. German speech about illness. SINPO observed as 45343. Noted also *0500-1700.* (Anker Petersen, Denmark/DX Windoe 463).
4055, TGAV Radio Verdad 0425-0603. Local religious program to English talk and Spanish closing items over organ music. Station identification to brief closing in English. National anthem, SINPO 45343. (Giroletti/Mendez/Sellers/DX Window 463).
6055, Radio Nikkei 1401. Japanese interview with western jazz singer on her visit to Japan (English/Japanese). Music featured her tunes during SINPO 44444. Noted on // 9595 (SINPO 33343). (Harold Sellers, BC Canada)
15540, Radio Kuwait 1804-1819. Islamic program in English titled Under the Umbrella of Islam. Signal fair, faded down to a poor quality. (Ron Howard, CA)
5964.71 Klasik Nasional, Kajang 1159-1203. Bahasa Malaysian ID. Possible newscast. SINPO 23332 as interference via Chinese broadcast on 5955 kHz with strong signal (Wagai/DX WIndow 463). Also heard 1343-1400 with music and commercials at 1345 and 1356. (Harold Sellers/BC Canada).
7200.11 Myanmar Radio, Nay Pyi Taw 1219-1222.* Noted audio has been totally distorted and unitelligible, however recheck had fair audio, light songs and suddenly off the air without the usual sign-off with indigeous music. Audible on // 7185.85 spur. (Ron Howard, CA)
Papua New Guinea
3260, NBC Madang 1137-1212.* English/Tok Pisin-sounding like Monday's Government Talkback program with interview/discussion about Papua New Guinea security forces with a Brigadier General. Phone numbers for call-in and email address given by announcer.Tok Pisin station ID at 1202 into C&W music. Signal poor to allmost fair (Ron Howard, CA)