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Wednesday, August 07, 2013
Ecos del Torbes’ International Day - UPDATE
Jeff White of WRMI, has added an additional transmission as follows:
Thursday August 8, 2013 - 0200-0300 UTC on 9955 WRMI /Radi Miami International + streaming audio at www.wrmi.net
Dear DX friends:
We want to celebrate with you the “Ecos del Torbes’ Internacional Day.” It’s a very popular Venezuelan radio station which has been on the air for 66 years non-stop. In the past, it also broadcast on shortwave and it was a very popular shortwave station among the international audience as well as for DXers from around the world.
We will broadcast a Spanish language program with very interesting features on it. It will broadcast simultaneously through medium wave 780, shortwave 9955 kHz on WRMI, as well as on the internet. Please take note. Our shortwave schedule for this program
The schedule will be:
August the 09th at 02.00 to 2.30 UTC on 9955 kHz. (*)
August the 10th at 22.30 UTC to 23.00 UTC on 9955 kHz.
(*) Note: This transmission is for the Friday Aug. 9 in America
All correct reception reports can be sent through www.ecosdeltorbes.net
There is a link on the page and you can leave your personal data and your reception report there. Then, we’ll send you the eQSL verification card.
Despite this program is in Spanish, we’re sure many DXers from non-native Spanish speaking countries will enjoy some features of it as well. This special program is sponsored by The International DXers Friendship Club, CDXA INTERNACIONAL in Venezuela, WRMI Radio Miami International in the United States and support staff working in Ecos del Torbes.
C.DX.A – Internacional Coordinators for the “Ecos del Torbes’
Internacional Day”, in San Cristóbal, Venezuela:
Dr. Ricardo Benvenuto ricardobenvenuto@hotmail.com
Ing. Alejandro Benvenuto alebenvenuto@hotmail.com
This program is offered to you as a preamble to the celebration of IV COLOMBO-VENEZUELAN DXers MEETING (EDXCV-2014) in Barinas, Barinas State, Venezuela on January 5 and 6 which you are cordially invited.
For addiitonal information send email to:
IV-EDXCV-2014 Coordinators:
Ing. Santiago San Gil González americaenantena@yahoo.com
Tec. Freddy Gamboa Rivas freddygambo@gmail.com
Our Home DX blog is: http://diexismovenezolano.blogspot.com/
Our E-mail: cdxainternacional@yahoo.com
(Jeff White/WRMI)
(DSWCI/SW News July 2013)