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Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Islamic countries said to stumble in getting voice out
Doreen Carvajal writes in the International Herald Tribune that “The efforts of Islamic countries to get their governments’ views out in a language accessible to audiences elsewhere appear halting compared with a headlong rush in the United States, Germany, France, Russia and Britain to start or expand Arabic programming in a variety of media.” She points out that “Syria’s Damascus Radio programming in English is not accessible on its Web site, although it transmits about two hours of information daily on a shortwave transmitter.”
(Source: R. Netherlands Media Network Weblog)
GVH: Well, actually Radio Damascus has three hours of English targeted to Europe, and not the easiest to hear in the afternoons, 12085kHz was audible from my receiver a few days ago. Their English service includes:
Times: UTC kHz al- alnernate frequency
2005-2100 Syria, Radio Damascus 9330eu 12085eu 13610al
2100-2200 Syria, Radio Damascus 9330eu 12085eu 13610al
2200-2210 Syria, Radio Damascus 9330eu 12085eu
(Source: Monitoring Times/G. Van Horn)