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Language services as indicated.
// denotes station heard on a parallel frequency
*Sign-on Sign-Off*/ frequencies kHz
Monitored January 1 – 28, 2025
All times UTC
750, Rádio CBN Vale, São José dos Campos SP, 0103. Identification, “CBN…Jornal da CBN, Repórter CBN ..., as principais noticias do dia, a cada meia hora…CBN Vale.” SINPO 35543. (Rudolph Grimm, Brazil/Kiwi Brazil)
860, Rádio Cidade, Fortaleza CE, 0438. Comments and local news to ID and time check. SINPO 25322 (Grimm).
880, Rádio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 0450. Brazilian songs to statin ID. SINPO 45554 // 6010 kHz (Grimm).
1080, Rede Aleluia, Brasilia, 0500 Comments about “Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, Brasilia.” SINPO 23422 (Grimm).
1035, Radio Eli 2348-2350. Very weak Russian programming including holiday music. SIO 232 Kiwi Germany (G Van Horn, LA).
650, Radio Uno, Asunción. Spanish programming, including Paraguayan music. SINPO 23522 (Grimm)
Saudi Arabia
1449, SBA Radio Riyadh. 2300. Twenty-four Arabic programming with announcer’s chat and phone calls, announcements, and Arabic music // 1467, 1260, 1215, and 1071 kHz. Best reception on 1449. (Kiwi Kuwait/Van Horn, LA)
13855, Ifrikya FM 2021-2035. Arabic/French. Lady’s poetry readings to station ID. Arabic chat, upbeat Arabic tunes to ID, “la voix d’Afrique.” SINPO 45544 (Frank Hilton, SC).
Ascension Island
BBC QSL - Ascension Islands |
6135, BBC World Service relay at 0533 (schedule: 0530-0600). Hausa service with newscast // 7305 poor signal; 9410 at 0601. Ascension Island Voice of America relay on 6170 at 0533. Hausa service for talks about Nigeria (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).
3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski 2320. Quechua text to typical Bolivian instrumental music. Announcer comments. SINPO 35543; Additional log at 2326 in Quechua. (Grimm) FB:
Brazil (Portuguese)
4985, Rádio Brasil Central 2342. Station ID to Brazilian tunes. SINPO 35543; 5940, Radio Voz Missionaria, Camboriu at 1418. With talk and phone-in interviews. SINPO 45554; 6180, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia at 2315. ID to Brazilian music. SINPO 35553; YouTube video
https://studio.youtube.com/video/bBKLWKYTjPg/edit (Van Horn/Airspy LA)
Rádio Inconfidencia 6010, 2045-2113. Brazilian vocals to station ID. Also heard 0550-0623 with the program, “Memoria Nacional,”, comments and station ID. Additional program A Hora do Fazendeiro.” SINPO 15422 (Manuel Méndez, Spain/BDXC).
6150, Rádio Saturno, Belo Horizonte, 0541-0631. Pop songs in English to Brazilian songs. Station identification. Noted also at 0608-0627 with Brazilian songs. SINPO 15422 (Méndez).
6070, CFRX Toronto. Newstalk 10-10 at 0514. Commercial spots including Gaviscon, Crave and Consolidated Credit Counselling. Signal fair-poor. (Sellers). 6070, 0846 with station IDs and news bulletins. (Grimm).
3950, PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi. Mandarin service at 0018. Male/female’s commentary to instrumental music. SINPO 15321 to Europe; 3990 PBS Gannan, Hezuo in Chinese at 0019. Commentary and Asian music (Grimm).
12050, Radio Ndarason International via Ascension Island relay at 2003-2015. Kanada service with station jingles and talk-to-news reporting format. (Van Horn, Kiwi SW Central/LA) 12050 at 0700 with station sign-on in Kanuri. Lady announcer hosting newscast for fair signal quality (Sellers).
25800, World Music Radio, Marslet. Multilingual services at 1535; international contemporary music to Europe. SINPO 15321 (Grimm).
A vintage QSL from HCJB |
6050, HCJB Quito, 2350. Christian broadcast to commentary from male/female duo. Programming targeted to South America. No QRM was noted from Xizang, just a signal from HCJB. (Grimm).
7410, Trans World Radio via Manzini at 1947. Program Radio Trans Mundial with text and messages and contact information (Grimm).
3955, Texas Radio Shortwave (relay special of Swedish pirate station Radio Igloo). 2200-2210.
7510, KTWR Trans World Radio at 1920. Christian broadcasts and songs in Korean. SINPO 25542. Target to North and South Korea (Grimm).AWR via Guam was heard on 9885 at 2034 in Korean to North and South Korea (Grimm).
A vintage QSL from All India Radio |
13705, NHK Radio Japan via Yamata in Thai at 2300. Instrumental music, time-pips to ID as “Radio Japan.: News bulletin, SINPO 35553 target to Southeast Asia (Grimm)
6050, ELWA Radio via Monrovia at 2047. Christian broadcast and message by male host. Christian songs, target Africa. SINPO 15321 (Grimm).
RFA QSL 2024 |
9455, Radio Free Asia relay. 2112-2125. Chinese programming with reading presentation, is presumed to be a cultural feature. SIO 433. Kiwi Saudi Arabia) Van Horn) http://rfa.org
11610, Madagascar World Voice via Mahajanga 2110-2125. Chinese text and special program presentation. Musical jingle. SIO 434. Schedule 1800-1900; 2000-2100 on 11965 (Van Horn/Kiwi SW Central LA). Subsequent monitoring 1759- 1805. YouTube video:
136300, China Radio International relay via Bamako 2035-2055. English service for two announcer’s conversations about technologies. SINPO 45544. (Hilton). 5995, Radio Mali at 2039. Talk and announcements from the announcer. SINPO 25432. (Grimm).0620 on 5995 with Sub-Saharan style music. Poor signal quality in French (Sellers).
5915, Myanma Radio, Naypyidaw. Burmese service at 2338. Typical Burmese music and announcer’s comments. Additional instrumental music. Programming targeted to Pacific regions. SINPO 25442. (Grimm).
New Zealand
17675, RNZ Pacific , Rangitaiki. Comments by the announcer pair to instrumental music. SINPO 35543 to Pacific regions (Grimm).
4775, Radio Tarma at 0009. Spanish speech to comments within the broadcaster’s studio. SINPO 25432 to a national audience. Peru’s Radio Cultural Amauta on 4955 at 2334. Commentary to flute and Peruvian style music. SINPO 25421 (Grimm).
9390, Radio Free Asia relay via Tinang, Philippines 2232-2300. Khmer service with national news fanfare intros for program feature on Kampuchea to 2300. Kiwi Saudi Arabia (Van Horn/Kiwi Hong Kong).
United Arab Emirates
15420, BBC World Service relay via Al-Dhabbiya in Somali. Newscast at 1416 with topics and comments. SINPO 25442 (Grimm).
United States
5010, Radio Prague via WRMI Okeechobee, FL relay at 0006. Announcer duo with comments on European topics, mainly on the Czech Republic. SINPO 25542 (Grimm).
6075, KNLS Anchor Point, Alaska, 0801. Sign-on in English with ID, intros, and program lineup with excellent signal quality (Sellers).
15770, WRMI 2050-2105. Religious programming to 2059. Station jingle to WRMI identification, website info, and talk. Music program on 9395, 2200-2210.
https://www.wrmi.net/ 9565, USAGM/Radio Marti 2200-2210. Spanish text to station ID, station info and promo for the upcoming newscast. News items about Cuba // 11930.(Van Horn/LA Airspy)
9930, WWCR 2150-2200. Conversations on proper health care issues and medication concerns. Musical instrumentals to public-service announcements. World Christian Radio ID and upcoming program promo. (Van Horn/Kiwi SW Central LA). 13845 at 2238 with religious text (Grimm).
9475, WTWW Lebanon TN 2218-2235. Recorded biblical teachings to religious praise music at 2220. Additional music to Overcomer Ministry promo to classic Bro. Stair devotionals. (Van Horn/LA Airspy)
9730, Voice of Vietnam via Hanoi-Sontay, // 11885, 1720-1730. Vietnamese service with newscast to music fanfare and additional features. (Van Horn).