CO, Members of the Cubans Amateur Radio Federation (CO2FRC) will be active during the Volta Contest (May 8-9) as a Multi-Multi entry. Operators mentioned are: Gustavo/CO2NO, Lazaro/CO2WL, Jesus/CO2IZ and Winston/CO2WF
8Q, Ron, DL5JAG, will be active as 8Q7SR and on holiday from Embudu Island, South Male Atoll (AS-013), between May 8-23. No other details were provided. QSL via his home callsign, direct w/SAE and proper postage for return. Log will be uploaded to LoTW 1-2 months after his holiday, and for eQSL.cc about 1 month. Also, he does mention to visit the following Web page: http://www.protectthemaldives.de/
CQ72, (LH Op!). Members of the Algarve STAR DX Team (16 operators) will activate 6 Algarve Lighthouses simultaneously between May 15-16. Lighthouses using the following callsigns [CQ72LH(*)] callsigns:
CQ72LHA - Ponta do Altar Lighthouse
CQ72LHM - St. Maria Lighthouse (Culatra Island)
CQ72LHP - Ponta da Piedade Lighthouse
CQ72LHR - Vila Real St. Antonio Lighthouse
CQ72LHV - S.Vicente Lighthouse
CQ72LHZ - Alfanzina Lighthouse
This activity is to promote Algarve STAR DX Team DFFA award (Algarve Lighthouses Award. Their operations are also valid for many other awards. For more details and an online log search, visit: www.algarvedx.com/cq72lh/cq72lh.htm QSL all CQ72LH(*) LH callsigns via CT2HTN, by the Bureau or direct to: Carlos Manuel Oliveira, Arroteia CX. Postal 595 E, Livramento, 8800-102 Tavira, Portugal.
HS8, Wut, HS8JYX, will be active during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 29-30) as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry. QSL via HS8JYX, direct, by LoTW and eQSL. Visit his Web page at: http://www.hs8jyx.com/
4M200/YV200/YW200, (Special Event). Look for several different stations to be active until December 31st, to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Venezuela's Independence. Some of the stations that have been active are:
4M200AJ - Operator Manuel; Activity mainly on PSK on 40/30/20/15/10m;
QSL via YV5AJ.
YV200D - Operator Paolo; Activity mainly on RTTY on 30m; QSL via
YW200A - Operator Alfredo; Activity on PSK and SSB on 20/15m; QSL
via YV5SSF.
YW200ER - Operator Elvis; Activity on SSB on 40/20/15m; QSL via YV8ER.
YW200L - Operator Frank; Activity on RTTY and PSK, on 30/15m; QSL
via YV5LI.
YW200T - Operator Juan; Activity on SSB, RTTY and PSK, on 40/30/20/15m;
A Bicentenary of Venezuelan Independence Award is available by working all the 6 special callsign: 4M200AJ, YV200D, YW200A, YW200ER, YW200L and YW200T. More information is expected to be available at:
Islands on the Air/IOTA
SA-008. Members of the Radio Club of Ushuaia (LU8XW) will once again be active from the City of Tolhuin on Tierra Del Fuego Island (W.A.P. - W.A.D.A Ref ARG-23) starting at 0100z, on May 22 through 0300z, on May 24. Activity is to commemorate the 25th anniversary of their radio club. Operations will be on CW, SSB, PSK, RTTY and the satellites. QSL via LoTW or direct to WD9EWK. All contacts on this expedition are valid for the Radio Club Ushuaia Permanent Diploma. For more details, check out their web page at: www.lu8xw.com/index.php
CO, Members of the Cubans Amateur Radio Federation (CO2FRC) will be active during the Volta Contest (May 8-9) as a Multi-Multi entry. Operators mentioned are: Gustavo/CO2NO, Lazaro/CO2WL, Jesus/CO2IZ and Winston/CO2WF
8Q, Ron, DL5JAG, will be active as 8Q7SR and on holiday from Embudu Island, South Male Atoll (AS-013), between May 8-23. No other details were provided. QSL via his home callsign, direct w/SAE and proper postage for return. Log will be uploaded to LoTW 1-2 months after his holiday, and for eQSL.cc about 1 month. Also, he does mention to visit the following Web page: http://www.protectthemaldives.de/
CQ72, (LH Op!). Members of the Algarve STAR DX Team (16 operators) will activate 6 Algarve Lighthouses simultaneously between May 15-16. Lighthouses using the following callsigns [CQ72LH(*)] callsigns:
CQ72LHA - Ponta do Altar Lighthouse
CQ72LHM - St. Maria Lighthouse (Culatra Island)
CQ72LHP - Ponta da Piedade Lighthouse
CQ72LHR - Vila Real St. Antonio Lighthouse
CQ72LHV - S.Vicente Lighthouse
CQ72LHZ - Alfanzina Lighthouse
This activity is to promote Algarve STAR DX Team DFFA award (Algarve Lighthouses Award
HS8, Wut, HS8JYX, will be active during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 29-30) as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry. QSL via HS8JYX, direct, by LoTW and eQSL. Visit his Web page at: http://www.hs8jyx.com/
4M200/YV200/YW200, (Special Event). Look for several different stations to be active until December 31st, to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Venezuela's Independence. Some of the stations that have been active are:
4M200AJ - Operator Manuel; Activity mainly on PSK on 40/30/20/15/10m;
QSL via YV5AJ.
YV200D - Operator Paolo; Activity mainly on RTTY on 30m; QSL via
YW200A - Operator Alfredo; Activity on PSK and SSB on 20/15m; QSL
via YV5SSF.
YW200ER - Operator Elvis; Activity on SSB on 40/20/15m; QSL via YV8ER.
YW200L - Operator Frank; Activity on RTTY and PSK, on 30/15m; QSL
via YV5LI.
YW200T - Operator Juan; Activity on SSB, RTTY and PSK, on 40/30/20/15m;
A Bicentenary of Venezuelan Independence Award is available by working all the 6 special callsign: 4M200AJ, YV200D, YW200A, YW200ER, YW200L and YW200T. More information is expected to be available at:

SA-008. Members of the Radio Club of Ushuaia (LU8XW) will once again be active from the City of Tolhuin on Tierra Del Fuego Island (W.A.P. - W.A.D.A Ref ARG-23) starting at 0100z, on May 22 through 0300z, on May 24. Activity is to commemorate the 25th anniversary of their radio club. Operations will be on CW, SSB, PSK, RTTY and the satellites. QSL via LoTW or direct to WD9EWK. All contacts on this expedition are valid for the Radio Club Ushuaia Permanent Diploma. For more details, check out their web page at: www.lu8xw.com/index.php

IS0, (Update). Members of the F6KOP Team will be active as IS0R from Isola Rossa, Sardinia (EU-024, Loc. JN41ka), between May 7-15. Activity will be on 160-6 meters, using 3 stations on HF and 1 station on 6 meters. They plan to use CW, SSB and RTTY. Each station will be a FT450 with an Acom 1010 using Micro Ham and PC. Antennas include 6m Yagi Beam, Spider Beam for 30-10m, 4 square for 40m, vertical for 80m (K9AY) and an Inverted L for 160m plus a beverage. Operators mentioned are: Team leader Thierry/F4TTR (SSB), John/F5VHQ (SSB), Sergio/IS0AWZ (SSB), Norbert/ F6AXX (CW), Maurice/F5NQL (CW), Bruno/F5AGB (CW), Jean-Paul/F8BJI (Digi), Henri/F1HRE (Digi), Frank/F4AJQ (Digi), Gerard/F2JD, Sebastien/F5UFX, Gabriele/I2VGW and Eric/N7RN. QSL will be via Florent, F5CWU. QSLs are via direct (w/SAE and right postage) or by the Bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW (a few months later, when the bulk of the paper QSLs have been processed.). For more info/details, see their Web page at: http://is0r.perso.sfr.fr/cariboost1
(Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin 957 via Tedd Mirgliotta/OPDX)
(Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin 957 via Tedd Mirgliotta/OPDX)