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Sunday, August 18, 2013
Amateur Radio Special Event Calendar
Islands/Castles & Portable Operations
20 August
Grupo DX Caracas has plans be active as YW5X from Isla La Orchila (SA-054, DIV-038, WLOTA 3044) on 20-26 August, 2013. QSL via DM4TI. [425
DX News]
21 August
Look for Rich, KE1B and Ann, W6NN to be active as 9H3MMM and 9H3NN, respectively, from the island of Gozo (EU-023, MIA MM-004, WLOTA 0046) from 21-16 August 2013. Operation will be holiday style on 40-10m (including WARC), CW/SSB/RTTY, using 100W and Buddipole antenna system. QSL via home calls. All logs will be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL after the DXpedition (late August 2013). Online log search for both calls will be hosted by Clublog. Website: www.qrz.com/db/9H3MMM [NG3K]
22 August
Tomas, VK2CCC, plans a spare time activation of Lord Howe Island (OC-004, WWFF VKFF-295) between 22-29 September 2013. Activity will be limited to only 160 and 80 metres. QSL LoTW, bureau, direct to VK2CCC. Website: www.qrz.com/db/VK9LL [DX World]
The SYLRA (Scandinavian Young Ladies Radio Amateurs) 10 year anniversary meeting will take place in Roskilde, Denmark, 22nd August till 25th August 2013. Special station OZ6SYL will be active during the meeting on all bands and modes. Further info at: oz.sylra.is/
23 August
Hans, ON6ZK, will be active holiday style as SV5/ON6ZK/p from the island of Kos (EU-001, GIOTA DKS-043, MIA MGD-016, WLOTA 1730) from 23-30 August, 2013. QRV on 20 metre SSB (14170 kHz) and CW (14050 kHz) using FT857 at 50 Watts to a fishstick pole as a 1/4 vertical from the hotel balcony. QSL preferred via the bureau, direct with SASE. [NG3K]
A team consisting Gil F4FET, Juan F5IRC, Vincent F4BKV, Antoine F5RAB, Marc F8DRA and Diego F4HAU plan to be active as TM0SM from Ile du Large [Iles Saint Marcouf] (EU-081, DIFM MA-001, WW Loc. IN99KL) from 23-25 August, 2013. They will also activate Ile du Large lighthouse (DPLF PB-052, ARLHS FRA 055, TWLHD WLH F-061, WLOTA 0060) and the Fort de l'Ile du Large (DFCF 50-013, WCA F-02100). Plans are to be QRV on 40 metre to 6 metre SSB and CW. QSL via F5CWU, direct or bureau. Further information is available on their website at: tm0sm.webs.com/ [DX World]
31 August
Rick, AI5P, plans activity from Central America throughout September. Itinerary as follows: HP1/AI5P from Panama between 31 August and 6 September. YS1/AI5P from El Salvador, 6-12 September. YN2PX from Grenada, Nicaragua, between 12-23 September, 2013. QRV on the HF bands, mainly CW. QSL via home call. [DX World]
(edited by Gayle Van Horn/ICPO Aug Bulletin)
(QSL/Larry Van Horn)