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Sunday, November 17, 2013
TWR Africa Winter Schedules
Transmitters via Rwanda, Swaziland and United Arab Emirates (TWR Asia)
TWR Africa - B13 Winter Schedule
Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014
All times UTC
0255-0325 12345 Ndebele 3200 50 8 3 Zimbabwe
0255-0310 6 Ndebele 3200 50 8 3 Zimbabwe
0255-0325 7 English 3200 50 8 3 Zimbabwe
0255-0325 1234567 Shona 3240 50 6 3 Zimbabwe
0325-0340 1234567 Ndau 3240 50 6 3 Zimbabwe
0325-0340 1234567 Ndau 3240 50 6 3 Zimbabwe
0330-0345 34 Sidamo 9530 100 2 12 Ethiopia
0330-0345 1 5 7 Amharic 9530 100 2 12 Ethiopia
0330-0345 2 Oromo 9530 100 2 12 Ethiopia
0342-0358 1234567 Lomwe 4775 50 8 3 Mozambique
0400-0430 12345 German 3200 50 9 233 South Africa
0400-0500 67 German 3200 50 9 233 South Africa
0400-0430 12345 German 4775 50 4 233 South Africa
0400-0500 67 German 4775 50 4 233 South Africa
0400-0445 67 Chewa 5995 100 11 5 Malawi
0430-0500 12345 English 3200 50 9 233 South Africa
0501-0800 67 English 4775 50 4 233 Southern Africa
0502-0800 1234567 English 6120 50 4 233 Southern Africa
0500-0800 1234567 English 9500 100 11 5 Central Africa
1400-1415 1234567 Urdu 15360 100 103 43 Pakistan
1425-1455 1234567 Portuguese 7315 50 11 5 Mozambique
1455-1510 1234567 Makua 7315 50 11 5 N Mozambique
1510-1555 1234567 Lomwe 7315 50 11 5 N Mozambique
1455-1525 12345 Malagasy 9585 100 3 64 Madagascar
1440-1525 67 French 9585 100 3 64 Madagascar
1425-1455 1234567 English 6025 100 6 3 Zimbabwe
1455-1525 1234567 Shona 6025 100 6 3 Zimbabwe
1525-1555 12345 Ndebele 6025 100 6 3 Zimbabwe
1525-1555 67 English 6025 100 6 3 Zimbabwe
1555-1625 1234567 Shona 6025 100 6 3 Zimbabwe
1557-1627 12345 Kir 15105 100 13 0 Rwanda
1630-1700 1234567 Zulu 1170 50 MW ND Swaziland
1700-2105 1234567 English 1170 50 MW ND Southern Africa
1545-1615 7 Shangaan 4760 50 6 3 S Mozambique
1600-1630 12345 Tshwa 4760 50 6 3 S Mozambique
1600-1630 6 Shangaan 4760 50 6 3 S Mozambique
1615-1645 7 Tshwa 4760 50 6 3 S Mozambique
1630-1645 1 4 Portuguese 4760 50 6 3 S Mozambique
1630-1645 23 56 Shangaan 4760 50 6 3 S Mozambique
1645-1759 1234567 Ndau 4760 50 6 3 S Mozambique
1557-1627 12345 KiRundi 15105 100 10B 13 Burundi
1630-1645 12 Amharic 11725 100 10B 13 Ethiopia
1630-1700 34 Oromo 11725 100 10B 13 Ethiopia
1645-1700 12 7 Oromo 11725 100 10B 13 Ethiopia
1630-1645 56 Kambaata 11725 100 10B 13 Ethiopia
1645-1700 56 Hadiya 11725 100 10B 13 Ethiopia
1700-1730 123456 Amharic 11725 100 10B 13 Ethiopia
1700-1715 7 Amharic 11725 100 10B 13 Ethiopia
1715-1745 7 Oromo 11725 100 10B 13 Ethiopia
1730-1800 12345 Oromo 11725 100 10B 13 Ethiopia
1730-1800 6 Amharic 11725 100 10B 13 Ethiopia
1800-1900 1234567 English 9500 100 10B 13 East Africa /Jub
1700-1745 1234567 Swahili 9475 100 11 5 East Africa
1745-1815 67 Swahili 9475 100 11 5 East Africa
1700-2000 12345.. English 3200 50 9 233 South Africa
1700-2045 67 English 3200 50 9 233 South Africa
1750-1820 12345 Umbunbu 6130 100 1 312 Angola
1820-1835 1234567 Chokwe 6130 100 1 312 Angola
1835-1850 1234567 Umbundu 6130 100 1 312 Angola
1850-1905 1 Luvale 6130 100 1 312 Angola
1850-1905 2345 7 KiKongo 6130 100 1 312 Angola
1850-1905 6 Portuguese 6130 100 1 312 Angola
1905-1920 12 Portuguese 6130 100 1 312 Angola
1905-1920 3 Luchazi 6130 100 1 312 Angola
1905-1920 4 Luvale 6130 100 1 312 Angola
1905-1920 5 Fiote 6130 100 1 312 Angola
1905-1920 6 Lunyaneka 6130 100 1 312 Angola
1905-1920 7 Kuanyama 6130 100 1 312 Angola
1920-1950 1234567 Portuguese 6130 100 1 312 Angola
1950-2005 1234567 Kimbundu 6130 100 1 312 Angola
1905-1935 1234567 Lingala 9940 100 101 343 D R Congo
1935-1950 1234567 French 9940 100 101 343 D R Congo
1950-2020 6 French 9940 100 101 343 D R Congo
B-13 season
3200 0255-0325 53,57 MAN 50 3 0 101 1234567 NEL/ENG SWZ TWR
3240 0255-0340 53 MAN 50 3 0 101 1234567 SHD/NDC SWZ TWR
9530 0330-0345 48 MAN 100 12 0 213 123456. Sid/AMH SWZ TWR GAZ
3200 0330-0430 57 MAN 50 233 0 100 1234567 GER/ENG SWZ TWR
4775 0342-0358 53SW MAN 50 3 0 101 1234567 NGL SWZ TWR
5995 0400-0445 53W MAN 100 5 0 142 1.....7 NYJ SWZ TWR
4775 0400-0800 57 MAN 50 233 0 101 1234567 GER/ENG SWZ TWR
3200 0430-0500 57 MAN 25 233 0 100 1.....7 GER SWZ TWR
9500 0500-0800 53W MAN 100 5 0 142 1234567 ENG SWZ TWR
6120 0501-0800 57 MAN 50 233 0 100 1234567 ENG SWZ TWR
15360 1400-1415 40SE41MAN 100 43 30 218 1234567 URD SWZ TWR
7315 1425-1555 53W MAN 100 5 0 142 1234567 POR/Mak SWZ TWR NGL
6025 1425-1625 53SW MAN 100 3 0 101 1234567 ENG/SHD SWZ TWR NEL
9585 1455-1525 53SE MAN 100 64 0 101 1234567 MAL/FRA SWZ TWR
15105 1557-1627 53W MAN 100 13 0 218 .23456. Kir SWZ TWR
4760 1600-1659 53W MAN 50 3 0 101 1234567 TSC/TSO SWZ TWR POR/NDC
11725 1630-1800 48 MAN 100 13 0 218 1234567 AMH/GAZ SWZ TWR Kam/Dim
9475 1700-1815 48S53NMAN 100 5 0 142 1234567 SWA SWZ TWR
7300 1705-1735 53W MAN 100 3 0 101 1234567 Yaw SWZ TWR
3200 1745-2046 57 MAN 50 233 0 100 1234567 ENG SWZ TWR
6130 1750-2005 52 MAN 100 312 0 142 1234567 Umb/CJK SWZ TWR MNF/KON
9500 1800-1900 48 MAN 100 13 0 218 1234567 ENG/Jub SWZ TWR
9940 1905-2005 47S,52MAN 100 343-30 218 1234567 LIN/FRA SWZ TWR
DAY is the day of the broadcast 1 is Monday etc. & 7 is Sunday
FREQ is the frequency in kilohertz
MB is the metreband
PWR is the power of the transmitter in kilowatts
AZI is the direction of the antenna
Local times are:
Kenya UTC+3 Ethiopia UTC+3 Somalia UTC+3
Tanzania UTC+3 Sudan UTC+2 Mozambique UTC+2
Angola UTC+1 Zimbabwe UTC+2 DRC UTC+1
0330-0345 1...5.7 Amharic 9530 UAE 250 225 Ethiopia
0330-0345 .2..... Oromo 9530 UAE 250 225 Ethiopia
0330-0345 ..34... Sidamo 9530 UAE 250 225 Ethiopia
1300-1315 ...4567 Afar 13660 KIG 250 30 Ethiopia
1630-1657 123456. Somali 11635 UAE 250 225 Kenya/Somali
1630-1645 ......7 Somali 11635 UAE 250 225 Kenya/Somali
1800-1830 ......7 Kunama 5965 UAE 250 225 Eritrea
1800-1830 .....6. Tigre 5965 UAE 250 225 Eritrea
1800-1815 1234... Tigrinya 5965 UAE 250 225 Eritrea
1815-1845 12345.. Tigrinya 5965 UAE 250 225 Eritrea
1830-1845 ......7 Amharic 5965 UAE 250 225 Ethiopia
DAY is the day of the broadcast 1 is Sunday etc. & 7 is Saturday
FREQU is the frequency in kilohertz
PWR is the power of the transmitter in kilowatts
AZI is the direction of the antenna
Local times are:
Kenya UTC+3 Ethiopia UTC+3 Eritrea UTC+3
Chad UTC+1 Somalia UTC+3 Tanzania UTC+3
Nigeria UTC+1 Sudan UTC+2 Ghana UTC+0
Liberia UTC+0 Cameroon UTC+1
(TWR / HFCC registration, transformed by wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews,
A-13 summer schedule updated by hfcc B-13 entries. Nov 3)
(WWDXC/Top Nx 1137)