All times UTC/ frequency in kHz (kilohertz) // parallel frequency
* Sign-on / Sign-off *
English unless otherwise indicated
Logs edited for clarity
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QSL (Gayle Van Horn Collection) |
4949.9, Radio Nacional, Mulenvos, 2158-2205. Portuguese comments. Very weak, best on LSB, SINPO14321. (Manuel Méndez/DX Window 534) Station website:
2485, VL8K, Katherine, NT, 1156. Stevie Wonder song, 1158 promo for aboriginal radio and ID “ABC Local Radio”, SINPO 25342 // 2325 (poorer) 4835 (good). (Harold Sellers, BC Canada)
4835, VL8A, Alice Springs, NT // 9580 (RA) // 12065 (RA) // 12085 (RA), 0947 + 1113. "Grandstand" live coverage of the Crows vs Eagles. (Ron Howard). Also heard at 2120, ABC relay, SINPO 35333. (Giroletti) 4910, VL8T, Tenant Creek, NT, *2130-2137, English news, SINPO 24322 // 4835, 5025. (Méndez) 5025, VL8K, Katherine, NT, 2120-2136. English news, SINPO 24322 // 4835, 4910. (Giroletti and Méndez/DX Window 534)
3310.00, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, 1045-1110. Quechua music program, at times the signal fades, ID not heard, at 1106 again audible, SINPO 33333. (Arrunátegui) Additional Bolivian's monitored as; 4699.9, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 0002-0009. Spanish comments. Best on LSB, SINPO 14321. (Méndez)
5952.43, Radio Pio XII, Siglio XX, 2305-2340. Direct report from the visit of Pope Francisco in Bolivia, no ID heard, SINPO 44444. (Arrunátegui). Also heard at 0008-0020 with Spanish and Quechua comments. Best on LSB, SINPO 13321. (Méndez/DX Window 534)
VOA QSL (shortwavedx.blogspot) |
4930.00, 2040-2100* VOA relay via Moepeng Hill. English announcements with African dialect. Afro pops. VOA interval signal at 2100. SINPO 45333 // VOA, Pinheira 4940 (SINPO 45333) (Anker Peterson, Denmark/playdx)
4865.00, R Verdes Florestas, Cruzeiro do Sul, AC, 1135-1205. Newscast and advertisements to ID as, “Radio Verdes Florestas." Additional ads and music. SINPO 44444 (Arrunátegui) 4885, Radio Clube do Para, Belém, PA, 0449-0512. Brazilian songs, Portuguesse comments, SINPO 24322. (Méndez). Also heard at 2150-2158. Portuguese talk by two men, SINPO 34433. (Denzel) 6120, Super Radio Deus é Amor, São Paulo, SP, 0459-0510. Portuguese religious comments, SINPO 14321 // 11765. (Méndez) 9664,60, Radio Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, SC, 2203-2212. Portuguese preaches with silent piano music, SINPO 34333. (Denzel) (DX Window 534) 4875.12, 0240-0250, Radio Difusora Roraima, Boa Vista in Portuguese. SINPO 25242 (Peterson/playdx)
5964.98 Radio Transmundial 0815. Inspirational program with male host in Portuguese, ending with song at 0824. Heard 0829-0831 with many IDs and ID/promos, then back to music. Came back at 0857 and hrd ID/promo and long list of network stations. Rooster drowing at 0900 SFX and time check - // webstream which was :44 seconds behind. Improved slightly by 0835. About equal in strength to 6010.06 Inconfidencia. (Dave Valko, PA/Cumbre DX) Brazil's 6160.058 Radio Boa Vontade. Noticed a big het on 6160 at 0955, and was surprised to hear audio on 6160.058 when I tuned in and notched out CKZN. A block of canned anouncements definitely in Portuguese - some quite animated. At 0958 definite mention of “…Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil…” (a list of the network station locations QTHs??) followed by probably the full ID at 0959 but all I could copy was a mention of one of the freqs. Went into a long soft slow song at 1000 which sounded // the webstream. Had it IDed at around the 1003 peak, I could have copied it. The next song didn’t seem // to the webstream though. Unfortunately I didn’t find the right webstream until after 1000. Freq 11895.00 certainly sounded like Portuguese at around 1016. There was a signal on 9550.02 also, but couldn’t get any audio on it. Incidentally, the Boa Vontade website besides giving 9550 and 11895 for Porto Alegre gives the 49mb freq as 6610. (Valko/Cumbre DX)
(playdx) |
11830, Dandal Kura Radio, 1755-1815. Ascension Islands relay by Babcock. Sign-on interval signal of bird sound effects. Announcer's Kanuri sign-on announcements.Programming of features and studio conversations, monitored to 1815. Additional clandestine stations noted as; Ictimai Radio 9677, 1807, unknown transmitter location. Announcer's Azeri text and Qur'an recitations to fanfare segment at 1817. Instrumental Middle Eastern music to additional program features. Radio Denge Kurdistan via Issoudun, France realy, 11600 at 1816-1835. Kurdish text to studio conversations and children's singing segment. Brief musical interlude
and mention of station at 1835 (Gayle Van Horn W4GVH/NC).
15315, VO Gospel/Sawtu Linjilia, 1840-1852. Issoudun, France relay. Fulfulge service with reading of text, fanfare music to announcer's trading program segments and program promo . Voice-overs. African highlife musical vocals and announcer's intro's for African tribal music. Script segments presumed for religious service. Programming abruptly off as two announcer's chat at 1852. Additional clandestine station, Voice of Wilderness via Uzbekistan relay noted on 7375, 1900-1925. Korean sign-on at 1900 with I.D. format and "hello", followed by station info and Korean musical vocals. Music and talk portions continued throughout monitoring to 1925 (Van Horn).
5950, Voice of Tigray Revolution, Geja Jewe, 1654. Tigrigna. (Ivanov). Also heard at 1825-1845 with vernacular comments and East African songs, SINPO 14321. (Méndez) 6030, Radio Oromiya, Geja Jewe, 1656. Oromo. (Ivanov). Also heard at 1806-1835 with East African songs, SINPO 24322. (Méndez) 6090, Voice of Amhara State, Geja Jewe, 1658 in Amharic. (Ivanov). Also heard at 1827-1850 in vernacular comments, SINPO 24232. (Méndez) 6110, Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, 1700. Amharic. (Ivanov). Also heard at 1754-1808 featuring East African songs to vernacular comments. SINPO 24322. (Méndez/DX WIndow 534)
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AIR QSL (Gayle Van Horn Collection) |
9575 All India Radio, Bengaluru, 1213. Tone signal and beginning of station's interval signal. Sign-on 1215-station listed as Tibetan service. Poor signal noted (Sellers). AIR Chinese moved to 11845 kHz. AIR External Service in Chinese has changed to 11845 kHz from 11855 kHz at 1145-1315 UT. The China mainland Jammers have not yet noticed the new frequency. (Now they will!) (Jose Jacob/IND VU2JOS, DXindia/WWDXC Top Nx 1216)
11740, All India Radio, Dari service 1315-1400 with program features, ID and newscast. Indian music program from 1347-1403. Station information to 1408. Additional India music vocals to 1413. Sign-off ID and routine 1415 (Rod Pearson, St Augustine, FL)
5050 AIR Aizawl. Brief check at 1230 with poor reception; in English underneath Beibu Bay Radio (China). Signal seemed \\ AIR Shillong on 4970 kHz. Recently noted Aizawl active again. Nice! (Ron Howard, CA via wwdxc BC-DX TopNx 1216)
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Radio Educacion QSL (Gayle Van Horn Collection) |
6185, Radio Educación, Mexico D. F., 0107-0125. , Jul 08, IDs and several mentions of Mexico, discussion program in Spanish featuring various men from remote locations discussing topics of interest. Fair signal. (D’Angelo). Also heard at 0453-0612 with classical music, ID at 0600 - "Radio Educación 1060 AM, Radio Educación, la radio cultural de Mexico". Habitual sign off at 0500. Closed today more than one hour later. SINPO 24322. Also 0450-0522 * Classical music, anthem at 0500, ID at 0502 and "Noticias de Radio Francia Internacional, noticiero de RFI". Cut off abruptly at 0522, 24322.(Méndez/DX Window 534)
9575, & 171 kHz Radio Medi 1, 0120. Musical pop dance program. SINPO 45444 - SINPO on 171 kHz SINPO 25222. (Daniel Wyllyans, Nova Xavantina MT Brazil/HCDX) No sign of Radio
Medi I on 9575 checks at 1300-1500 on 28 Jul (Van Horn).
11800, 0208 Radio Romania Int'l (Tiganesti). Spanish service with newscast and program "Cluc Cultura". Invitation to listeners for the RRI Contest. SINPO 55444. Parallel log on 11945kHz Galbeni,SINPO 45433. (Jota Xavier/HCDX) Closing minutes of Chinese service 17860 kHz - 1320-1326 (Van Horn).
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BSKSA QSL (Gayle Van Horn Collection) |
9714.920 BSKSA. Prayer program observed onnce more from BSKSA Riyadh, seemingly of Ramadan festivity program. At 0748 UT, S=5-6 poor signal of this non-directional
northeast Middle East target signal, well above threshold level heard here in southern Germany. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNx 1216)
Solomon Islands
5020, S.I.B.C. at 1137. Pop music, lady announcer's Tok Pisin announcements. At 1139 an English-language report from the Pacific Games in Port Moresby
about a gold medal in women’s 5000 meters race. SINPO 35333. Listened periodically after 1200; at 1205 open carrier, at 1218 Wantok FM with Bee Gees song. At 1231 observed open carrier, followed at 1241 islands music. Signal fair-good (Sellers, Canada)
9545.0, SIBC, Honiara, 0502-0620. Anomaly, instead of closing down at 0500, continued on with news in English, 0530, in Pijin. Pacific Island pop songs, 0600 into pop hit songs (Elton John "Crocodile Rock"). Started out at threshold level and after an hour almost fair. Heading for 24 hour broadcast? On Jul 18 not on the normal 5020.0 at 1157 for the usual "evening devotional," but instead on 9545; ID and national anthem till 1201, followed by open carrier. By 1236 able to confirm pop songs, so Wantok FM relay. Heavy adjacent interference - 5020.0 silent. (Howard). Also heard via remote receiver in Brisbane, Queensland, at 1820, Jul 18, light pop singer music, S=7-9 signal, slight QRM of adjacent 9540 RRI Bucharest from Tiganesti in German, S=7-8 signal level; nothing on empty silent 5020. (Bueschel/DX WIndow 534)
13800, Weak signal of Puntland Radio One after 1500 UT time slot - GRW 20 kW non-dir to East Africa Somali CUSB. (Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria/HCDX via wwdxc BC-DX TopNx 1216)
4765.06, Tajik Radio 1, Yangiyul, 2335-2345. Announcer duo's chat in Tajik about Belarus with short musical interludes. SINPO 45333. (Petersen/DX WIndow 534)
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VO Turkey QSL (Gayle VanHorn Collection) |
09465, Voice of Turkey 0219. Uyghur service. Announcr's talk and presumed newscast. SINPO 35432 (Xavier/HCDX) Instrumnetal Turkish music prior to Kazakh service sign-on at 1330 on 11880. Station announcements to newscast. Russian service noted on 11965 at 1335. Russian music introduced program feature. SIO 434. Turkish service noted on 9840 at 1335-1345 (Van Horn).