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Monday, October 24, 2011
Monitoring Libya on shortwave
11600 kHz. Radio Télévision Libye, Tripolis Libye today Oct 24. Transmitter at Sabrata on air very late at 16.06.15 UTC. More than fair signal noted in Genua Italy and Finland Europe, S=9+15dBm. Program on same muffeled audio quality like yesterday, today measured and noted bandwidth like - three different audio levels, best is 1000 Hertz tone from the
transmitter site, followed by "Russian Waltz" music wide of 4.4 kHz, and annoying spoken part quality of small 3.11 kHz.
Suffered by 11600 kHz co-channel CRI from Baoji-CHN in Swahili to Africa from 1700-1757 UT.
And also hit by some "fade out" heavy splash from 11590 kHz Radio Pakistan Islamabad which appeared from 1721 UT onwards. SDR radio notch cut function of 11585 to 11599 kHz portion upgraded to worth listening.
Identification in French and Russian Waltz music started at 16.07:23 UT. For audio quality comparision I recorded some piece of VoRussia Grigoriopol in French on 11635 kHz at 16.54 UT in between.
At 16.55 UT a African vernac folk song played from Sahel zone.
At 17.11:20 UT modern West African like rumba music played, with singer in French language.
Anncmt ID in French logged at 1729 and 1747 UT. Much talk on Libye Revolution, as well as Revolution Francaise at Paris Bastille.
Russian waltz music played til late 18.03:45 UTC.
TX OFF today Oct 24 at 18.04:14 UTC.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 24)
(Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany/HCDX)
Dear DX-friends,
I listened to Libya this afternoon( Oct 24) at 1610-1735 UTC on 11600.00 kHz which had a broadcast in French with SINPO 35433 - 45443 and S up to 9+30 dB, but a very muffled voice audio. Their audio of music was perfect: Vienna waltzes and light instrumental music which was often played! They had frequent, new ID's: " Radio Libye, Tripoli" and "Ici Radio Télévision Libye, Tripoli". This obviously has replaced the former Gaddafi names "Libyan Jamahariyah Broadcasting Corporation" and the external service "Voice of Africa". Mostly talks on the same time schedule as former Voice of Africa in French about the revolution and future democracy in Libya, about the obduction of the corpse of Muammar Gaddafi, the declaration of military victory of Libya in Benghazi and the democratic election yesterday in Tunisia and about developments in Syria. All was very different content to what was heard on the Voice of Africa! Slight interference from *1700 from China Radio International, Baoji in Swahili, then SINPO 54443.
Best 73,
(Anker Petersen, Denmark/HCDX)