Today, I've been working on an uppcoming QSL Report column for Monitoring Times magazine. For space constraints, the following contributions were cut, and have instead been included for today's blog post. What are you QSLing lately ?
Gayle Van Horn
Radio Australia, 11945 kHz. Full data Aussie card. Received in six months for report posted via their website. (Artur Fernandez Llorella/playdx)
CTB/China Tibet Broadcasting, 5240 kHz. Full data QSL and letter. Received in 120 days. Station address: CTB Lhasa City Beijing, middle road n° 41, Tibet, China, 85000. Email: holytibet@tibetradio.cn Website: http://www.en.tibetradio.cn/ (Mauro Giroletti, Italy/playdx)
European Pirates
Atlantic 2000 International, 6005 kHz. Full data QSL from Tiphanie and personal note. Verified in 22 days for report to atlantic2000internaitonal@gmail.com (Silveri Gomez, Italy/playdx)
Cactus Jack Radio, 6912 kHz. Full data E-QSL. Received in two hours. (Hillton, SC).
European Music Radio, 6140 kHz. Three QSL cards signed by Tom and station info. Received for report to studio@emr.org.uk. (Gomez)
IMR/Irish Music Radio, 6930 kHz. E-QSL from Tony Kenny. Received in four days for e-report to imr6930@yahoo.com (Luca Botto Fiora, Italy/playdx)
Radio Black Bandit, 6375 kHz. Full data QSL. Received in 220 days for e-report to doctortim@t-online.de (Fiora)
Radio Rasant via Challenger Radio, 1368 kHz. Full data QSL and letter. Received in six weeks for e-repor toredaktionradiorasant@yahoo.de (LLorella)
Radio Waves International, 6055 kHz. Full data QSLs from Peter Hills and Philippe and personal note. Received in nine days for report torwaves@free.fr (Gomez)
European Music Radio via Wertchtal, Germany, 6140 kHz. Full data QSL and info sheet. Received in two weeks for e-report to emrsw@sky.com (Llorella)
Overcomer Ministry, 9655 kHz via Germany (tentative). Full data QSL and personal letter for report to brotherstair@overcomerministry.org (Llorella).
Medium Wave
Italy-RAI Piemonte, 999 kHz. Verification in 13 weeks with mention of regional program. Details posted at raiway@rai.it (Llorella)
Mexico-XETOT Tampico, Tamaulipas, 1190 kHz. Full data E-QSL from Felipe de Jesus Alanis Garcia (Ingeniero). Received in five days. Heard this station with ABC network programs. (Mauricio Molano/playdx)
Deutsche Welle via Grigoriopol, 5925 kHz. Full data QSL. Received in 11 weeks for e-report to info@dw-world.de (Llorella).
Sri Lanka
WYFR/Family Radio worldwide, 15210 kHza. Full data 50th Anniversary card for English broadcast to Asia. Received in four months after posting an e-report followup on whether WYFR was still verifying shortwave reports to inti@familyradio.com (Edward Kusalik, Canada).
Austria-OEY301 Bundesheer Amstetten 3630 kHz. OEY302 Bundesheer Goetzendorf, 3700 kHz/OEY304 Bundesheer Wiener Neustadt 3626 kHz, OEY310 Bundesheer Wien 3638 kHz/OEY402 Bundesheer Pinkafeld 3734 kHz/OEY901 Bundesheer Bregenz 3705 kHz. All stations verified with full data cards in 77 days via OE4RGC. (Patrick Robic, Austria/UDXF)
Gayle Van Horn
Radio Australia, 11945 kHz. Full data Aussie card. Received in six months for report posted via their website. (Artur Fernandez Llorella/playdx)
CTB/China Tibet Broadcasting, 5240 kHz. Full data QSL and letter. Received in 120 days. Station address: CTB Lhasa City Beijing, middle road n° 41, Tibet, China, 85000. Email: holytibet@tibetradio.cn Website: http://www.en.tibetradio.cn/ (Mauro Giroletti, Italy/playdx)
European Pirates
Atlantic 2000 International, 6005 kHz. Full data QSL from Tiphanie and personal note. Verified in 22 days for report to atlantic2000internaitonal@gmail.com (Silveri Gomez, Italy/playdx)
Cactus Jack Radio, 6912 kHz. Full data E-QSL. Received in two hours. (Hillton, SC).
European Music Radio, 6140 kHz. Three QSL cards signed by Tom and station info. Received for report to studio@emr.org.uk. (Gomez)
IMR/Irish Music Radio, 6930 kHz. E-QSL from Tony Kenny. Received in four days for e-report to imr6930@yahoo.com (Luca Botto Fiora, Italy/playdx)
Radio Black Bandit, 6375 kHz. Full data QSL. Received in 220 days for e-report to doctortim@t-online.de (Fiora)
Radio Rasant via Challenger Radio, 1368 kHz. Full data QSL and letter. Received in six weeks for e-repor toredaktionradiorasant@yahoo.de (LLorella)
Radio Waves International, 6055 kHz. Full data QSLs from Peter Hills and Philippe and personal note. Received in nine days for report torwaves@free.fr (Gomez)
European Music Radio via Wertchtal, Germany, 6140 kHz. Full data QSL and info sheet. Received in two weeks for e-report to emrsw@sky.com (Llorella)
Overcomer Ministry, 9655 kHz via Germany (tentative). Full data QSL and personal letter for report to brotherstair@overcomerministry.org (Llorella).
Medium Wave
Italy-RAI Piemonte, 999 kHz. Verification in 13 weeks with mention of regional program. Details posted at raiway@rai.it (Llorella)
Mexico-XETOT Tampico, Tamaulipas, 1190 kHz. Full data E-QSL from Felipe de Jesus Alanis Garcia (Ingeniero). Received in five days. Heard this station with ABC network programs. (Mauricio Molano/playdx)
Deutsche Welle via Grigoriopol, 5925 kHz. Full data QSL. Received in 11 weeks for e-report to info@dw-world.de (Llorella).
Sri Lanka
WYFR/Family Radio worldwide, 15210 kHza. Full data 50th Anniversary card for English broadcast to Asia. Received in four months after posting an e-report followup on whether WYFR was still verifying shortwave reports to inti@familyradio.com (Edward Kusalik, Canada).
Austria-OEY301 Bundesheer Amstetten 3630 kHz. OEY302 Bundesheer Goetzendorf, 3700 kHz/OEY304 Bundesheer Wiener Neustadt 3626 kHz, OEY310 Bundesheer Wien 3638 kHz/OEY402 Bundesheer Pinkafeld 3734 kHz/OEY901 Bundesheer Bregenz 3705 kHz. All stations verified with full data cards in 77 days via OE4RGC. (Patrick Robic, Austria/UDXF)