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Friday, September 29, 2006
BLOG LOG- New Zealand
Here's the latest being heard from New Zealand. Stay tuned for more seasonal changes from Radio New Zealand International.
NEW ZEALAND 3935 New Zealand Reading Service, 1150, Sept. 9. Moderate het here, but too much Ham activity to try for any possible audio. (Jerry Strawman-IA-USA, DXplorer Sept 10)
A few Radio New Zealand, Rangitaiki, observations:6095 0935-..., 07 Sep, English, talks; 32431, DRM QRM. Rtd 33442 at 0837 on 10 Sep.
9630 1847-1858* (sched. says 1850), 09 Sep, English, talks, story, fq. annt 1858, IS; 53432, QRM de BBC WS via (?).
9870 1155-1235, 11 Sep, English, mx, news,...; 25332, deteriorating.
13730 /1859 (sched. says 1851)-1900, 09 Sep, IS and immediately blocked by R. Canada Intl. in French, so no luck observing NZL at this time.(all four from Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Sept 12/WWDXC Top News BC-DX #774)